Author Topic: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]  (Read 15402 times)

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2013, 05:23:10 pm »
panzer watched as three of the dogs chosen for group two joined, his eyes emotionless as he listened to the dogs around him. the male Rottweiler's ears perked as a unfamiliar gray and white wolf-dog, appeared to be named "listal", spoke about names, muscles relaxed as he kept on listening.
"panzer" he replied, a very small hint of friendliness added to the tone of his voice. His mechanical paws were itching to get into the city, to prove that he wasn't a weak coward that he was when he was only a pup. I'll prove to the Organization that I'm strong and not a weak, happy-go-lucky, coward pup I used to be he thought, memories flashed in his mind about when he was a pup right before he was mauled by a Labrador retriever mix just because he wanted to play with the yellow and cream mutt. He shook his head as a attempt to get rid of the painful memories, closing his right chocolate-brown eye for a second before reopening it. His left eye almost always stays open but there are times when he can control it all the way. Panzer then turned his attention back to the door, waiting for the patrol to go into the city.
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Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #51 on: November 07, 2013, 06:14:38 pm »

The Wolamute's ears perked at the voice of a firm, yet quick tone speaking. Salaki twisted his body in attempt to get a better hear of what the mechanical dog was saying. Rebels, Salaki, group two, downtown, and dead. The words entered the mutt's ears as he scowled for a moment, before he gave a quick nod of his heads. He didn't except this to be too hard - killing the criminals should be as easy as killing other canines.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Salaki found himself being rounded up by the other mechanical dogs, while the Alpha spoke. His gaze swept over the two dogs in front of him, whom he later found out that their names were Listal and Cynder. Two more canines joined them - he guessed they were Bandit and Panzer, but he remained silent, watching the four with a solemn look plastered onto his face. He didn't use his voice at all, only when prompted to by his leaders, but he kept quiet, flicking an ear as he watched.

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #52 on: November 07, 2013, 09:52:25 pm »

Bandit only gave a slight nod at the female's greeting. "Bandit." His left eye whirled and focused in on a some members of the other group, but he was barely paying any attention. Listal, Cynder, Panzer... The male counted silently in his head, listing off the names to see who was left. The last dog to arrive, a Wolamute by the looks of it, was, Bandit guessed, Salaki.

He sized up his group-mates and rolled his shoulders and leaned back onto his haunches, awaiting for the patrols to head out and half-listening to any conversation the dogs around him began. His ears were constantly flicking back and forth, honing in on the little details of the sounds echoing around him. Always staying alert was one of the key survival points in the Organization. One minute you might be sneaking a bite, the next you might be on the floor bleeding to death with a bite mark on your neck. Bandit had been there long enough to know what went on. He could sight flaws and he could find strengths. He glanced at his group-mates once again.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2013, 03:22:39 am »

Location: Outside of the Cages

Listal's ears perked up and soaked in the dogs' names. Her eyes focused on each dog, her mind working to identify the faces and stain them into her memory. It was best if she didn't have to ask for their name again, especially once they were all shoved out into the open for patrol. Her tail softly wagged, but it paused when her gaze moved to the last dog. His mouth remained shut, showing no signs of opening. Despite her wish to leave him be - the canine obviously did not wish to be disturbed - she had never heard his name, nor did she remember seeing him before.

"I'm sorry," Listal murmured, "but I don't think I know your name." Her attention momentarily shifted to Alever, who was standing a little away from his group as though shame would burn his pelt if he got any closer to them. He happened to glance her way, and she accidentally locked eyes with him. Quickly turning back to the Wolamute, she politely waited for his reply.


Location: Outside of the Cages

Alever turned his head away from the group, boredom nibbling at him as his eyes wandered around his surroundings. Finding nothing worthy to rest his gaze upon, he momentarily directed his attention to Listal's group, scanning the faces. He restrained a huff, trying not to look at his sister, but he found himself watching her anyway. She had grown. It had been a long time since he had spoken to her, not that he wanted to. He slowly shook his head, realizing that she spending time to socialize with the other dogs. Why did she always have to do that? She would gain nothing from weaving conversations reeking of politeness.

