Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51212 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #110 on: July 04, 2015, 10:08:52 pm »

Thomas Gales

Health: 10/10

"Now, if you will all please board the aircraft..take a seat beside your partner." The sun continued baking the gravel along the roof of the building, turning the area around the aircraft into a practical oven. Just as The heat became nearly unbearable, the doctor invited entrance to the craft and quickly Thomas followed. Stepping forward, his tall stature aided his attempt to walk across the unstable rocks that decorated the roof. Take a seat beside your partner..Thomas made sure to remain nearby Jessamine as they walked closer to the craft, no need in getting separated only to search for one another onboard.

Yet, Thomas didn't glance back to spot the girl. The small crunching beside him made it obvious she was close. Her petite feet moved in synch with his until a sudden interruption sent her springing forward towards the ground. Just as Thomas turned on his heels to decipher the situation and noise, His eyes landed on a greedily helpful doctor, his hands about Jessamine, and a rather defensive girl.
Before he could decide how to react, the doctor stepped away, Jess' sudden warning glare and growl peeling his hands off of her. Raising a brow, Tom watched as Jess straightened herself back up, before turning back to the craft. "On we go." Thomas muttered, his accent drooling along his quiet words meant only for him and Jess. Urging the once again hesitant girl on, Tom placed a hand along her back gently coaxing her forward.

 It was short lived and swiftly fell to his side once again, but his seemingly unbothered reaction to the doctor's actions was contradicted by the fact that since the doctor peeled his Hands from Jess' side, Tom's eyes had not left the man. A colder than normal stare remained glued to the doctor until the two were onboard and out of sight.

The aircraft's innards were decorated in a futuristic technologically advanced fashion. Lights and metallic switches painted the walls along with a row of odd looking seats sat against each wall of the board. Swiftly falling into a nearby chair, Tom glanced about, studying his environment when a nurse suddenly approached. "For your safety." she stated whilst connecting seatbelt-like straps across Tom's chest in the shape of an X. She quickly moved on to Jess as the doctor stepped forward.

As everyone sat, strapped in, the sudden elevation of the craft waved a sense of light-footedness in Tom as the craft took off. "Now, our next step is to study and research your capabilities in the you react, how you you survive."[/b] the doctor announced, "Where we are going, is a place specially made for you all. Here you will learn more about not only yourselves..but your fellow subjects and just how your powers truly work."[/b]

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #111 on: July 05, 2015, 02:24:14 am »

{I'll post after the next post.}
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #112 on: July 05, 2015, 03:48:39 am »
(Sorry I haven't posted, I got really busy with work the past few days.)

Health: 9/10

Swan sat quietly as apparently they had to choose partners. Just what she wanted. As she sat back and watched as everyone started to make pairs, her eyes floated to a young-looking boy. Mykael was his name? As little as Swan knew him, she stood up and walked over to him. "Partners? Even if we only know each other's names?" Swan asked this in a somewhat higher-pitched, but not loud, voice. Rylee only gave the boy a few moments before she started walking off with the rest of the subjects.

They were all greeted by a level or two of stairs to head towards the roof. Swan looked at some of the partnerships that had been made, some could have the potential to be quite powerful if any of them had managed to use their powers at all. As they arrived at the roof top, bright sunlight flooded into Swan's eyes. As she narrowed her eyes slightly and then noticed as everyone got what looked to be a tracking device. As one of the doctors came near her, Rylee watched them put the tracking device in. While gritting her teeth, she also noticed as they put a 'bracelet' onto her left wrist.

Waiting a few minutes, the doctors began to start putting everyone on an aircraft. Telling them to keep near their partners. Just what Rylee needed next. After having a tracking device put in her, now was a great time for -what she guess would be- an uneasy flight.


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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #113 on: July 05, 2015, 07:43:55 am »


Powers: Air Manipulation, Healing

"Hmm?" Mykael turned, hearing a voice nearby and realizing it belonged to Rylee Swan. "Sure, might as well get to know someone," he shrugged, jumping to his feet and following the other subjects onto the roof. Staring uncomfortably at the aircraft in front of them, he now had a hunch that whatever they were doing would mostly likely not be fun. A sudden sharp pain came in Mykael's neck, as he quickly rubbed the area as he grumbled under his breath as the doctor explained the tracking devices. As another nurse approached him with a bracelet, he held his wrist out as it clamped tightly around his arm.

He listened closely to everything that was being said before following the others onto the aircraft. He made sure to stay near Rylee, and once finally getting on the plane, he quickly headed into the seat first in order to get a window view. Soon being strapped in before the plane lifted off into the air, Mykael was once again hit with that sense of nervousness, just like the one he had felt before their powers were activated. This worry was much stronger, though... "how you survive," he remembered the doctor saying. Mykael hoped they weren't being dumped in the wilderness or something; he didn't have much knowledge of basic survival skills. Hopefully his powers would be enough to help him, whatever they were doing.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #114 on: July 06, 2015, 08:23:03 pm »
I know I should wait for others to post before myself, but I don't know when I'll next be online. Please just ignore this post if you think I'm posting too soon.

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

The aircraft was like nothing Jess had ever seen before, the vast amount of technology left her awe-struck with her mouth falling open in a small 'o' of surprise. Following Tom to a seat, she reached out to touch a red flashing button, but before she could do so her hand was slapped in a scolding manner. Tutting, a nurse pushed the brunette down in her seat and started to buckle her seatbelt, pulling harshly at the straps. Ignoring the nurse's une coward brutality, she continued to take in her surroundings.

