Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 157224 times)

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #240 on: June 14, 2014, 04:18:06 pm »
Alexander Thaddeus Way
"We will fight or we will die either way the enemy will fear us today."

Alexander chuckled and shook his head lightly at Kennedy's comment. Yes, they would be so incredibly dense to return, wouldn't they? But I think that zombie-massacre they they witnessed the group preform shook some sense into them. Sure, they were a very small group. A trio. But they were a hell of survivors. For a instant, Alexander felt a sliver of hope for humanity. His smile and dimples were still prominant. Alex hadn't felt like this in a long time- even before the epidemic. Happy. He assumed he was always just "okay" or "content" but never surrounded by people he would protect till the very end.

The young lad let out a breath of amusement and nodded at Tonx who looked like she needed to rest. Kennedy had made one shot, but only scrambled the balls on her next shot. A fairly winsome smile plastered itself to Alex's face. He looked confident- but he would let her win, anyways. As he bent over the table, Alexander began to whistle a light bubbly tune as he sunk one of the balls in the socket with a thrust of the que, then another. On his third shot, he examined the scrambled balls, and hit the white ball to line up with several others- however he didn't make a shot. Alexander arched his eyebrows at Kennedy. "Your turn." He said with a cheery smile.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #241 on: June 14, 2014, 06:46:45 pm »

Tomoko ?

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #242 on: June 15, 2014, 11:04:45 am »
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Theo threw himself closer to the pile, the gas gallon which was in his grip was slowly lowered down, low enough to spill the water on the 'Walkers'. When everything was wet, Theo reached for his pocket, fingers diving in just to reach for the metallic lighter. Getting it out, he slipped his finger over the button, quickly creating the flame which would put the whole thing on fire.

With a small sigh, he threw the lighter which placed the corpses on fire, burning them and leaving nothing but ashes. Turning around, Theo headed back into his penthouse, Major was running after him. When they both reached the first floor, Theo walked to his closet where all his guns were. Grabbing massive bag, he threw all his stuff in it, as well throwing all his blades, knives, throwing knives and such.

When he was done, he zipped the bag, lifting it up and placing it by the doorway. Loudly walking into his bedroom, he grabbed a backpack this time, massive backpack which is used for mountain climbing. He threw all his clothes in, everything that he will need for later. Zipping the 'room' closed, theo took the backpack, throwing it on his back as his arms rush through the straps.

Walking towards the cabinets, he opened the upper one, taking Major's collars and pet medicine, jsut in case he will get wounded. Slamming it shut, he opened another one, taking all human medicine and placing everything on the cabinet that was in front of him. Turning around, he took small bag with had rope around the edge of it. Opening it, he threw all medicine in it, closing the bag and securing it with a tight node. There, he was done.

Heading towards the door, he took his gun bag, getting the straps over his shoulder, placing the medicine bag on top. He glanced at the flat once again, before turning around and closing the door just after Major ran out. He locked the door, getting the keys with him.

Running down the long stairs, Theo walked outside, glancing at Chris which was watching the fire peacefully. "Chris." calling for her, he watched her turn around and head towards him with a guilty look. "It's fine, now lets go." he spoke softly, heading through the alleyway, entering the bigger street which led to different spots of the city. It would be good idea to reach the other part of the city, maybe there will be other survivors.

"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."

Chris watched the fire to move from side to side, reaching the parts there gas was spilled. Hearing Theo walk off, she kept standing there, thinking about the zombies and how hard they changed the world.

Everyone are scared of these biters, their presence gives goosebumps to younger audience. How they send virus through a bite? How much they are infected, that it changed human race and putting it into extinct? Not even scientists could explain it, if there are any left. If so, then we're not /that/ doomed. Maybe he, or she will find the cure soon. But again, there's no cure. If there was one, he or she is dead.

And that brings another topic to Chris, the topic of her own living. Her fingers reached for her neck, feeling the old bites which weren't healing. Great. covering the bite with her mask and as well long hair, she crossed her arms on her chest, watching the fire even more calmer. It's been 3 weeks, more than 3 weeks since she walks with this bite. It takes only one day to turn into walking corpse, but she ain't turning into one. As Chris heard by herself, only people with very, VERY good immune system can survive one bite, but if it takes two - doomed.

