Author Topic: Worst Group You've Ever Joined  (Read 6923 times)

Offline Emrysthemay

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Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:50:10 pm »
So, what I want to know, players of Feral Heart, is what the worst groups you've ever joined are. What made it the worst in your opinion? Were the high ranks abrasive, and rude? Did they use said rank in arguments, saying that your opinion was invalid because you were a lower rank? Or perhaps you joined, but no one came online after the first day? Did the group consist of ooc chatter, even when it said it was a roleplaying group? Were you left out of the roleplay? So, feel free to have at it! (You can be as biased as you want, I don't care.)
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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 04:00:59 pm »
Hmmm...hard to say really..
I must admit I dislike groups with high rankings that are overly powered or rude to their members.

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 04:10:25 pm »
I won't mention any specific groups as it wouldn't be fair on their half. Though in general, I've joined groups which have been overly organized. Organized to an extent where people or members of that group had to take turns to post their role-play, no one had the freedom to type whenever they wished. Many groups only allow a minimum of one Paragraph. Some role-plays and groups I have joined had ranks were a person or members felt cornered or downgraded.

However, I can't disagree when people have their different interest in groups and role-plays, how they work and run etc.. Most people join to get into a good role-play and some only join groups to allow themselves to have fun, hang out with friends or role-play as they go along.

Overall, I've encountered a few unpleasant role-plays, harsh and lazy ones too which decide to end after a very short period of time. But everyone has their own taste, whether it's a quiet and free role-play or a big controlled one.

Very good topic you have produced here, Emry.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 04:36:39 pm by Bawfle »

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 04:31:28 pm »
Vespian's just gonna add onto this and say this once.

Keep any group names out of mention. We do not want everyone downright callin' an organization out. It'll only lead to disaster and serious drama thus I will be quick to lock this thread if I see anyone doin' this.

Now onto the topic at hand.. Vespian's been in a lot of role-plays. Countless, actually. While I cannot pinpoint this response to just one or two groups, this does point elbows to the establishments that befall under this opinion. Which are, again, countless. Mind ye', Vespian's lenient with most things too so gettin' I to gnarr like this takes a lot.
Surprisingly, Vespian doesn't quite mind the groups who claim themselves to be active then "disappear" a day or two later. Even deactivate sometimes. I was interested, I've given 'em a chance to enthrall me with a little story tellin', and it just simply did not work out. After a few days (3-5 at most) and they're still inactive on my end, I simply leave. A majority of the time, groups have a reason for goin' inactive and the reason can very much vary. Irritatin' it can be from time to time, especially if it happens repetitively over and over within a short time span but since I nowadays scarcely join role-plays, it doesn't phase me too much.
However, it's the successful groups who also hone serious heart-attack drama that get under my skin. Groups like these often have the mindset of:

- We have so 'n so+ members! We're so popular, we might as well own this entire map and all of its inhabitants!
- Whatever ye' do IC-wise counts as OOC too, so harm my character (or pack/pride/clan/etc) in any way and I shall hate ye' for life.
- This game is just a stage and everyone who comes in contact with me is my little puppet to control.
- I'm a part of so 'n so and/or an important member of this group. Ye're all inferior to I now. I have the almighty power.
- Oh, a new user. They're nobody right now. Just gonna completely ignore them till they gain a high(er) rank (sometimes said user will be ignored OOC-wise too).


Not meanin' to sound rude but I've noticed the larger the group, the more confident they become. The more confident they become, the more childish they become. This doesn't apply to all as again, this response only points elbows to the organizations that Vespian has been in which has well fallen underneath this opinionated statement. I say this because normally drama is sparked over the most tedious of things. Things that can be so easily solved yet each party decides to keep their pride firm and thus drag what was once a petty quarrel into an all out war. Vespian just doesn't have the tolerance for that. Power and a popular reputation can do bad things to one's head. Horrible things that can change a sweet little user into a complete butthole. Then new colors arise (or true colors). In comparison, I'd rather join a small inactive group than one who has hundreds of users and has been active for a year or longer only to be festered with hatred for its own members or other members of FeralHeart. That's just not a role-play to Vespian.

'Course, there's more but this is the top that teeters me off of my toadstool.

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2015, 06:08:15 pm »

Keep any group names out of mention. We do not want everyone downright callin' an organization out. It'll only lead to disaster and serious drama thus I will be quick to lock this thread if I see anyone doin' this.


But yes in all my days of roleplaying the worst groups are usually the ones who have these traits:

-Over authoritative leaders that let their position get to their head. They will not be open to any kind of suggestions and will frown upon you if you even dare try anything they didn't say. It really kills the open freedom of roleplay.

- Over "literate" folks. These are the people that need to write a whole darn paragraph just to say their character fell asleep. It's extremely annoying to roleplay in groups like these because it not only slows down the dynamic of the roleplay but it's also really boring to read. We're rping in real time people, not writing a book.

