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Messages - whitetimberwolf

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Discussion Board / What Was The Best Day You Ever Had?
« on: November 21, 2011, 01:03:33 am »
;D What was the best day you ever had? Please Specify in detail, but keep it brief! I'll Go First! ;D

The best day I ever had was when I got my hamster Squeaker on, April 17th, 2011. He was two months old when I got him and  is the sweetest thing in the world. I love him very deeply and he is happily leading a healthy life as a cute 1 and a half year old. (LOL, he's with me right now as I'm writing this, he's in his hamster bed from Petsmart) Love you forever my little Squeaky!

                                                                                                                                   -Whitetimberwolf ;)

Game Help / Re: Toolbar Help
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:17:30 am »
At least I have something to try, thanks for helping!

Game Help / Re: Toolbar Help
« on: November 19, 2011, 04:34:13 am »
Ok, yes I've done that, it works but it's pixely and not as clear as defalt settings. And you know how you get a windowed screen when you start the game and on the top right corner you make it full screen, thats what I mean by the toolbar. It doesn't do that on full screen mode, but it does it when it full screened on windowed settings. Still think you can help?

Game Help / Toolbar Help
« on: November 19, 2011, 03:30:26 am »
Ok, so I had to reinstall feralheart, the game works fine, but when I make my game full screen, my toolbar on my destop shows on the bottom of the screen, when it never used to before. How do I fix this so it doesn't stay on the bottom anymore, what can I do? I'm SOOOOOOOOOO confused and annoyed! Please help! :'(
                                                                                                                                 -whitetimberwolf ;)

Game Polls / Re: Paw pads
« on: November 17, 2011, 01:06:19 am »
Okay, this thing has been on long enough. >:( Everyone has pretty much voted and the numbers are pretty obvious that we all want custom. So please... PLEASE! :o, take this poll off (Or at least lock this topic fom posts), shut this poll down, put up a new one and start making updates for the game! Everyone wants the custom paws update, we all kinda get it already, (we all also want customable wings that can make your avatar fly. :'( Do a poll on that, for crying out loud! :P), so instead of wasting time on this, put up soomething new! No one has been posting on this for ages now, so there's no point in keeping this up. put the paws on your list for updates and get rid of this. PHEW! Glad to get that off my chest! :-[

I though this would be a fun question to ask for the holidays... "What do you want for christmas or other religious holidays you celebrate? (Like hannuka)." :D Personally, I celebrate Christmas, but I feel like I'm being rude by leaving out other people who don't celebrate Christmas. So, I ask that everyone respect any different religions posted and keep there thought to themselves, it's fine to think like you do, but please be considerate and keep rude comments to yourself. Just concentrate on the question and think about all the fun you'll have on the holidays. Please remember to also not go off topic. THANK YOU!!! :D I'll start first:

;D For Christmas, I would like to get an Xbox 360 Kinect, or, better yet, my own small personal PC, and a hair straightener. ;D

Game Discussion / Re: Crazy and Random FH Sightings
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:04:27 am »
I've seen a line of wolves and other canines all randomly dancing in a line, (LOL, I was in it too). It was so funny to look at, and be a part of. I was in the line for, like, two hours and one of the last to leave. ;D And I've seen a rainbow line of lions and other felines (who even says felines anymore, ME!) jumping. (Yeah not as fun as dancing, but whatever). Shoutout if you where in a dancing line. ;)

Ok, I'll try that then, thank you so much for your help! If it doesn't work, i'm probably reinstalling or something. Again, THANK YOU! ;D ;D ;D

I looked at the link you told me and everything they said to check is fine. My connection is fine, and I never allow any programs to run (like browsing on google, or any other games). And I don't think it's cause it's too busy, cause it's always the same spot. It might be cause of that, but I don't think so. Did I download it wrong, maybe? I can move around properly (Not scratchy or slow) and all the actions and buttons work, everything except the first portal (Sometimes) and the third doesn't even work at all. I tried again today and it didn't work. Anyway, thanks for helping me! :) I really just want this to work properly. :'(

Game Help / Please Help Me With Loading Maps While Playing FeralHeart!
« on: October 17, 2011, 12:43:43 am »
Hey everyone, I'm having a problem. I'm new here and I find having to ask for help a real disappointment when it's only my first real day playing. Ok so I'm at "Bonfire Island" and there's that portal that leads to that cave right, well, sometimes it doesn't load, it says "A Problem with a server." (And either to click OK or CANCEL) ...or it says... "Bad Token" (you click ok). About only 1/5th of the time I load that cave,and the third portal after that doesn't work at all, it keeps doing the same thing. Am I doing something wrong, or have I missed something that is new. I really love this game, and I don't always want to stay in one place. the worst part is you know how you make an avatar and when you load it, it goes to the last place you left it, well it won't load cause it's in the last portal I had trouble with and I end up having to delete it, and make a new one. It's really annoying and unfair! >:( :'(. It would be really appreciated if someone (weither it's staff or members) to help me! That pop up you get before you play the game, do I have to click something before I say ok (If it's something like that, I have Windows if that is any use to you).  :'( :) THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS AND IF YOUR ABLE TO HELP ME  :) :'( PLEASE HELP!!!

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