Author Topic: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]  (Read 36443 times)

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #100 on: December 27, 2014, 06:51:13 am »

Charlotte Black

Her eyes remained lock on the school for a number of minutes, her brightly coloured auds waved over people as she watched over them in slight anger - especially the group of lads she had previously had a problem with. Soon enough her eyes rested on to the duo whom she had met before. It still baffled her as to why they acted in the way they did, but maybe she would soon find out off Jacob. Allowing her gaze to rest on them for a few more minutes she watched as the lad helped the lass onto the bike and sped off, growling a distant howl soon drew her attention off of the two as she looked back in the forest. It was Seth calling. Looking back towards the school she narrowed her eyes and let off one last growl before she set off at an incredibly fast pace towards her cousins house.

Within minutes she was there and as soon as she arrived she was greeted by Seth and Leah who welcomed her with open arms and smiles. "Hey guys, um where's Jake?" she questioned as she formed back into her human; now wearing a ripped pair of small shorts and a vest "He's in there, he said he wanted to speak too you or something? I don't know I forget sometimes...." the youngest of the pack spoke with  a shrug. Chuckling she grabbed Seth and got him in a headlock, until a gruff tone caught her attention "Charlotte, we need a word..." Jake muttered, showing a slight smile as he slowly entered the log-cabin style house. Looking at Leah and Seth she gave them questioning glances, but they just seemed to shrug. Sighing, the youngish lass quietly followed her much larger cousin into the house, joining him on the sofa. Looking at the tanned lad she smiled, but he didn't seem at all impressed. "What were you doing back there? The way you handled that situation with them guys! If you keep going on like that you're going to get yourself caught, and I'm not just saying this for the packs sake. I'm saying it for you as well. There's people out there. Horrible, bad, vile people that will as soon as they find out will kill you or even worse. You need to calm down is all I'm saying..." nodding to what the lad had to say it was also obvious she'd have her protests "Yeah, and you use to be like me, where do you think I got it from? Now, do you know anyone called Colin, or heard if anything? He didn't give me no last name, but when I spoke who I was he seemed put off?" of course she was a little concerned. However Jacob didn't know anyone under the name Colin "Never knew anyone under the name of Colin. You say he acted strange? I'd keep an eye on that lad Char. Now run along, come back if you need me!" and with that the two exchanged hugs. Hurrying into her room she grabbed some clothes and threw them on within a matter of seconds, even though she wasn't going back to school she still needed to look presentable. Once she was changed Charlotte exited the house and gave her remaining family members hugs. Going into the small garage she got on her black bike and got it started up and down one of the small hills, waving as she passed by the familiar faces.

Charlotte's hands were clenched tightly on the bars of her well-used bike, being her favourite form of travel - obviously apart from the wolf side of things. This was a bike her cousin had fixed up for her. Whizzing through the trees seemed to give her the sense that she was being watched, however when she looked up no one was there. Shaking her head she picked up the speed on her bike, wind blowing her hair back, she rarely wore a helmet which gave her all the more the thrill. Today was the day she'd be getting her tattoo to represent the pack, however she was getting it in a different place as Jacob said it was alright, Leah had also got it in a different place - on her foot. As she passed through the small town her eyes wondered on each of the shops until arriving at her desired one. Parking up her bike she stepped off and looked across the street. Charlotte froze as she glanced at Colin and Keena sitting in the diner, running her hand through her hair she turned and entered to tattoo shop she told showed the tattooist a picture and where she wanted it located. Waiting, thoughts ran through her mind.

This but behind her ear and smaller and on her wrist.

(So sorry I haven't posted lately I've been so busy with Christmas and all but I shall be more active now. Also, this post was quickly thought and wrote up as I couldn't think of anything but also because it's 06:45 am and I've had no sleep what so ever.)
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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #101 on: December 27, 2014, 12:38:59 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #102 on: December 27, 2014, 07:43:19 pm »

Colin Abell

Huffing lightly he raised his head and rubbed his hands over his face, trying to banish the cold sweat. "Y-yeah... I'm fine." He gave her a weak smile before looking back out the window, only to freeze at the sight of her. "Charlotte Black." He growled lightly under his breath, ducking away from the window slightly. Slapping down a few bills, Colin quickly rose from the seat, "Alright, if you want to pack up the left overs, I think I- we need to go." He then walked out towards the bike before halting. "What would Jack do? Observe, follow, yes. Don't be an idiot Colin." He whispered to himself, smiling at Keena before deciding to head over to the tattoo shop. He then pulled open the door, hesitating slightly in the entrance and castes Charlotte a glance before walking up to the front counter.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #103 on: December 27, 2014, 10:12:41 pm »

Keena MacDonald

Keena watches him worryingly. But she guesses that she should leave him alone about it. She continues on her burger before hearing Colin speak. She then happens to look at the window and notices Char walking by. She goes to give her a small wave but it seems to aggravate Colin so she stops. She mumbles something before following him to the tattoo store. She leans against a wall and looks around nervously.

