Author Topic: Too realistic?  (Read 7235 times)

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2013, 01:30:16 am »
If I am not mistaken... 5% boar is not possible in the real world, and is therefore deemed unrealistic. If you were trying to get into a realistic lion roleplay, as a boar/lion hybrid, which is impossible in the real world, they had every right to decline you. A boar would never breed with a lion, and if it did, the offspring would end up extremely mutated and would die within days of birth. It is just not possible. In a unrealistic roleplay, be whatever you want, but if it is a realistic roleplay, being 5% boar would automatically deem you unrealistic and illegible for a realistic roleplay. Realistic means something that is possible in the real world, which being 5% boar is not. Of course a realistic pride of lions is not going to accept you, as that would make it unrealistic. Just because they rejected you does not make them dumb, they could actually be quite intelligent. Making threads such as this is likely to get you flamed, Coda. I would suggest not ranting about these subjects in the future. ~Vio
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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2013, 01:48:58 am »
Actually I believe if a boar ever did for some reason mate with a lion the lion wouldn't even fall pregnant and vice versa.

I think they have every right to not let you join, since it is up to them who they do and do not let in their role play. As long as they let you down nicely and so on there is no need to get mad. I've been rejected from role plays for silly reasons and they haven't even been nice enough to tell me why.

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2013, 02:31:43 am »
Ugh. If I'm not mistaken, you're the very same person I instantly threw on block for calling the entirety of Bonfire "dumb, immature kids" a few weeks back. :P
I think Jersey was going crazy XD. Sorry.

I know, Nemena. I was there too. That's not a very nice thing to do at all. There are those who take great offense to being called "dumb, immature kids". I can be very insulting, especially if you tell it to an adult player. You could be calling someone a "dumb immature kid" and they might be 24 years old or something. I don't mean to bring this up, but aren't you just a kid yourself?  
Now if you were saying those kind of things in-character, that's a slight difference. It's understandable if it's part of your character's personality. Nevertheless, saying things like that to people isn't really kind. People will just think you're very rude ,insensitive, and a bully (even if it's part or your character). There are some that don't really know the difference between in-character and out-of-character.

Getting back on subject now...


I wasn't saying realistic rpers were stupid, its just they need to know that if 5% is going to stop them, then that makes them dumb-minded.

I was only really refering to the pride you were speaking of, not all those who only do realistic roleplays. For this particular realistic lion pride, 5% just wasn't going to cut it for their roleplay. It doesn't make them "dumb-minded" at all. If I were recruiting for a strictly realistic roleplay, I probably wouldn't have recruited an unusual hybrid into my roleplay. Like I said, it was their roleplay; therefore they got to call the shots on who joins and who doesn't.

I have had to deal with this before. Ugh.

And I get that its their RP Lady Alizarin but at the same time I wish more of them would stop over-examining the tiny details and learn to politely ignore them sometimes. Telling someone to "go run and find a different RP that's right for you" might be ideal logic in an ideal game but its not an ideal game. While your advice is kind and well meant, the proportions of RPs are pretty uneven right now.

I was being serious and honest with that. What else can you do when someone doesn't want to roleplay with you? You can't just heckle them about it, and tell them that they aren't being fair by not letting you join. Often times they DON'T want to hear it.
Yes, I know that the proportions of roleplays are uneven in the game of Feral Heart, but there is really nothing that can be done about it. Sometimes trying to persuade a realistic roleplay leader into accepting an unrealistic character is like trying to get someone who hates Warrior cats to like them. Often times you will get nowhere with it. You can try and persuade someone into accepting an unrealistic character in a realistic roleplay. If they don't mind the unrealistic character joining, that's great! But if it doesn't work, what's the point of standing around arguing with them when you can go out and find another roleplay to join? Sure, it was unfair that they didn't let you join because your character wasn't realistic enough, but it was their roleplay, therefore they get to decide who joins and who doesn't.

Realistic means something that is possible in the real world, which being 5% boar is not. Of course a realistic pride of lions is not going to accept you, as that would make it unrealistic. Just because they rejected you does not make them dumb, they could actually be quite intelligent. Making threads such as this is likely to get you flamed, Coda. I would suggest not ranting about these subjects in the future. ~Vio

I have to agree with you there, Purple Link. Rants like this are expressive, but they can come with the consiquences of getting flamed. It sucks to be rejected from a roleplay, but it doesn't mean you have to hold grudges on people and rant about it. I made that mistake a long time ago.  
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 04:24:47 am by Lady_Alizarin »

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2013, 03:16:31 am »
I have to agree with you there, Purple Link. Rants like this are expressive, but they can come with the consiquences of getting flamed. It sucks to be rejected from a roleplay, but it doesn't mean you have to hold grudges on people and rant about it. I made that mistake a long time ago.

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Offline Silhouette

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2013, 05:52:23 am »

I have had to deal with this before. Ugh.

And I get that its their RP Lady Alizarin but at the same time I wish more of them would stop over-examining the tiny details and learn to politely ignore them sometimes. Telling someone to "go run and find a different RP that's right for you" might be ideal logic in an ideal game but its not an ideal game. While your advice is kind and well meant, the proportions of RPs are pretty uneven right now.

