Author Topic: Oh look another rant..  (Read 42450 times)

Offline shusuke

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2011, 09:12:28 pm »
Feather I love you +Karma

You took the words that I was trying to say out of my mouth and then said them so much better than I ever could.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2011, 03:55:59 am »
I'm going to post what I think.

I agree with all of you. There need to be more mods in-game.

But I hate being kicked for those minor little things. One day in FH, some person came up to me and rolled over under me. I began doing buttswing, and was kicked for 5-10 minutes. What the heck? When I got back, they said it was because the person was begging for it. So? I mean come on.

And also, why is Kovu making a facebook game? He already has one that he needs to step up and take care of. I mean, seriously. He doesn't ened another game when he can't take care of the one he already has.

In my opinion, there should be an official post/thread/ SOMETHING where all of us can complain in lengthy paragraphs. Then it would be KOVU'S responsibility to check that every month and fix those complaints the best he can, if at all.

And about the age thing. Dude, it's the internet. I have seen 7 YEAR OLDS playing games like this. Us older members need to step up, and remember the fact that this IS the internet. There shouldn't be an age limit for games like this. I would hope users under 10 would be carefully watched by their parents, but please. We older members should set an example for those younger kids. I know it may be hard, or you don't want to because 'you don't have to'. But in the end, this just shows them they can act this way. Then here comes a whole new generation of trolls. And the cycle will continue.

I know there is going to be those few people who don't want to do this, and be as perverted and bad as they can. 'It makes them cool'! No it doesn't. I mean, a little perverted-ness is okay with me, but I would keep it in party chat. Not group, group glitches. But that extra, dirty crap is unneeded. Keep it to yourself or close friends. THERE ARE CHILDREN ON HERE, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Don't burn their minds!

But all in all, I want this FH, even the Aro'kai community to stay clean and well behaved for those younger members. Yes, this post won't change anything. But I want to have a say, after all. Maybe someone will listen and set an example. MAYBE, a few other people will listen, and do it also. All I want is a good community. I want to be able to trust every single member. If I can't do that... why stay, when everything is at risk?

I want to add another thing. To those people who are saying that the admins/mods are doing a bad job. The mods and admins are doing a wonderful job. I know they may not be on all the time, but are any of us? They have lives, just like anyone of us. Don't be angry because they can't make what happened right. They don't make up the community. WE DO. All of us make up this community, along with them. Just because some of us don't act right, doesn't make this community all that bad. But the rest of us that obey are aren't perverted and such, can make the difference.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 04:08:56 am by Tamune »


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2011, 04:07:16 am »
I have a comment on the underaged members.

There is a United States law, called COPPA. Since this forum is based in the U.S,. the members are expected and required to follow the law of the forum, no matter where they reside in the world.

COPPA states no child under 13 can legally be on the internet without adult supervision. They cannot post or join a forum or play a multiplayer online game without written permission by a parent/guardian or being supervised while using the website/application.

However, I believe we need to stay on topic here. what could Kov possibly do to resolve these issues?

1. PLEASE fix that report button, so there is a real sense of security, and you aren't lying to the players.

2. HIRE some trusted members for moderating, the more mods, the more protection in-game and on the forum.

3. LISTEN to us members. We are the consumers as stated before. If you are not willing to listen, please either close the game or hand ownership over to someone else if you don't want it anymore.

These three steps would make the game a lot safer and more enjoyable. I am sorry for flaming, I truly am, but this is getting rediculous. The quotes Tigg posted make me think Kov doesn't really don't care anymore. If that is the case, he needs to please confess that he got bored or such with this game, and consider #3.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 04:10:06 am by Featherclaw »

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2011, 04:09:59 am »
I will tell you a Secret now, which i think it should be known by EVERY player:
He never did.

The Report-Button ingame: Does NOTHING. Because Kov thinks it dont needs to do -anything-.
His exact words are: If there is a Report-Button, User will feel more save.

So heres the Reason Ingame-Mods cant be right there: The Report-Feature Ingame is -NOT- working! Because Kov dont wants this kind of support.

8| no wonder all my reports went unheard.

