Author Topic: Rp intruders and claimers?  (Read 2768 times)

Offline duna the killer

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Rp intruders and claimers?
« on: July 11, 2013, 06:06:45 pm »
So I was rping with my warrior cat clan, when this band of Rigidclan cats came and told us to leave or they would kill us. One of our cats actually joined them and changed their name to Soulripper F. I politely asked them to leave and one of them said, "How about you leave Lucky?" (My rp name was Luckystrike F) I then told them that one of our members was actually a mod. Naturally they were surprised. I asked them once again to leave but they didn't. They claimed that they could kill off our clan since it was mostly kits. Evantually they left since most of us blocked them, but do you all have any similar stories?

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 06:20:57 pm »
I havnt really encountered this, no. And did you really have a mods as one of your members?

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 07:54:30 pm »
Seen this a lot, I ALWAYS sit in caves F3ing around for groups I might join. So sometimes I'm in F3 and seeing a bunch of posts in the chat saying "Leave! This is my prides/clans/packs HOME!" "I was born here! I'm visiting my place of birth!" "When the leader comes he will kill you!" I just ignore them or tell them I'm not leaving. If they attack me I tell them I'm not role playing.

Once I got attacked, said I wasn't role playing and she/he said "NOR AM I!" I laughed so hard, what do you call typing out an attack if you don't call it role playing? xD

Offline Raxoremys

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2013, 10:44:45 am »
I got into a spontaneous little RP when a few other wolves and I were all in the same cave. It was pleasant, we talked about our characters' pasts and we helped someone who was feeling sad. So eventually it was just me and a pup left, talking about the pup's inevitably tragic backstory.
Suddenly this pair of lions comes in and stands fairly near us. For several minutes they just milled about us awkwardly, not saying a word. Then one of them whispers me.

Lion: "this is my house go away now!"
Me: "Sorry honey, this is a public map. Nobody owns any space on it. Please stop claiming, it's against the rules."

The lion and their friend ran out of the cave, and in another few minutes the lion returned alone. They stood right next to me, stayed silent for another awkward length of time, and then whispered me again with one rather insulting word. They then promptly ran away, as though that meant I couldn't whisper them back. So I told them I was off to report their language and behaviour, I did, and thought that was that. Silly Ax, it's never that simple with those people.
The lion came back yet again and started whispering gibberish to me, eventually claiming that I liked them. Logic, they have it. Eventually the pup went offline, and I switched to a different account to get away from the foolish claimer. And I lol'd.


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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2013, 03:47:14 pm »
I was once randomly walking around Fluorite Plains, when suddenly a pack of wolves just started rp killing me because I was "Intruding their territory..."  I just sat there,  not saying a thing, laughing my head off irl...  ;D

Offline Chapawee

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2013, 06:39:05 pm »
I have this one from my Weirdest RP Encounters topic, but it fits perfectly here. First off, if anyone's read Wolves of The Beyond and read the part about the Outclanners/wolf eaters, this is similar but has nothing to do with the books.

This pack of very odd-looking wolves surrounded me and one of my friends when we just started a hunting RP. Then it turned into a very nasty, violent RP fight in which I annoyed the heck out of the attackers by staying alive almost the entire time. When one of them bit my wolf in the neck, I had my wolf spit the blood at them before biting them and dying xD

But I didn't "die" for quite awhile. When their leader asked my char, "Why don't you just die already?" I replied with a grin emote and a "No thanks, I'm good." Lmao it was actually kind of funny.
Moving to my new account: Windstrider. Hopefully everybody can find it ok!

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2013, 06:30:54 pm »
I've encountered situations where people would claim a certain spot in a map, though, it was actually quite rare. I've had one instance where I was hosting a group and a pack spawned in the spot we were role-playing. Like the respectful and friendly packs we were, we agreed to share to role-play spot, and soon, we decided not to ignore one another and allowed interaction with one another's members. It was very engaging. Soon, we attracted more individuals that began to role-play with us. We all had a nice session and everyone had a fun. I was more than please that the pack that appeared was not immature claimers.