I was being serious and honest with that. What else can you do when someone doesn't want to roleplay with you? You can't just heckle them about it, and tell them that they aren't being fair by not letting you join. Often times they DON'T want to hear it.
Yes, I know that the proportions of roleplays are uneven in the game of Feral Heart, but there is really nothing that can be done about it. Sometimes trying to persuade a realistic roleplay leader into accepting an unrealistic character is like trying to get someone who hates Warrior cats to like them. Often times you will get nowhere with it. You can try and persuade someone into accepting an unrealistic character in a realistic roleplay. If they don't mind the unrealistic character joining, that's great! But if it doesn't work, what's the point of standing around arguing with them when you can go out and find another roleplay to join? Sure, it was unfair that they didn't let you join because your character wasn't realistic enough, but it was their roleplay, therefore they get to decide who joins and who doesn't.

You're right. It is their RP and they can do what they want with it but my question is why can't they learn to ignore the subtle stuff once in a while? /Why/ are they getting upset about it? /Why/ do they "not like it" when in most cases it does virtually NOTHING negative to their roleplay? Yes, I know there there is no point at trying to make them budge or argue with them I'm just curious what the reasons are for being so stubborn about it.

Sure, I can understand someone not wanting a big neon-yellow wolf with pink spots buttswinging and headbanging its way around all of the other realistic wolves. THAT would have an impact on the roleplay but I'm talking about the little subtle stuff, things that do not have to effect the realism, looks, behavior, etc of anyone else in a realistic roleplay. And if it will not impact you or your roleplay, why show anyone the exit?

These are things that they /could/ react to [and if they chose to do so, could do so realistically quite easily in most cases I might add] but do not /have/ to. Ex: An oddly shaped snout, an odd eye color, a few spots where they don't normally belong, a slightly more "blue" in a blue-gray animal, etc. Itty bitty stuff.

If its an odd eye-color (or other insignificant trait) that is the only thing singling the character out from being perfectly realistic, why is it so hard for the person making the roleplay and others in it to say to themselves "I'll just act like its a mutation (which DOES happen in real life, even if it is not frequent) and react according to how an animal would realistically handle this" and go on? Sure, one could argue that turns the roleplay into semi-realism but so long as its not fifty people doing it at the same time, in the long run it does not impact the level of realism in the RP as a whole. Anyone observing would probably still consider it realistic. (especially in the case of considering it a mutation)

For example, with real life gazelle, there is a less common coat color of white. The "normal" Thompson's gazelle usually identify this white gazelle as an oddball and behave aggressively toward it, chase it around, etc. even when it belongs to their own herd. It is realistic behavior from real animals, right?

Now if this situation were a roleplay, gazelles in a herd, it really would not be that hard to "replace" that "realistic white gazelle" with say, an unrealistic rusty-red brown gazelle and have the other members of the herd behave in the exact same way because it fails to match their own golden-brown coloration. Or they could ignore it because the change is so slightly off that it really is not that noticeable to begin with. Point being, everyone who was behaving and looking realistically before will NOT be affected by the look of this "oddball."

It has no direct impact on the behavior of the other player's characters and does not take from the realism or force anyone to change, so, for what reasons does anybody get hung up on these tiny details that are so easy to disregard?

I'm genuinely curious.Is it just a need for "perfectionism" and needing 100% realism? Or maybe its just easier to tell someone "no" than work together and come up with a logical way to work things out? Fair enough, I can't explain Codaac's 5% boar/lion but when just looking at the exterior traits and ignoring the genetic insides, it really isn't that difficult. Can you not consider a role-play realistic anymore JUST because of a small number of people? I'm genuinely curious and I would love to hear from those who make realistic role plays on a frequent basis.

 Personally, so long as the mass majority are being realistic, I would consider the roleplay realistic. (Like, out of a group of 100, if 10 are'nt being 100% perfectly realistic in their looks...its still a realistic roleplay thanks to the majority. If it drops to about 50/50  or lower then its semi realism or unrealistic at that point) I look at the majority of the characters and their behavior who are in the roleplay in order to call judgment on whether it is is mostly realistic, semi realistic, or not at all.

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2013, 11:51:02 am »
You should think about the group too, they've finally made a group with enough members for a good role play with how hard recruiting is at the moment. Do you really think they're going to want to start putting in members they think aren't right for them? What's hard about making a character that would be right for their group if you want a group so badly?

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2013, 05:22:40 pm »

You're right. It is their RP and they can do what they want with it but my question is why can't they learn to ignore the subtle stuff once in a while? /Why/ are they getting upset about it? /Why/ do they "not like it" when in most cases it does virtually NOTHING negative to their roleplay? Yes, I know there there is no point at trying to make them budge or argue with them I'm just curious what the reasons are for being so stubborn about it.

Sure, I can understand someone not wanting a big neon-yellow wolf with pink spots buttswinging and headbanging its way around all of the other realistic wolves. THAT would have an impact on the roleplay but I'm talking about the little subtle stuff, things that do not have to effect the realism, looks, behavior, etc of anyone else in a realistic roleplay. And if it will not impact you or your roleplay, why show anyone the exit?