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #104 on: December 28, 2014, 12:55:22 am »

Colin Abell

"Keena, come on over here." He waved her over to the desk, behind it a wall covered in designs "If you want one, just ask. I'll pay for yours" he then turned to the artist and handed her the piece of paper. She led him to a reclining chair and he took off his shirt. Sitting down and leaning back, the lady bent down over his chest, turning on the gun like utensil. Colin looked up at Charlotte, blue eyes narrowed. So far nothing had happened to alert him that something was wrong. So he simply closed his eyes again, barely feeling the sting of ink being imbedded into his skin.
"Brother!" Jack shouted, just managing to move the two of them out of the way of the oncoming vehicle. The young Colin hunkered on the side of the road, his eyes wide as the moon. Jack licked him on the forehead lightly "Get up, we need to go." Blinking slowly, Colin stood on his fawn like legs and followed his brother towards the city lights. They ran faster than they had ever been forced to run before, and within half an hour they had reached the outer suburbs of the large city.
The two then rented a room in a shabby motel and began to settle down. Colin sat down on the bed and stared at his hands "I didn't do it Jack. I swear... I didn't do it!" He rubbed his small hands over his face as Jack sat down next to him. "Calm down- I'm sure it will all be fi-"
The door swung open and three men in black stormed into the room, guns blazing. Colin screamed as bullets rained down on him and his brother, shrieking as one grazed the side of his chest.

Colin hissed and opened his eyes, only to see that the artist was dabbing at his side with a tissue, blotting up small beads of blood "Sorry." She gave a slight smile and he slowly unclenched his fingers and relaxed back into the seat.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #105 on: December 28, 2014, 03:11:06 am »

Charlotte Black

Charlotte sat quietly as she watched people exit and enter the shop, the door slamming when someone done so. As she waited she allowed her gaze to rest on the wall to her right, eyes observing the pictures which hung on the wall, showing off many great looking tattoos - however she want't here for one of those, she was here for the tribes tattoo; every pack would have a certain 'mark' of their own which was more than likely a tattoo and even though theirs was rather somewhat plain, she liked it and it stood out from other detailed ones other packs would have. However, unlike most lasses, Charlotte wasn't one for what you'd call 'girly' tattoos and instead she'd prefer a tribal style one or a one which had a meaning too her of course, but there was also the room for one which caught her eyes. The sudden sound of the tattooing pen caused her head to lift as she watched someone get their tattoo coloured. Even though this was her first tattoo she wasn't at all nervous, if anything she was excited. Watching the lasses facial expressions and moans she shook her head and laughed "Wimp..." she mumbled to herself crossing her arms and placing her hands on either side of the chair, allowing her eyes to wonder around the tattoo store once again. Now and then shooting a glance at the clock in order to keep track of time, and also to see how long it would take for her tattoo to be started and finished.

As the door was opened and a cold breeze blew into the room her head turned to meat two figures. Ones she quickly recognised as Keena and Colin. Her eyes only remained on the lass for a few seconds, but she was more interested in Colin, only because of the way he acted towards her, looking at Keena she gave her a friendly, welcoming smile, even though Char also got the impression that Keena had similar feelings towards her like Colin did. Looking towards the few rooms which held the tattooing seats, which doors were wide open allowing you to see the people being tattooed, she watched Colin as he entered one of the rooms. Watching as she lad was getting his tattoo she let out a sigh, but her eyes then narrowed as she listened too the lads hiss - feeling a growl rumbling up her throat she was just able to disguise it as a cough. Leaning back in the chair she began tapping her finder tips against the wall, allowing her fingers to follow the patters of one of the photographs which were hung on the wall. Following the patten several times her eyes then wondered onto Keena, then the clock, then onto Colin, and back onto the clock. Watching the bloke at the desk handing out paper, answering calls, writing things in the computer and seeing customers, she allowed a shrug to take over her shoulders. Within minutes Charlotte had wondered off into a sort of daydream, but she was able to hear and almost see everything happening around her.

