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Human Roleplays In-Game
« on: September 03, 2014, 08:59:41 pm »
...Well, let's get this over with...

Well, I hate this topic already. -quiet cursing- So, the humans of Bonfire. Take a couple of looksies at 'em. Look at 'em good.
Do you notice something? Well, I do. Where are the African Americans? WHY ARE THEY ALL WHITE?! Not to mention that we don't look like that... We aren't 25% clothes with our butts showing in the common humans. We're not all white. We're not all teenagers.
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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 09:09:58 pm »
I have to agree on this I've seen my fair share of human characters and most if not all look like the first character on the picture. But of course I can see how difficult it would be to make a human character with how most of the markings are.
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Offline Wyldercat

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2014, 09:16:29 pm »
I will never, as long as I live, roleplay a human on Feral Heart. It's an ANIMAL roleplaying game. But, for those who DO roleplay humans, I think they are entirely unrealistic. They all either have powers or guns, are a vampire, or are almost completely naked except for a T-shirt. I just don't like them... but that's my preference.

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 11:35:24 pm »
I like playing as a human.  You can't make a wolf or lion look like a person though.  Your over thinking this, take a look at the bios and you'll most likely understand the appearance.  A simple example,

Joseph is tall with brown eyes and black messy hair.  He has black runes all over his body, showing at his arms and legs.

Really just looking he appears to be naked but these markings are better for him.
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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2014, 12:39:03 am »
I always giggle when ever I remind myself that people use that one certain marking for the clothes; you guys know which one I'm talking about. For me, when I create my "humans" in game. I always base their fur color off the hair color and use normal markings. I like to think of "What would this person look like in wolf form?". And then I go from there.

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2014, 02:06:27 am »
What I usually do with my human characters is just pick the colors of their clothes, such as pants as the underpelt and shirt as the main pelt or something, and use the german shepard markings for the face then make that the color of their skin.

Usually, though, I just make white human/certain humanoid characters because I'm /used/ to white people. I'm not racist or anything, I just don't want a black human/oid character. owo At least, that's what I do. Most of the people I see on the Internet are white, y'know? I have seen some blackish characters, such as one of my own though in the past.

...And more of my rambly logic, maybe people make teenager characters because they're teenagers themselves and think they roleplay them better? I don't do this, though, oddly; Most of my characters are almost the opposite of me in age and gender. Can't blame 'em if they're not gonna try something slightly different in those areas, though. ^^

Still don't get the whole t-shirt thing, though. Maybe people just like t-shirts more than pants? o-o (hahlolno) Or just can't think of something else, maybe...

Gotta love 'em humanoids either way, though, whether it be guilty-pleasure (Isthatright?) or realistic sort of roleplays. |D Again, though, we have a variety of making our character how we want them to be, right? Even if it's cliche... I apologize if I don't seem to be getting the point exactly, but... Eh.

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2014, 02:27:48 am »
I, personally, role-play humans - practically - twenty-four-seven; I have more than eighteen of them.
Now, I don't use the "human" markings that others would use; I use the markings that I find attractive and pretty to me - I also use any color, too.
Take Lucas ans Wolfie (Wolfie being my avatar and Lucas being my siggy). Believe it or not, they're both humans. Wolfie has the default "Bubbles" for the body, "SpottedHyena" for the face, and the "HighRing" for her tail. Lucas has MM (can't remember which ones, though), and they both don't look like humans, but I role-play as them.
And, TwistedLizard, Wolfie doesn't know how to use a gun - nor does she have powers, she's a normal being. And Lucas is a SnK OC of mine, he knows how to use his 3DMG and his only "power" is him being a titanshifter (though, he's currently not aware of it).

They are both white - though Lucas is technically half-Spanish - because I'm white and I mainly see white people - I'm not even trying to be racist, it's just common for me to see. I know that role-playing tries to make new experiences with you, but you can't just experience it without it being physically in front of you.
Maybe it's just me, though.

