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Topics - amythealpha

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Presets & Markings / FREE TO USE PRESET: CHARA DREEMURR ver. 2
« on: September 05, 2016, 12:25:05 am »
MY... second-third preset? ... 2.5? -shrug-

Here's the second version to my Chara Dreemurr preset.

Here's the links!
To download:

*Right where it belongs.


Presets & Markings / FREE TO USE PRESET: CHARA DREEMURR ver. 1
« on: September 02, 2016, 03:34:08 am »
My second preset! ^w^ (My first was the free-to-use Temmie Preset)

It says ver. 1 because I have 2. I'll upload the other one later :3

Pictures here:

Hope you like it!

*This preset fills you with... DETERMINATION.

Oh yeah, download here:


Presets & Markings / Preset suggestions?
« on: August 28, 2016, 08:51:24 pm »
((sorry if this is in the wrong place))

Howdy guys! So, I'm gonna try to make another preset! (Might not come with a mane 'cause that gave me way too much trouble last time and ain't nobody got time fo' dat e-e)

Last time I made the Temmie Shopkeeper from Undertale. You can see and download the preset from my deviantart page here!

Anybody have any suggestions? I'm willing to try basically anything, as long as I like it, and it's not incredibly diffcult. I'm ok with ghost presets too! (well, maybe, I'll try my best~) No animating presets though or anything this time, sowwy ;w; don't really have the time at the moment.

Discussion Board / Shimeji making
« on: July 30, 2016, 12:52:36 am »
Yes, shimeji. Have you heard of them? It's a fun little program where you can download characters, and they roam around on your screen! They can duplicate, and do other little things too! (WARNING: Don't leave your computer for a long time, or forget to delete some of the duplicates. When you come back, you'll have an army of shimeji clones creating chaos on your computer. I know from experience x"D)

Some screenies of my UT shimejis here if you need a picture (I have more than just UT ones though. I have Bill Cipher ((GF)), Grell Sutcliff ((TBB)), Issun ((Okami), Waka ((Okami)), and I might I have other ones I just forgot about.)

Anyways, guess I'm in a bit of a mood to challenge myself (considering I just did a preset not long ago, something I've never done before, now I'm gonna try this, another thing I've never done before), because I'm gonna try to make my own Shimeji!

I already have a Temmie shimeji tbh)
(... it might possibly be temmie this time....)

However, I need ideas. I'll probably do some of my characters, or maybe even do characters people commission me to do (if that ever happens), but for my first one, I want one that a lot of people might download.

Since I'm currently obsessed with Undertale and it's AUs, I'll probably do a shimeji based on UT. But, I need ideas!

CHARACTERS I WON'T DO FOR SURE (at least not yet, because I already have a shimeji of them) (mostly UT characters):
UF!Sans (I would make a UF!Papyrus but my skeleton drawing skills... oh boy. I could try if you guys really want me to though)
Temmie (... I might make my own version TBH...I like Temmie....)
River Person
Omega Flowey (my favorite shimeji)
Mettaton EX (don't ask me to do block form. Drawing straight lines is the bane of my existence.)
Grell Sutcliff
DISCOMFORT (A hilarious fusion between Frisk and Chara)
US!Sans (AKA Blueberry)
Bill Cipher
Annoying Dog (Toby)

So yeah! Please leave suggestions below, or maybe tips and tricks because I have not the slightest clue what I'm doing //shot
It may not turn out great because all I have is my laptop mousepad. I don't have a proper mouse or tablet, so yeaaaaah.... I'll try ^^"

« on: July 09, 2016, 04:47:26 am »

Game Help / Another preset question, sorry!
« on: July 09, 2016, 03:19:49 am »
Howdy guys! I've finally made my first FeralHeart preset: the Temmie shopkeeper from Undertale!

However, uh, I don't really have a use for it.

What I want to do is this:

Upload it to DA and FH
Let people download and use the preset as for their own character through mediafire
Then probably just move the files to somewhere else (I have a place in mind) so I can use preset 3 for a different preset, one that I'll actually bother to use.

However, uh....

I'm not quite sure how to export it. I don't mean just for other people to see, I know how to do that, but I want other people to use it. (Free to use, of course.) I don't know how to put it to mediafire either. It's in a .zip file, right? ... I'm sorry, I just can't figure out how I want to do that. I mean, I can guess, but I don't want to screw-up the download for people. Also, can I move the files to somewhere else without it messing up the download for others?

I did look it up, but I must've worded it wrong or something, because all I'm finding it how to see other people's presets/let other people see your presets


Game Help / Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong
« on: July 07, 2016, 06:53:44 pm »
Hello everyone! Could someone help me? I'm making my first ever FH preset: Temmie from Undertale! Thus far, everything has worked out just fine.

Except the mane.

It's extremely blocky and weird looking. So, I tried basically everything on the face of the earth I could think of, including messing with the coding a bit

Here it is:
material preset_3_maneMat
                       cull_hardware none
                       cull_software none
                       alpha_rejection greater_equal 128
                                texture preset_3mane.png

It's supposed to be a feline mane, if that makes a difference. Not sure. Anyways, I've tried everything. Using just the normal mane, using just the mask, using both (The normal mane a .jpg, the mask using .png. I would try switching it, but the normal mane doesn't work with .png for me)

It just seems so stubborn! I've tried looking it up, but it's just not making sense to me. If anyone has the foggiest clue what might be wrong, please let me know. This is my first preset, and it's actually not as bad as I thought it'd be so far (trust me, it sucks, but it's not as sucky as I expected which I'm quite proud of myself for), and I really want to finish it. Help, please?

