Author Topic: The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series *UPDATE* 10/7/13  (Read 16086 times)

Offline Satsuki

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The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series *UPDATE* 10/7/13
« on: August 30, 2013, 05:11:32 am »
Hello, I just want to say thank you for clicking this thread. Before I get started, I will have a fair warning: This topic you are about to read is very long. So if you do not like reading long posts I suggest you just click the back button on the top left corner and read another post. For those who are willing to read the long topic, then let us begin.

After three years that feral heart has been out (or four correct me if I am wrong.) Me and a couple of friends were debating whether or not we should start a series on FH. Now before any of you claim that I am copying off of Icecub's ideal, I am not. This series for feral heart was being talked about among me and couple of friends a month after feral heart was now going public.  I will be giving you a bit or a long of a back story of why I have decided to announce the series to the forums so late.

                        The back story of the planning for the series:

So as I have mention a bit  above the headliner. I had said that this series was being discussed in the making 1 month after feral heart went public. Me and a couple of friends had everything set and prepared for first episode of our series. However, before we actually begin to do work in game. One of my friends. (Kairi if you know her in game). Was our recorder and video editor. I was the one who created the plots, and another friend made the settings for our series. Kairi had made her first feral heart video (Anima Libera, which is now gone on youtube due to her deleting her account on youtube.) This video was a test to see if her laptop can record feral heart or not.

It was a hit, however Kairi did not like the way it turned out. It was a bit too laggy for her taste. She wanted a laptop that can record feral heart at a smooth frame rate, and also for video editing. Once she set on her dream laptop that can handle and record feral heart, kairi started saving up money for the high priced laptop. So the series was on hiatus for the entire year due to Kairi refusing to record feral heart with her computer.

I Have to agree with her though because some scenes would probably be to much force for the laptop to handle. A year later (last year) We decided to cancel our FH series project and go with a new series for Arokai. Kairi had wrote about the series in the Arokai official site. By the time Arokai would be out, Kairi would have her laptop and we would be working on the series in game on that following weekend of it's release.

Sadly, Arokai project has seemed to be cancel or is on Hiatus by feesh (In my opinion.) We have  then given up hope for the game. So we dropped the series for Arokai. In the end of summer of 2012, Kairi had officially stated on her DA that she had quit playing feral heart. My other friend had quit the project right after kairi had refuse to record the series also because she was busy in real life. It was just me, myself and I.

I had given up on the hopes of my story actually becoming a series... Until last chirstmas my mom had suggest that I should start saving up and getting me a better laptop. So... That was my next goal getting a high performance laptop and over the next eleven months. I had finally FINALLY gotten the gaming laptop that I wanted. I did a few testings with this laptop before actually announcing the series... but I am proud to say that my Hard work had paid off and now I will be introducing you to the series.

Introducing the title of the series:

                     The Legend of the Serengeti Pride

That's right, it is a lion pride series. So I am very sorry for the wolves and warriors out there. This series is only for African animals. Here is a fun fact though: In Arokai this series was going to star as a wolf pack. If this series becomes a success and IF I complete the whole series. Then I will be thinking about making another series featuring a pack and maybe another for warriors, but warriors might be rolled on another Animal mmorpg, due to no cat model. I have finally came up with a name of the series. At first, it was going to be called Alchoretta... But since the main character of the story had quitted FH along with her friends... There had to be changes in this series. Including a new Title... Because the story has nothing to do with "Alchoretta."

So Why not call it Serengeti since the story is mostly dealing with Africa and Lions... Also a pride... So there you have it. Now onto the story of this series. We are almost done with this article of the series in the making.

                                 The story:
The story is about two Sisters (shown in the picture above.) Named, Nahillia and Aseilli. Who were born in a northern pride. Tired of the same old life style, the sisters had dream of having to leave their peaceful pride and Join or make their own pride... In a place where it is lush green grass, plenty of food and water, and the rays of the sun beaming down of their pelt. Little did they know that their wishes would come true, when their pride was under attack by humans.

Once  being driven out and moving into the Serengeti, the two females did not get a warming welcome  by an outlander from a different pride that has chased one of the sisters off. Luckily, A king  that ruled the main parts of the Serengeti. Had chased off the rogue and accepted the two sisters into his pride. As year went by, Nahillia and Aselli learned the way of the Serengeti pride.

