Author Topic: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse  (Read 29777 times)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2015, 03:11:37 am »
     And after he infects them, he'll have his muscled mutant henchman toss them in a burlap sack and drag them to the streets to the Fortress of Felix! When they wake up they known the mutant blood is in their veins...can they survive?! Find out in the next episode! :D
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 04:05:40 am by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2015, 04:04:57 am »

"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   Felix bristled and arched his back, hissing at the female as if her words had been made of scorching fire.
    She had thrust herself upon his vision and puffed her dusty, bloodied fur out in an attempt to look frighting. Well, he could play that game too.
    She had disappointed him in some strange, unknowable way. And then she had insulted him. It was almost too much to stand!
    Through an angry haze of red, he tried to care about retorting with a scathing remark and not just swiping at her with his claws out. It was hard to care that she was twice as big as big him, or that he had never been one to pick a fight. He would have never even have thought of fighting a mutant, but he knew he wanted to fight her.
    He glared into her eyes, her unmatched eyes, one the color of a dying sun, and the other of a soggy puddle. He let his mind cool a little, until he was sure he could speak coherently.
    "I," he said, holding his head up as if the female didn't matter at all,"am Felix. I might have not been fighting alongside you, but that was because someone-," he gestured coldly at Reima,"had to be with her. I'm so sorry I didn't just start clawing the mutant's eyes out and leave her all alone on the sidewalk."
    He gave her a tight little smile.
    "Thank you anyway for your 'help', although I'm sure Daciana could have handled a few dozen mutants. Now you've helped out, and you know my name, (although I don't known yours and don't want to) you can just move on and go help someone else."
    The harsh words made him feel powerful, and he relaxed slightly, raising his tail like a banner of victory.
    A thought wormed through his smugness.
    Why was he willing to turn away a cat from safety and a place to call its own?
    Why am I acting so awfully?
   I don't know.  
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 04:11:08 am by NovelsandChocolate »

Offline Lourdis

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2015, 05:02:16 am »

Ilirhaeya had copied the male's actions when he arched his back and bristled. She was bigger than him, and probably stronger than him, and she decided she'd have no problem taking him down if he tried to start a fight with her. He was acting so..rudely, for absolutely no reason! She hadn't done anything too him, and she was pretty sure she didn't know him. He had no reason to be so mean to her when she had just helped out his companion! If he wanted to rile her up, he was surely doing a good job at it by acting negatively towards her when she had done nothing wrong.

It was only when he had spouted those harsh words at her had her aggression faltered a bit. Her ears pinned back on her head not in an act of aggression, but an subconscious reaction to his words. All she had wanted to do was help, and as she processed his words, a strange emotion pooled into her stomach as she instinctively backed away from the male like his words had been a slap to the face. She was..hurt. It showed on her face for a moment before Ilirhaeya forced herself to harden, and with a hiss, she bared her teeth once again. From her mouth, she released a big rumbling snarl and hiss mixture.

She was going to make him eat those words. Part of her wanted to tear into him right that minute -- he certainly deserved it, for all the unfounded slander he was spewing in her face, but she was a sensible cat, unlike him, and didn't react based on her emotions. All she wanted to do was spout a few more choice words at him, but she didn't because she knew she needed to control her temper. "You are so..." She thought for a moment. "-rude!" She finished, her tail lashing behind her. "I just wanted to help someone out! I don't understand why your acting so awfully!" Ilirhaeya said, confusion falling over her face.

"I didn't do anything to you- and your just going to come over here and be rude to me for no reason! Why?" She didn't understand this...Felix. "But fine. I guess ill just go help someone else, since I see my work is done here." Hurt flickered onto her face for a moment as she began to back away.

Location: Has backed away from Felix, still backing away in a hurt/angry fashion.
Status: Ilirhaeya is groomed and obviously not infected. She appears to be all fur, the soft and fluffy kind, the type that is thin enough to cause a sneeze if brushed too close to the nose. Generally, she looks clean, but of course she is dirtied by the life of the streets. Its obvious she grooms herself often, for her fur would be matted if it weren't for her constant grooming. She appears as being young, but not that young, just an adolescent.

OOC: Another tiny post reaction. She is confused, hurt, and angry. xD Why is Felix so angry?

