Author Topic: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|  (Read 11908 times)

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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2014, 12:17:52 pm »
On my phone ATM.]]

Hades had his eyes forward as he was led down the tunnel back to his cage. His eyes shifted over towards a familiar hyena that spoke. He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Funny.." He growled. "If you weren't in there you wouldn't be talking mutt." He snarled. His handler opened a cage only two doors down from the hyena. Through the bars he could easily see the hyena but kept his eyes off if him. Hades walked along the cage till he made it to the back and plopped down with a grunt. He hated to admit it, but he was rather old. He still had fight in him but he didn't know how many years until he lost it, and his life. He shook the thought out of his head then rolled over on his side his gaze drifted in the dimly lit room. There were no fights going on but that didn't seem to matter to the crowd. They were still cheering. "Prisoner execution.." He remembered. They were probably getting ready for the execution. He grunted once again then closed his eyes and betan drifting awayto a light sleep.
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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2014, 01:03:19 pm »
(Accepted OreoHeroz ^^)


The tiger watched as animals were led in the stadium, then coming back with blood on their teeth or claws.  Jupiter looked away and his handler entered the cage and began to wipe the blood off his muzzle. "I know, I know." His handler said as Jupiter growled. He rinsed the blood off the rag in a bowl of water that he had brought with him. " I will be right back." He said and left with the rag and bowl. Jupiter sat down and watched as two men entered the room, discussing the prisoner execution phase of the day. Then his handler walked in. He placed down a plate with meat in it, and a bowl with water in it. He pet Jupiter on the head, and left. Jupiter began to eat his food, which was a large amount, and drank his water.

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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2014, 04:18:13 pm »


"Go ahead, tell me that I'm not good enough. Tell me I can't do it. Because I'll show you over and over again that I can!"

The loud sudden roars of the crowd caused the Lioness jump-a growl rumbling up her scarred throat and soon erupting from her large jaws. As the sounds of shouts and roars echoed into the chamber area the animals were caged up in the rolled from her side and onto her stomach. Amber eyes glaring around as she observed everyone and most things that surrounded her-although everyone and everything was familiar she still done so everyday. The sudden clanking of metal caused her head to jerk, light suddenly filled the room and in he came, a large brute covered in blood. She could still hear the roaring crowd but they soon hushed. Allowing her jaws to pull apart in a yawn she decided it was time to rise.

The golden pelt of the she-cat slid across the ground as she began to push herself, paws spread apart and pressing against the colt surface-it seemed a relief to get herself off of the uncomfortable ground she had previously been sleeping on. "Least they could give us is a bed, since we have to fight for our meals..." she growld half to herself as she watched the brute passed-like her he had many scars filling his body from the brutal battles they had previously had. Although she wasn't to interested and just wanted food. With her stomach demanding food she turned to glance out her cage-thich bars lined her vision but through the gaps were the humans.

Wondering towards the edge of her cage Athena glanced out, her eyes narrowed and her tail violently whipping left and right with the tip curled up-her scarred muzzle poking out as she pulled in the scents-all that she could smell was blood, humans and the other animals. The Lionesses circular ears lifted then swirled around to hear what the humans had to say, a Hyena would soon be fighting. Looking to her left he was in view. Soon enough her trainer Tyran came towards her cage and looked down at the scarred feline. Smiling he put a hand on the bar "After that Hyena you're, make it quick though its over in an hour..." he spoke and quickly hurried off-preparing her opponent Mikuo-a man she indeed hated.

Grinning, Athena lifted from her haunches and onto her paws, her large body now standing in the usual proud lion stance. Allowing her claws the slide out, she dragged them across the ground-a noise that irritated manys ears echoed through the room. That of chalk on a board. With a grin still plastered across her face she quickly ran her tongue across her lips-the fight would be soon and with her stomach beating her up for food, she needed to win.

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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2014, 04:47:33 pm »

      Proserpine laid her head down on her paws as she heard the hyena just down the way. She stood up, went over to a pool of water Gaius had made a deal for her to have in her cage and submerged all but her head into the water. The water wasn't a clear lagoon quite like her eyes, but it was at least cool enough for her to calm down in. She absolutely loved this water here. She closed her eyes slowly.
      Moments later, Gaius came back with a deer that had been preserved, but was missing its leg, which was in his hand. The deer was on a wagon, and he was obviously going to save the legs for his little lady, and take the rest of it home to his family, consisting of his wife, his parents, and his son.
      He unlocked the gate and came in.
      Proserpine opened her eyes lazily to see who it was, before finally pulling herself out of the water and sitting in front of him in a polite way.
      He smiled at her. "Waiting, aren't you?" He chuckled. "Don't forget your manners, Pro."
      The tigress bowed her head a little as a thank you, then Gaius handed her her deer leg. He sat down in the cage with her, and watched her take bites that were small.
      "You know, the executions are next." He said with a sigh.
      She looked at him, then went back to eating.
      "It's strange, isn't it? Using you animals to do the work that us humans are too frightened to do ourselves." He started taking the kinks out of the chain that had held her in the ring. "I can only hope that we swallow that fear later on as time passes by, so that you magnificent beasts won't have to be stained with the filthy blood of traitors and murderers."
      She looked at the lioness and then the leopard. She had heard of the leopard, yes, but she wasn't one to have fear glaze her eyes. She knew the lioness was part of the executioners' brigade, having seen her, the hyena, a male leopard, and a solid white male lion leave together into the stadium many times before.
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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2014, 06:52:30 pm »

