Oh god, I got a lot of juicy ones.
- Getting stuck in Bonfire because I didn't know how portals worked. I had to pester everyone with questions on how to get out of the map.
- Using only my mouse to move.
- Getting lost in Ficho Tunnel. I thought it was huge and endless, and I was stuck there for about two days. LOL
- Using pure colors like cyan, red, white, pitch black on my characters. For example, creating a butt-ugly black and white leopard with a magenta back mane. It was so embarrassing.
- Butting into roleplays and being disruptive.
- Fail trolling. I wasn't even funny, I was just being a jerk.
- Arguing and talking about suggestive things in General chat.
- Roleplaying with just myself. I was a small, lonely child.
- Drowning my characters just to get attention.