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2015, 05:52:53 pm »

"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   As the female started backing away from him, Felix could see a flicker of hurt cross her face.
    She quickly pulled herself together, becoming the aggressive warrior again, but her pained expression shocked him to his core.
   A moment ago he would have happily taken a swipe at her. And she knew it.
    And yet, somehow, in the midst of all that unexplainable anger,  he had hurt her without ever lifting a claw to her.
    It was such a hollow victory.
    All his anger drained away, replaced by a cold, watery feeling in his middle. A shameful feeling.
    Flattening his ears against his head, and awkwardly hunching, he backed slowly away from her.
    He felt...sorry.
    He wanted to say he was sorry.
    But sorry didn't really mean anything. It was only a sound. It wouldn't fix anything.
    He would try anyway.
    "You were very brave," he admitted to her, looking down at the asphalt of the street.
   "I don't think a lot of cats would have jumped into that fight like you did. I don't think I would have. So I guess some mysterious white knight with no name is a much better cat than me."
    Felix looked at her out of the corner of his eye, waiting for her response.

    Poor Ilirhaeya! I'm starting to feel very ashamed of Felix. Maybe it would have been better for everyone if he had been neutered. :D
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 06:02:27 pm by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #74 on: May 26, 2015, 11:00:16 am »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

The large canines head craned as she looked down at the small, white cat, who had now spoke her response. Daciana didn't really say much, and stood in silence, saying the felines name 'Ilirhaeya' over several times in her had, picturing the name with her face. After, the lass gave a quick nod to her head as she looked the cat over quickly, before facing her once more. A smile seemed to form at the canines maw as she let out a chuckle, jerking her head back, not to mean anything though. "Nice to meet you, Ilirhaeya." she'd nod, before continuing "Well thank you, but I'm just an ordinary dog.... You may call me Daciana" she'd quickly add on after. Although she hadn't been one to befriend cats, and didn't even like them for that matter, the apocalypse seemed to have had a strange cast on the canine. She was now welcoming cats with open arms, when usually she wouldn't have hesitated on ripping one to shreds. Maybe it was because her and the pup were somewhat lonely, although she wouldn't admit it and she'd never let it show. But, maybe it was cause they'd be a perfect playmate or friend to Reima. She was only here to simply protect the pup, and any others whom decided to join their small and somewhat close knit 'pack' as they'd call it. However, there only seemed to be a build up in cats, Felix and possibly this Ilirhaeya if she decided she'd want to stick around. Maybe it'd take some of the weight off of Dacianas shoulders, but then again she didn't want to seem weak and in competition with a feline. Although, her presence didn't mind her.

Reima on the other hand noticed the battle had finished. The muffled growls and piercing yelps soon died down, the horrific battle now vanished from her brown pools. The frightening scenes were now over. And her mother came out victorious. The youngster wasn't bothered about the presence of a new cat, like how she was before, she wanted to make sure Daci was alright, then she'd move her attention on to the feline. Maybe this would be another friend. Feeling something brush against her side, the Catahoula would turn her attention on to the slightly smaller creature by her side. Raising a brow, the black marked canine would tilt her head, watching as the feline made his way from under the porch. Nodding her head quickly, the squeezed herself out of the gap, then quickly and viciously shaking her pelt. Sending dust and cobwebs flying off of her smooth coat. Quickly trotting forward, she'd stop at the felines side as he rolled, an amused expression seeming to form at the pups maw as she watched him do so. Once done, she followed the feline towards the small gathering area, her tail wagging and her face lit up as Daciana stood tall and proud. Quietly yipping, the pup would bound over as fast as she could, leaping up at her mother figure and licking her. "You're alright!" She'd bark, wrapping herself around the larger canines legs, before setting herself beside her, avoiding her bad leg, pressing her head against her with a contempt look expressed on her face.

A chuckle seemed to emit from the Malinois' maw as she looked down at the pup "I'm fine... Might have old bones but I manage..." she chuckled, gently nudging the pup, then running her tongue across the pups cheek, Dacis stern expression fell back over her face. Shuffling slightly, she'd avoid putting weight on her left paw, until it began to heal that is. Hopefully it was just a small sprain. Running her tongue across her maw, she'd collect the clots of blood, then spit them out to the side of her. The taste horrid, one which made her sick to the core. However, she managed to hold herself back. Before anything else was said, a sudden hiss caught the canines' attention. Raising a brow, the two would look at Felix, confusion striking the duo as they looked at one another, then back at the two cats. Letting out a grunt, Daciana would set herself on her haunches, Reima pushing herself in closer. If a fight was to break out between the two, it'd quickly be stopped. There was enough of that for one day.