The sudden sound of a gruff tone caused her to come out of her trance the lasses head then turned towards a bulky lad standing just outside one of the rooms "Charlotte Black?!" he called as he looked around the room. Allowing a small smile to grow across her lips she uncrossed her arms and legs, then carefully lifting up from the seat, making her way towards the room she shot once last glance into the room where Colin was located, her eyes narrowing a little as she brushed passed the door frame. Taking a sat in the leather chair and began searching through the pocket of her leather jacket "Here's a list of the tattoos we have, which one would you like?" the rather striking bloke questioned as he began to set up the equipment needed "Well, I'm wanting one of my own. Here it is" she smiled passing him the paper. Sitting quietly she watched as the lad examined it, nodding he smiled "You're wanting this on your hip and wrist?" "Yes" she muttered "Alright, well just lean back and lift your top a little.." the lad spoke as he tested out the pen. Sitting back Charlotte then ruffled up her top, looking down as the lad began inking her tanned body. "Any reason why you're wanting this tattoo?" the gadgie spoke as his gaze remained on her hip and the picture which he was copying from "It's a family thing, most of us have it." was all she had to say "Anything special about it?" "Nope, I guess you could say its a 'mark' or something..." she spoke which was then followed by an awkward chuckle, she didn't really want to give anything away or make the lad suspicious "Well, tattoos with meanings/reasons are the best..." he replied with a smile, nodding her head she also smiled - her gaze more focused on the black marks which were being left on her body.

What she's wearing but not the bag.
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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #106 on: December 29, 2014, 10:31:17 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #107 on: December 30, 2014, 03:02:45 am »

Colin Abell

Sitting in the chair quietly, he decided it was best not to try and remember anymore of his past. Briefly recalling the fact that Keena had left and went outside, Colin sunk into his chair, sighing lightly as the woman put the finishing touches on his design. She then wrapped his side in a few layers of bandages, allowing him to then pull his shirt back on and slip into his jacket. After he was led back to the front, he pulled out a few bills to pay the girl when he froze, listening intently. His super acute hearing picked up a scuffle, and a very familiar voice shouting "N-No, go away!". Gritting his teeth, Colin hurried out the door, making a quick stop at his bike to pick up a small handgun that was locked under the seat. Loading it quickly, he stormed towards the source of the sounds with a deadly expression on his face.

Colin arrived just to see a small group of men running for their lives, one bleeding from a bite wound on his arm. Not really caring whom they were, he lifted the gun to aim, squeezing the trigger mercilessly. A round caught one of the men in his shoulder, another hit the other man's thigh, but they kept running like the little cowards that they were. He now turned his attention down the alley, only to find a scraggly, thin, black and white wolf huddled in the corner, eyes clenched shut as it panted slightly. After tucking the gun in his waist band Colin approached carefully, almost 100% certain that this canine in front of him was  in fact his acquaintance/friend. Can I even call her a friend? Does she want to be friends? Back to the real problem here Colin. he mentally griped at himself before he stopped a few feet away.

"Keena. Kee, it's alright, they're gone now. I need you to shift back now so I can see if you are hurt."


design by hard-art-rima on deviantART

it's a glockkkkkkkk!!!!
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #108 on: December 30, 2014, 01:55:57 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #109 on: December 30, 2014, 04:41:41 pm »

Colin Abell

Colin nodded slowly, making sure to remind himself that he would hunt down the other bastards later. "Alright, you can stop being so paranoid, you'll be fine. Since you have no clothes, go ahead and shift back. I'll go talk to Charlotte-" he cringed when he said the name, but straightened up "to see if she has anything extra. If not I can run and pick up something while you wait in the parlor, yeah?" He pulled out his gun and set it on the dumpster next to her, "If you would like to stay in human form, here's my gun, and my jacket." Colin shrugged off the jacket and set it down next to the glock. He then gave her a little nod before bounding back to the shop, stopping at the front desk. The lady looked up with a smile, "Hello again, how may I help you?" Colin gave the woman a small, tight smile; "It seems to me that my dog has somehow gotten out of the house and followed me here. If she comes around, could she stay inside for a little bit while I talk to someone?" After pondering it slightly, the lady nodded "Of course, the puppy can stay in the back room." he nodded his thanks before looking around for the other wolf shifter in the shop.

Colin found Charlotte in one of the rooms, getting her design inked into the skin just above her waist. "Black." he growled lightly, leaning in the doorway. "Excuse me for interrupting, but Keena is having a slight problem. Do you by any chance have an extra set of clothes somewhere?" The boy looked around the room, not wanting to look her straight in the eye.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."