Author Topic: [~Supportive Idea's for Community Issues~]  (Read 35397 times)


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #70 on: May 13, 2011, 02:35:53 am »
If there are enough people that will tell them to knock it off. Idk if you were at the plains general when they were all shouting what they were shouting, but I told them to knock it off and they did. There's a way to say stuff and get things done politely and then there's the way to say stuff that makes you sound like a psycho troll. :3 I prefer the first way.

There are of course, a couple trolls that are on each night 10:00 pm my time, when it seems to become the mod'less zone. I think if you get rid of the leaders, maybe you can scare the followers into being silent.

I love the way it sounds like we're planning a giant FH war. But then again...we are. Trolls VS Non Trolls?  

Motoko blocking people doesn't work. It works for the one person, but what about the +400 others that logs on when everyone is swearing there heads off. Then what? The easiest thing to do is to send screenshots, after trying intervention to urge them to stop breaking the rules. After that, I say they get the boot for a while. But maybe that's too harsh?

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #71 on: May 13, 2011, 02:38:50 am »
If there are enough people that will tell them to knock it off. Idk if you were at the plains general when they were all shouting what they were shouting, but I told them to knock it off and they did. There's a way to say stuff and get things done politely and then there's the way to say stuff that makes you sound like a psycho troll. :3 I prefer the first way.

There are of course, a couple trolls that are on each night 10:00 pm my time, when it seems to become the mod'less zone. I think if you get rid of the leaders, maybe you can scare the followers into being silent.

I love the way it sounds like we're planning a giant FH war. But then again...we are. Trolls VS Non Trolls? 

Motoko blocking people doesn't work. It works for the one person, but what about the +400 others that logs on when everyone is swearing there heads off. Then what? The easiest thing to do is to send screenshots, after trying intervention to urge them to stop breaking the rules. After that, I say they get the boot for a while. But maybe that's too harsh?

Simple. there will be people like this, and SADLY Life is not a video game, you need to man up and deal with it. there will always be those people. I've been suspended from whirled like. 10+ times and still idgaf, As long as nobody tries to troll me I won't get 10+ people from furcadia to come whiteknight for me. ily guys.
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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #72 on: May 13, 2011, 02:40:23 am »
At this point I think harshness is needed my friend :(.  and if you WARN them first before booting them off then it's their own bloody fault and not harsh at all methinks, the key here is to inform them first of the rules and if they even then don't follow them it's time for the foot-in-the-seat procedure.

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #73 on: May 13, 2011, 02:42:27 am »
At this point I think harshness is needed my friend :(.  and if you WARN them first before booting them off then it's their own bloody fault and not harsh at all methinks, the key here is to inform them first of the rules and if they even then don't follow them it's time for the foot-in-the-seat procedure.

Exactly, but most wannabe trolls (the kind who lacks intelligence) just need to be booted. if it shows no sign of sentience, kick it. hard. and don't let it back in until it learns to read.

+ just thought of this, we need a function to allow a map to have specific rules somehow.
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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #74 on: May 13, 2011, 02:48:18 am »
I agree with both of you. But if you were in the plains a moment ago when the trolls where being lead by the head trollers into a big whirl wind of trolling you would know what I mean. Boot those guys, let the tiny trolls know it won't be tolerated. Like what they were saying broke every single rule FH has. And I know for a fact that if a mod WAS on they would have been kicked A.S.A.P. There are children on the game that are 8 and if their parents saw them saying/looking at some of the things that were going through general their parents wouldn't let them EVER play Fh again. I know if it was my kid they wouldn't be even able to get on FH nevertheless play it.

Someone in the plains said "well it's for 13 year old anyways, and they should know about the ...[sexual content inserted here] that we are talking about anyways." Er WRONG. I have never met a 13 year old in real life that knows what XYZ is and knows how to do XYZ, and if they did and do, then that's extremely bad parenting and social services need to be at that house A.S.A.P. Anyways, it still breaks all the rules, it doesn't matter if they are supposed to be a certain age, the rules should be followed anyways.

Blah. Sorry about my rant. But I hate it when people say stupid stuff like the person did in the plains.