Kovu, that is incredibly slack. There is absolutely no way you can just say "Oh don't need it." to a huge online community that (like all others) is prone to trolling and other idiots. Without a proper report button, no wonder the ingame situation is getting out of hand.
You can't just rely on "ppl will take screenies an pm them" because I'm pretty sure that most of the users in the game do not go on the forums and are not aware that the only true way to get mods/admins to deal with it is by PM. Most users (like myself even) rely on the Report button to actually work, it's a lot more convienient to press that instead of screenie, crop, save, post on photobucket, open FH forum, PM mod and wait for a reply (and praying that by the time they get back to you, the problem users are still there. Although usually Admins are pretty punctual/quick and whenever I've PM'd one they've zipped into game and the problem is dealt with.)

Quote from: Featherclaw
Indeed this is Kov's game, but if he wants it to THRIVE, he needs to take care of it and support it. No, they are NOT being paid, I respect that, but even Tigg agrees that this game is going downhill. The game is free, yes, but would you really play a free game that doesn't have any support from the creator?
Pretty much this too.
If Kovu thinks that if he ignores/thinks things will be fine unmoderated ON THE INTERNET. It's just wrong.
If he wants the game to improve, don't add random actions, don't waste time on game features and making it pretty. Instead deal with the faux report button and improve ways to help deal with trolls and in game idiots. The mods/admins can't do a thing if the report button doesn't work.

Offline aelitastar

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2011, 04:17:50 am »
Ive QUIT that stupid game now. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE IMMATURE AND SICK PEOPLE ON THERE!!! i mean serously! come on! we NEED mods Ingame, One time in bonfire THIS GROSS SICK AND INAPPROPRIATE person was ACTING OUT human mating GOD mods? Why dont you help! ive gone back to WQ and my other old games BECAUSE ingame? there is NOTHING done about the sick behavior, The REPORT button NEVER works. i babysit a LOT and, well, My SIX year old BROTHER can READ at a SIXTH grade level DONT tell me to not let him watch, because its not MY fault ITS THE STUPID LACK OF ACTION. Ive seen plenty mods on THEY HARDLY DO ANYTHING. Go ahead, take away karma i have, I DONT CARE the only reason im still on the forums is because of friends i have on here and rps on the forums i made and joined. UNTIL YOU handle the sick and inappropriate behavior, IM NOT GOING BACK

End of rant

~ sukira
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2011, 04:44:01 am »
No need to bash the game Sukira. The game isn't stupid. What makes the game un-enjoyable is the members. I love Feral Heart. It's a really cool game. Some of the members..not so much.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2011, 04:55:34 am »
No need to bash the game Sukira. The game isn't stupid. What makes the game un-enjoyable is the members. I love Feral Heart. It's a really cool game. Some of the members..not so much.
I know. I've had to block numerous people for cursing on general chat, meaning everyone on the map could see it. To make it worse, some of them know they won't get in trouble for it.
I also didn't know the block button was faulty. :o This needs to be fixed right away not a few months from now but now,right now. I'd do ingame modding myself if it meant making the game safer and fun for everyone and giving the other mods a little breather. But a certain someone doesn't care. ::)


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2011, 06:21:27 am »
About three posts from the last, I stopped reading. xD

So, now for my turn. I agree with some and disagree with others. First off, I'm going to say this; I know from experience that a lack of strict rules and a lack of staff involvement does not work. I have seen a site crash because of this. Some people got mad, some people loved it, but in the end it brought the site down. A site with a community needs rules and regulations along with people to enforce it. Left alone, you're leaving it to the dogs. I'll set Omegle as an example. How many trolls and perverts can you find on there because there is no moderation. It is impossible to go onto the video chat without finding a, honest to God, penis every other chat. It's horrendous. People like that look for sites like these to have their fun on. And if left alone, that's what it'll become; a place for sad losers to jack off to because they can't do it anywhere else.

It doesn't get you anywhere having an nonfunctional anything. If it doesn't work, you may as well not have it. It just looks like you're too lazy to actually put it up or you're trying to trick people. Or you're trying to look 'legit' and like you have everything a site should have. As I see it, by even having the report button up, Kovu is saying that a site /should/ have a report button. However, his does not work, whether because he's too lazy to program a report system in or because he doesn't feel his site needs it.

Also, as for the staff forcing it upon Kovu to do something; this will not work. If he doesn't want to do it, he won't. There is nothing the staff can do to make him to it if he really does not want to. And from what I gather, he doesn't and will not no matter what. It also seems that it doesn't matter to him that that is what his members want. This, I also have noticed from another site, does not go over well. Members lose trust in their admin and begin to oppose him. Overall, the members become unhappy and complain even more and it will be used against the admin that he or she does not listen to what they want. It doesn't look good, either.

