Author Topic: Serpent River Wolves  (Read 14680 times)

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2011, 09:47:20 pm »
That's alright.  If you want to join, please submit the form I supplied, and tell me if you are going to be a pack member or a member not in the pack.

Just a bit of information.  The pack will not be made for several months.  Maybe more.  I'm not going to make it until I'm finished with basic training and I'm at my first duty station.  Also, if you are not going to be constant and committed, please don't ask to join.

However, you do have permission to have a white pelt.  I'm more hesitant about the blindness, because I don't want a lot of blind wolves running around.  But very well.  She can be blind.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 04:17:50 am by Toast »

Offline KuririLove

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2011, 10:15:08 am »
I'll join. x] I'd like to be in the pack once you make it, hunter if possible. C:

In my role-play sample I'll be role-playing in First Person, if that's okay. I need to get used to writing in First-Person for a potential book that I may start writing once I get used to writing in First Person. I'm alright in Third Person, so I won't bother with that for now, but what I really need to practice is staying in First Person. I tend to drift from First Person to Third Person mid-sentence because that's what I'm so used to writing in Third... I gotta quit that. ;XD

If you want a bigger picture of Raven, which is the same but with more detail, you can go here... Make sure to click on the image... C:


Age: 3 1/2 Years
Gender: Female
Mate: No mate, but she's looking.
Personality: Raven is... Despite her looks, she's quite submissive and overly shy. She doesn't enjoy fighting, and these qualities probably SHOULD have made her omega, but she's not. It takes someone with a lot of patience to get her to open up, and she won't do that for many, but once she does she can be a great friend. She's very level-headed, and it's often that her close friends will come to her for advice.
On a physical note- explaining why she isn't omega- her small, very slim build makes it easy for her to catch smaller prey and kill it quickly. Due to vigorous self-training and the urge to make something of herself, she has unusually high stamina. Because of this, she can run at high speeds for quite a while, making it easy for her to run bigger prey down until it's too tired to run from the actual hunting group. Once said 'large prey' becomes tired, she'll back down and let the bigger wolves deliver the final blow. She doesn't enjoy killing, no matter what it is. Even if it's just a pitiful squirrel, she has to constantly remind herself that when hunting it's for the pack, and its death was not wasted. One of her personal rituals is, just before it dies, she gets down to eye-level with her prey and lets it know its death was not in vain. Some think she's a bit whacky because of her self-proclaimed connection with other animals, but it's the fact that she DOES have this connection that keeps her going.

In-Game Username: KuririLove
Forum Username: Kuriri
Roleplay Sample: I whimpered and hid my face under my mane as I hastily made my way through the clearing. I didn't much enjoy being around... others. I knew them all quite well, but I knew some a bit more than others. It's not that I didn't like them, it's just... Not many of them like me.
I weaved my way through the crowd, ducking and whimpering every time this wolf or that wolf stepped on me or bumped into me. Those were accidents of course, but... Some of the pain I received wasn't an accident...
I had almost made it to my goal, when I felt a sudden surge of pain spiral throughout my body and I felt myself on the ground in an instant.
"Raven, watch where you're going to worthless cur!" Roared a male wolf. Apparently I had bumped into him, or maybe he was having a bad day and needed someone to pick on, but nonetheless he began growling inwardly, shoving me to the side. I yelped, drawing attention to myself as I doubled over and was flung to the ground. I hit the ground with a thud, breathing heavily and mentally willing the pain away as it ebbed and slowly faded. All around me eyes narrowed, scowls formed, and whispers were passed from canine to canine.
"She's so worthless!"
"She should have been omega.."
"I know, right!? She's so weak!"
"It's her hunting skills... that's the only reason she isn't at the bottom where she should be."
"Have you seen her!? She talks to her prey as if they understand her, and her them. She's nuts!"
Eventually I stopped listening, flattening my ears and opening my eyes slowly. I sobbed, and, forcing myself to stand, I burst through the crowd, shoving everywolf aside. I ignored any growls, yelps, or verbal complaints. Negativity would have only made it worse. I slowed to a halt and pushed through the bracken into the healer's den, seeking out one of my very few, dear friends. I had meant to go there anyways, but... Now I had more than one reason.