They did not know that they were living a pride that is head to head with another pride. When hearing about this war between the two prides, Aseili and Nahillia decided to stick around and help the Maasai A.K.A The Serengeti protect their lands from the Tavi Outlanders. There are Many Betrayal and drama in the series.

                                  What's in it for you?

If the series and half of the story intro, interest you. Then I have a deal for you. I am currently looking for protagonists, Supporting,  Minor, Antagonists and Background characters for the series. There will be an Application/survey that you at the end of this topic. That will be posted tomorrow when I wake up.  There will an answer at the end of the survey to confirm that you had read everything in this topic and had done the survey for the character you wish to Role as.

As of right now for the Intro of the series the following characters are needed: NOTE: There are some characters that have been pre-rendered and have bios. So not EVERYONE will have the freedom to make their own character.

                                  The Characters


Age: 7 years old 11 years old at episode 3 or 4. (does not age in future episodes.)

Gender: female

Role: Minor character.

Pride: Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Appearance:  first appears in episode 2 and is also in the intro of the series.

Role taken?: Yes.

Background story/bio:

Navi is the elder of the Maasai pride. She is also the wisest Lioness in the  Serengeti plains.  Navi is the only lioness in the pride who actually been in contact with humans. (This is why she has un realistic markings. They were painted on her. By a Tribe.) The Maasai pridelanders respect and seek knowledge from Navi. They believe that Navi can foresee into the future. Navi is wise and Intelligent for her old age.



Age: 6 months but ages to 4 years old later in episode 3.

Gender: female

Role: Main character.

Pride: Northen Pride, Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Role taken?: Yes.

First appearance in: The first episode and through out most of the series as well as intro.

Bio/background: Nahillia is Aselli's older sister and is one of the Main characters in the story. Nahillia is a sweet and caring lioness who looks out for her sister and other cubs. She can be very flirtatious when she wants or try to get something her way. This female loves all sorts of cubs, she cannot resist the cuteness in them. Most of the time, Nahillia is fun and outgoing lioness, however she does not like fighting. If she has to though, she will fight for what is right for her or when it comes to protecting the people she loves. The female can be somewhat hot headed at rare occasions.



Age: 6 weeks but ages to 7 months later in episode 3.

Gender: female

Role: Main character.

Pride: Northen Pride, Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Role taken?: Yes.

Appears in: The first episode and through out most of the series as well as intro.

Bio/Background: Aseilli is Nahillia's young sister, She is also a main character of this series. Unlike her sister, Aseilli is more of a rowdy ruff tomboy who does a lot nit picking and pranking on her  Sister Nahillia and other pride members. The teenager can be smart mouthed and hard headed at times. Most of the time she likes to do things her way. However, Aseilli is really shy when it comes to meeting new faces. The teenager wish to become a great Huntress or Warrior one day.

                                             King Rune

Age: 5 years old  but ages to 9 years old later in episode 3.

Gender: Male.

Role: Supportive character.

Pride: Maasai Pride.

Species: Lion

Role taken?: No.

Appears in: Intro, Episode 1, 2 and 3

Background/Bio: King Rune had took over the Maasai pride when he was about 4 years old and have been ruling over the pride for more then 9 years now making the Maasai pride one of the most successful prides in the Serengeti.  Rune is a strong Brute he is also the Mate of Char, the queen of the Maasai pride and the mother of his two sons, Mafuyu and Genis. Him and his two sons along with the other males that are In Rune's pride, Both watch and protect their border of the Serengeti.

King Rune can be somewhat a hot head. He can get annoyed easily by the lionesses's offsprings that pick and toy with him. None the less Rune also has a gentle giant appearance. Rune is also the Commander of the Lion warriors.

King Zemmar

Age:  7 years old  but ages to 11 years old later in episode 3.

Gender: Male.

Role: Antagonist

Pride: Tavi Outlanders

Species: Lion

Role taken?: No.