Alever saw Listal's ears suddenly perk up, and he immediately knew that she had sensed his gaze. He tried to glance away, but he found himself locked into her gentle gaze. Panic seized him, and he quickly turned his head back to his group, stepping a little closer to them. A tiny growl began to rise in his throat at the thought of his blunder, but he shoved it away.

"Hello to you too," Alever rumbled, his low voice empty of emotions. He boldly studied the female who had offered the greeting to the group. Disgust flickered inside of him as he caught sight of the yellow tag hanging around her neck. Another one of them spoiled mutts. However, he managed to smooth all emotions from his face, leaving a blank, empty mask that stared at those who glanced at his face.

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Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2013, 03:36:50 am »

Salaki's ears perked at the soft voice of a female canine -  he glanced over towards her direction in order to face her. At the Siberian husky's question, a scowl of disgust and contempt formed over his face as he turned away. Of course you don't know my name. Every canine here is too busy trying to please the mechanical dogs they don't even care about one another. Averting his gaze back onto the canine, known as Listal, he opened his maw to speak, moistening his mouth before sharply replying, "Salaki."

Shadow's ears leaned forward, slightly impatient of how long they were taking with the introductions. He glanced over at the male canine, known as Alever, dipping his head as Alever introduced himself. He shot a glance over at group two, wondering if they were already starting, but he realized that they were still sticking to their greetings and were introducing themselves. The shepherd frowned slightly, noticing how Alever stared at the other canine in group two - a Siberian husky. Shadow assumed they were either friends, or siblings, though he doubted that since they didn't look the same to him. Shrugging off the feeling, he returned his attention back onto his group, shuffling his paws.

"Shouldn't we be starting now?" he inquired, hinting a tinge of impatience in his voice. "I think it's best if we get started before the mechs tell us to do so." Shadow added, shifting his mechanical leg as he spoke.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 03:43:04 am by OreoHeroz »

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2013, 03:58:33 am »

Location: Outside of the Cages

Though she remained unhurt by the canine's harsh reply, Listal still couldn't help but feel a flicker of surprise run through her veins. She wondered what had caused the sudden scowl to twist the dog's face. Despite this, she decided not to allow it to affect her. "Salaki," she softly repeated the Wolamute's name before a slight smile rose on her mouth. "I'm glad to meet you."


Location: Outside of the Cages

Alever glanced up to see Shadow frowning at him. His gaze darkened into an unfriendly stare before he averted his eyes, wondering if the shepherd had caught him watching his sister. So what if he did? he thought. I don't care. Deciding it was not of his concern, he impatiently waited for the group to start patrolling. A snarl tugged at his mouth at the thought of hunting down those criminals and sinking his fangs into them for the Organization.

"It isbest," Alever sharply responded. "You're right. What's keeping us all back?"

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2013, 11:20:57 am »

Not daring to move, the little fae felt almost frozen by their stares, nipping at her neck in slight annoyance before cutting them off. "So, when are we getting started?" Cynder's voice piped up in the middle of their conversation before she got back up onto a sitting position, her dark amber eyes glittering with impatiance before adding a little nod towards Salaki.

"I agree." That's all Ace had to say before shifting his gaze towards the fellow comrades who would accompany him on this "track and kill" mission. The thought of killing another didn't excite him or even please him, but if he had to do it just to stay out of any sort of trouble, he'll be willing to jump of a cliff. Licking his bottom jaw, savoring the metallic taste on his gums, Ace lowered his eyes to the ground, tail swishing against the floor as he awaited their move.

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2013, 03:20:08 pm »
"I agree" panzer said, his voice emotionless as he spoke to the other dogs. "more we wait, the more that the rebels have time to plan to attack us, the Organization or even both" he added, his mechanical paws and his black-and-tan pelt itching to go into the city. The male Rottweiler couldn't take the waiting anymore. "by the time those pure-mechanical dogs get back, those rebels would already plan a attack" he mumbled, fighting the urge to run through the back door and into the maze-like city. He never spoke that much around groups of dogs before but the half-mechanical dog wanted to prove that he was loyal even through he hated the Organization. it's true that we are dancing with death and you live to see the next day, lose and you die
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