These are things that they /could/ react to [and if they chose to do so, could do so realistically quite easily in most cases I might add] but do not /have/ to. Ex: An oddly shaped snout, an odd eye color, a few spots where they don't normally belong, a slightly more "blue" in a blue-gray animal, etc. Itty bitty stuff.

If its an odd eye-color (or other insignificant trait) that is the only thing singling the character out from being perfectly realistic, why is it so hard for the person making the roleplay and others in it to say to themselves "I'll just act like its a mutation (which DOES happen in real life, even if it is not frequent) and react according to how an animal would realistically handle this" and go on? Sure, one could argue that turns the roleplay into semi-realism but so long as its not fifty people doing it at the same time, in the long run it does not impact the level of realism in the RP as a whole. Anyone observing would probably still consider it realistic. (especially in the case of considering it a mutation)

For example, with real life gazelle, there is a less common coat color of white. The "normal" Thompson's gazelle usually identify this white gazelle as an oddball and behave aggressively toward it, chase it around, etc. even when it belongs to their own herd. It is realistic behavior from real animals, right?

I'm genuinely curious.Is it just a need for "perfectionism" and needing 100% realism? Or maybe its just easier to tell someone "no" than work together and come up with a logical way to work things out? Fair enough, I can't explain Codaac's 5% boar/lion but when just looking at the exterior traits and ignoring the genetic insides, it really isn't that difficult. Can you not consider a role-play realistic anymore JUST because of a small number of people? I'm genuinely curious and I would love to hear from those who make realistic role plays on a frequent basis.

You know what? I honestly don't know. I guess some people are just that picky when it comes to recruiting for realistic roleplays. Why they can't ignore a few little differences, I will never know. I don't speak for those individuals, so I cannot say.
Now that you mention all this, it does remind me of a time when I was recruiting members for my fox roleplay and I met a couple of players who didn't want to join because they thought my character wasn't realistic enough.

My little character, Kopper, is what I like to call a semi-realistic fox character. She acts like a normal fox, barking, gekering,  chirping, waving tail around, being a trickster, and so on. She has the realistic colors and markings of a red fox, but has a few unrealistic features. The only thing unrealistic about her is her eyes and the tuft of hair on her head. This one time I was recruiting some members to come join me in a fox roleplay. These two very realistic fox character came up to me and asked me about the roleplay. I told them that the roleplay was realistic (no powers or supernatural things of any sort) but then they said to me, "Well why does your character look unrealistic? We like to play as foxes with no hair and realistic eye colors. Sorry, but we will have to find something else, because we want to play realistically." And so they left to go roleplay by themselves. I couldn't help but feel irritated, since they didn't give my roleplay a chance all because my character wasn't "realistic enough".
And then there was that time when I recruited for my grey fox roleplay. There were some who came around and asked about the roleplay. I told them that this was an RP with tree-climbing grey foxes and that red foxes were also allowed. Well some of the people didn't know about grey foxes, and thought they were a made-up species. They told me they would rather go for a real fox roleplay, and left. They really didn't know is that grey foxes do exist and they in fact DO climb trees. Really what they were looking for is a realistic RED fox roleplay.

So yeah, I know what you are saying here, Silhouette. I wish people would look past the little differences in a character's apperance. But there are some people out there in the game who are difficult to persuade or to please. Why it's like that, I will never know. It's like trying to please someone with a "literate" roleplay sample. Some recruiters are more picky than others. 

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2013, 02:23:49 am »
Realistic? One of my main characters is a leonine alien! XD
Although, I guess there is SOME realism in those rps, because most things which he does and can do have  a good explanation.


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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2013, 02:50:28 am »
Dear, I've never had the chance to stumble upon an RP that happens to be extremely realistic, and doesn't accept my character, but after reading through a couple of these stories, I hope it never happens to any of my characters. (It could possibly be because most of my character's are realistic, but getting back to the point)

I see the point there however. I've been involved (and typically are involved) with groups that set their realism standards high. Depending on what the character is, I sometimes agree with them for not accepting an unrealistic member. However, there have been times where a decent player has tried to join, yet are declined because of a certain flaw in their character design, a different species from everyone else. ect. It annoys me that super realistic RP's cannot be a little accepting of these kind of characters. I, personally don't care if your character is a little different from anyone else. I'll even take the chance to RP with you because your character is so different, because most of the time, I don't come across unique characters.

Most of the time, I'll make a "different" character and end up just going solo with it. I won't bother to find a group because I'll get that feeling I won't be accepted amongst their ranks.

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Re: Too realistic?
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2013, 03:05:50 am »
I do feel that they do go overboard with this sometimes since Fh allows you change you char quite a bit and right your own bio giving your char that oc touch witch you really should expect something like this with all the features you can do I mean like yea you could just make a new char and take the easy way out but I wish realistic rps would mix with others sometimes cause being bland and the same sometimes gets boring and this is why I like to rp on my neon dog Dubstep ;)