Edit: When I tried using just the mask, it looked really ugly and weird.
Edit2: I'm using Paint Tool SAI, by the way.

Characters / Lillie: My newest (and main) FH OC!
« on: June 19, 2016, 06:20:55 pm »
(Note: Originally her name was Lilith, but I decided to call her Lillie instead :3)

'ere's Lillie, my new FH OC! I'll be explorin' the new update with 'er. (Don't ask... I randomly get in the mood to type in an accent sometimes...)

(NOTE: Her design may change. If you have any suggestions for her markings, PLEASE let me know!)
(NOTE 2: Her items will change. Her tiny horns will grow into bigger horns once she's an adult, and her saber-teeth will also grow.)
(NOTE 3: She'll probably collect other items on her journey too.)

(Anyone got ideas for the names of her parents? o3o)

Lillie (and me kinda) will be exploring the (new) maps of FH! I'm sure you'll find her around at some point. She was left in Lonely Cave at 8 weeks old by her mother. Her mother went back to the old maps of FH, as she didn't want to leave. Her father also stayed.

Currently, she's 12 weeks old (not irl time haha) and is exploring Lonely Cave. If anyone wants to RP with me, lemme know! She'll age the same rate as a domestic cat. She'll age... when I feel like aging her -shrug- probably a moon every week or so (how I age most of my characters. Since she's my main FH OC though, I'll probably slow down her aging a bit, especially when she gets a bit older)

If you want to RP with me, er, please don't try to kill her. She's a fragile kitten.

Also, with Lillie, I probably won't join a group with her. However, if she has any active travelling buddies, then we could make a small group out of that! :3

Characters / Character help
« on: June 18, 2016, 02:25:54 am »
Heeeeeey guys, so I'm gonna be exploring FH with what'll be my new main FH OC (Not my fursona, that title goes to HummingKitten). Aaaand I have no clue where to start. I'll be doing a similar method of what I did for my first ever FH OC: Liliana (A character who I deleted a long time ago)

Basically I'm just making a bunch of random designs then choosing the one I think's best. But I need help, I want a memorable character who people will recognize, yet still realistic and simple enough that people will want to RP with. At the same time, I want a design that would be better off as a preset, though still very recognizable with simple Mass/Legendary Markings. Don't worry about items, I'll add those as I RP. I've got some basic info down here:

Name: Lilith (Kinda a reference to Liliana, the start of their names are the same)
Gender: Female (Like Liliana)
Species: Feline (Unlike Liliana)
Mane: Side
Tufts: Back, cheek mane (probably)
Ears: Caracal
Tail: Rounded (May be changed to thick)
Eyes: Swirl (I like this, however, I fear this is too unrealistic, and will discourage others from RPing with me. Face it, many people will not RP with another character because of their looks, sadly enough. If this is too unrealistic, the eyes will be changed to 'Fire')
Wings: Nah
Markings: Not the foggiest clue
Basically anything else: Not the foggiest clue

I'm also kinda looking for some backstory too. This is the character I'll be using to explore the FH maps, and I want her to start as a young kit/cub/whatever, to an adult. However, why on earth would a kit be travelling the land of FH without it's mother?

Possible thoughts so far:

(In reference to the new maps) The mother wanted to stay behind, as she didn't want to leave her old home. However, for her kit's safety, she raised the kit until it was old enough to have a chance to survive, then fled in the dead of night while Lilith was asleep.

Who would her mother be, though? -shrug-

If anyone can help me with this, and possible designs for her, that's be fantastic! I'll probably post another thing in a week or two, comparing some designs I have for her.

Introduction / Howdy! (I return from my hiatus)
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:37:37 pm »
Howdy guys! I've finally returned from my hiatus I guess. I won't be on the game itself for about two weeks, because of school, vacation, ect. However, I will be on the forms.

So, erm, hi! *quiet wave* I've never actually introduced myself before, so just call me Amy. I've been on hiatus for a while now, but I came back because I missed the game and I heard about the new update. I don't have a chance to explore the update much yet, but I'm going to create a new character and explore the place. I'm also going to be writing a story about a blind character of mine, moving from her old home (old FH) to her new home (the update) ((I might actually do this with a few characters, but not post the stories...))

I'll be on the forums lots now, so I'm sure you'll see me around. My deviant art is:

If my DA page doesn't make it clear, I'm a HUGE Undertale fan. I also love Warrior Cats, and cats in general. Though I prefer felines over canines, I'll still RP as a canine every now and then.

When I explore the update more, I want to create an awesome character that I'll remember. And I want to meet friends along the way, maybe even ones who'll RP with me and travel around maps? -shrug- But I don't know where to start on making the character... if any of you have ideas, I'd love to hear it!

Oh, and if there was any important announcements I might've missed in my hiatus (aside from the hack and new login system, and the update), please inform me!

Guess that's it for now! If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask! I'm glad to be back to FH! I missed this game like crazy.


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