Listening carefully, the two canines watched in confusion as the two felines seemed to bicker between one another, comments being thrown to and fro, some hurtful, and some out of line. Although, they were unsure if the two felines knew one another, this being one of the main reasons they were reluctant to interrupt the small argument. Feeling something tap at her leg, Daciana looked down, there sat the pup looking at her. "What are they arguing for?..." Reina would whisper, gesturing towards the two felines with a shrug. Chuckling at the pups expression, and the fact she whispered, Dacia shrugged "I couldn't tell you.." she chuckled, then looked back at them both. As things progressed, things seemed to get a little out of hand, the white feline seeming to be offended and hurt, Felix clearly showing guilt as he spoke up. Sighing "Ilirhaeya done a good job, she helped me. Felix, thank you for keeping Reima safe. I appreciate it" she'd speak up before continuing "Do you two thing arguing is the best way? There's bigger things to worry about, with those ugly things running around... Maybe you two can learn to get along?" she'd question, tilting her head. Her voice back to its rasped and strict tone. Reima seeming to stand up with Daci and nod her head in agreement.
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #75 on: May 28, 2015, 12:34:29 am »
    I'll post by the end of tomorrow if Lourdis doesn't.

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #76 on: May 28, 2015, 01:39:43 am »

Ilirhaeya had begun to walk away when the male cat suddenly decided to address her. She had paused in her walk, with one paw raised in the air, and had turned her head to send him a cold look that showed all her previous anger. He seemed...apologetic? Ilirhaeya's frown deepened, and she turned around with an angry but confused look in her eyes. Why was he so confusing? One second he was yelling at her for no reason, and now he was apologizing? Ilirhaeya didn't know how to feel, or what to do, so she merely stared at him for a moment before giving a sigh. "Ilirhaeya." She decided to give her name, so he wouldn't have to keep calling her an 'unknown cat'.

While she still hadn't forgiven him for his words, she begrudgingly put her feelings aside when the dog had addressed them. She had almost forgotten about the Malinois in the midst of their argument, but now that she had focused her attention back on her, she realized she had...a pup? Ilirhaeya tilted her head in curiosity, before sending the pup a friendly smile and a wave of her dainty paw. Was this their whole group? A strong female leader, male babysitter, and a cute puppy? The young female almost laughed at the idea. Maybe...maybe she could join their group? For a moment, she was hopeful, but she quickly pushed those thoughts away. She didn't want to get her hopes up...

Now that they were...semi-okay,  Ilirhaeya wondered what they were going to do now. There were more on the way, she could tell, which meant they'd have to run, or find somewhere safe to hide out until they were gone. Ilirhaeya would have no problem finding somewhere on her own, but she was curious on what the group would do. Plus...she didn't want to leave them just yet. They might need help...somewhere down the line. Her staying was justified. "Well, what do we do now?" She asked curiously, ears perking at the sound of a faint growling in the distance. They needed to get a move on. "We should move."

Location: Near most of the group.
Status: Ilirhaeya is groomed and obviously not infected. She appears to be all fur, the soft and fluffy kind, the type that is thin enough to cause a sneeze if brushed too close to the nose. Generally, she looks clean, but of course she is dirtied by the life of the streets. Its obvious she grooms herself often, for her fur would be matted if it weren't for her constant grooming. She appears as being young, but not that young, just an adolescent.

OOC: Sorry for late post. x.x

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #77 on: May 28, 2015, 03:02:34 pm »


"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

Felix thought Daciana was probably right. It didn't look like shouting at each other in the middle of the street had done them a lot of good.
    He had waited to see if the cat felt the same way, and right in the middle of walking away, she had stopped.
    And she had told him her name. Ilirhaeya.
    An odd name, but he wasn't going to say that. He recognized a truce when he saw it.
    It looked like apologies were worth more than he thought.
    When Ilirhaeya spoke again, though, it was to Daciana, not him.
    She was right. The light growling in the distance was a sign that some kind of action was needed.
"Where are we going, though?"Felix piped up. As the growls became slightly louder, he padded over to Daciana, plopping himself down on the asphalt a foot or two away from her. He made sure to stretch out nonchalantly.

