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Messages - Vacio

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Game Discussion / Re: Making Movie Clips for fun or communication
« on: September 19, 2013, 04:18:36 am »
Being easily entertained I personally find it amusing when a random video pops up and its a bunch of sparke-things dancing. I also make movie clips for fun. I mean, I never advertise, so what else should I use it for? Not that I'm going to
If people use it to communicate...I think those players need to learn how to use the CHATBOX. Some people call it spamming....I can see that too. But if they don't like the movies people are making then they shouldn't watch them. Simple as that, right?
Right. There is an option for removing movie clips. ^_^

Game Discussion / Making Movie Clips for fun or communication
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:36:11 pm »
I apologize in advance if there is already a thread like this.

So who likes making movie clips either for fun, or to communicate with someone across the map? or even just make a series of movie clips with another player? First off, I don't mean spamming movies. I dislike that, too.

I, personally, like to make movie clips for fun, and with friends. And sometimes I've noticed others across the map will join in, or write a reply/review to the movie cilp you've made, Via movie clip.

Personally, when people suggest removing movie clips because some misuse it (Spamming, for example) that kind of upsets me, I like the movie clips and find them highly entertaining.

So what about you? Like it? Hate it? Whatever you opinion, I'd like to hear your thoughts on using the movie clips!
And the ways you use them.

Basically why I don't roleplay anymore. =_=

I really hate it when people do the mate thing. because every character HAS to have one, and after that, the character doesn't matter, Usually the players of the couple play the children, too and then they stop playing the parents, Also it seems like nowadays it's just one litter, because the original mates just make a few cubs/pups, the players of the parents play those and well. it starts up again. and there really isn't a point to the roleplay, Character progression is... Born->ages->Becomes young adult->has mate and cubs/pups->...forgotten.

Oh, and people seem to lack playing Antagonist characters that arn't just like "Kill. You're weak so you should die? that's my reason. yep." So basically they just -are- a bad guy and there is no reason, and they lack mystery, bad guys without even a hint of mystery tend to be pretty dull.

Game Discussion / Re: The Most Unrealistic Characters
« on: September 13, 2013, 12:45:49 am »
I'm not really bothered by cartoony looking characters in a cartoony looking game.
Besides when you make 'realistic lion' or such, there is not much of an option to make your character have it's own individual characteristics appearance wise.
And not everyone is in a 'realistic roleplay' despite playing a lion. Kinda like if you read most fantasy books you get humans and the like, and additional species/races and magic and such.

Or seeing as 90% of the community like The Lion King [and many are roleplaying it] Basically, nothing in The Lion King is realistic, not the behaviours, not the appearnce. [Simba is kind of a yellow lion with a red mane, not very realistic]

Other Games / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:29:36 am »
Even if you can't, You can guest over there, if the RP is what you're there for, the only thing you cannot do with guesting is; WvWvW for another server, and Guest onto servers in America or Europe, depending on where you're at. As I've said, I live on the Fort Aspenwood server, but whenever I want to go RP I just guest to Tarnished Coast. Although the other thing is, If you're in a guild from another server you don't get the bonuses from them. [Atleast last I checked.]

Other Games / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:51:49 pm »
I really like Guild Wars, I play it religiously. Now, with you, Vacio, I take into the pros and cons to the game as well.
Not having to pay a subscription fee every month?! For a brand-name MMORPG?! Who would pass that up?! ?
I think the races are neat, each one plays really cool as well as the cool classes they can be.

Now, the only things I have about it is, as you said, are the personal story, the limit of characters you can have, and the server. I mean, at first, I found the personal story to be pretty cool, but then, I thought it to have its limitations. To where I was born, what my motivations were, and how I presented myself. As a role-player, I like to make up my story in the personal way, how I behaved, where I grew up, and so forth. I don't always want to be driven by dignity and lose sister to horse-people.

The limit of characters is so off. I truly wish we could have more. I mean, other games have to where you make 20+ characters and be merry, so why not Guild Wars 2? And the home server bothers me. I like to explore other servers, especially ones I may be interested in later and play some new characters there. Instead, I cannot do that so easily. I'm on the EU server, so you can imagine me trying to go to the American server for a lurking. Nope, not going to happen unless I pay. (I don't know exactly how, but I believe I need some sort of blue thing to do that.)

Now, the combat is great, unlike any MMORPG I've played. The environments are beautiful, the music fits everywhere you go, and just the extra little things that make it fun. It's a really good game, just need those extra patches and added material to make it even better.

I agree with you.
Although on the subject of how many characters you can have (standard is five) You can buy more character slots from the gem store, which is what those 'weird blue things' are, gems, you can buy those from in-game gold or your real money by using paypal, or you can find cards in some stores.
and server transfer depends on the population as to how much gems it will cost, but it usually seems to take 1000+.

And although it would be nice to have more characters for free, ArenaNet probably needs more ways to make money. Same with the server transfer.

I used to be in the server 'Gunnars Hold' EU, but I transfered to Fort Aspenwood, I was originally going to go to Tarnished Coast but that was full at the time. But that was back when server transfer was free.


Other Games / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: August 08, 2013, 09:33:52 am »
Personally I think the game has it's ups and downs. For an MMORPG, I think it is a pretty good game.
[I mean hey, no fees past purchasing the game. that's pretty awesome.] I play on the Fort Aspenwood server and I don't really like it but that's where my friends are. [just the community kind of bugs me.]

I think the game could use less temporary content, honestly...
And the "Personal Story" really bugs me, Your character is always a total idiot [popular RPG trend]
And 'Trollhearne' really bugs me.
There is also a major lack in skills, which is pretty sad, and the 'weapon skills' makes players pretty generic.
Also the 5 member party limit is sad. [and before the game came out they said we would have 8 T_T]

Then there is the dungeons; Basically I wish I could bring less people [or none] for this. I prefer doing these sorts of things with friends and I can't say I have them coming out of my ears.

But it's a pretty decent game overall. just needs some expanding. [which won't happen with the temporary content.]

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:09:15 pm »
All I'd like to say about this is the game feels a lot lonelier without the General Chat. . .

Introduction / Re: Nother Newb
« on: May 08, 2012, 07:54:08 am »
Nice to meet you! :o
And... Hope you read the rules.. its kinda important...

Game Help / Re: just a random question.
« on: May 04, 2012, 03:01:28 am »
Its everyone who has the item. (not on their character. those who have downloaded it.)
So yes. random people see it.

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