Appears in: Intro, Episode 2 and 3

Bio/Description: King Zemmar is the leader of the Tavi Outlanders. Him and his pride has been driven out of the Maasai pride. Because of this Zemmar have been driven into a mad king. His Pride lives out on borderline of the Serengeti plains.  Zemmar only cares mostly for himself. Those who follow him are more likely a pawn in his game of chess. He has little tolerance for cubs, and refuse to actually have one. Zemmar is also mortal enemies with King Rune. These two Kings are at war among each other, However this war was halted by a treaty from both sides. Zemmar has only one goal, and one goal in mind: To take back what was rightfully his.

Queen Char
(No Image of this character)

Age:  4 years old  but ages to 6 years old later in episode 3.

Gender: female.

Role: supporting character.

Pride: Maasai Pride.

Species: Lion

Role taken?: Yes.

Appears in: Episode 2 and 3 also makes an appearance in the intro.

Color description: There is no color description for this lioness. The person who obtains her role may give her any color whatever he or she feels fit as well as markings. However markings on all characters expect Navi must be realistic to semi realistic as well as their pelts and under fur.

Bio/description: Queen Char, or Queen Charlene, is beautiful and mature adult lioness. She is the mate of King Rune, and the mother of his two Sons: Mafuyu and Genis. Char is the leader of the hunting party. She is a very sweet and tough lioness, which is why Rune had fallen paws over heels for her. Queen Char had also looked after Aseilli and Nahillia until they were old enough to look after themselves.


Age:  6 months but ages to 4 years old later in episode 3.

Gender: Male

Role: supporting character.

Pride: Maasai Pride.

Species: Lion

Role taken?: No.

Appears in: Episode 2 and 3 also makes an appearance in the intro.

Bio/Description: Mafuyu is the Oldest son of King Rune and Queen Char.  Mafuyu is a petty snob, who dislike the fact that his father had let in two strangers into their pride. Mafuyu is the one to quick to judge a person, making him the least favorite of the sons by King Rune.  Mafuyu however do have what it takes to become a great king like his father... However if the attitude he shows around his people. Will make him more unlikely to be the next successor in the king's throne.

(no image)

Age:  7 weeks but ages to 8 months later in episode 3.

Gender: Male

Role: supporting character.

Pride: Maasai Pride.

Species: Lion

Role taken?: No.

Appears in: Episode 2 and 3 also makes an appearance in the intro.

Description: Genis is the second son of King Rune and Queen Char, also the youngest brother to Mafuyu. Unlike his brother and father Genis is usually quiet and basically sticks to himself. He is a very nervous lion making him hard to actually bond with his pride. Aseilli picks on this poor chap a lot because of his shyness. Genis looks up to Mafuyu in every way and actually wish to be like his older brother. Genis lacks the ability to become the  next successor of the Pride, due to his shyness.

If this continues Genis will have to leave the pride and start his own pride. The lion also wish for peace between the two prides and not make war.

(no image)

Age: 6 months, 4 years old in episode 3.

Gender: female

Role: Antagonist.

Pride: Taavi outlanders.

Species: Lion

Role taken?: No.

Color description: Michiwa has a grey pelt and white underfur. Her top and bottom eye corners are black as well as her eye color. Her makings can be simple/suitable dots for her body, tail and head or she can wears scars on her head and suitable dots over her body and tail.

Appears in: Episode 1, 2 and 3 also makes an appearance in the intro.

Description/bio: Michiwa is rogue Lioness cub who was raised by surprisingly, the king himself: Zimmar. Not a lot is known about Michiwa's past, however Zimmar had founded the lioness when she was just  3 weeks of age stranded in a dessert waiting for death to arrive. When seeing this cub, King zimmar had a change of heart and decided to take in Michiwa and raised her as if she was his own daughter.

Once Michiwa became older, she looked up to Zimmar as a father figure, and was raise to be a warrior, spy and a Huntress, starting from the day where she could finally taste meat. She is the first character in the Serengeti that Aseilli and Nahillia meets. Michiwa ruthless and ambitious lioness. Having a dark cold heart, she acts just like her father. Only want to rule the whole Serengeti by her father's side and kill anyone who are against them.


Age: 6 weeks. (does not age in future episodes)

Gender: female

Role: Minor character.

Pride: Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Role taken?: no.

Color description: Light brown pelt, light tan under fur. Brown or light green eyes. Head markings are brown ear rims, she also has Subtle body markings. (the same markings as Aseilli and Nahillia.)

