Author Topic: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]  (Read 36272 times)

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #130 on: January 05, 2015, 10:06:01 pm »

Charlotte Black

Looking at her good friend Charlotte gave out a chuckle, nodding her head then giving it a tilt at the same time as she gave her shoulders a shrug. She did agree with Ray. It was something Charlotte herself loved to do. You would often see the dark haired lass paying no attention in class with her either singing to herself, staring out of the window, drawing, being on her phone or annoying others around her just to cause a small, stupid scene to simply amuse herself. However, some times she would be stood outside or even inside the head masters office, ready for a bollocking - it was rather funny though how they would continue to make the lass wait, they weren't ever able to catch her or keep her wrong enough the scold her as she would usually just walk out, not really caring whether it was allowed or not. Being in not many of her friends classes was boring and doing this was to amuse herself, although having Charlotte and Rayna in the same idea was probably one of the ideas which could have possibly brought on. Even on deciding the timetables the teachers had been rather thick to allow them in to several classes together. This would only cause mayhem and be very stressful for both students and teachers. But after so long of seeing one another it was nice to see her good friend, whom she already trusted greatly and seemed to have the same ability as her. The lass remained leant on the bike as she continued shooting glances between the near by forest and the red-headed lass.

However, the compliment of her shirt soon caused her head to turn with a smile as she looked down at the top "This old thing? Thanks, it's one of my favorites!" she smiled using her hands to bag up the top ever so slightly "You look rather smart today, anyone you're trying to impress?" Char questioned with a smirk as she pushed herself up off of the bike, tilting her head as she let out several 'hmms' to hurry the lass up. Many would be put off by Charlottes personality, which sometimes was rather upsetting, she was even surprised Ray had became friends with her - but she guessed the lass had gotten use to the ways she acted which was a relief. Then hearing her question she sighed "Boring, as usual. Although I did meet two people, the lad seemed a little strange around me though. I don't know why..." she shrugged, itching at her wrist she looked down then smiled "Ah, and I got the packs 'mark' on my wrist!" she smiled raising her wrist to show her. Looking back towards the forest she noticed Rayna also looking towards it "Lets go?" she grinned, the bike was already parked in a small area where it usually was, so it would be safe here for a while.

What she's wearing but not the bag.
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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #131 on: January 05, 2015, 10:44:25 pm »

Keena MacDonald

Keena mutters something inaudiable before gingerly getting on the bike behind Colin. She takes the helmet from him and places it on her shaggy hair. She then puts her arms around him waiting for the bike to go. She sighs quietly. She really didnt like it in the homeless shelter but she couldnt think of another solution to her problems. But she didnt want to say that to Colin. He was upset enough.

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #132 on: January 06, 2015, 01:27:08 am »

Colin Abell

Colin turned the key and his bike roared to life. He then let it zoom forwards, cutting directly into traffic where a few cars honked at him, but he couldn't care less. Instead, his eyes were glued in front of him, a grim expression set on his face, and his hands gripped the handle bars so tightly that his knuckles turned white. The bike swerved around traffic precariously, but Colin didn't care, he was frustrated with himself and ready to give up. A few minutes later he approached the shelter that Keena stayed at, where he slowed to a fraction of the speed he was going at earlier.

Giving the dingy old building a hard look, blue eyes narrowed frighteningly, Colin didn't actually stop the bike. He kept going, past the shelter with his friend still on the back seat. "Sorry Kee. You're not going to be staying there tonight." he said over the sound of the wind and sped up the bike once more.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #133 on: January 06, 2015, 09:51:59 am »

Rayna Branwell

"Boring, as usual. Although I did meet two people, the lad seemed a little strange around me though. I don't know why..." A name immediately came to Rayna's mind, Colin Abell, the boy that was in few of her classes. She had spoken to him a few times and despite his good looks, he was an utter d*ck; but there was something about him that made her wonder. Charlotte's voice snapped her back to reality as the brunette's wrist was brought up to be admired. As she examined the patterns and spirals, Rayna was reminded of Charlotte's cousin, Jake, and his pack. She sighed, sometimes she wished that she could be part of a pack, but she was stuck with being a 'lone fox'. Glancing back at the forest once more, Char's words surprised her. "Let's go?" Rayna grinned. "Oh, God, yes."

