Author Topic: General Chat Attacks  (Read 20515 times)


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2011, 12:12:31 am »

As for what the first post stated, I believe, I've seen that. Senseless spaming and not a mod in sight. Normally I don't report because it's silly stuff and they quit after a bit. But sometimes it gets bad, and I mean very bad, but I normally don't have general turned on so I don't see the full force of it, but when I switch it on, I see parts of god knows what.

Now on the topic of mods, I rarely, of ever see more than 3-4 online per day and it's only the same bunch, save for Raz and Tigg and Red, but I never see them on for a very long time. I understand mods have lives but, if you sign up for a job, and yes moderating this forum/in-game is a JOB, AKA responsibility, you better darn well do it. It's not a little hobby you can sometimes prod at to show your almighty ban hammer powers with once and a while, or abuse, because like sly stated, some kid TOTALY won't get upset over a cruel remark made oversomething and go kill themselves... because thats so never happened before. Mods need guidelines and inactive mods need to be fired.

 Thats my opinion and I hope I offened no one, it's simply stuff I've noted and been angered over for the past month or so.

Well.. certainly hope it doesn't come down to firing .. ):

( Then again, most jobs off and on the net are sadly like this v.v - I would know, it happened to me once and didn't even know why LOL..  You live and learn I suppose..)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 12:14:27 am by Slycan »


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2011, 12:17:01 am »
I pointed it out because teenagers can make horrid decisions at times if they don't have a set of rules to follow. Seeing as I know a few of these mods I'd guess the ages range from 16-18? If I'm wrong please correct me. You can be the most mature 8 year old, but that doesn't mean they're not gonna' throw a tantrum over something, and the same applies to teenagers.... But like I said it's an oipnion not a fact. c:


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2011, 12:23:49 am »
^ think she's trying to say it's a maturity thing - not an age thing... atleast that's what I hope you are saying xD

(some of the staff team are indeed older than 18, and even older than 20 as red said)


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2011, 12:26:58 am »
yay for Sly and her interptering skills of awesomeness! And thiank you for correcting me on the age thing slyness.

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2011, 12:29:24 am »
Yep, this thread is way too much talk in it already even though there is infact nothing much that should be argued about right now. This was about general being attacked by mods when mods were just being, mods?

The only reason why people really turns against this is probably because...

They usually hang in general all clogg it with crap just as some of those that got seen.
They havn't been on enough to see how bad general can get in some situations.
Their friend(s) got into trouble for not listening in the first place and want to deffend them.
Or just because they like to argue for funsies? lol.

So is the problem really that mods were too harsh and going on a rampage? No, it isn't.

Bottom line is mods do whatever the can to keep the game under control, if they think something is going of the rails they try to stop it. If users don't hit the breaks and prepare for impact it will be a hard one.
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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2011, 12:32:25 am »
Please contact other members of staff if necessary they will escalate issues to me


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2011, 12:37:26 am »
Actually I haven't been banned ever past ten hours. And no I was never warned and if you pay very close attention to what I said you'd notice that I said Mods banned without warning and i have several logs to prove it. There are MOD's and simply don't deserve to be MODS. Was I speaking about every moderator? No I was speaking about the power nazi ones Like MOD75 :3. Specifically and Only MOD75. I have several logs collected by me and now other members that are sending them too me that STRONGLY back up my case. But why not post it here? Hmm because I'll probably get banned.  This is why I didn't just address this privately and made it Public Razmirz. Because no matter what you'll all back eachother in the end. The players voice anything and they are smited like ants under a microscope.

I think that if the Mods were being paid for this they might take their jobs a little more respetively. Again this is not ALL the mods. Currently I am not banned from the game this is for those that are because of this unjust behavior. So for you to say that only the mods put up with crap its dished out too. I was not also creating this to protect spammers for I do believe some people should be banned of course. But for a Mod to say "do say something random in chat pointlessly" then someone log in and say something random and be banned for it when they weren't here when it was said?  Then for someone to be banned and another defend and say "Hey that wasn't right to ban them for that" they also get banned? Totally not right. Again you skipped over the point of favoritism as well shown upon others. If this continues I might as well just post up the links to the logs I'm refering to that proves the overboard power rampage that makes one hold themself higher than all else. On every forum so its seen because this is ridiculous. I also offered solutions you are all just arguing about the problem without doing so. Blantant complaining on both ends means nothing. Fix the damn Party unit.


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2011, 12:39:22 am »
Even better solution. Fire MOD75


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2011, 12:43:42 am »
Also I believe what I spoke of as to what as "= not spam" was by definition of MOD75 so it was spoken in sarcaism for those that seemed to miss that.


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2011, 12:45:26 am »
@Raz COnsidering I'm normally online here form the time I wake up to the time I sleep I can disagree. There are some mods on here I haven't seen since the game was released, others only once or twice. Like I said before, I know mods have lives as I have been a mod before on a diffrent site, but it's a responsibility and if you can't handle it you have no bisnuess(sp?)  holding that position.