Ares was eating a hunk of meat while his human brushed his fur. Two men were talking just beyond his cage, then they walked to his cage. One of the men pointed to him, and said he would take part in the prisoner execution. Ares huffed and the men talked a little bit then left.

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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2014, 02:26:44 am »
"Everything that kills me makes me feel alive"



Vulcan raised his eyebrows at the beastly feline who was put in the cage just a few doors down from his own. "We'll see about that, old timer." The spotted hyena cackled, flicking his short tail at his haunches. Blowing a huff from his nostrils and shaking his head, he turned away and took a few walking laps around his cage, anxious to get in the ring soon. As he paced he exchanged glances with the other two felines who seemed to glance over at him. By now he was quite used to getting stares- being one of the only non-feline being held here currently. His broad jaws parting wide in a yawn, Vulcan stalked towards the front of his large cage and stuck his dark muzzle between the bars- taking in a long whiff of the air just outside it. Before too long it became clear the crowd outside was becoming louder, indicating the prisoners must have been recently brought out. The door to the cage room slid open, allowing another shaft of dim light pierce the darkness of the room as the human caretakers entered and halted in front of the hyena's cage. Vulcan chuffed in glee, backing up to stare up at the humans, his thin haired tail arched high to indicate his state of excitement. He allowed the man to slip a heavy link chain around his neck, and instantly darted forward, tugging on the chain lead. Maybe it was his gnawing hunger spurring him to want to kill quicker this round, or maybe it was just his desire to be admired by the crowd as he fulfilled his wild, natural urges to slaughter his opponents. On the way out, he didn't even bother to shoot a glance at one of the felines as he passed by their cages.

Vulcan's eyelids narrowed and he blinked rapidly as his pupils dilated to adjust to the suddenly bright sunlight as he stepped onto the sandy dirt ground of the arena. Immediately his nostrils were overwhelmed with the scent of blood as well as sweaty humans- and his round ears were filled with the ecstatic screaming of the spectators, as well as the begging prisoners at the center of the Colosseum. The second he saw his new targets- three men- the brute lunged forward, only to be yanked back and in turn choked by the chain around his neck that was held at the end of a chain leash. Panting and yapping in anticipation, he continued to tug like a dog longing to chase a squirrel. The prisoners were unarmed, but were allowed free range to run and fight with what they had- their hands. Vulcan snapped his ominous jaws together with a loud clack, teeth bared while he snarled, neck mane standing on end. With word from the spectating Emperor, the soldiers unhooked the chain-link leash, sending the hyena barreling towards the criminals like a police dog after a suspect. In an instant, he was upon one man, jaws already clamped firmly upon his forearm. The sheer weight and force of the full grown spotted hyena slamming into the man was enough to trip him off his feet and knock him to the ground. The man screamed and struggled beneath the weight of the hyena, vigorously bashing and tugging at the animal's head with his free hand in a vain attempt at getting his jaws off his arm.

The more the prisoner fought back, the harder Vulcan adjusted his grip. Tighter and tighter- until Snap! His well tuned jaws- made for crushing bone- had snapped the man's two forearm bones in half like a toothpick, drawing blood-curdling shrieks from the man. The screaming made Vulcan release the now limp, floppy arm and raise his head to glance at the crying human. A moment of unintentional hesitation that did not last long. He lunged his jaws forward again, this time clasping them tight around the man's throat, and with one hard upward thrash of his head, silence him by extracting his esophagus altogether. He thought about consuming the fleshy tube now hanging from his bloody jaws, but his attention was quickly diverted to the other two prisoners to be executed, both fleeing. Snarling, Vulcan dropped the muscle and stepped off the bloody corpse. With a menacing clack of his jaws, he careened towards his next victim. This one had a running start, and running behind him spurred Vulcan's predatory instinct even more. He adjusted his gait to a carefree lope, using his endurance to wear this one down instead of wasting all the energy to chase him down at high speeds. Once he'd rested enough by adjusting his pace, he slowly began to speed up, eyes firmly fixed upon the tiring man before him. Once he was close enough, he lurched his head forward, snapping at the man's ankles with a couple barks. With one more stride, his snapping teeth made their mark on the man's calf muscle. As soon as his canines were buried in the muscle, Vulcan gave his head a sideways thrash, tugging his victim off his feet.