Allllright... C: After spending over 2 hours on this application I believe I'm finally satisfied. X_x

Erm... Constructive Criticism is encouraged and welcomed.. C: Let me know if the... um... 'fellow pack-members' attitudes were too far OOC. I thought it might have been, but.. It is just an example... XD

Haha, here's the code. C: I do so hope you create the pack soon, I could use a good RP group... There aren't enough literate role-players out there. </3

Code: [Select]
[left][color=#062600][b][size=12pt]Age:[/size][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]3 1/2 Years[/size][/color]
[color=#062600][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Gender:[/size][/font][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]Female[/size][/color]
[color=#062600][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Mate:[/size][/font][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]No mate, but she's looking.[/size][/color]
[color=#062600][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Personality:[/size][/font][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]Raven is... Despite her looks, she's quite submissive and overly shy. She doesn't enjoy fighting, and these qualities probably SHOULD have made her omega, but she's not. It takes someone with a lot of patience to get her to open up, and she won't do that for many, but once she does she can be a great friend. She's very level-headed, and it's often that her close friends will come to her for advice.
On a physical note- explaining why she [i]isn't[/i] omega- her small, very [b]slim[/b] build makes it easy for her to catch smaller prey and kill it quickly. Due to vigorous self-training and the urge to make something of herself, she has unusually high stamina. Because of this, she can run at high speeds for quite a while, making it easy for her to run bigger prey down until it's too tired to run from the actual hunting group. Once said 'large prey' becomes tired, she'll back down and let the bigger wolves deliver the final blow. She doesn't enjoy killing, no matter what it is. Even if it's just a pitiful squirrel, she has to constantly remind herself that when hunting it's for the pack, and its death was not wasted. One of her personal rituals is, just before it dies, she gets down to eye-level with her prey and lets it know its death was not in vain. Some think she's a bit whacky because of her self-proclaimed connection with other animals, but it's the fact that she DOES have this connection that keeps her going.[/size][/color]
[color=#062600][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]In-Game Username:[/size][/font][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]KuririLove[/size][/color]
[color=#062600][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Forum Username:[/size][/font][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]Kuriri[/size][/color]
[color=#062600][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Roleplay Sample:[/size][/font][/b][/color] [color=#8b7453][size=12pt]I whimpered and hid my face under my mane as I hastily made my way through the clearing. I didn't much enjoy being around... others. I knew them all quite well, but I knew some a bit more than others. It's not that I didn't like them, it's just... Not many of them like [i]me[/i].
I weaved my way through the crowd, ducking and whimpering every time this wolf or that wolf stepped on me or bumped into me. Those were accidents of course, but... Some of the pain I received [i]wasn't[/i] an accident...
I had almost made it to my goal, when I felt a sudden surge of pain spiral throughout my body and I felt myself on the ground in an instant.
"Raven, watch where you're going to worthless cur!" Roared a male wolf. Apparently I had bumped into him, or maybe he was having a bad day and needed someone to pick on, but nonetheless he began growling inwardly, shoving me to the side. I yelped, drawing attention to myself as I doubled over and was flung to the ground. I hit the ground with a thud, breathing heavily and mentally willing the pain away as it ebbed and slowly faded. All around me eyes narrowed, scowls formed, and whispers were passed from canine to canine.
"She's so worthless!"
"She should have been omega.."
"I know, right!? She's so weak!"
"It's her hunting skills... that's the only reason she isn't at the bottom where she should be."
"Have you seen her!? She talks to her prey as if they understand her, and her them. She's nuts!"
Eventually I stopped listening, flattening my ears and opening my eyes slowly. I sobbed, and, forcing myself to stand, I burst through the crowd, shoving everywolf aside. I ignored any growls, yelps, or verbal complaints. Negativity would have only made it worse. I slowed to a halt and pushed through the bracken into the healer's den, seeking out one of my very few, dear friends. I had meant to go there anyways, but... Now I had more than one reason.[/size][/color]
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 10:16:41 am by Kuriri »

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2011, 01:22:36 am »
You are accepted, Kuriri.

