Author Topic: REAL hunting is fun!!! rp hunting, not as much... so, when will there be REAL?  (Read 18600 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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No prob. ^^

Offline lyssaLuv

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If the game had stuff to do, like hunting and PVP I would be on it absolutely all the time. That's the main thing I miss from IT! It gives me something to do when my friends aren't online! I could care less about wings or whatever, I just want some prey animals to chase. :P


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Methinks, if Kovu just restored the original hunting codes, so we had the prey we used to, with possibly, and I mean possibly the boost ups, I think everything would be fine. We now have items, so I'm not sure about the item dropping etc etc, that's upto Kovu.
But if we could hunt and receive the original boosts we had in IT, I think all would be well.
In conclusion, if Kovu restored the original parameters of IT hunting and transferred it over to FH, I do believe all partys' would be satisfied...

But...then there's the issue of where to PUT the prey...
That when we'll need more maps...more well made and thought out maps. Maps that don't use the same height mask over and over again.

Offline fieryflare

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I agree that Kovu should bring back the old hunting, but I think he didn't because people in IT modified the creature spawn value so it would spawn tons of animals so they could get item drops easier. Even though there's no items to get in FH, people will still like to spawn tons of animals and fool around. It causes server problems and lag and it's 1 of the reasons the IT server went down, among other things. It would allow hackers and trolls to try and crash the server, and we don't want FH to end up like IT.

Kovu would need a new method to spawn creatures instead of the IT way; where it used a file you could open and edit with notepad so easy, so people won't mess with it. Perhaps the spawn value could be server-sided, so only Kovu has access to it.

Offline Nanaki

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I think hunting is a great idea. Typing about how you rip something's neck open is...alright I guess, but I love being able to actually do things with my character.

Offline aviannerd

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I want to be able to chase something , NO FRIGGIN HEALTH BAR!!!! ripping out the vitals, or maybe letting it bleed to death, injurys i want it to be REAL, not corny. and some times the prey should eat and get fat and stuff. realistic. The whole ripping and dragging bits of it away sounds really good. and i also agree with vultures, hienas, and NPC scavengers showing up, maybe NPC food thieves that you can chase down and kill to get the food back. and maybe NPC pups for for you to care for. (NPC , non player charector, in about every game) and they prey can just show up in the current maps, but more would be nice, ive already been every about a huge prey filled forest? trees, rivers, pools, and maybe on the first FH contenate (cant spell, its like antartica, or aisa or N or S america) with different enviroments and tempatures, like some places are cold and others are tropical. and the clouds are able to be walked on, and bird prey for winged people. and fish prey for those who rp as fish, and a tunnel system in a mountain .... and maybe humans (NPC of course) who hunt us for our luxurouse fur, and those who want to put us in zoos and we have to escape...*brain explode onto keybourd* and you can fight people , again with the vitals, not HP , for th food and best dens.

Offline iAisu

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This is an excellent idea thread. But.
Updates are very, very, very, very, very, x100 slow on Feral Heart. Kovu is in charge, and hasn't been seen in months.
My opinion, he lost motivation after the hackers invaded his old game. Wouldn't blame the guy.
Good idea thread though. So many creative ideas.


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I do think It would be a great idea.Oh and if you could dig it up so it would rott away,would be even better :D.


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Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes  yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesvyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesvvyesyesyesvyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesvyesyesvyesyesye if that's not enough yes than i will make more because i think real hunting would be a great idea common guys lets all agree and it might happen

Offline meowool

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If you read the archives it was said in the news last september that hunting would be added, but if it ends up being updated to include that, remains to be seen.