First appearance in: Only the intro. There has not been any planning for her to be in the first few episodes.

 Bio/Description: Lilly is a playful youth. The cub has heart for adventure and looks up to Nahillia as an older sister/mother like appearance, She even acts like her at times. Lilly is the daughter of Shi, which Lilly gives a hard time too. Lilly always finds her way in all sorts of trouble with the other cubs. (There is really not much info being put into this character since she was just recently made a few days ago.)


Age: 4 years old, 6 years old in episode 3.

Gender: male

Role: supporting character.

Pride: Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Role taken?: No

First appearance in: The 2nd episode and episode 3 and intro (future episodes pending.)

Color: Adohan can have any color/markings the player wish for him to have, however his colors and markings must be realistic to semi realistic. Eye color can be any color as well as his mane. Tuft can be added as well.

Bio and Description: Adohan is a lady charmer and a flirt. This male basically flirts with a lot of the females in the pride. Which have given him the name: "FlirtZone" by Aseilli. He does not mess with the cubs, until they get to adulthood. Like Nahillia for example but surprising the female does not take Interest in the male like the rest of her peers. If not flirting, You can see Adohan Patrolling the Serengeti plains.

This brute is the second commander of the lion warriors and the King's right hand man. Adohan is an experience combat fighter, but like the king's son Genis. He wish to not be in between the war between the two prides... However Adohan will fight for what it is right. Adohan is the childhood friend of king Rune, who he dedicated his life too.


Age: 4 years old, 6 years old in episode 3.

Gender: male

Role: Supporting character.

Pride: Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Role taken?: Yes.

Color description: (Player may chose any color for his eyes, markings if want, mane, pelt and underfur. Just realistic/semi realistic.)

First appearance: Episode 2 3 and Intro (future episodes pending.)

Bio/Description: Brute is a quite temper lion. This lion only think about combat being lazy and Food. He is the first to come up to a caught meal and to take the first bite of the food if the king comes in late. Brute does not adore cubs very much and is skeptical about Nahillia and Aseilli being brought into the pride. Brute is a very chubby Lion, he is also the biggest one in the pride. When it comes to mating though, the females would rather run towards Adohan then this male lion, which he does not really care. Brute is third in command with the warriors, he is next to be Rune's secondhand lion, if anything happens to Adohan.


Age: 5 years old (does not age)

Gender: female

Role: Minor character.

Pride: Maasai Pride

Species: Lion

Role taken?: Yes.

Color description: (same color as Lilly can have brown eyes, and underfur is a bit lighter)

First appears in: Intro Episode 2 & 3.

bio/description: Shai is the best friend of Char and the mother of Lilly, she is a cubsitter  who watches the cubs while the lioness hunts and she is also a mother to be. There is not much info being put of what happened to Shai's mate. Some say he was chased out of the pride, other say that he is Adohan, which the male denies in every single way. Shai watches over her ruthless cub Lilly who always seems to give her mother a headache. When Lilly goes missing Shai panics and Alarms the whole pride to find her.

She is can be easily get angry when under a lot of stress.


Age: 5 years old (does not age)

Gender: male

Role: Main character.

Pride: (No pride)

Species: Lion

Role taken?: Yes.

First appears in: (Intro) & Prologue. (future episodes pending)

Bio/description:  Sota is a rogue lion. No one knows if he is good or bad, whatever the reason. He is best to know how to stay away from prides. Being isolated and abandon by his own Pride Sota despises pride lions of every kind. Being offered to join the Tavi outlanders. Sota had refuse be an out lander and be a pawn for this war, between the two prides.

The male is not welcomed into the Maasai pride, because he is a male lion. He rescued Nahillia  from being attacked by a couple Hyenas then rescue her again from of couple of male rogues.  The two have more of a love/hate relationship between the two of them. Sota is annoyed by Nahillia for her complaining and is really fond of Aseilli. The Maasai females love this male much more then Adohan, which Adohan himself sees him as a threat.

Not much is known about Sota's past. He is usually a loner and sometimes helping the protagonist or is against the protagonist.