   I don't think anyone blames you. : )
    Also, I have to apologize about how weird looking this post is. My phone threw a tantrum.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 03:22:45 pm by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #78 on: May 28, 2015, 03:28:06 pm »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

Seeing as the situation between the two felines had calmed down, a sudden distant noise caught the Malinois' attention. Flattening her ears slightly, the larger creature turned her head, chocolate eyes waving over the area behind her. Although they couldn't see the beasts, they could by far hear them. Curling her lips back, the tan pelted canine allowed a low growl to emit from her maw, before turning her attention back on to the cats, and Reima. At the felines question, the canine just simply nodded her head, staying silent for a few seconds. Kicking out her hind legs, Daci pulled herself up on to all fours, her large frame towering over her three 'companions' small ones. Casting a quick glance at the two mutants body, she'd look down at the three. "Luckily we already have a safe place, it shouldn't take too long to get their either..." she'd speak, taking a quick glance behind her. The noise from the recent fight more than likely caused a stir between animals, and the mutants. The shrieks and yowls probably attracting them, as well as the scent of her blood. Something she'd need to disguise if she was to get them home safely. Meanwhile, Reima had already hurled herself to her paws, and took a few quick paces towards the street they had previously been heading, to go home. Stopping, the black patched pup would spin in a quick circle and plop herself down "I know the way..." she quietly called.

Running her tongue over her inured paw, the ex military dog would gently nod her head in agreement, once coming up with a plan. Thanks to Reimas small statement. "Alright, you two follow closely behind her, stay quiet and don't attract too much attention. I'll be following behind, I'll brush against the mutant so I get its scent, that way those lumps or lard won't follow us. Also, I'll be heading in and out of streets, sending them slightly off course." no expression was put in to her voice, and her tone was somewhat stern as she gestured for the two felines to follow the small pup whom had now set off as a slow run down the street, waiting for the rest to follow her. Deep growls soon echoed up the street, causing Daciana to lunge at the corpse in a limped run. Pressing herself against the beasts corpse, she'd begin pressing herself against it, getting its scent on to her fur, as well as some of the creatures blood, which would help her plan further. Pulling herself back from the creature, she'd turn once more, a large shadow reflecting on to one of the buildings wall "Hurry!" she'd growl. Before pushing herself around and moving as quickly and as carefully as she could, now and then rubbing against an object to give it the scent. Reima, now running at full speed lunged down the long, stone road, then turned down a small street. The fenced in house coming in to view.
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #79 on: May 29, 2015, 01:37:34 am »

Ilirhaeya looked around cautiously as the sounds of the approaching beasts grew louder. She had her eyes locked on Daciana for an answer, and when she had nodded, Ilirhaeya began to walk about hurriedly, searching for a place..any place that would be safe for them all to go. She hadn't known that Daciana & Reima had a place already set up, and so when she was told of that, she gave a breath of relief. No houses in this street seemed safe. All broken windows and knocked down doors, no protection of the outside world whatsoever. The cat was tired of hiding out in creaky houses anyway. She just hoped that wherever the group went was safe and sturdy...and hopefully quiet.

As the plan was told to them, Ilirhaeya couldn't help but frown at the one aspect of it. Daciana would be alone in leading the beasts off, though she supposed it was a more logical plan of them going all together. The Malinois looked formidable, already seemed to hold her own in a fight, but she would most likely still be injured from the fight she was just in, and that could slow her down. However, Ilirhaeya didn't have much time to worry about this, for she was already noticing that Reima was leaving. She took two hesitant steps after her, before turning to look at Daciana worriedly. "Good luck. Don't get caught!" And she took after the puppy quickly.

Location: Running after Reima.
Status: Ilirhaeya is groomed and obviously not infected. She appears to be all fur, the soft and fluffy kind, the type that is thin enough to cause a sneeze if brushed too close to the nose. Generally, she looks clean, but of course she is dirtied by the life of the streets. Its obvious she grooms herself often, for her fur would be matted if it weren't for her constant grooming. She appears as being young, but not that young, just an adolescent.

OOC: Go go go! xD