Her gaze fell on the road which was made of cement, which was now cracking into smaller peaces. Roads still were roads, but the feeling when you drive on them was no longer that good. Chris began to think about cars, there must be one which still works perfectly fine. Well, not perfectly but good enough. Then they could drive out from this city and leave those three humanoids behind.

Her thinking was cut off, when she heard Theo behind to call for her. Turning around, she walked towards him, picking up her and his gun and getting the strap over her shoulder. Chris silently walked after him, still thinking about the idea of leaving the city and probably never coming back.

((Sorry for inactivity, I had no idea what to post.))
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 11:07:23 am by Phroghress »
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #243 on: June 15, 2014, 11:34:30 am »

The hackles on Alma's neck erect as she begins to growl in the similar fashion to a motorbike. Her ears flick around, hearing activity outside. This wakes Clark from her drink induced stupor. She along with her bitch can hear the sound of footsteps coming towards the hotel.

The woman growls drunkenly "Can't they bugger off?" She growls as she grabs her two pistols and throws on her bandolier; still not caring about being topless. She wretches the door open and Alma shoots out. Immediatly spotting two figures up the road. Clark narrows her eyes. Despite her blurry vision, she is able to see that they were walking... normally? Most Beasties hobbled or limped but these two weren't doing this. She squints her eyes. Were they people? Nah, they couldn't be, weren't they all wiped out?
She raises one of the pistols and yells "Oi!" At them. If they were Beasties they would charge at her but if they werent... lets see what happens.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #244 on: June 15, 2014, 12:35:04 pm »
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."

Chris kept thinking, until a voice caused her to glance at the girl without her top, only with bra. She was pointing her gun out, was she dumb? Chris could see she is drunk, that just made everything go bad. Chris quickly gripped on her M16, pointing at the girl which surely was drunk. Theo knows, that Chris could shoot this girl if she won't follow her orders.

"Put the guns down!" yelling to the girl, she stood in more firm position. The end of the gun was ramming on her shoulder, the trigger was covered in Chris' finger, just in case she seriously won't follow her orders. When it comes to 'police' things, she is very strict.

That moment Milo glared at another dog who was girl's companion. Both of them, Milo and Major, knew, that dog could be killed, just by two of them.

Chris as well knew that the girl is drunk, so if she will shoot, she will miss.

"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Theo stopped, noticing drunk girl outside the hotel they were in before. He didn't minded the topless thing, he saw many girls, walking around the streets only with their bra. His lips tensed, brows bent down as he watched her carefully.

"We don't want any trouble, we're just crossing by." he yelled for her in his 'promising' voice, more like he always had that firm and strong voice.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #245 on: June 15, 2014, 01:01:44 pm »
[[Phones messing up so no picture]]

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

The young woman watched with amusement as Alexander took his turn, her eyes drifted towards the balls scattered around the table and worked out the chances the young male could take - although some were nearer the centre of the table and others pushed up against the sides she raised her brow and sighed in satisfaction. If Alex examined the table before taking his shot he would have a good chance at winning a few points, but he could also stirr up the table for Ken. Tapping the black end of her que lightly against the ground she watched as Alex towered over the table ready to take his shot - quickly she stopped the tapping incase it put the young male off.

As she watched Alexanders technique it seemed he wasn't going all 'pro' on the girl and instead taking it easy, however Kennedy just shrugged it off - she wasn't going to make a big deal out of something small. The young brunette watched as the ball spun across the table hitting a few balls. The clanking of balls soon echoed in the large pub as Alexander took his shot, pocketing it along with another - Kennedy stood glaring from the boy to the table as she bit her lip - if Alex pocketed another he would have a fair chance of winning. But when he didn't Kennedy sighted in relief.

