Author Topic: An Attempt of Change  (Read 3677 times)

Offline RedWine

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An Attempt of Change
« on: April 14, 2014, 08:40:27 pm »
I know a lot of people don't really know me, but I think I'd like to see if I can help move a small part of the community in a better direction. I also hope I'm not offending anyone by posting this.

I personally don't like seeing people calling each other or referring to themselves as literate or illiterate. I understand now what people are trying to use the word literate for, but I think it's being misused and that there's a more friendly and appropriate word that can take it's place. As for the word illiterate, it's also being misused (a nightmare compared to literate) and has become more of a straight up insult to be thrown at other players.

I've seen this community a lot brighter than what it is now. It's an absolute shame to see a part of it slowly sinking in mud like this.

What I'd like to do is try and find new friendly terms to help people describe their own style of roleplaying. There is a much better way to do it than just using "literate" and "illiterate." We also shouldn't be judging other people's roleplay style and describe it for them. That is terribly rude and inconsiderate. Everyone roleplays differently. There is no right or wrong on how to roleplay. Roleplaying is simply "playing pretend." Some just do it more organized or polished than others, but it isn't a bad thing for someone's roleplay style to be less organized or polished. The only thing that really matters is them being able to portray their own imagination in a way that they themselves understand. They're not roleplaying for you. You're not roleplaying for them. They are doing it for themselves as you are doing it for yourself. So respect other people and how they roleplay. Please. And allow each person to speak for themselves like you would want to speak for yourself.

Now to find those friendly words. Words that are least likely to mean something negative or pretty much have no negative meaning at all. I know there has to be some out there. I'll be looking for them intently. I'd be very glad if anyone wants to help me.

Also, I'm usually a very optimistic person, and a tad bit stubborn if I might add. I don't want to hear that trying to make this change is useless. I'm going to try to do at least something no matter what anyone says. I know this place can be better. With a number of people trying to be a good example (which I know many of you are already) and also help kindly refer people to new words, I'm sure we can make a difference.

If you think this isn't the right way to go about what I'm trying to do, then by all means, present to me a better idea. I'm all ears.


I've come up with the solution that we don't necessarily need to break it random people and say "Hey, I think you should use something different instead of literate and illiterate," and let those of use who agree with this already to use the power of influence. How else do you think people suddenly started using the words literate and illiterate? Someone could have started using them thinking they were a convenient way to describing something that no one bothered to describe beforehand. Then everyone else went along with it because, well, it was convenient. We, who agree that there should be change, should try using different terms and let others observe. Show them that there is a different, easy to understand, and accurate way to describe things.

Allow me to suggest some new, simple, and understandable terms. Feel free to come up with your own and reply with it so I can put it up. Please also give feedback on the ones that are up here already.

I am hoping fellow forum users and ingame players (that includes you) will try to use these to describe what kind of style or level they want to be used in their roleplay (instead of saying literate, semi-literate, or illiterate).

Here are some terms to help you describe your roleplay style:

Novel Style
Roleplay written in a novel like fashion.
Example: "Stay behind me." She whispered, looking to the young one behind her before she peeked around the edge of the boulder. Strange voices were heard in the direction that the two needed to head. She pressed the side of her body against the large rock and strained to make out what they were saying.

Free Form
No specific format, just go at it.

And here are a few great term to help you describe the level you might want your roleplay to be:

Short and straightforward.
Example: He lapped up the cold water.

A few good length sentences and slightly descriptive.
Example: None yet

About a paragraph and a good amount of description.
(A small tip: There is such thing as being too descriptive. Too much description can bore the reader.)
Example: None yet
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 03:47:08 am by Aria »

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 10:05:51 pm »
I have to agree.

You, actually, just took all the words out of my mouth.

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Offline PrettyReckless

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 10:46:06 pm »
What I'm going to start with is..
It's difficult to change something like this.
Nowadays, and probably in all time, people have been throwing bad words at people to make them feel bad.
To probably make themselves feel better.
It's difficult to simply change the ways they've learned to function.

Either way. I think it's a good thing to strive for.
To make the community, people within it, better.
I know a lot of people will think it's a silly thing, or attempt and there will be a lot to be prepared for.
People can be quite mean..
I'm not sure how, or if this can actually work.
But all I can do is try to help in any way I can.

