Author Topic: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?  (Read 2245 times)

Offline BradiBytes

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How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« on: June 02, 2016, 04:48:20 pm »
First off, I apologize if this has been made already. Feel free to lock this if necessary.

Anyway, one of my wonderful pets had a stroke the other day. On my birthday.

She's still alive, but she is struggling a lot and I don't think I have much time left with her. I get so attached to animals and I have such a huge bond with them so this is very upsetting.
I know this community is very loving and kind, so that's why I came here to ask you all:
How do you deal with the loss of a pet? What can I do to cheer myself up?
I hate crying over these things but I have no other way to get my emotions out. This is a really hard loss for me.

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 04:53:40 pm »
I'm sorry to hear your pet at a stroke. I always have a hard time getting over a death of a pet - even amazing ones that I've had for quite some time. I myself have a work dog that I know her time is coming up. She's about 13-15 years old. But the thing I can tell you is that they will be in a better place. And I say that with no hesitation because where they end up they cannot get hurt and have a lot of space to run around in I'm sure. All their illness and injuries, etc will be healed and they will have the energy of a puppy.
You'll be able to see each other again one day. It's not forever that you and your loved ones will be apart. <3
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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 05:04:51 pm »
Aw, I'm very sorry to hear this. Getting over the loss of a pet is not easy, but like any wound, time will heal it. Give yourself time to grieve and cry if you need to, it can be good for you. Try not to lull over it though. You could ask yourself how your pet would feel if they saw you sad over them. I don't know your beliefs and all, but they will be in a better place, and they'll be thankful for the life they got to live with you, as I am sure you will be thankful as well. Let memories be memories, and don't let them hold you back from living your life. A good way I like to cope is by writing about a memory I had with my pet and turning it into a mini story with funny or happy aspects. It may not work for you, but I might as well offer up the suggestion. I hope you feel better soon though, and my deepest condolences to you and your pet.
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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 05:40:55 pm »
Awh...terribly sorry.
But yes, getting over a loss is quite hard, mine would have to be with 2O+ puppies and a guinea pig so far. It hurts, yes...but I try to think about it my companion's point of view. I spend as much time with them until they pass and even try to reflect on the good times we have and it makes me feel a bit later. You can try looking at some old photos and reflect and even just think back with your memories.
Living things come & go but as long as you keep the memories in your heart then they're truly not gone. It may not seem much but it truly means a lot. So no matter what, just keep thinking about how much they have meant to you through many years to come, the scar may very well still be there but the hurt will lessen.

I wish you the best of luck friend through this snag in the road. And if you need anything, we're always here to help. ~

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2016, 06:04:42 pm »
It's hard. I still mourn over my childhood dog. You never really get over the loss of a pet (or anyone for that matter). As some have said above me, time does heal and can make it easier but there will always be random moments that you'll remember something about them and miss them terribly. If you still have some time with your beloved pet I'd say to hold them tight, touch them, kiss them and enjoy every last moment with them. Enjoy the warmth of the life in them right now and only think of that. Don't haunt your mind and heart with the notion of them passing right now. Animals are very in tune with nature and hormones so don't let them feel your sadness because it stresses them and makes them worry over you. Try your best to comfort them and let their last hours/days be filled with nothing but love and peace.

Once they have finally gone to rest take all the time you need to mourn. In my case my family decided to keep the ashes of our dog so we didn't have to part completely with her. Keeping the ashes in a little urn is a nice way to hold them close still and to have something to touch and talk to when you need a moment with them again. Know that they will indeed find peace in the afterlife and that they will love you forever and watch over you.

The first few days, months, and years without them will be hard but there is no shame in mourning. Find solace in the memories you've had with them, think of the silly things they did, the things that you loved most about them etc. Cherish their existence in your heart and it will never feel as though they're gone.

-sends you my hugs and well wishes-

I'm sorry that you're dealing with this sort of thing. I know it's painful.

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2016, 06:13:55 pm »
Thank you four so much. Hearing these kind words make me feel a bit better. It's definitely going to take time, but with this community and all my other pets surrounding me it will help a lot. ??

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2016, 06:40:19 pm »
Awww, I'm so sorry! *glomps*
Yes, the loss of a pet is very very hard indeed. You will feel that grief for a long time. But just think of this, would they want you to be sad for the rest of your life? They would expect you to be happy, just like when they were alive! I know some people don't think animals really feel all of that, but I guess I'm one of the weirdos that do. xD
I know it's hard, but always try to look up. That's what they would want anyway. ^^ And who knows, maybe she will get better. Miracles can happen!

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2016, 06:49:54 pm »
I know not many people may say this, but it's like having a hole ripped out of your chest. There is no pain, just nothingness during the creation and  time the hole is there. You feel so empty and lost.

Depending on how much you and the animal bonded, the hole will be larger and harder to fill. I recommend volunteering at a shelter and working with animals like the one you lost. It will help you cope and let you understand on how to deal with that hole.

The hole will never close, ever. But it can be filled slightly with time and having other pets you bond with more or just the same. My hole is still there. It's gaping, but no-one else sees it but me.

It's best to spend your last days/hours with the loved pet and to mourn and cry and scream out as much as you have in yourself- instead of being silent about it. That's how I got over it faster.

Good luck.
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Offline BradiBytes

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2016, 08:51:57 pm »
Thank you two as well. You all are very understanding.
I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm spoiling her while I can and making sure she gets a lot of attention.
I know the chances are slim of her pulling through, as she's only about 2 months old, but the chance is there.
I'll keep you all updated, but once again, I really appreciate all of these comments. (:

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Re: How do you deal with the loss of a pet?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2016, 01:50:53 am »
I'm sorry about your pet. I hope she gets better. Trust me she will. I use to have a old dog since I was 1 years old, and she lived for 16 and 17 years(very old) unfortunately she had to be put down because of kidney failure, which is common in old dogs, I didn't cry that much because I knew she would be in heaven now and that her pain is gone and she is no longer suffering. I know it's hard having to cope with a deceased pet, but they are in a better place now, and just remember. Just spend every last moment with them, just spend every last moment with your pet, and show her that you love her. When my pet died I was crying a lot, and felt depressed for a week. Then I remembered that she is at the rainbow bridge with other animals and she isn't suffering anymore. Just try to be happy, and make your dog feel like she is important, and spend every moment with her. Anyways good luck to your pet and I hope she  gets better. <3

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