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Messages - Vacio

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Discussion Board / Re: Favorite/Least favorite anime and why?
« on: July 28, 2014, 04:52:24 am »
My favourite ANIME.
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Attack on Titan, and Baccano! for TV shows, Hotarubi no mori e, Howl's moving castle, The cat returns and Spirited away for films. I think I generally like good moral story, and pretty much... I like it do have emotion.
I love Bleach but the Anime isn't the best. Love the music and alot of the canon stuff (Hate the fillers. fillers are why I can't say it's my favourite anime. though a filler episode is enjoyable, I don't like filler Arcs. bleach has filler arcs.) There's alot more too, but I'm just giving the general idea if people want to view opinions.

Least favourite. That's a kind of hard one cause if I didn't like it I didn't really watch it.
I'll have to go with Black Butler. Great manga, not so great anime (in my opinion) they messed that one up.
The other thing is Full metal alchemist. Unlike Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, it did not follow the manga. at all really. I haven't watched a lot of it but from what I know. I can't like it.
Also Transformers Armada counts as an anime I guess. I'm staying away from that one.
^ I don't exactly HATE these though. I just generally dislike them. If other people like them that's completely cool with me.

I probably forgot something but whatever. : )

Forum Discussion / Re: Repetitive answers on help threads
« on: July 27, 2014, 09:27:39 pm »
I tend to agree. Although I can also see how elaborating on another users post may seem rude. Not everyone would think of it that way but I can see how someone may see it as, of example:
"Yeah... what so-and-so said. they just forgot to mention this that and the other thing. *hairflip*" Even though that isn't the intended purpose, It could appear that way to people.

I have this issue a lot too. I'll meet a new person and everything is going fine, sometimes they say "Hi" first, sometimes it's me, really just whoever notices the other is online first. And then after awhile, They stop. And I'm the only one saying "Hi" and it gets to the point they never even reply. (Like on skype, and you never get a: "Sorry I left Skype up!" Or anything. Just nothing.)
I always ask myself, "Why?" I get that people change, interests change. But sometimes, even if you've moved on, you don't have to leave everyone behind? You could just let them know how things are now, and they might understand, they might even feel the same way and you will have a common interest again.

Then there's things like; you join a group, sometime passes. And you really start to realize that they don't care about you. It's like when they talk to you, it's to divert you. "Hey, we're obviously talking in private whispers and you are not invited. Ever. But hi. Okay bye." Sometimes, for me anyway, I might not be able to connect 100% with people. We have a common interest, but if I feel a but different about it they push me away? Why can't we have our own opinions and accept it? Or are you THAT bad at friendship?

I've tried to keep friendships alive so many times. But it's a two way thing.
And a lot of the time the friend seems... Dishonest. Like at some point they honestly want nothing to do with you, but will act all nice anyway. What's the point of faking it? Who gains? No one. You're both wasting your time.

For me it's gotten to the point I hardly want to talk to people, myself. At some point it feels so hopeless.

//end rant. Better stop it here. Apologies if it's confusing. Didn't read over.

I would if I felt like what they were upset over was rational. However if I'd seen what went down and it seemed to me that that person who became upset is upset by not only their own doing, but have made others more upset and hurt others, I would be more likely to just talk to them about to see how they feel about it and why they do what they do, and if they truly think they are in the right to be doing so.

Game Help / Re: Help! Map servers.
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:50:39 am »
I agree with WolfKate, seems many of the maps are crashed, I was able to log into a character left if fluorite, last cave and Atlantis, most of my characters were left in bonfire or ficho, those ones I was not able to log in as.

Discussion Board / Re: Ice Cream?
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:44:11 pm »
Then probably green tea, chai tea, vanilla,... And almost anything so long as it doesn't have chunks of weird things just so I can choke on them.

Game Discussion / Re: Exclusion
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:59:41 am »
Happens to me a lot, and that's all I am going to say on the subject, right now.

Game Discussion / Re: Do you think..?
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:01:15 am »

Game Discussion / Re: What do I say to that?
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:42:12 pm »
I have this issue quite often in role plays (in-game) where one of the other players is sitting a distance away from everyone else making posts such as: posts about how sad they are, or how they sit there thinking to themselves, doing nothing at all that could attract the attention of any of the other characters.
Whom, of which this players character is usually not acquaintanced with any of the other characters, whom are likely already having a conversation of sorts.

And just sad things in general give me a hard time. I've never known what to say, let alone where to start, to be of any comfort. Unless, perhaps I witnessed just what the other is sad about.

Game Discussion / Re: Kovu is back, say what now?
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:34:40 am »
I'm fine with whatever he wishes to do with his games, to be honest.
And glad he's getting his new game out there, although I personally won't be playing it, I'm not a big fan of Facebook and being a "browser" type game kinda just makes me think of Wolfhome, (It's not really 'my thing') but it's still in the earlier stages and now that's it out there it may get alot of nice updates and become a very fine game. I wish him luck with that.

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