Grabbing her friends hand, Rayna broke into a run and made her way to the forest, stopping only to tie her amazingly tiny bag to her leg. She had learned that trick from the Black pack, having met them only once, she had learnt much more of her ability and how to control it. Taking a deep breath in the concealment of the trees, she closed her eyes and shifted. The first time she had shifted, it had felt like her bones were all breaking and reforming and her skin was being torn off. She had looked at herself in the mirror and screamed- no, yelped- at the animal she was. Now it was only a pins-and-needles sensation, a short uncomfortable tingling and the growing of the world around her. Looking back to see where Charlotte was, the fox's muzzle stretched into a sharp-toothed grin. It had been such a long time since she had done this.

"Trust my rage."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #134 on: January 06, 2015, 07:15:56 pm »

Keena MacDonald

Keena stays quiet through the majority of the ride, keeping a tight grip on Colin. Despite experiencing it before, she still didnt feel comfortable on this bike, going at this speed. She watches everything whizz by them in a blur as they go. As the bike slows down next to the shelter, Keena goes to get off. But when the bike suddenly revs back to life and speeding off, Keena grabs him by the shirt to prevent herself being thrown off of the bike backwards. She just manages to hear his voice through the wind. "What? Wait a minute, why?"" she cries, thoroughly confused. If she didnt go there every day, that weird guy with the runny eye would get her space on the bunk bed! What was going on?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #135 on: January 07, 2015, 01:49:34 am »

Charlotte Black

Hearing what Ray had to say about her day Charlotte couldn't help but nod. She agreed with her, the days so far had been rather boring and in her eyes uneventful - this was something which she disliked quite a lot. Not having anything to do often bothered the lass and did make her quite mad, but then again it was also her fault by not finding anything to occupy her short attention span. After showing her the tattoo, Char then drew her hand back and examined it herself; the lines and the patterns had been done fantastically, nothing seemed out of place or anything, it was exactly like the picture she had shown him. Charlotte hadn't been forced into getting the tattoo just yet, Jake allowed her a little longer along with Seth and a few others as they were still in school, but Char was a lot like her cousin and it appeared that her and him weren't that much different when you thought of it. Rubbing the tattoo with the thumb of her other hand the dark haired lass then smiled as she heard the lasses answer about going into the forest in their shifter forms. If she could Charlotte would wonder around all day as the blue eyes wolf she possessed the form of, but it wasn't really approved that this was done. Looking down her her clothes Charlottes eyes widened, this was one of her favourite sets. However, she was unable to find a quick place to undress as she felt a tight feeling on her hand and was dragged off. Shrugging, she went with the flow and excelled into a run, only a few steps in front of her friend.

Running into the forest Charlotte stopped herself from instantly changing into her werewolf and instead hid herself in the cover of one of the larger bushes. Quickly unbuttoning her shirts and pulling it off, taking the hat from her head, pulling off the Timberlands and black skinny jeans which she quickly folded and placed in a neat pile covered by a medium sized rock. Smiling, the lass closed her eyes as she took a step forward, now only in her underwear. Letting out a quiet growl she leapt forward. A huge black wolf then hit the ground with a heavy thud, striking bright eyes she had. Running her tongue across her lips the large canine trotted out from behind the bush, quietly approaching the smaller mammal which seemed to be looking for her. Stalking closer Charlotte managed to get right up to her ear, letting out a quiet growl, then stepping back a grin appeared on her face as her head tilted and she looked down at the red fox. her tail wagging as she waited to see what they could do next. Charlotte did want to bring up the pack though and explain to her about Sam, the pack seemed much happier since he was knocked from alpha position and seemed to leave. Remaining still with only her tail swaying the hug wolf waited.