 Being used to the rougher life, Jessamine had never been inside an aeroplane before and certainly had never travelled in one before. But, instead of excitement, a blanket of unease shrouded her thoughts. The doctor had said something about surviving. Surely, they cannot be expected to be put through more tests? The girl went to lift her hand to chew on her nails, but her movements were restricted thanks to the tight seatbelt, so instead she resorted to tapping her foot repeatedly on the metal floor in a feverish manner.

-so sorry it's short again-
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2015, 01:07:56 am »
(I will wait another day before continuing with a post)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #116 on: July 07, 2015, 01:22:16 am »
(Waiting for Teddy before I post.)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2015, 02:18:11 am »

Teddy Collins

Teddy stifled a giggle at Remington's reaction to the metal cuff, shaking the orange bracelet on his own wrist. Watching silently as the aircraft descended on to the roof, Teddy held tightly to his beanie which was threatening to fly off with the rest of the dirt and leaves that swirled upwards into the sky. His attention turned to Rem when he heard the other boy speaking, "Well, to be honest I was thinking they would just drop us off in the nearest metroplex, but I don't think that's the case anymore." He responded fiddling with the beanie on his head. Glancing around, Teddy saw his brother standing next to Simone with a dark glare on his face, still shirtless and barefoot. Hopefully they'd give him some clothes before dumping them into the unknown. Pivoting back to the aircraft in front of the subjects, he watched as Thomas and Jessamine boarded and followed, grabbing Remington's wrist so that they would not get separated.

Once on the ship, Teddy hesitantly sat down in odd, bean shaped seat and watched as a nurse scurried over to buckle them in. Once the seat belt was crossed over his chest, he gestured to the nurse. "Excuse me miss, but is it possible to get my brother some shoes, maybe even a shirt?" He asked quietly. The woman nodded and darted out of the craft. Teddy sighed and relaxed into the chair "Well Rem. Let's hope they don't dump us in the desert or something."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #118 on: July 07, 2015, 03:17:24 am »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

A soft chuckle errupted from Remington, seeing as his joke amused Teddy. Well, at least one of the brother's didn't want to strangle him. However, this was Teddy, it was just in his nature to like everybody. It was refreshing, to say the least. Yet again, his wrist was snatched away by Teddy, and he was pulled into the futuristic aircraft that very much reminded Remington of several hundred video games. The adolescent tentatively lookeda about, his navy blue eyes going wide. For a moment, he looked like a deer in the headlights. Thank goodness for his hat casting shadows over his features, for he would truly get some odd stares for such a confused reaction.

Soon after regaining his composure, Remington was ushured to a chair besides Teddy. Smoothing out his kimono and shirt which contained many holes in it, the nurse then asked Remington if he, too, would like a new shirt. With a small, sarcastic scoff, Remington declined with a soft glare. Once sitting in the chair, he placed the hat under the seat, and returned his glasses to atop his head, to keep the mess of black hair atop his head from getting in his eyes.

Looking over at Teddy, now too secured in the X-across seatbelt, Remington furrowed his eyebrows lightly. "Yeah," He said with a slightly nervous chuckle, "let's hope not." However, Remington felt his stomach churn. His powers didn't directly revolve around survival... Which left a bad taste in his mouth.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #119 on: July 07, 2015, 01:27:30 pm »

Simone Howey

Glancing at Finn for a moment, watching his reaction to the sudden stab, she'd shrug. The lad didn't seem too phased by having a tracker shoved in to his neck. Allowing her gaze to wonder on to the nurse who seemed to press herself against the male. Raising a brow the brunette would then chuckle, running her hand through her hair. "Looks like you've got an admire ..." she'd comment sarcastically with a grin sprawled across her face. Hearing a quiet grunt she'd turn to the nurse who now seemed to be glaring at her, which only made the lass more amused. Tilting her head she'd raise her brow, glancing back at the woman who now seemed to scowl and make her way back towards the aircraft which seemed to be landing. As the large piece of metal landed, a large gust of wind was sent across the room, causing Simones hair to blow behind her, grasping the checked shirt that was around her waste to prevent it from blowing away. Remaining were she was, Sim would examine the band which had been placed around her wrist, fiddling with it a little before she heard the doctor telling them to board the aircraft. Letting out a sigh she'd turn to the shirtless bloke "Come on, they'll get you something to wear" she'd smile, tugging on the leather leash as she made her way towards the aircraft.

The small woman didn't hesitate on getting on, although the climb on to it was quite a struggle for the short brunette. But she managed. Looking around the craft she'd glance at two seats which hadn't been taken, which were near Teddy and Remington. Smiling she would head on over. Just as she was about to sit down a doctor prodded her, turning she eyed up the male. "We'll need to shove that thing in a cage" he'd speak up in a deep voice, pointing the a fairly large cage in the back of the craft. Turning she'd look at the cage and nod "No one will be 'shoving him in' I'll put him in it" and with that she'd turn, the doctor following closely behind her. Arriving at the cage she'd open the door, Takhar walking in with no problem. Unclipping his leash she'd place it on one of the stands "See you seen buddy" she'd smile, patting the tiger before backing away, allowing the doctor to lock the door. The feline wasn't phased, he seemed to curl up and take a nap. Heading back towards the seats she'd sit herself down, allowing one of the nurses to clip her in, before watching another enter with clothing, more than likely for Finn.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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