Author Topic: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)  (Read 11963 times)

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2013, 12:55:16 pm »

Name: Simone
Gender: Female
Age: She's 4 years old.
What Animal are you: Simone is a Saber-Tooth.
Personality: Simone is an aggressive feline who hates being bossed around, this is why she's a solitary animal and has never been in a pride since her younger years. Although she doesn't have a short temper she is hot headed she doesn't have a short temper and isn't one to back down. This feline can be serious from time to time and does like to take the 'Lead' role in things.
Backstory: As a cub she was born into the pride where her mother and father had spent most of their years. Being brought up in a pride was easy for a few months, but as she got older the fact of being bossed around began to grow on her. Deciding to leave she did and it didn't take long, as soon as she hit the age of w she was gone. Living alone for three years has had a small impact on Simone and she could tell you a thing or two.
Themesong: 'All or nothing' - Dappy
Other: Nothing.

Name: Nyla
Gender: Female
Age: She's 1 year old.
What Animal are you: Saber Tooth Cat.
Personality: Nyla is a young laid back feline who loves to jump around an act like a cub, she is quite dippy and often gets herself into trouble with the larger and older animals. Being a brave youngster she isn't afraid to jump things head on, she may seem a caring sole, and she is. But, she can also be a very aggressive feline as she does have a short temper and the slightest things may make her tick. Nyla really, has a mixed personality.
Backstory: All of Nylas life she's been alone, she was abandoned by her parents as a cub. Her mother was a lone cat along with her father, having a cub was not planned with these two. But they weren't mates and Crone (her father) just left like he done to many other females, her mother gave birth not long after. Leaving the cub unattended it was a surprise she lived until she was one, now she lives a care free life.
Themesong: 'No Regreats' , 'Rockstar' - Dappy
Other: Nothing extra.

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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2013, 01:46:33 pm »
((Changing Axeri's breed to a sabertooth))


Shaking her pelt out, Joki pressed forward, pinning her ears back as she scented a sabertooth nearby. Of course, they were the enemy of the dire wolves, and Joki was certain they would be hers forever. Glaring into the direction of the scent, she veered around it and breezed through the trees, her eyes narrowed slightly. Soon enough, she reached the stream, pausing at the edge as she stared down at the water. It lapped at the edges, as if inviting her to take a drink. Bending down, Joki began to lap at the water, letting it soothe her dry tongue as she raised her head. Suddenly, a creature - maybe a little bigger than her - abruptly crashing out of the woods and into the stream. With a startled yelp, Joki turned, with her tail tucked under, and retreated quickly into the deep forest, staying near the end as she peered at the creature. She then remembered that it was known as an Andrewsarchus - the wolf-like creatures that could swim.

When Joki got a closer look at the Andrewsarchus, she noticed that it was consuming some prey without its blood. Shrugging, she remained hidden, but her stomach let out a soft growl due to her hunger. Shaking her head, Joki watched wishfully as the creature finished its meal, before suddenly turning to a Megaloceros herd to hunt it. Deciding to remain where she was, she began to sort out a plan - to snatch some meat off of the killed Megaloceros when the creature was not looking. She knew it sounded stupid and quite weak, but Joki had no choice and in fact, she was starving.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2013, 01:49:36 pm »
OOC: And vally you are accepted too, but there is no rp map to rp on.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2013, 01:58:53 pm »

Ezia could clearly smell the dire wolf behind her, thus swinging her massive head towards her and pulling her lips up. She couldn't see her since the wolf was mostly camouflaged amongst the ferns, but she could hear the soft thudding of paws as they rung through her ears. "I know you're there." She hissed before snapping her attention back onto the Megaloceros heard. There was a large male, possibly the leader and six other deer prancing behind him. There was a fawn, about her size, eating some fallen bark and payed no attention to it's mother, who, started to move on without it. Licking her chops, Ezia stalked over and hid right beside the little fawn, concealed by leaves and twigs. As the little Megaloceros pricked it's ears up, Ezia launched herself from the bush and snatched it by the snout, digging her claws into it's back before pulling it into the bush with her. The fawn was barely enough food for the day. Laying down on-top of it, she started to rip the chunks of muscle and flesh from the deceased animal, keeping an eye out for the sneaky Dire Wolf.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2013, 03:45:05 pm »
Arula was chasing a butterfly when her father caqme to the den, dragging a small furry lump. Arula sniffed it, "What is that thing?"
"It's a mammoth calf." Her father replied, dropping it. Her mother appeared out of the burrow, licking her lips,
"Mammoth for dinner." Arula's mother started eating. Her mother got a small chunk of meat, only as big as Arula's nose, and nudged it to the 3 month old cub,
"Eat." Arula sniffed it. It smelled amazing! She ate it. It tasted like a lizard, only a little more sweet and way more juicy. She chewed up the meat, and swallowed, "I want more.." Her mouth nudged her a bigger piece. Arula took off a chunk, savoring the great taste. If a calf tasted like this, what would an adult taste like?

Eroll was leading the herd through some loose woods, when a doe cried out. Eroll turned, and she exclaimed, "Something took my fawn!"  Eroll walked back to where the herd had just come through. With his massive antlers he lifted up ferns and low bushes, revealing a little bit of blood and Andrewsarchus fur. He smlled Andrewsarchus, the fawn, and a little bit of death scent. He stepped deeper into the underbrush. The does were huddling, the mother was sniffling, as if trying to convince herself there was hope that her fawn survived the Andrewsarchus and would come prancing to her as if nothing happened. But Eroll just found some more Andrewsarchus fur. The death scent was wafting into his nose now. Eroll lifted his head, shaking his head sadly and slowly to the herd. The mother cried into another does shoulder, while the rest of the herd tried to calm her down.

