Do you keep your FeralHeart business a secret from friends in real life?
I'd say this is a bit of a complex matter, but in general yes, FeralHeart is a secret which probably just two of my friends really know about or what it actually is I spend time on and I'd say it's for the better this way. It's a good subject for a thread without a question.
Back when I was still in school it wasn't necessarily a subject that would gain you any respect or "man" points along with the other guys so it was easier to just let it be a silent hobby, I honestly don't think anyone really comprehend or understand why to spend so much time on the computer in general, neither do I know if it's something that could be explained or if it was for the better. I believe it's just seen like the average computer geeking from the outside, many questions has flew by of what I really spend time on the computer though.
Due to personal history online, or even experiences I've been through in places like Feralheart I've come to realize that some things just stay better if they remain separate. I simply do not use the computer nor internet as an extension to what is already taking place in the so called "Real life", the computer and internet is so much more. It's my safe haven and a completely different world to relax or escape to, in general the internet itself can include many different lifes if you have the time for it or simply want to use it in this way. I cannot say everyone does this in a good manner but you have the choice. I don't see any point in going around and letting everyone in on who you are, what you are doing or trying to do. If I'm going to be completely honest, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeves a bit more here regarding certain matters, but people can get to know me from the inside first which is also how I wish to know others. There's a lot of fake people out on the internet too though so don't get me wrong.
In the end, those that really could make the transition between me online here with four paws, and me out there in the world are people I really trust and wish to hold close. This shouldn't include people that would drama over you regarding tiny matters, try to put a knife in your back or use you. It should be friends or contacts that can understand each other and be supportive, and as time has proven before, it will show sooner or later, trust me on this.
Would you respond if someone called you by your fursona's name in real life?
Not quite sure, but I'd go with "No", and rather react and wonder where it came from and if it truly was directed at me. Friends, yes. Randomer never seen before, most likely not.