Description of Background characters, Minor characters, Antagonist, protagonist and supporting characters.:

Background characters: Background characters mostly have the easiest role out of all the roles, background characters do not have no limits of episodes they cannot role in. They players also have the freedom to create his or her character as any gender to any African animal, from baby to adult as long as they are semi-to realistic. However there are some parts about being a background character... A background character do not have a Major role in the series they can have a minor role in some parts of the series. The player is just basically walking around, talking to others or do any action in the background. There are certain scenes where background characters are not needed, or are a part of a scene.

The background characters that are really needed are pridelanders outlanders, Hyenas and other african animals and prey.

Minor characters: Minor characters are like support characters, however they only appear maybe once or a couple of times throughout the series.

Supporting Characters: Supporting characters, are characters that plays an important role to the main/protagonist character, but does not appear much in the series, however is usually talked about or have a background story that sets in place in the series.

Protagonist: The main good character/hero in the series.

Antagonist: The main character who is evil/against the hero and tries to stop the hero's actions.

 When will the series be worked on?

Well, the series will be worked on in the game of feral heart. The series will only be worked on the weekends Starting from friday at 3p.m EST time through sunday. The editing for clips would be worked on right after recording is done which is hopefully be between Friday, Saturday or Sunday. So that being said episodes should be released by the following day or through out the weekend.

Will the series be on youtube? Is this a novel or an actual series?

It is an actual series, and yes it will be put on a YouTube. The series episode will be announced also on feral heart forums in the media section.

Will there be any voice acting? What about Lip sync?

NO. Simply No voice acting will be taking place in this series. It is just too much work. As for Lip Sync, I am debating whatever or not the series should have lip sync or not. I am leaning onto a no side, but things might change if people want lip sync. There will be written text on the bottom of the screen for those to read like this video that Kairi had made on her other youtube channel for example:

WARNING: NOT FH RELATED. but it shown to show those who are confused about what I am doing here:

Will there be maps to download?:

Sadly no... However if anyone is kind enough to make a map for my series then I will appreciate it. All players who have been accepted to role as a character in the series must know/can download maps. But until then... Maps are not confirmed at this time.

What will my character be doing?

Your character will be basically expressing his or herself through various emotes/actions... Maybe even lip syncing... so there might be a bit of role playing in this.

Cool! How do I audition for the role I wish to receive?:

The audition and rules about joining are below this sentence.

                  Auditioning: Open!

Auditioning for parts are open. Only ONE person can get one role as a character, this is to make it fair for others who wish to join the series. There will be at times where I will give another role to one of the players to role as... but for a minor character. To Qualify for your part and to Verify that you had READ what I posted a question will be posted at the end of the article. I have LITTLE patience for those who are not patient. Video recording and editing is time consuming and can be very frustrating, those who are not willing to be patient might as well stop reading this article. This article is not made for you. Only patience can make this series a success.


 Please copy and paste these questions down below in the comment section:

Which character you wish to role as?: (Note: Some characters are taken so not every character is available.)

1.Why do you think you are the perfect match for this character's role?:

2.Are you a very patient person?:

3.Are you busy on the weekends?:

4. Are you above the age of 13? (if I find out that you are not 13 years old or older, then you will not be allowed to work in my series):

5.Are you active on Feral heart?:

6. What is your GMT= your time zone?

7. Do you have a skype?

8. Can you download maps?

9. What was the last thing I had said in the topic before moving onto the Auditioning?:

Good luck to all! c:  I hope to get the intro and episode one done by next weekend! ^^ If you have any questions feel free to write a comment. :P

                                       Update 9/30/13:

So, after sometime I have gotten a few complaints from those who are not above the age of 13 and up, who wish to join the series. I have of course consulted with them, but I had also told them that I will talk it over about removing the age setting for our series. The reason for putting an age limit is because we felt that it may stir up some problems, because the series do have some inappropriate material that parents would not want to watch their kid to be watching, and at the fact that since we are using feral heart for our production... We have to give the game some credit in our series, which again would most likely redirect adults to this site and bash on the admins and mods.

I felt bad that I had to reject some people because of their age group, but finally after a this whole week debating with my friend. She finally had decided to give me the okay sign to say this. You guys asked for it, so I am proud to say that we will now let 12 and under to join.