Collapsing in a heap upon the ground, the man desperately scrambled to get up, wriggling in the hyena's firm hold on his calf. With his free foot, he quickly brought it up, catching Vulcan on the side of the head with a strong kick, making him lose his grip for a moment. Shaking his cranium, he got his head back in the game and pounced on the man's back as he tried to crawl away and possibly regain his feet, pinning him with his standing body weight. With no more hesitation, he brought those bone-crushing jaws down upon the back of hte man's neck, severing his upper spinal cord with one hard crunch. This prisoner dispatched, Vulcan now turned his attention to the last one. Quickly this time, he sprang for the other man, who was standing in the center of the ring facing him. Letting out a sharp snapping bark, the hyena lunged for him head-on. This man fought back. With his strong hands, he grasped Vulcan by the thick fur and muscle on the sides of his neck, deterring his attack as he held him back, leaning backwards to avoid the snapping jaws at his face. The man suddenly brought up his knee, nailing Vulcan in the stomach. That blow almost knocked the breath out of him, making him pull away and put all four paws on the ground to catch his breath. He quickly recovered and snapped his glare back to the man. Huffing, he suddenly hopped into an easy lope, circling the man- all the while with his head low and tail high, letting out a high pitched cackling sound. All at once, he lunged for the man's side, this time catching him the way he'd previously planned. With his momentum and weight, he shoved the man to the ground. After a bit more struggling, Vulcan managed to get his jaws around the throat of the man, piercing the jugular with his canines. This one he decided to let bleed out. The crowd was on their feet by now, screaming and cheering in approval of the underestimated hyena who stood atop another lifeless carcass he'd made. He always loved execution matches. Easy meal for little price.
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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2014, 02:15:05 pm »


Jupiter watched as a hyena was led into the stadium. He lay down and pricked his ears when he heard the pained cries of prisoners. He usually never fought in the Prisoner Execution. The crowd cheered, and the hyena came back. Jupiter nodded to the hyena then began grooming himself.

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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2014, 04:29:48 pm »
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�

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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2014, 05:01:12 pm »
"Everything that kills me makes me feel alive"



Standing victoriously over the deceased corpse, Vulcan instinctively set his gaze upon that tempting-looking chest that was teeming with muscle tissue and meat. Completely ignoring the soldiers that had begun to move over to hook the chain around his neck and bring him back, the hyena lunged his strong jaws downward, sinking his rounded canines into the thin human flesh. The crowd continued to sadistically cheer, watching as the victor tore open the rib cage of the executed prisoner he stood on top of. It was a habit of his, and the guards often let him take at least a couple mouthfuls before restraining him, simply for the purpose of further pleasing the blood-thirsty crowd of Roman citizens.

Just as Vulcan tore free part of a bloody rib bone, the soldiers had managed to attach the chain leash to the heavy chain around his neck- thus tearing him away from the now ripped open carcass of the prisoner, though not without protestant yaps and tugs of the hyena. Eventually, though, Vulcan remembered the prize awaiting him upon his return- food. Huffing a few cackling noises, he shook his head and turned, obediently following the humans who led him back to the dark containment room where the other animals were held.

As those large double doors creaked open and the light from the outside world pierced the darkness- revealing the faces of the other creatures in their cages- Vulcan strolled in, his blood-stained head held high in pride. He walked along side the Roman soldier, almost strutting as he let his ego flow forth until he was lightly shoved into his large cage. Rounded ears craned forward, he took in a couple rapid sniffs, fluffy tail swaying as he waited impatiently for his reward. He clacked his jaws together, barking out a couple gruff cackles as he put his forepaws on the railing, nudging the soldier's arm from between the bars as he approached with an armfull of fresh meat. Without uttering a word, the man tossed the  side of raw beef into the cage- the meat making an echoing splattering noise as it hit the stone floor. Chuffing that trademark hyena "laugh", Vulcan wheeled around and placed himself before the bloody meat. Little time passed before he began to stuff his face, his jaws loudly crunching on the meat and bone.

The sounds of sloppy feeding filled the room as he gorged himself, not caring for how bloody his face or fur got. In the midst of his eating, subtle voices made his satellite dish ears flick, drawing his attention towards the cage of a white tigress- and- a human? Intrigued by this odd pair, Vulcan turned his head towards them while he chewed, tipping it to the side in bewilderment. "Psh, why are you just hanging around with him? They shouldn't be a friend, so why associate yourself with them like that? It's only gonna get you in trouble, you fur-brained cat." Vulcan huffed disapprovingly, unable to comprehend the concept of friendship between a human and an animal. Humans, to him, were viewed as either authority, or as enemies. There was no in between.
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Re: Renewed Blood - Fight RP - |OPEN AND ACCEPTING|
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2014, 06:35:59 pm »
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