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #75 on: May 13, 2011, 03:08:49 am »
I don't see anyone really saying that this game is equivalent to real life. More or less there's dispute whether or not to simply ignore the issue and let trouble makers continue on being trouble makers, or if there should be away to slow down the lack of discipline in-game. These are becoming major cases of harassment/exploiting. Not saying being ban-happy is the answer, but going to the next extreme where they think they can't get away with doing anything? - Hm.. nothing like coming into a game, and the moment it's done loading you have to start blocking 10+ people all the time in each map you waltz into.

Using block button in Feralheart is like trying to use lotion to stop hepatitis. It may stop the itching, but it's still nasty. ;P
About time to get some doctors maybe?

« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 03:15:14 am by Slycan »


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #76 on: May 13, 2011, 03:10:27 am »
Lulz at description at the end. Nuzzling you for that one Slycan.

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #77 on: May 13, 2011, 03:18:17 am »
I agree with both of you. But if you were in the plains a moment ago when the trolls where being lead by the head trollers into a big whirl wind of trolling you would know what I mean. Boot those guys, let the tiny trolls know it won't be tolerated. Like what they were saying broke every single rule FH has. And I know for a fact that if a mod WAS on they would have been kicked A.S.A.P. There are children on the game that are 8 and if their parents saw them saying/looking at some of the things that were going through general their parents wouldn't let them EVER play Fh again. I know if it was my kid they wouldn't be even able to get on FH nevertheless play it.

Someone in the plains said "well it's for 13 year old anyways, and they should know about the ...[sexual content inserted here] that we are talking about anyways." Er WRONG. I have never met a 13 year old in real life that knows what XYZ is and knows how to do XYZ, and if they did and do, then that's extremely bad parenting and social services need to be at that house A.S.A.P. Anyways, it still breaks all the rules, it doesn't matter if they are supposed to be a certain age, the rules should be followed anyways.

Blah. Sorry about my rant. But I hate it when people say stupid stuff like the person did in the plains.

Actually, about the 13 year olds don't know that stuff comment, they may not know most of it, and details and all that, but they do know, because this stuff is taught to them in school, because it's at their age they tend to hit puberty. So they have to be taught some details at least, lest they go unaware of what is happening. In fact, you can hit puberty at like, 10 or 11 even. My mum even told me of a story in america where a 11 year old had to go to court about an abortion because her step father did a bad deed to her and got her pregnant.
  So I don't think 13 year old should not know at least a little bit about that. But there are details they don't need to know. They don't need to know all the dirty little details, just what the changes are and why. That, and where babies come from too.
  But that doesn't mean they can go around talking about it on FH of course, I'm just pointing out that it is normal for 13 year olds to know about 'that', and if they haven't heard it from their parents or teachers, trust me, they WILL hear about it from somewhere.


I don't see anyone really saying that this game is equivalent to real life. More or less there's dispute whether or not to simply ignore the issue and let trouble makers continue on being trouble makers, or if there should be away to slow down the lack of discipline in-game. These are becoming major cases of harassment/exploiting. Not saying being ban-happy is the answer, but going to the next extreme where they think they can't get away with doing anything? - Hm.. nothing like coming into a game, and the moment it's done loading you have to start blocking 10+ people all the time in each map you waltz into.

Using block button in Feralheart is like trying to use lotion to stop hepatitis. It may stop the itching, but it's still nasty. ;P
About time to get some doctors maybe?

XD Love how you put that at the end Slycan XD This has all made me want to march back into FH and try to put a stop to it myself XD

Gather army of do gooders, for our enemy the trolls are among us, and we must fight!

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #78 on: May 13, 2011, 03:21:01 am »
I noticed from when I first joined here, the rate of trolls, etc went up greatly. I used it see it every now and then, but's like, what??! I see it everywhere sometimes. o_o It's crazy. I never use the block button because I don't need other people butt-swinging me and I don't know it. xD Or other things, yeah. I think adding mods ingame with different timezones could also help. Like, spread it out, you know? That's my opinion. Since most mods seem to have the same timezone. (I think. D: )

LOL Sly, lovely description at the end there. xD

*ninja'd 3 times*


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #79 on: May 13, 2011, 03:26:13 am »
Yep. I think that would solve a little bit, different time zone moderators. Lulz. But yes, I know what you mean, yeah they might know about birds and bees but I'm absolutively positive that it isn't detailed because my mother didn't tell me the whole sha-bang until I was 16 (but by then friends already had it down pat) :D

It's not doing good really, it's like...a game. Troll hunting! Ftw :D