However you still need to follow rules on here and also need a skype.  ::) And no, for those who are concerned that we will be webcaming, or voice chatting. We will not be doing any of that. It is just to keep all of us connected in a group chat. :P Announcements for those who had qualify for a character's role will be announced on the 28th of September! So good luck to those who get their part they wanted.

Please remember the best way to get the part you so desire is the way how you describe why does getting that character role is a perfect match for you?

                                      **UPDATE 10/7/13**

just a small update of pictures of characters that did not had a photo... Since there were little of auditioning the group had to make these characters... Their roles are still available for the taking. It is just now they have an appearance. Also color description has now been deleted... I will be submitting a photo of queen char maybe later on.  
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 07:46:42 pm by iHolly »

"This awesome drawing of Valarie is by the great and awesome LordSuragaha~"

Offline peete

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 11:08:58 am »
Wow, seems like you had this all planned out o_o. It sounds like a great idea btw. I want to make a character but school says I have to sit in a classroom and suffer -.-'.

And when you said that Feesh had quit Arokai...they didn't? I think that was just a rumor that was going around and stuff. They're still working on it.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 02:33:01 pm by DevilBurgers »


Offline Satsuki

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 04:15:47 pm »
I only plan on working on the episodes on the weekend. Because I am somewhat busy over the weekdays. :P

I have not made this thread about feesh I made this thread about my series. We all have our opinions... I would give my reason why I think she had stop doing the game, but that can be saved for another topic. I do not want my thread to be flamed by users and locked because the rumors of feesh. Since it seemed like my post might  offend future users who will read about this topic and who still think Arokai is still in the making the game. Then I will modify the topic, but please do not turn this topic into a flame war about feesh. ^^

"This awesome drawing of Valarie is by the great and awesome LordSuragaha~"

Offline meowool

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 04:34:07 pm »
I would love to help out, but my timezones are probably completely different to yours. (standard timezone is GMT) so I probably would have to stop at 1pm-4pm depending on your timezone. (If you live in the US - sorry for assuming that if you don't!)

If you are planning for this to have people voicing the characters, I can definetly help in that department!

Offline Satsuki

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 07:04:10 pm »
I would love to help out, but my timezones are probably completely different to yours. (standard timezone is GMT) so I probably would have to stop at 1pm-4pm depending on your timezone. (If you live in the US - sorry for assuming that if you don't!)

If you are planning for this to have people voicing the characters, I can definetly help in that department!

I have updated the topic of the series, and yes you are correct I do live in the U.S and if I am right, (judging by that flag of yours...) You live in England? (correct me if I am wrong.) I have lots of friends who live in the UK and who helps me with GMVs... Sometimes I do the series or start on the series or a music video at 11 or 12 depending on what time I get up and it can end very quickly depending on who is Patient and is actually listening to what I am saying. There will be absolutely NO voice acting what so ever.

Voice acting is too much work and not everyone will be comfortable in voice acting... Also having a trouble to buy and use a clear mic. xD

"This awesome drawing of Valarie is by the great and awesome LordSuragaha~"

Offline peete

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2013, 09:00:52 pm »
I only plan on working on the episodes on the weekend. Because I am somewhat busy over the weekdays. :P

I have not made this thread about feesh I made this thread about my series. We all have our opinions... I would give my reason why I think she had stop doing the game, but that can be saved for another topic. I do not want my thread to be flamed by users and locked because the rumors of feesh. Since it seemed like my post might  offend future users who will read about this topic and who still think Arokai is still in the making the game. Then I will modify the topic, but please do not turn this topic into a flame war about feesh. ^^
I wasn't trying to change the subject...
Sorry if I said anything wrong, I didn't know other people had "opinions" about it; to be honest, I just figured that they had an updating tumblr thing that I saw- Okay I'll shut up now.


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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 10:14:21 pm »
I wasn't trying to change the subject...
Sorry if I said anything wrong, I didn't know other people had "opinions" about it; to be honest, I just figured that they had an updating tumblr thing that I saw- Okay I'll shut up now.

I never said you were trying to change the subject. I only stated that I did not make this thread about feesh. So I re-modify the topic BEFORE someone jumps on the this topic and get all offended about Arokai. Some believe that she cancelled the game, others believe she is still working on it.  Whatever seems to be the case that was the past of my back story of why the series came out so late.