As for intruding, it depends on the intruder. For instance, if I am apart of a loin role-play, I wouldn't mind the occasional hyena, wolf, or so on. But if we are intruded by a unicorn, it would be really out of place. As long as the "intruder" is not a troll or random creature, I do not mind them. Here, I believe it's all about the interaction. 
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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 01:31:27 am »
I know Claiming is against the rules, and I totally agree with every one of you on this discussion. I had an encounter with claiming only a few days ago actually.
I joined this clan called Crowclan and RPed with it for a little bit. Then out of no where this other clan called Moonclan appeared and told my, very illiterate, leader that they had claimed that spot days before we had. I thought that was kind of unfair, but I went along with it for the experience of the RP, or (Plot) I should say. They ended up giving us a warning to leave and left. We continued RPing and then while I was outside of the camp I all of a sudden read streams upon streams of chat flying through of Moonclan attacking our camp, trying to drive us away. We ended up fleeing and making camp somewhere else nearby.
Overall it was a really fun and memorable experience in the RP. Obviously there were people in my clan that didn't like the fact that they were claiming, but it wasn't really that bad and was easily tolerable. My point is, is that I feel like claiming is OK within RP's, but if someone(s) is obviously not RPing and wants to stay where they are then clans/Prides/Packs/etc. should just learn to let them stay and continue with their own RP. Although, then I find that the other issue is that maybe that clan/pride/pack doesn't WANT to move somewhere else. If that were me than I would just work it into my RP the best I could or just tell them that you don't want to move or RP with them .-. .[/i][/i]
Sorry if this doesn't make total sense haha. It was all in my head before I started typing and then when I got around to typing I kind of lost what I was trying to say and had to wing it lol

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 02:16:26 am »
I don't like it when people claim a part of a public map, but what annoys me is when some mix up politely asking someone who is intruding in on your rp to leave, and map claiming.

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Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2013, 02:40:35 am »
-snort- I remember this, Duna. xD

First off, I'm generally all-for the occasional "instrusion," as it can be interesting when the interaction is done courteously in a user-to-user way. This doesn't mean your character has to be the nicest thing in the world, but you have to keep the OOC aspect in mind to prevent any hurt feelings between users. This is where jumping into the RP actually does turn into an intrusion.

In the instance of this "attack" Clan, these users came up and stood off to the side of the group, making sideways comments about "Oh, what a wimpy Clan, they don't even notice us!"
Of course, I was playing on a kit in this instance, and we were in the middle of an announcement from the clan leader (Heavystar). Had Heavy wanted to bring the clan to challenge the intruders, I would've been fairly interested in the situation. After all, when played right, who doesn't like a good spar with another group? It can add some real excitement to your story.

However, because we'd only just started RPing, the group leader didn't want to bring us into the battle.
The attacking Clan argued that because we were RPing in Local chat, we had to acknowledge their presence and respond to their attacks.
Which, of course, isn't true at all. You can always choose whether or not to RP with someone, and so we decided to just keep our RP within our own clan, at least for the time being.

They continued arguing with us, but really in situations like that, that's when I approached those users and talked to them (in OOC, with parenthesis like this to show I wasn't RPing). I basically explained to them that our RP leader just wanted to keep our RP within the group for the time being, and that we weren't going to reply to their posts while in character. However, I added that they were welcome to stay, since we all share the maps fairly.
^ That's the way those situations should be handled, in my opinion.
And it seemed to work, because the group suddenly went from semi-hostile to "OMG a kit! Lol, ok I guess that's ok if you don't want to battle us" shortly afterward.
They did stick around for a little while longer, but soon enough they went on their way, and everybody was happy.

That's usually how I handle those situations, whenever I am able to settle down and Rp a bit. The key is keeping a cool head, and remembering that using respectful reasoning and being fair with users that try to "intrude" can diffuse many arguments to something much more pleasant.
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