To me it seems that Kovu is pushing his limits with what he can manage. Obviously, he doesn't have time for this game (either that, or he doesn't care), and he's trying to make another? Not good. Usually, one site or game is a lot of work by itself. Having multiple can ruin you.

Another thing I want to bring up is that anyone under thirteen is legally not allowed to be on this site, and with this kind of content the site (and owner) itself can face consequences for allowing it. Once again, either this Kovu just doesn't give a damn (as with everything else, it seems) or is unaware. Either way it's not good.

Personally, I think Kovu needs to hire some staff. Not just buddies, but people who have some sort of experience. Maybe a right hand man who can do most of the stuff that he himself can. Then, if it's an issue of laziness, he won't have to worry about it. However, if this truly is an issue of him just not caring, then FH is pretty much doomed. It's not particularly the community's fault, we can't control what some people do-- we have no power, and not every person is going to agree on what is allowed and what is not. In the real world, the police are involved. They punish people who commit crimes and all (at least in a general sense, please do not argue with me about what they actually do and don't due and go into specifics. you know what I mean). The staff members are our virtual cops. They make sure everything is in order and that people follow rules.

If the police did nothing, or weren't able to do anything to control crime, where would we be? No doubt, some of us would probably be dead. It's the same on the internet; an unregulated site is not a fun one. It just doesn't work.

Offline Kenta Uzumaki

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2011, 06:35:16 am »
In all honesty, us, as players, should be blamed for the community, not the creator, or even the administrators and moderators. You have to realize, this is an online community. The world wide web has become a crude and harsh place. Anyone can say anything, because all we're doing is sitting behind screens. I for one, am satisfied with FH's community. I have never come across anything I haven't been able to handle, or reply to. If you use common sense, ignore the trolls, the ones who are bothering you, they grow bored, they leave. Responding fuels the fire. And about the blocking option. So what if it randomly unblocks them? Odds are is they won't remember your username to come and bother you again. I've never reported anyone. I don't plan on it. To each their own. But having the button being nonfunctional is ridiculous. Just don't have it.

And if one is complaining about the younger players being victim to all of this? Anyone under the age of thirteen shouldn't even be allowed to create an account. And if they do, it's their own fault for putting themselves out there. There comes a point where you just have to accept stuff. I'm all for a safe community. Truly.

I think that the ADMINS and MODS are doing a fine enough job as is. Red and Tigg are right. This is Kov's game. And if Kov has faith in us, then we should aim to meet his standards. This game is FREE for us. Why are you complaining?  These people aren't being paid for their services to this game. All they have is our gratitude and their pride. And by complaining, you're killing that.

I understand where you are coming from. Yet there is a problem when he doesn't even CONSIDER hiring new moderators to replace the ones that quit. I have been playing FH for about 6-7 months now, and I haven't had any issues until now.

It would be nice for Kov to pay more attention to the game itself, rather than just pay attention to the FB posts he gets.

Please note that we are NOT complaining about any of the MODS, but Kov himself. Yes. The internet has become crude and harsh, but this would be a much SAFER and STABLE community IF there is an attempt to keep some order.

I know this is very out of order, and I am not trying to bash on anyone, but some trolls/harassers take it too far. I had to create a NEW ACCOUNT because someone had apparently SAVED my username and many others' to a NOTPAD FILE. They then used this to track me and others. This was a while ago, and I had reported him several times. IF that report function had been in use, there would have been a way to bring that person what he deserves.

I agree completely with you on the underaged players they play at their own risk.

Indeed this is Kov's game, but if he wants it to THRIVE, he needs to take care of it and support it. No, they are NOT being paid, I respect that, but even Tigg agrees that this game is going downhill. The game is free, yes, but would you really play a free game that doesn't have any support from the creator?

To some this may be "complaining". To others, this is standing up for ourselves and practicing our right to give our honest opinions about a subject we are concerned about.

We have taken it to this level because any other threads have been immediately locked, it is unacceptable.

Im all for that.

and the fact people in this game need to step up more. If someone makes a game, they better enforce some rules instead of lieing,ignoring the community. Yes, FH WILL be doomed and shut down if someone don't get off their lazy asses and start worrying more about the PEOPLE in  the game.

Anyway, thats all im really going to say. Don't expect me to post again on this thread. I made my point and im not coming back if someone gets butt hurt.
Hi, I am Kenta Volkov. My name is Still Kenta Uzumaki on here....Oh well.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2011, 08:34:45 am »
I love this thread.