Offline RedWine

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 11:15:18 pm »
Thanks WarKat. xD

I agree with you, PrettyReckless. It might be hard, but I have to at least try. I've been thinking this through as much as I can and finding ways that could possibly work. All I need to do is take action and see what happens.

And Faolan, that's just it. Is it really appropriate to use the word illiterate for someone whose grammar or spelling might not be the best? They can still read and write. Everyone on this forum and game can. From my point of view, an illiterate is, for example, a young child who hasn't learned to read or write yet at all. So hopefully you can see why I'm calling it an insult, regardless if you're meaning to use it that way or not.

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2014, 12:17:16 am »
I'm aware that this 'Literate', 'Semi-literate' and 'Illiterate' labelling is wrong and discriminatory. However, it's ingrained into the FeralHeart slang to use these terms... and in fairness, most of those who use them aren't trying to be mean or exclude others - they just want a RP with people who RP in a fashion similar to them.

SOMETIMES this labelling is used in a snobbish way - usually the 'literates' making fun of the 'illiterates' who they deem beneath them. THIS IS NOT TRUE! So what if they don't capitalize everything? So what if they can't spell certain words? Doesn't make them a bad person... in fact, if they aren't bagging out others for their typing skills, they might just be nicer than the so-called 'Literate'.

Stereotypes however won't be changed by talking about it... This just sort of happens in the FH community with certain people. Best thing you can do is not support it. But attempting to full on change them will not work - people don't like to be told they are in the wrong.

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2014, 12:25:30 am »
I gotta say, it's good to see someone in the community who has a goal to try and change people's attitude toward the whole "illiterate" and "literate" deal. It's true that many people use those words the incorrect way. Pretty much, most of them don't even know what they mean at all. Why? Well my theory is that some rude people who put the literate and illiterate labels on others have too much influence on other people. Therefore, others will think that words like "illiterate" and "literate" are the correct ways to label someone just based on their roleplay skills.

I applaud you for your ambitions, but let me ask you this. How are you going to change people's minds and attitudes about how they throw those words around? Like PrettyReckless said, it will be very hard to change something like this. Many people use those words out of habit it seems like. Seeing those incorrect labels put on others happens on a daily basis here in the community that it's become a bad habit and a bit of a norm.
No matter how many people have put threads up on these forums about how they think labels like "literates" and "illiterates" is wrong and needs to stop, it hasn't really changed anything. You're not the first person to put a topic like this on the forum, and you won't be the last. You might influence some, but others will be too stubborn to listen and change their ideas. You could argue with them until you're blue in the face, but will often times get no where. Trust me, I've seen that happen in an argument on the game many times.

All I can do is support you and wish you the best of luck.

Offline RedWine

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2014, 03:54:37 am »
I've updated my original post. Please see what it says if you haven't already.

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2014, 06:24:00 am »
I actually really like this idea... Regardless of the fact that it wont change anything, I think it's a nice thought. If only people were more kind to each other, yea?

Offline RedWine

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2014, 07:05:07 pm »
Well, the more people that try to use these other suggestions, the better. Of course nothing is going to happen if I'm the only one actually trying to do something. I need more people to help.

Look, I'm going to be completely honest. It's bothering me that most of you are telling "That's a nice idea, but it's probably not going to work." You don't know that. The only way you're really going to know is if you actually try. I can't make this change by myself if I'm going try and do this by influence. The more people that help, the better. That way we can get others to notice that there are new terms being used by a number of people and might consider learning what they are. Learning them might not even be necessary because of how simply stated they are.

Imo, saying your roleplay is literate doesn't explain one bit what level or style you want your roleplay to be. The definition of literate is someone who can read and write, which literally refers to everyone on the game. That isn't a "level" of writing...

Faolan, I'm not sure I want to go up to people ingame and tell them to change the words their using or state the definition out of nowhere. From what it sounds like, people wont listen, and that really would be useless. So that's why I'm suggesting for those who want this change to try and become a part of what I'm doing and help influence others to start using different words.

This may not change those who are using these words to bag down on people, but what I am mostly hoping for is people to open themselves up to take in new vocabulary.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 07:21:51 pm by Aria »

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Re: An Attempt of Change
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2014, 08:07:02 pm »
I agree that we won't get anywhere without trying, but how are we going to get the community to listen? Heck, if you go up to them and ask them to RP, you usually get denied for being to "pushy" or whatever. Imagine what would happen if you ask these users to stop using a word. Granted, I'm speaking in general.

I'd be willing to help, but I think we need a game plan.
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