If she is still working on Arokai then awesome. Other then that, do not shut up, no need to get all upset have a cookie and relax. :3 -gives you a cookie- ^^

"This awesome drawing of Valarie is by the great and awesome LordSuragaha~"

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2013, 03:05:29 pm »
Yes you're right - I am from Englishland XD!

Which character you wish to role as?: Shia or Navvi (I really don't mind, I choose a minor character as I won't be on for that long before I have to get off.)

1.Why do you think you are the perfect match for this character's role?: I like Navvi's back story and also they are minor characters so you won't have to wait for me particully much as I won't be needed much as characters with a bigger role.

2.Are you a very patient person?: I am! (I have to wait a while for animations of series that I'm in to come out. Some I've been waiting a year for anything to happen with them!

3.Are you busy on the weekends?: Nope unless if I have to go and do something! (I know this weekend coming I'll be away.) Also for me it's the evening so I won't be doing much anyway in RL

4. Are you above the age of 13?: I am

5.Are you active on Feral heart?: I'm not really, but for this I will be. (So don't contact me on FH.)

6. What is your GMT: I'm GMT (GMT+1 for Summer, which finishes on the 27th Oct)

7. Do you have a skype? I do.

8. Can you download maps? Yup

9. What was the last thing I had said in the topic before moving onto the Auditioning?: FAQ about the characters will be acting.
I also wouldn't mind being a background character, if I'm around and the character that I may play isn't needed right then!

Edit: Some maps I have found. Burn looks good for the outcast pride. The Namibia Africa and the Oleshky Sands (Oleshky Sands Link doesn't work.) - this is based off the Lion King - I checked with the owner (I wasn't sure.) we can use it if decide to film there. -I know this isn't a realistic map for lions, but it was pretty!
Viscus Sylvae - Nox Noctis - Good for the outcast pride (I found this on dA) it links to another map that almost has a maze in the bottom half then a den system higher up.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 06:49:54 pm by meowool »

Offline Satsuki

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 05:13:59 pm »
Yes you're right - I am from Englishland XD!

Which character you wish to role as?: Shia or Navvi (I really don't mind, I choose a minor character as I won't be on for that long before I have to get off.)

1.Why do you think you are the perfect match for this character's role?: I like Navvi's back story and also they are minor characters so you won't have to wait for me particully much as I won't be needed much as characters with a bigger role.

2.Are you a very patient person?: I am! (I have to wait a while for animations of series that I'm in to come out. Some I've been waiting a year for anything to happen with them!

3.Are you busy on the weekends?: Nope unless if I have to go and do something! (I know this weekend coming I'll be away.) Also for me it's the evening so I won't be doing much anyway in RL

4. Are you above the age of 13?: I am

5.Are you active on Feral heart?: I'm not really, but for this I will be. (So don't contact me on FH.)

6. What is your GMT: I'm GMT (GMT+1 for Summer, which finishes on the 27th Oct)

7. Do you have a skype? I do.

8. Can you download maps? Yup

9. What was the last thing I had said in the topic before moving onto the Auditioning?: FAQ about the characters will be acting.
I also wouldn't mind being a background character, if I'm around and the character that I may play isn't needed right then!

Edit: Some maps I have found. Burn looks good for the outcast pride. The Namibia Africa and the Oleshky Sands (Oleshky Sands Link doesn't work.) - this is based off the Lion King - I checked with the owner (I wasn't sure.) we can use it if decide to film there. -I know this isn't a realistic map for lions, but it was pretty!
Viscus Sylvae - Nox Noctis - Good for the outcast pride (I found this on dA) it links to another map that almost has a maze in the bottom half then a den system higher up.

Hmm, Seems like you got something wrong there at the last part. :3 But you are close.  If no one does takes/do a better job then you. Then you are free to have her. I cannot start on the series until people actually take some of these characters or audition for them.

"This awesome drawing of Valarie is by the great and awesome LordSuragaha~"

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Re: The time has finally come...! The Legend of the Serengeti Pride series
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 07:14:25 am »
I wasnt sure where the auditioning part started with the last FAQ or the whole section about it. But thats fair enough! Ok just PM when everythings filled in