Author Topic: Sexuality in names  (Read 7289 times)

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Sexuality in names
« on: November 10, 2013, 06:27:38 am »
Okay. So lately I have been visiting Bonfire more often. (Due to friends who Roleplay there)

I have realised that there a Whole bunch of people with there names ' Name M/F Gay' Or 'Name M/F Bi' Lets be honist here.

Having your characters sexual attraction in your name can stand off to there people as an offense. Like there are a whole bunch of people with there sexuality in there name like: Gay, Bi, Lesbian ect. To me it sounds like there putting the people down for who they are and making fun of them. I honistly don't think its a fancy Idea to do that, To me it sounds like a bulling thing. Why can't you just put your characters sexuality in your biography or Roleplay it out? I think this is getting like a 'Mate center' thing that irritates people.

But this is like a brick slap hitting you in the chest repeditvly. So I am here to get your opinion of what you think. This is kind of a rant anyways. Please, Tell me what you think about this below.

(Sorry if this gets locked)

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 07:25:00 am »
I don't honestly think it's as much of a matter of making fun as it is to GET ATTENTION from everyone else. I have no issues with people having homosexual characters, bi or what they might want their character as however, like this post was about and people having "Lesbian" "Gay" "Bi" Etc in their very name for the character is only to seek attention. If you were serious with your character it's just to modify your bio and post in there what orientation the character you play has.

Though the simplicity of a place like bonfire usually have a more basic and straight approach about most things, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, in this case though I personally don't approve of users having their characters sexual orientation in their names and usually is players/users that might need a second look to see what they are up to.

It seems to have periods when these type of names comes up because at times it can be rather empty of them for months and then one week you see them roaming around a bit here and there. Without a question though, if a few users play around as a gay character others take their chance and join in as well, and it's not too uncommon that you see these people group up like they were some sort of pride or pack, some even take it to the next level and make "Gay lovers" group or what they might seem like a good idea at the moment. Now don't get me wrong, if you support all love that's fine and everything but some people must just create such a scene about things and not everyone approve of this and it can at times cause drama or inappropriate moments in the game that literary needs cleaning up. I really do believe it's not that hard to just write in your bio stating the characters orientation rather than changing it's name.

The only reason to change ones name would be to be as you said above, to make fun of homosexual people... Or, wanting attention for various reasons and many of these reasons usually lead to something worse. Though I try not to judge before knowing but these users are probably very young and do not quite understand the whole picture with homosexuality(no I'm not speaking of the malexmale or femalexfemale, I speak of how the so called society picture this and how users opinions and views vary), or that someone is old enough and use FeralHeart to look for someone like it was a plain dating site, the thing is if people want to get mates with their characters I can easily understand, but the sexual orientation being so important that it must be in the character name I think is a very questionable thing and judging by what I've seen and how people behave when they actually do have these names, it's what I can see from it.
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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 08:40:55 am »
Good point. Now let me tell you my opinion. I think its unecessary for people to include sexual information in their names because it just seems more public. Also, this inappropriacy COULD encourage the younger ones to be gay or lesbo. Its very worrying so I would recommend to just block them IF you don't like it. However, I do agree that most of these people are just looking for attention. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE ATTENTION for floofs sake. Either ignore them or tell a member of staff if you're too uncomfortable.

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 09:01:05 am »
EpicWolfie, I don't think it's going to encourage younger players to be gay or "lesbo" as you put it.

I for one think it's only as bad as putting F or M Wolf in your name, it's just tag clutter and it's not needed, I have spoken to a few people that have them and they aren't really doing it for attention, it's more just to stand out and be different.

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 09:46:56 am »
Maybe. It depends on what they say or do really. It COULD encourage them if they talk about it. It depends. But you do know that this is online, right? You can't really trust people if you can't see them IRL. Anyways, everyone's different in many ways.

Another thing though, I really think they should include sexuality in their bio since not often do people go into the bio.

I can't really think of anymore to say...

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2013, 10:50:26 am »
This is most likely some people who simply want to raise attention. Otherwise, it's really unnecessary to put it in your tag when there are character bio's for a reason. I have nothing against characters being bisexual, since my fursona is too, but showing it off like that in your name doesn't seem really alright to me.

Also, they could be searching for a mate or such, or simply wanting to mock those with a different sexual orientation, however I somehow doubt it.

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2013, 11:30:28 am »
 I have no issue with people having "Gay" or "Lesbian" characters, but I see no need to put it in the characters name. The only things I think belong in the name, other than the name, is anything that you can tell just by looking. So, sexuality in my opinion doesnt belong in the name. I don't see why people can't just add it to their bio.
 I think most players do it just to stand out, or add another unique trait to their character. Others do it to get more attention, in and out of RP. Then there is this small cluster doing it to make fun of them, usually by doing stupid things and having pink manes ect.

I'm rather neutral on this.

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2013, 01:58:02 pm »
Huh, I never realized people did it to get attention... To me it always seemed that they were using it like tags. M, F, group ranks; it seemed like they wanted to do what everyone else was doing (taking it a little too far apparently).

On that note, I logged on last week to find a pink and white lion named "Mr Gay", and I asked him why does he have that name. Apparently the word "gay" originally meant carefree or happy... I knew this already but I kind of had to tell him that it doesn't mean happy anymore and it might upset someone. >_>


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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2013, 02:39:56 pm »
As others have said, I don't see putting "Gay/lesbian" in one's name tag as any different from "M" or "F" for male and female. Really, I would just prefer people bother to READ people's bios instead of compensating for other people's laziness and lack of desire to read.

However I must say the "gay/lesbian" characters in Feral Heart is far from a "new" or even a "coming and going trend." Its been here all along, if only in small numbers. Before Feral Heart ever came out and Impressive Title wasn't just a slew of different servers and was actually one game (before it was hacked too), there were a LOT of gay, lesbian, bisexual characters and I remember a great number of them had "imaginary" and "man cubs" from homosexual pairs.

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Re: Sexuality in names
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2013, 02:42:05 pm »
I too noticed a surplus of these characters around. While they don't specifically bother me, I can see why others don't like seeing people running around with such tags. After all, we have bios for this kind of  'miscellaneous'  info.
I apologise for the short post OTL