Author Topic: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???  (Read 5903 times)

Offline longjump

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Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« on: October 20, 2013, 03:57:18 am »
One thing that irks me are all these rude, anti-social characters. Usually males, for some odd reason.
And how they don't seem to understand that if everytime my character approaches them trying to be nice and they rudely tell them to get lost and insult them, my character isn't going to talk to them for much longer. For example, a warrior cat rp. The person repeatedly shuts down the conversation I try to start. When I leave to talk to someone else, they drop hints that I'm being rude because they're dyslexic and that's why I stopped rping them. I'm sorry? YOU made a character designed to avoid conversations and it WORKED. My character, (And I myself) Would NEVER talk to someone who insults them with every sentence, no exaggeration.

Another thing, the people who you try to talk to but won't help hold a convo. You can ask questions but they NEVER respond with anything to work with, and then get angry when you leave.

Have you had any experiences like this? With rude/anti-social characters?

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 07:51:02 am »
Indeed. I have had some rude people come up to me in time and insult my characters over there looks and attitude. Some people have even tried to change my character. The attitude on the game these days is getting worse by the hour. There are some rude people out in the world, Thing is. There not going to get anywhere in life if they continue being selfish and rude. You are who you are and they can't change it. There's always our handy block button two c;

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 07:52:35 pm »
Was on my Mare Glory Be, and walked near a Stallion named Ravine I think?  Anyway, I had Grlory Graze near him, seeing if I could start a Rp conversation, and he gave me the most hostile approach yet o.o' Don't quite remember all of it, but it went like him callnig me, 'don't get your self all hiped up PRINCESS', -.- Don't. Call. Me. Princess.
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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 03:28:29 am »
Though the rudeness could insult your character (or you), it could be just other person's character's personality. There's nothing wrong with roleplaying your character's behaviors, actions, thoughts, and speech. And in fact, I find roleplays more interesting when there's that mean person hanging around. ;3 Sometimes I get kinda bored of roleplaying my character's when they're all nice... they get into a conversation with someone else... and I end up roleplaying a random conversation for an hour. Boring, isn't it? So I made a character named Pheonix, my female tomboy wolf who's always rude to others and always trying to be the best. (She actually looks like a male too. o3o) So would you rather roleplay with someone who's nice all the time or someone who's kinda rude...? I think the meaner characters are a lot more fun to roleplay with, since in my opinion it's pretty interesting. ^^ The only thing that bothers me, however, is when people take their character's rudeness from IN to OOC. That's the only thing I hate...
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Offline Kammie11

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 10:44:56 pm »
This is what block button is for!
I just don't understand why people have to be so rude. I was once on my dragon Eclipse. I took him around, exploring the maps (I joined FeralHeart yesterday, lol) and when I tried to roleplay with another dragon, they replied very angrily. I'm pretty sure by the end of that short conversation Eclipse had been burned to a crisp...

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2013, 01:05:30 am »
I've seen plenty of these rude or mean characters in many roleplays. I don't get why the person playing a mean character would get all upset and butthurt if someone who was trying to talk to them suddenly walked away from them. I mean, isn't that what the mean character wanted? Didn't they want to be left alone when they said "Go away! Leave me alone!"? Or is the person playing the mean character hoping that the nice one isn't going to leave him/her and try to make him/her more cheerful and less moody? No one wants to be around a grouch, even if it's just roleplay.

I can understand why people wouldn't want to be around mean characters who just blow others off when they try to associate themselves with them. Then there are those who take it too personal. The person playing the role of the mean character isn't being mean intentionally to personally hurt someone's feelings, they're just acting. There was a time when I was roleplaying in a group and there was a mean character amoungst us. Even when she said her rude roleplay lines, she would often times say OOC, "(Not trying to hurt your feelings, my character is just the mean bully type)" One person in the roleplay took it personally when the mean character said some rude things in her roleplay lines. The mean character kept having to say OOC "(Dude, it's just roleplay)".
Now if someone is playing a mean character and saying mean things IC and OOC, that's a different story. That's something I don't really like or tolerate.

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2013, 01:07:41 am »
One of my main characters kind of acts like this, May.  But I know that her personality would really piss someone off if they didn't know I was just acting like how my character would.  Some people just have a hard time understanding in character and out of character.
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Offline longjump

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2013, 04:47:27 pm »
""I don't get why the person playing a mean character would get all upset and butthurt if someone who was trying to talk to them suddenly walked away from them. I mean, isn't that what the mean character wanted? Didn't they want to be left alone when they said "Go away! Leave me alone!"? Or is the person playing the mean character hoping that the nice one isn't going to leave him/her and try to make him/her more cheerful and less moody? No one wants to be around a grouch, even if it's just roleplay. ""

This^ Mean characters CAN be fun, and I know the person isn't actually being mean OOC. What I HATE is when the person with the mean/rude/anti-social character gets upset OOC because you walked away from them in the roleplay. If you're going to have a mean character, other character(s) WILL get upset, and there's no reason to fuss/complain/accuse others of being rude OOC

