Author Topic: Rant about idiots thread  (Read 45506 times)


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #70 on: May 05, 2011, 12:45:43 am »
Nah Kyu- your statement about the "offenders" is spot on- On the other hand I totally understand where you are coming from chocolate bunny- I myself try hard not to hate people or rip on them, or even think badly until I've seen the other side of the story, but the fact remains that the majority of people complained about in this thread aren't annoying because they are "noobs" but annoying because they lack etiquette and common sense that is inexcusable and super annoying behaviour no matter how new to the game they are.  Heck, I'm all for being patient with noobs- I'm still one afterall XP

>.<. This is bugging meh.

Noob = Experienced player, or a troll ruining the game, being a j-ass and so on.

Newbie = New player, learning the ropes and or about the game. Depending on what it is.


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #71 on: May 05, 2011, 12:53:58 am »
Sorry Twilia I'm not very good with online rp jargon and such- untill just now I thought that "newbie" and "noob" were the same thing XP

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #72 on: May 05, 2011, 01:40:05 am »
Everything you said there is right on target. xD

I try, I try <3

As for the small disagreement above me, I'm just bashing the FH community in general :D  Though I will say that the people I complain about are generally not newbies.  Everything I mention comes from personal experience, usually with people I know, who are not new to the game.  I don't get the feeling that your statement was directed towards me, but I'm just clearing things up :B  Though you must understand, people do have a right to vent about the FH community's flaws, and it's better that it's directed at a general mass rather than specific people.  Kyu and Twi have already covered anything I'd say, really, so...yeah.  Off to pretend I'm falcon punching people named "Death" in the game.
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #73 on: May 05, 2011, 02:27:30 am »
How many times must it be said that not everyone here is not bothered by the constant whining of wings/items, just whining in general? Not to mention the repetitive threads like "I NEED HELP" and it ends up being someone asking how to essentially hack the game......... We arent all as patient as others...

  You know what I want in the forum? A option in peoples poll's, where I can click *bash creator of this poll*

  The amount of people who think adding a poll to their "I, Liek, So want Wingz!!!1!!one" posts and all that thinking that if they get a huge number of yes clicks that it's going to get ingame annoys the living daylights out of me. I have the urge to rage my pants off at them but I won't, I'm too sensible. But no matter how much they point to the poll to back them up, IT'S NOT GOING TO GET INGAME IF KOVU DOESN'T WANT TO ADD IT PEOPLE!

Oh GAWD dont remind me. xD *instant headache*

  Most of the FH members never come on the forums, they would never read any guide we put up, and sometimes you just need to let it out.

  In most of these cases the offending people don't come on the forums, never read the rules or any guides that might be made.
  More often than not we do repeat ourselves over and over and over, but no one ever listens, which is when we start threads like this. The amount of times people have gone out of their way to explain wings won't be added just for another 2 or 3 topics about it to pop up, or another twenty or so people make a comment on how much they want wings, in one case I saw someone threatening Kovu (the creator) that they and most of FH would leave his game if they didn't have wings. In these cases they refuse to listen to reason.

  No one ever listens when you tell them not to claim territory on public maps because they're to busy "Ripping your throat out" to listen to anything you say.

  Making a nice thread for newbies would be nice, but the people who would be commenting on it or looking at it would be the people who aren't the issue, the majority of the trouble makers refuse to come on the forums or even read the rules.

  Sorry if this sounded rude or anything, but this is just how I see it. We are not bashing any one, we are raging about things that just won't stop.

This is exactly why I frikken love you Kyu. =_=;


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #74 on: May 05, 2011, 03:22:55 am »
"Uses magic, that you must be using, and makes my pack and I fly into the air, then summons a huge ocean. While you are at the bottom, pressure builds and you implode. ^^ No replying, you already imploded. Good day" *block button ftw* this made me laugh XD . Sarcastically godmodding/mocking back sounds kinda' fun- I might have to try it sometime XP.  I salute you

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #75 on: May 05, 2011, 08:09:12 pm »
"Uses magic, that you must be using, and makes my pack and I fly into the air, then summons a huge ocean. While you are at the bottom, pressure builds and you implode. ^^ No replying, you already imploded. Good day" *block button ftw* this made me laugh XD . Sarcastically godmodding/mocking back sounds kinda' fun- I might have to try it sometime XP.  I salute you

Haha, thanks! XD ^^

I use it as form of telling them they are Godmodding way too much. Everybody should try it, it's really fun. XD

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #76 on: May 06, 2011, 02:32:42 am »
Using the truth/real life logic works too >_> <_< >_>

Eg. Tiny little Warrior Cats cave hoggers vs a Wolf that's using the biggest size on FH.
"I'm sorry I can't see you from WAY UP HERE."
"Thick wolf fur kitty."

I think it is a bit much to ask for these noob rpers to use logic, considering I'm pretty sure a bunch of small housecats would run from a giant wolf. Same goes for any other small cat/canine.
Although it is funny when the small characters threaten to kill your giant wolf and you then can't help but laugh at them.


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #77 on: May 06, 2011, 02:37:29 am »
to be totally honest I haven't encounterd people trying to "rip my throat out" yet  but reading this makes me wanna' go out and find some godmodders and laugh XD


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #78 on: May 06, 2011, 04:31:41 am »
Can you guys answer the following for me

1- Is it okay to have threads around basically calling certain groups of people idiots ?

2- Do you feel having threads like these around are hurting people and giving people a reason to cause drama? or. Do you feel this is a good way for people to express there opinions and get stuff out their chest ?

This seems to be turning into an "Anonymous Bashing" thread.


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #79 on: May 06, 2011, 04:43:32 am »
That's a very good question- to be honest I wouldn't know the answer, could you please explain what the difference is between "venting about annoying people/getting things off of our chest" and "anonymous bashing"? I'm not being sarcastic here 0_o I genuinely am confused about the difference or lack of between the two. It seems to me like you can't really rant about people that annoy you in game without "anonymous bashing" as it is called. Please don't think I'm being facetious, I just want to know what can and can't be done to still be able to vent but do so in a way that is acceptable to all concerned. :) sorry to be a brown-noser