Customizing FeralHeartA big part of the game itself is to be able to be creative, it can be from just roleplaying in the game to making maps and presets. Customizing FeralHeart is definitely a big part of the game, and that's why it has its own little part here in this thread. If you play often, you'll most likely end up customizing your game as well.
How do I learn making these maps and "presets" everyone is talking about?Actually, it's not that hard if you just get a good start. Making these things have been simplified to the extreme compared to how it used to be in the past. As long as you are determinated to learn, it will be rather pain-free.
If you're in the absolute first stages of learning how to make maps/presets, a good thing would be if you checkout our Documentation page on this site. It goes through the most things you need to know, just click
This and you are ready to get started. Making these things does require you to have an image editing software like Photoshop or Gimp. If you don't have any of these, you can download Gimp for free
If you'd end up needing an even more precise tutorial on how to make presets and/or maps, there's a section called "
Member Made Tutorials" here on the forum. It's the place where people post all kind of tutorials and guides on how to make things for the game. Be sure to check that out as well if you feel creative.
Two of the most regular things people do around here is that they show each other the presets they've made or create maps for their roleplays (or host a party in their new maps). So here's a quick guide on how to make it work.
How to see a friends preset they made:Most of the time the preset is one exported .fhp file. If a friend of yours wants you to see their preset, all you have to do is download the file from the link they give to you, and then paste the .fhp file into
If your friend or the one you downloaded it from made and exported the preset correctly, you should see them with their new look next time they're using it in the game!
If you had a finished preset you'd need to do the same in order for others to see them.
What is Preset Sync?Preset Sync is a separate download offered to you on the "Downloads" page on the website that will allow you to see everyone's preset automatically, without manually downloading their .fhp file and pasting it into the "presets" folder-- when you download the Sync, it does all of this for you. The way this works is that if someone uploads their preset to the Sync, anyone else who has the Sync installed onto their computer will see that preset, even if you've never asked them for that preset. For more information on how to use this, check out
this thread.
How to install a map someone else made:Maps are also a big part of FeralHeart. Hanging out in custom maps is usually a great place to socialize with company, but it's also a big part of joining private roleplays and feeling a bigger variation when playing.
If someone made a map, itt's most likely put up on as a download link for those who want it. The thing is that most map includes more than just
one single file, so these are packed into either a .zip file or .rar file for you to download. files are easy to open and is needed to open certain programs. Just right click the downloaded zip file, and choose "Extract all" or "Open with Windows Explorer."
This will unzip the files to a new folder with the same name, making them usable. If you don't do this, chances they will work are extremely low. Depending on if you have a file like WinZip or 7Zip installed on your computer, your extraction method may look different.
To open .zip file by extraction:

By Windows explorer:
Rars.rar files are another way to pack files into a bundle. Though this requires you to have Winrar or any other program that can extract these files on your computer, Winrar is free, and you can download it from their site or other sites hosting it. The .rar files work pretty much the same way. When having Winrar installed, just right click the .rar file and chose "Extract here," and it will extract the files next to the rar in a new folder, making the files usable.
Now when you have the files required extracted and all, you just need to do one more thing-- that is to paste them into your game folder. The maps work the same way as exported presets, but you don't put the map files into the same files as you would the presets. You paste most the downloaded files (these usually end in .fho, .fhm., .fhs, .fhw) into the exports folder located here:
C:\FeralHeart\exportsSometimes the maps has more files than just exported .fhm and .fho such as .mesh .mat etc. If so, check the downloaded folder and see if there's any ReadMe text file for the map; the ReadMe will often tell you where to place files, often image or texture files, specifically. If there is none, and you need help, contact the map creator or seek out the help boards.
When all the files are in place, the map should be visible from within the game!
Just enter the map "Cape of Distant Worlds," located to the right of your Lonely Cave spawning point, and locate the globe portal. This will lead you to the downloaded maps. Head straight through the maps past the archway, and then the map portals will appear along the sides of the pathway, if exported correctly.
And that's how you install maps for your game.
There's more!There so much more that you can do with the game other than sharing presets and making maps.
You can make
your own emotes, customize eyes for the characters, make markings, custom skies for your maps, make meshes or your own objects, change textures, or install modifications, just to name a few. This thread would be endless if it were to explain how to make/use all of the modifications you can play with.
On the forum, we have a place called
"Addons & Mods". In here, people post all possible creations they've made/are making for you to download or look at.
If you want to download
maps, look
If you want to download
presets or other
markings, look
If you want to download a
mesh for the game, look
If you want to download
other kinds of mods that don't fit into those categories, look
If you want to download anything for the game? Just look
Same thing is if you want to show other members of this community something you're working on or want to share it. Just post a thread in a suiting section. Just whatever you do, do not steal someone else's work!
If you still feel confused and don't know where to start, feel free to ask the people around here or make a help thread in the help section and someone will come jumping to your rescue.
Good luck!
End of forum related posts and thread~Finally!