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Offline Vespian

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 06:00:13 pm »
My main character, Vespian, is one of the anti-social/bully types though he isn't the kind to snap and bluntly say, "Leave me alone". He's the type who enjoys getting into a fight with anyone who so looks as him wrong, bestowing an uncontrollable temper disorder. However, usually when roleplaying him and interacting with other individuals IC-wise, I often get concerned OOC-wise that one or more individuals I'm roleplaying with will become offended and hate me instead of my character. Like Kiki has stated, I too dislike roleplaying characters who bestow your everyday, kind and generous, personality. I like to give my characters a bit of a burden, whether it be an abused past or some kind of mental illness. Usually I do not mind roleplaying with other individuals who bestow an arrogant, rude, or malevolent character as, again like Kiki has stated, it adds interest in the roleplay. Without those bad, evil characters, roleplay can be quite boring. However why individuals get butthurt OOCly just because of how a particular character acts, no matter who they may be, is nothing but childish and shows immaturity. If anything, they're not worth roleplaying with if they're going to act like a sour sport. Feralheart is just a game after all.

Offline Silhouette

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Re: Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2013, 08:02:22 pm »
My main character, Vespian, is one of the anti-social/bully types though he isn't the kind to snap and bluntly say, "Leave me alone". He's the type who enjoys getting into a fight with anyone who so looks as him wrong, bestowing an uncontrollable temper disorder. However, usually when roleplaying him and interacting with other individuals IC-wise, I often get concerned OOC-wise that one or more individuals I'm roleplaying with will become offended and hate me instead of my character. Like Kiki has stated, I too dislike roleplaying characters who bestow your everyday, kind and generous, personality. I like to give my characters a bit of a burden, whether it be an abused past or some kind of mental illness. Usually I do not mind roleplaying with other individuals who bestow an arrogant, rude, or malevolent character as, again like Kiki has stated, it adds interest in the roleplay. Without those bad, evil characters, roleplay can be quite boring. However why individuals get butthurt OOCly just because of how a particular character acts, no matter who they may be, is nothing but childish and shows immaturity. If anything, they're not worth roleplaying with if they're going to act like a sour sport. Feralheart is just a game after all.

This. This right here. People need to realize that the world isn't all daisys and butterflies and a lot of the time, RP and its characters of other people will reflect that, even if other people prefer not to do that. I have a good number of characters who have their own set of pet peeves, are outright antisocial, aggressive, or otherwise not your typical "Hi how'ya doin'? 8'D" kind of characters. Those personalities and behaviors exist in real life also.

But I think the problem with the aggressive/anti-social characters/etc is a simple matter...

These kids are trying to RP something they can't pull off/pull off poorly. And there's always somebody who just /can't/ RP a certain type of character "correctly." Now before anyone starts bashing me by saying there's no correct way to RP, I get it, save your breath. All I'm saying is, these people don't know how to RP them WITHOUT crossing lines and otherwise annoying the daylights out of the rest of us.

 Evil characters (which are somewhat clumped into this "type" although not necessarily) I have found are RP'd very poorly by most players in Feral-Heart. Why? They're overpowered, walk away frequently, attack for no reason, have absolutely no motive, etc. There are so few people who can pull malevolent and/or aggressive and/or antisocial characters off.

The only reasons I can come up that people do this is that they are making a genuine effort to fit the personality but... they're trying too hard and ending up with a poor result. Their character may seem "mysterious" and "tough" to them but for the rest of us.... they just end up looking irritating, over-emotional, and pathetic.

And on top of that, I don't think these players stop to think about what they are presenting to the other player/what little they are giving the other person they are RPing with to work from, and its never much. I'm sorry but, if my character isn't the type to pursue after being yelled at, well, I'm not going to make them behave outside their personality to go chase after yours. Your character is /not/ that interesting to everyone else ._. You know? ((I'm not directing this at anyone, just speaking in 2nd person here.))

When I use some of my less social characters, I come up with a reason that they HAVE to stay in that area, so they're essentially forced to interact with the other party of whom they otherwise wouldn't deal with. It could be as simple as saying they are waiting on someone, waiting for something to happen, or just camping out in that little area. It doesn't make them any more "social" but it makes them stay put and we can safely assume that while its unspoken, the majority of my character's life spent avoiding people. You don't ALWAYS have to demonstrate a character's desire to avoid people by walking away. It could just be an unwillfulness to converse OR even just thoughts such as "I wish so and so would get here already. Does this kid ever shut up?" in the middle of the context of the RP. That's enough to get the point across that your character would rather not be there WITHOUT walking away.

People need to learn what they're good at, learn from other people, acknowledge what they're bad at, realize their character will probably never be as interesting to everyone else as they are to themselves (as harsh as that may sound) and strive to be better. Otherwise, we'll just continue in an endless loop of overpowered, "Evil" aggressive antisocial mary sues that always walk away.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 08:07:32 pm by Silhouette »