EDIT: Oh, I've made the pack.  Just go ahead and post the application over there to join.
Link is here:
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 04:58:02 am by Toast »

Offline KuririLove

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2011, 12:34:12 pm »
erm, k. o.o

Offline Bri-Lanie

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2011, 12:41:34 am »
Could I make a black wolf? He will have a black pelt, light gray underfur, pale blue eyes, and white markings....

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2011, 12:44:56 am »
Could I make a black wolf? He will have a black pelt, light gray underfur, pale blue eyes, and white markings....
Go ahead.  Thank you for asking and for your interest in the species.

Offline Bri-Lanie

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2011, 01:41:23 am »

Age: 4 years/ Adult
Gender: Male/Brute
Mate: None
Personality: Caspian is a very kind wolf. He is usually very calm and rational, though can get a bit of a temper when dealing with overly rude or arrogant wolves. He's a great fighter, and can really be very aggressive in a battle situation. He's a large wolf, for his species, and really isn't a very fast runner. Though what he lacks in speed, he makes up for in stamina. Caspian loves pups and would make a good father despite the fact that he can sometimes be a bit too overprotective of those he cares for. Caspian has always preferred the thrill of battle over the quiet patience that hunting requires and it shows when he does hunt.
In-Game Username: Bri-Lanie
Forum Username: BriLanie
Roleplay Sample: Caspian lay on a cold rock. He was a few feet in the air, the large rock giving him extra height to survey the territory. His pale blue eyes glanced over the forest and grass, searching for signs of intruders or prey. Caspian was cautious sometimes, but he didn't show it much. After seeing nothing of interest on the horizon, Caspian layed his head on his paws and yawned, his expression a bit drowsy. All of a sudden, a bird burst from the trees in a cacophonous song of screeches and caws. Caspian cocked his head slightly, wondering what had frightened the bird. Just as the thought left Caspian's mind, he glimpsed a wolf's tail disappearing behind the trees. Curious, Caspian stood and jumped off the rock, landing without a sound on the soft grass. Caspian began to pad silently in the direction of what he believed to be an intruder. As he neared the tree where he had seen the tail, a loud snarl sounded behind him. Whirling towards the sound, Caspian had turned just in time to see a scrawny female wolf launch herself at him. The female was a deep brown color with speckles of silver. Yelping in surprise as he was tackled by the intruder, Caspian hurried to his feet before she could launch another attack. He growled, the sound coming from deep within his throat. Caspian was attempting to warn the female before he counterattacked. Caspian didn't like to fight opponents that were smaller or weaker than him unless he absolutely had too. When the female lunged again, Caspian stopped his warning growl and dodged, quickly pivoting on his hind legs and pushing the female's shoulder with his brute strength. The female fell on the ground with a sickening thud. Caspian was on her in seconds, pinning her down with his front foot and bending down to look at her. "Leave" He said in a howrse growl. He took his paw off of her and snapped, near her face. The female picked herself up off the ground and crouched down in front of Caspian, seeming to want to fight more. Caspian rushed her, and she stumbled as she dodged. Caspian snapped again and the female got up. She glared at Caspian before turning and taking off further into the forest. Caspian ran after her for a minute or two, then turned back in the direction of camp, preparing to inform the alpha of the occurrence.

Is this ok? I didn't want Caspian to seem powerful or anything but I was totally blocked of other ideas for the sample.

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 03:02:11 am »
It's fine.  He's accepted.

Offline Bri-Lanie

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2011, 03:20:57 am »

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: Serpent River Wolves
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2011, 02:10:42 pm »
Update!  Markings have been edited, along with Nose and Tail Tip colors.  Ham markings are now fully compatible with this species. XD  Blind eyes have replaced Pupiless/Orb.  Map is finished.  Link to screenshots and download can be found in the first post.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 03:33:51 pm by Toast »