Author Topic: Attention Seekers  (Read 4634 times)

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Attention Seekers
« on: July 21, 2013, 01:09:55 am »
Alright, so I was in Cape of Distant Worlds, hanging with a few friends, and a character named "Skylar f pup" was walking around. I was talking to my friend, and skylar kept replying to them as if I was talking to her. She got no answer from us, and then she said "Nobody loves me :(" so and so, and finally I said "Skylar, come on, lets rp" and she only replied with "Make me" I wasn't really in the mood for RP, so I just went back to my friend.

The complaints kept going on "Nobody loves me" Or "I'm being ignored" all that stuff. Finally she just said "I will quit FH forever! nobody loves me!" And then, she didn't get a response to that, either. Of course, this attention seeker did not like that, so she went a bit over the edge, saying "I should kill myself irl :'(" And here we are. As far as I know, Skylar is still on the server. I think her username was Howling11 or something like that.

So, do you have any attention seeker experiences? What do you do, just ignore them or just let them join in with you? Because I find letting them join in does no good, because they just sit there :I well, thats what always happens to me at least when I let them join with me and my friends.
imga y

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 01:36:20 am »
I can't remember any of my "attention seeker" experiences, mostly because I have the worst memory ever. But I've heard about things like this, and it bothers me some. People like that can get really annoying, and they just don't get it perhaps that if they do that, of course they won't get any attention at all. It's better to just be themselves, act a little kinder and not say terrible things such as "I'm gonna kill myself irl. I've got rope in my room, Imma do it  :(" Well...

I've actually had a pup who came wandering to where my friend and I were roleplaying. Yar, she seemed kind and gentle at first, and we invited her to roleplay with us. She did exactly that for a while until she... sorta.. "opened" herself up to us and started nagging at our feet. The stuff she's been saying literally drove us off the edge:

"Why are you guys ignoring me?!"
"Because of you, I'm thinking of quitting FH for good."
"I'm gonna tell a staff member!"

I honestly don't know what we did to make her act like such. We were roleplaying, anyhow, and we didn't exactly speak in OoC at all with her. Maybe that's why..? Well, I don't know if it was the things we were posting or not, but she just didn't make sense.
It came to the time when we had to go for the night, but she started complaining even more that we were "meanies" who would ditch her. The amount of such arguing and complaining was unbearable, and eventually my friend just logged off without saying another word.

Guess you know where this came to, me trying to sort things out but she ended up logging off after a while, leaving me there trying to contemplate on what the heck just happened. But yar, this was one of my experiences.

It seems as though most pups, in my opinion, seem to be said "attention seekers". I've only came across a few pups that were really kind and funny. I've seen larger canines or felines as well who would go on, and on talking about their mates not loving them and that they should quit Feralheart so they wouldn't have to see them again. I don't know why this is common, and I don't appreciate such behaviour, really.

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 03:34:33 am »
The attention seekers. Alright, well, first, as I always say, I don't mind most behavior or strange antics from others, however half of them do derive from the "attention seekers." I've had very few personal experiences and friends who would be effected by the people who want attention to themselves. For the past two days, I've seen a little number of people saying "No on loves me" or "I'll quit FH cuz no body care."

In the other sense of the attention seekers, what baffles me the most is once the finally receive attention or vice versa, someone replying to them immediately afterwards in speaking or interacting with them, they readily reject you. If they want the attention and get what they want, why are they not satisfied (in role-play sense as well)?

My first guess is, is that the people who seek attention have been previously rejected by other people they knew. Thus, they being to crave the attention or spotlight moment. Once they have what they wanted, they have the opportunity to reject someone else as they were rejected before.  

Then to my second guess, they simply are lonesome. Some people don't know how to interact with others well, so they see the need to pull off a short stunt to get them noticed. Most commonly, quitting the game, threatening themselves, negativity about themselves, trolling, and the list goes on from there.

In my opinion, this kind of behavior is fickle. It's not wrong, in a sense, it's just that the certain person seeking attention either doesn't know how to communicate effectively with others well or have been sunk down to a level to other people who have been negative to them.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 03:36:06 am by FoxPhilosopher »
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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2013, 06:09:46 am »
Attention seekers. I just hate them. Usually I don't come across any, but when I do I get really annoyed. I say that I have to go, then I disconnect. I either go play another game, stalk these forums, or I get onto another character (who is in another map) and continue playing from there. Those kinds of people don't seem to remember the usernames of other people after a couple of minutes, anyway.
One time I was wandering around Bonfire Island, and randomly a German shepard pup starts following me around. I decide to simply ignore it, and continue with my gameplay. But soon, the pup began screaming at me. "Why are you running away from me?!?" "Why won't you talk to me?!" "No one loves me, and I quit FH!!!" I got annoyed with their screaming (they were talking in caps), and finally I stopped and tried to have a half-decent conversation with them. Simply after one post, they said, "You wouldn't talk to me! So why should I talk to you!? You're so mean! I'm going to report you!!" I had nothing to say after that, and I'm pretty sure they never did do anything about it. (After she ran off, she went and asked someone nearby how to take a screenshot/how to report, but that person disconnected and the pup threw a fit and disconnected after that.)
Attention seekers don't seem that annoying, but when I do encounter them, I can easily understand people's pain.
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2013, 07:40:51 am »
weird, that dude is weird. "Kill myself"? I guess this is how he's having fun, killing himself in every 5 minutes

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2013, 09:41:40 am »
So many I have experienced... But all those are the first XD
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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2013, 02:15:32 pm »
I dislike attention seekers. They just run around begging for attention and then when they don't get what they want they say they're gonna leave FH forever and kill themselves in real life -.- It's really dumb and immature if you think about it. One time I was just sitting in Fluorite and then someone was just running around saying "Nobody loves me :( Why do people ignore me?" Everyone ignored her and then she said she was going to commit suicide in real life and quit FH forever  ::) The things people will do to get attention these days...

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2013, 02:34:26 pm »
D--> Oh those ever so annoying attention seekers. I've met many out in the game, especially the kind that say "NO ONE CARES 4 ME! IM GONNA GO DIE NOW!" Often times they're just trolling around. They say that they are going to go kill themselves in real life just to try and make others feel guilty for not giving them attention. I say pay them no attention and block them.

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2013, 03:52:31 pm »
I haven't any attention-seeking experiences that I could recall, but your stories sound quite annoying and frustrating. Some people just don't pay attention to the age limit v.v (The attention seeking players are more often than not underage)

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Re: Attention Seekers
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2013, 04:59:54 pm »

Well, if someone is genuinely thinking about hurting themselves, calling them out as attention seekers and saying they're stupid would probably be the wrong way to go about things. A VERY wrong way to go about things. If they're saying it just to say it, I'd probbably just calmly explain to them that it isn't anything to joke about, whether they listen or not? That's the part that's concerning me the most about this.