- Those over "literate" groups who complain about the slightest misspells

- Groups who don't exactly roleplay but recruit and then chatter about random stuff. Like I joined to roleplay not chat.

- Groups who have an exciting rp advertisement and then when you join everyone just RPs the same things like hunting, mating, sleeping, and dying. Or they just go straight to sleep when the rp begins. Sooooo exciting!

- Overly ridiculous power rps. Here is the roleplay where people just can not accept their character getting injured or dying... They always resurrect or heal completely. Or worse they have so many powers that they're invincible and you just can't do anything.

- Those rps where everyone is a drama queen and starts arguing over silly stuff and pretty much kills the fun.

- The rps where there is too much chaos going on at once and the plot starts to get broken and confusing because every derp wants to do their own thing.

- Those rps that don't allow for proper character development... You know you start as a pup let's say and then everyone else forces you to grow up within minute of starting the rp.

- Those rps where people can not seem to distinguish out of character and in character... They get a little too into it.

- The rps that spend more time recruiting and little to no time actually rping... Like what are we trying to do? Recruit an army?

- The rps that are so awesome and only last one day.... -sad face-

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2015, 08:51:40 pm »
I have joined multiple rude, and overly self oriented groups in the past, hence I tend not to rp with just anyone anymore. I will list below:

- Self Centered groups, thinking their over the top and so amazing.

- Power hungry groups.

- Groups that spend little to no time rping and more time chatting or recruiting as Lord had mentioned.

- Drama llamas that have to pick at every tiny mistake you make, even if it wasn't meaningful.

These kinds of groups annoy me beyond belief and are some of the worst groups I have joined before. And then there are the groups that harass members to get on their group character only to sit around. Like this is what made me leave a group once before. Plus, there is always that group that will complain about everything. "Can we leave yet?", "WE HAVE BEEN HERE FOREVER, CAN WE LEAVE????", "Oh my gosh, that group has such a low  view on you.". Drama llamas point blank. Patience people, please.

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2015, 10:09:33 pm »
All of you have made very good points to why I disliked certain groups in the past. However, I can remember one specific group I joined where none of the players were close. No one was encouraged to socialize outside of the roleplay, or even get a feel for one another's roleplay chemistry. No discussion of plots, rules, or character development was spoken of.
It doesn't sound like much, but here's a list of what spawned from the above points:

- All character relationships were taken seriously. In the roleplay, my character was instantly hated by another character because she, quoting him, "had a weak build". So, anytime I came online, that guy was stuck in character and would continue to hate me for one silly reason.
- There was no "welcome online", "welcome back", or "goodbye/goodnight" to be mentioned. This might not bother many, but it bothers me.
- New members were often scared away after joining, because the member's happy aura would turn into one that was insensitive and hurried.
- The roleplay was fast paced and if one went offline for more than half an hour, something major would have happened.

The leader of the pack was very ignorant to what was going on, since they too were stuck in character. I stayed for two days, because I had met a nice player who was very good at roleplaying. They were actually the reason I left, and their short-term group was a very nice change of environment!

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2015, 11:59:35 pm »
Oh where to start, where to start....

I'll just go over the things that I've despised about the various 'bad' groups I've been in, not calling out any names.

- IC Drama turning into OOC drama and vice versa

Basically meaning when an IC conflict becomes OOC conflict, or in one incident, an OOC conflict involving myself led to the hatred of my character, and defacing of my character.

- Poor leadership/group management

This one peeves me greatly
It's when the leader/higher-up of a group tries managing the group in a certain way, either being a control freak or being a total pain and not doing anything to lead the group.

- Giving high titles to undeserving people

Now, by that, I mean: Person A gives a high rank to friend B because they're a friend, and then when B makes member C upset, B gets away with it because they're friends with A.

- Activity

'We're active!' -The next day-
No one

- 'Popularity'

Now, I don't mean popular groups like the TEC and TDC, I'm meaning, like Vespian said, the 'We have 250+ members and we're strong and powerful' And yeah yeah yeah. Kinda self explanatory.

That's all I  can think of right now, but it covers most of what I wanted to say.

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Offline Emrysthemay

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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2015, 12:12:04 am »
Yeah, guys, don't mention don't mention the actual name of the group. Now, I haven't really run into a bad group yet, but I'm sure I will. Whether it be a pack of some sort rejecting me because my character isn't 'OMG REALISTIC!1!!!', or a group run by stuck up, self proclaimed, 'literates', it's bound to happen. 
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Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2015, 03:05:40 am »
Oh, yes yes.

The Warrior cat clans that are said to be realistic but wolfspeak and use ancient medieval
first names and irrelevant last names as well as having a totally unrealistic coat pattern and

Don't sugarcoat your RPs with wolfspeak and fancy words, you're not superior to all of us.

I honestly love the ment-to-be unrealistic RPs that are here for a day and go away the next. These
tend to be filled with scripting RP, neons, and power-playing. I find those fun.

It's amusing to see groups recruit 24/7 and gain like 400 players only to delete the RP in the next wekk.