Offline Wyldercat

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2014, 06:31:26 pm »
I like playing as a human.  You can't make a wolf or lion look like a person though.  Your over thinking this, take a look at the bios and you'll most likely understand the appearance.  A simple example,

Joseph is tall with brown eyes and black messy hair.  He has black runes all over his body, showing at his arms and legs.

Really just looking he appears to be naked but these markings are better for him.
These are actually better looking humans. I prefer the ones that have the entire pelt for clothing or the pelt as their hair-color.

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2014, 08:47:04 pm »
My two tries at making humans:



With Bob I had the pelt as the clothing and the markings as skin. (I was looking for a marking that covered the entire face but couldn't find one, so that one was the next best one.) With Bobette I used the markings as clothing and the pelt as skin.

I'm bad at making hoomans

As much as I hate the look of the humans without tails, I don't see any purpose for it, so I don't have those included on the beautiful characters. (Also the floppy ears is because I forgot humans have ears and I was going for earless... and I prefer the floppy ears for earless characters while other go for back ears, but meh)

I don't really like human roleplays.. no offense, but this as Lizard said this is an ANIMAL roleplaying game, and I bet there are human roleplaying games as well. (I wouldn't be able to suggest any since I just go for the animal games) It is true that most of them are teens. Also all of them seem to be horse riders or something

I have an idea though... someone make a shirt and pants item that a canine/feline could wear and solve the pantless people problem... xD *Gasps* Entire human clothes item pack! Item makers, get to it! XD

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Re: Human Roleplays In-Game
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2014, 04:49:39 am »
I, personally, role-play humans - practically - twenty-four-seven; I have more than eighteen of them.
Now, I don't use the "human" markings that others would use; I use the markings that I find attractive and pretty to me - I also use any color, too.
Take Lucas ans Wolfie (Wolfie being my avatar and Lucas being my siggy). Believe it or not, they're both humans. Wolfie has the default "Bubbles" for the body, "SpottedHyena" for the face, and the "HighRing" for her tail. Lucas has MM (can't remember which ones, though), and they both don't look like humans, but I role-play as them.
And, TwistedLizard, Wolfie doesn't know how to use a gun - nor does she have powers, she's a normal being. And Lucas is a SnK OC of mine, he knows how to use his 3DMG and his only "power" is him being a titanshifter (though, he's currently not aware of it).

They are both white - though Lucas is technically half-Spanish - because I'm white and I mainly see white people - I'm not even trying to be racist, it's just common for me to see. I know that role-playing tries to make new experiences with you, but you can't just experience it without it being physically in front of you.
Maybe it's just me, though.
Hey, Wolfie! *Waving*

But, i have to agree with most of Wolfie here.

Along with dragons, Humans are also something I commonly roleplay. I personally have three myself, one of them being a WIP. I'll touch dragons in another thread, of course, but for now onto the main subject!

I have Rosalva Arce, Yeva Monore, and Estelle Sonnen. Each of them has a marking set that, not only resembles hair or clothing color, but also personality.

For instance, Rosalva has Corgi for body and Raccoon for head (Both MM3 markings). Corgi has a soft, subtle feeling to it, representing a calm outlook on the world and a kind interior. Raccoon represents the cold and uncaring exterior put up around her in two ways. It's actually quite jagged, not fading into wisps like say the German Shepard face marking. The raccoon 'mask' is, of course, that uncaring mask. It can also be used to represent her past, which she is skillful in keeping hidden. Her tail markings I don't remember, but I think they represented her rank within the Shatterdome. Rosy is a Ranger, or Jaeger Pilot. She isn't called into action as often as you'd think, and outside of the Drift the only 'power' she has is the leftover link to her partner from the Drift itself, A.K.A. Ghost-Drifting.

Yeva has no powers, unless you count excellent tree-climbing as one. Then again, she has an oak in her backyard she's used to climbing.

Estelle is the WIP, and is an SnK OC. The only thing I think she knows how to do is use her 3DMG.

As with Wolfie, I'm not racist, just not used to roleplaying people of other colors (Rosy has spanish bloodlines and Yeva has French and Russian, I believe). It all depends on the person's abilities and experience with what and/or who they roleplay, anyways.

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