This is a werewolfs height compared to a human;

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #136 on: January 07, 2015, 02:17:40 am »

Colin Abell

Colin grabbed Keena's hand as she slipped off the seat slightly, pulling it back around his waist where she could hold on better. "What's going on is that you are not going to be staying at the shelter anymore. You are going to be staying with Jack and I. " he stated simply, almost as if it were obvious. Moments later he pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex. The boy hopped off quickly and plucked her up off the seat easily, unbuckling the helmet and pulling it off her head. Colin then took her hand and led her towards the building that he was staying in. He shoved his keys in his pocket and they had just reached the front doors an elderly woman jumped in front of him.

 "What do you think you are doing Mr. Abell? You've already run around the place half naked, now you bring home a girl. No sir, back in my day the boys waited until after the 5th date before trying to bring home girls. Not to mention that they didn't run around naked, definitely not. You are a very irresponsible young man! You need to start rethinking your life choices! You need to-" Colin growled and pushed past the woman "Yeah, yeah, I need to be respectful, I need to be nicer. Thanks for the lecture Miss. Dahlia. Now if you would please excuse my friend and I we have to go work on a project. he pulled Keena into the building lightly "Sorry about her. She's hated me since the beginning."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #137 on: January 07, 2015, 11:37:38 pm »

Keena MacDonald

Keena listens to his explaination -or as much as she could with the wind- but she is still not able to understand why he was doing this. She doesnt say anything for the rest of the ride until they get to the apartment, where she climbs off of the bike nervously and follows him into the apartment building. As the old woman suddenly jumps out, screaming, Keena jumps away from them, almost back out of the door. But when Colin was able to calm the situation down, she allows herself to be pulled along with him. "It's ok..." she says quietly in response to what he said before raising the question that had been driving her mad for the last few hours. "Colin... can I ask...? why are you doing all this? I mean... the food and money... and now asking me to live with you? I just dont get it... we just met this morning and you took my food- so why?" she asks him after a few moments. She says this in a quiet but somewhat firm voice. Letting him know that she did want an answer.

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #138 on: January 08, 2015, 03:23:22 am »

Colin Abell

After hearing Keena's question, Colin's steps faltered slightly before coming to a halt. He dropped her hand and looked at the ground. "I honestly don't know. But if there is one thing that you should know is that I am not the cold hearted bastard that everyone makes me out to be. No matter how much easier it would be to not care about anything. I do care." He paused for a second to glance at her before returning his gaze to the ground, running a hand through his hair. " I'm offering you a place to stay because... Well, you intrigue me. I can see your potential, but I can also see what's holding you back from being that amazing person I know you can be. I've been in your place before, it's tough living in a shelter, and I want to give my friends the best possible chance they have at life." Colin paused to take a breath before continuing. " Keena. You may have only know me for a day, but as creepy as it sounds, I've kept an eye on you. Actually there are quite a few people who are under my watch, but nevertheless I have studied and done my research. I only want to see you do better in this world than I have."

Setting his face back to his usual dark scowl, Colin then turned and began the journey up the stairs, still hoping that she would follow and that he had not scared her away. His mind, now thoroughly rattled and fried, was still somehow humming with unspoken thoughts and unexecuted plans as he lifted one foot up and over the stairs after the other. His hand trailed along the railing, quickly examining the scratches and chips in the paint of the metal bar.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #139 on: January 08, 2015, 05:29:17 pm »
On phone so no picture))

Keena stays silent as he answers her question, something she was not actually expecting from him. She didn't expect the answer he gave her either. She tilts her head slightly, listening carefully. So he had been keeping an eye on her? Odd, but maybe she never noticed since, as a introvert, she had purposely tried to keep away from people.

She blinks back tears that were building up in her eyes. She hadn't heard anyone say that to her before. It felt quite strange. As he walks up the steps, she waits for a moment, thinking over what he said. But after a moment of thinking she quietly follows him up the stairs, not sure if she should say something or not.

Tomoko ?