(Updating the current events)

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2013, 03:57:46 pm »


The dire wolf ignored the Andrewsarchus and instead watched how it brought down the fawn. Her stomach growled even a little louder, but Joki tolerated it as well, wishing she could act like how the Andrewsarchus did. Shaking her head, Joki turned and retreated farther into the bushes, her ears perked as she began to taste the air. The strong smell of carcass entered her nostrils. Driven by hunger, Joki crashed through the bushes - despite the fact that there could be an enemy around. As she slowed to a trot, her gaze averted to a carcass lying a few feet away; she padded over to eat and sniffed it cautiously, before devouring it with a few famished gulps.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2013, 04:16:20 pm »


As the mid-day sun crept higher into the sky, the bulky Saber finally crawled out of his small, temporary cave he had taken shelter in to sleep. He stretched his maw in a long yawn, enormous canines glinting in the sunlight. As Mentu skillfully hoped from rock to rock to reach the valley floor, he was immediately hit with the scent of blood. Wrinkling his muzzle, the saber licked his maw in anticipation and quickly set a course for the source of the smell. With each large stride, a new scent assaulted his nasal passage- an Andrewsarchus, Dire Wolves, and a carcass. Knowing he could easily handle the potential threats, his pace remained steady and confident until he reached a rockey ledge overlooking the kill-site.
       Crouching low, he watched patiently as one desperate Dire made a hasty move for the carcass- which was still occupied by the Andrewsarchus. Foolish mutt... Mentu thought to himself. Impatience overwhelming him, the Saber gracefully strode down from his rock overhang and onto the valley ground. Head low, he stalked towards the creatures in plain sight and let out a short roar, baring his intimidating fangs. "Why how kind of you to do my hunting for me." The Saber said with a devious grin aimed at the Andrewsarchus. "I'll be taking this now." He added, pausing mere feet away from the scene. Shooting a dark glare at the Dire Wolf, he let out a steady growl. "Now beat it, both of you." He snapped, raking the ground gently with his retractable claws.


The she-wolf strode along the stone-littered hillside, tongue hanging as she made her way from ledge to ledge. A loud roar- obviously that of a Saber or some large feline- echoed throughout the valley, forcing Lavani's ears flat against her skull. Curious, she quickened her pace to a quick lope, hopping and scrambling over rocks as she made for the sound's source- which also seemed to be leading towards the smell of blood and other creatures. Shifting back to her haunches, she watched from an above overhang on the hillside as a scene in the valley below unfolded between a Dire, an Andrewsarchus, and a Saber.
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2013, 04:33:13 pm »

Passing her tongue across her nose, Ezia pricked her rounded ears towards the new voice, thrusting her jowls forward as she proceeded to gulp down her prey. At the musky scent of Dire Wolf and Sabers, the spotted creature snarled, pulling herself deeper into the bushes to camouflage herself and to hide from view. At the male's words, she snickered, followed by a rabid growl and gurgle muffled by the bunch of fawn in her jaws. "Beat it, kitty." Ezia scowled before whipping around and darting towards the little yet deep river she swimmed in earlier, flinging her entire body into the water and submerging. Only ripples were seen as the tip of her tail smacked at the surface of the water before it too dissapeared. Ezia kept paddling, nostrills shut and ears pressed against her head. Soon enough, she swam to the far side of the river and layed down in the mud, swallowing the remaining pieces of flesh. Ezia kept laying there like a crocodile, ears pricked in-case those two decided to show up again.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2013, 05:10:33 pm »

Name: Sarius
Gender: Male
Age: Nine
What Animal are you: Dire Wolf
Personality: Sar is much like your average reclusive being. he has a habit of up and leaving any formed group. He had the attributes of a brute, he doesn't feel the rush of sympathy for any being. His policy tends to be more on the side of kill or be killed. he knows not the feeling of friendship nor commom curtsy. He has never been taught any sort of manners during his lifetime.
Backstory: He comes from a large family of wolves, to his unfortunate surprise he came back from a hunt and the family had vanished into the thin ice cold air. only the scent of Saber-tooths remained at the bloody scene.
Themesong: Radioactive


Crisp, warm air filled the brute's nostrils with easy comfort. He took a small step outside the damp cave he always inhabited. his one gray eye examined the horizon of tree and plain. Not a single being in sight, but his nose didn't fool him, others were out there. he slid back beneath the comfort of his shadows. Contemplating on whether or not he should risk the company of another, just to go feed his growling stomach. he hadn;t scarfed anything down in 4 days, and it was beginning to take a toll on him both mentally and physically. His mind started creating scenarios of eating even his own kind. His sick, sadistic mind never ended with the bloodshed scenarios.  he tucked the thoughts to the back of his brain file cabinet. His mind conjured of the plan of attack on his next victim, his next meal. he shifted his pupils to a small opening in the forest, and like magic, there stood an equestrian figure, small, but filled with proteins. He maneuvered his bodice towards the small figure, he had no reason to stalk such a creature. it was an easy catch out of plain sight. Not a minute later the brute had inhaled half of the lifeless being. His stomach thanked him in terms of more growling, but it was the satisfied type of growl.

' L O V E.

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2013, 05:23:59 pm »