It was now the young womans turn to take her shot "Alright" she replied to the young male who had quickly reminded the young woman that it was her shot. Walking around the table once again she grasped the cubed-chalk and circled it around the tip of her que, then resting it down again. Curling her fingers around the top end of the que she bedt over the table - her eyes focused and aiming in place she was ready to take her shot. But the sudden scream of Tonx cause the 23-year olds head to jerk around and her body to suddenly rise - she tilted her head and raised her curved brow at the raven haired female "You ok?" she questioned feeling quite concerned about Tonx.

But, she couldn't keep the game on hold as Alex was standing waiting for the young woman to take her shot. Peeling her eyes from the other female Kennedy looked back at the table - leaning over once again and curling her fingers around the tip of the cue. Shuffling a little to get comfortable Ken squinted her eyes ever so slightly as she aimed the que up with the ball and the ball up with the pocket - her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth with her teeth slightly clamped onto it. Opening her eyes fully she gave her arm a powerful thrust - the white ball colliding with a blue striped ball as it flew across the table and into a pocket, but on her second shot she missed. Cursing to herself she backed away from the table and gestured her head towards Alexander to go.

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Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #246 on: June 15, 2014, 02:14:17 pm »
No picture on my phone)

Clark hears the pairs shouts. They were people! But how? Hadn't they all been wiped out? In a way it was a comfort to know she was not alone but then again, the pair sounded hostile, the woman especially. Despite her intoxication Clark did know that it was smarter to obey than to retaliate, she wasn't in the right state of mind to be getting into a gun fight, seeing how hers was far more powerful.

Clark lowers her weapon but doesn't drop it, she still might need it. Alma snarls next to her but a swift hiss from her mistress and the dog was quiet. Clark turns her attention back to the pair.
"Who are you?" She calls, her body still tense. The hostility of the female was clear even to Clark.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #247 on: June 15, 2014, 03:37:26 pm »
On phone)
Tonx looks up and her attention turns to Kennedy. "Uh...I'm ok... Just had a nightmare..." She mumbles, fumbling with her t-shirt. She is still shaken by her nightmare but doesn't want to worry them or make them find her annoying with this stuff.

She makes a noise as she hears a mild commotion in the distance.. She hears the shout "Put the gun down!" Which worried her, it sounded like the girl from before which scared her further. She grabs a cushion and clings to it like a teddy, needing comfort. She sighs and pulls her knees to her chest, still hugging it.

Tomoko ?

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #248 on: June 15, 2014, 04:47:33 pm »
Alexander Thaddeus Way
"We will fight or we will die either way the enemy will fear us today."

Alexander's body tenses not even a second after the yelling outside passes through his ears. In a moment he has his AK47 slung over his shoulder and his crossbow at the ready. The silver-tipped arrows were sharper, and stealthier in a situation like this. Of course, if it was humans.. he would be the only person to bring a crossbow to a gun game. How embarrassing. "What was that?" Alex's stark tone quesioned as his silvery green eyes flickered to Trooper who was sitting uptight at the door. His back was arched perfectly still, his tail lifeless beside him. Humans? Survivors?

He was ready to burst out the door, but decided it would be better to get a vote from the group. "We can finish the game of pool later, right?" Alexander questioned with an arching brow, "I was just about to win, too." The young lad teased lightly before he gestured towards the door with a pointed index finger. "Should we investigate?" Alexander questioned; itching to run out the door. He was trying to keep himself like his collected self- but the paranoia was beating down on him like a drum.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #249 on: June 15, 2014, 04:58:56 pm »
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Theo glared at Chris, placing his hand on her gun and lowering it down. "Calm down, she won't hurt us." he mumbled to her, glancing back at drunk girl. "We're travelers, /from now on/ and we're just passing by." he replyied to her with a small and quick smile, glaring at Major and Milo to calm down.

His look always wins, they both were calm now but still on alert. He just felt like the girl won't let them pass by, wanting people with her. Maybe she will start to cry on how lonely she is, how much she wants to drink with someone and share dramatic backstories. Theo isn't for drama or romance, nor going to drink, get drunk and then try to survive the apocalypse.
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