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Messages - kaczuszka

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Game Discussion / Re: Char Copiers
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:22:40 pm »
Same as Avy said, there is no reason to flip out if you see a person with the same kind of colour scheme or markings. Since the whole community got a lot better at making characters and most of us use similar markings because we know they look good. There will be times when we will see similar character designs but that is all completaly normal. Also if I see a chat with a similar marking n' colour scheme I Usally start chatting to that person and we get on really well. We compliment each others looks and new friendships Start ^-^

Also I never really dealt with copiers. But if I see one then I'll just CALMLY warn them not to copy me or I'll report them to a Admin or a Mod.


Game Discussion / What's your Feralheart story?
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:16:25 pm »
So I'm not sure if this has been posted before so please delete this if it has :)

Anyways, what's your FH story? What were your first 'Nooby' days and your first groups? Where you one of thise people who just went with the flow and constantly sat at the Mc or begged for a mate? xD Here's mine:

So I joined on 2011, I've played FH for about four years now. Oh wow, how fast the time went .o. Anyways, I can't remember my first character I made, but I do remember one in particular and now It just makes me cringe everytime I think about it. The name was 'Blood Queen' she was a tall black wolf with red 'scar' markings. Back in 2011 I used to think that she was soo cool looking and everyone will be jelouse of her xD I decided to visit the mate centre, I thought that males would be crouton around her, wow cringe worthy. I even spoke in Local and mate begged in general :I Eventually I gave up on 'Blood queen' and made new characters. I cannot remember much after that but I have some other memories that happened in chronological order. I think that this was in 2013, when they 'Black pelt and skeleton markings with white underful' (or similar) was trendy. I cannot remember her name but I made a pack with her. Unfortinately I cannot remember the packs name either but I started out in Bonfire Island. I was simply sat somewhere next to the ocean talking to two males. (I have no idea how I met them, I might of been advertising in local about my group, those were still my Nooby days) They were both Literate unlike me who wasnt soo literate at the time. I think one of the males username was 'LuckyOmega' or something like that, Unfortinately I remember nothing of the other wolf. The pack I made became quite populated for some odd reason but most of them were unactive, the only two that were active were the male wolves I met at Bonfire. I met a wolf called 'Malfoy' and he became my mate, I think that I found him at the mate centre xD Then for some odd reason I kind of switched to the 'Unknown wolf' (The wolf I met in bonfire which I forgot the name off) and I think he became my mate? I remember telling 'LuckyOmega' about him and then getting lectured about how I shouldn't do what I did. So yeh, I was still Noob at the time.I cannot remember anything else from the group I made, neither can I remember much from my 'Noob Days' But I will wrote down some of my later memories =3 I mostly join packs whenever I'm on Feralheart and just to note, my characters were not Nooby anymore :p Anyways,  I won't write down names of the groups since I have a terrible memory, even though some of those memories were from two months ago. I remember joining one pack, they were recruiting in Flourite Plains. Nobody was active much apart from me, Silver (ado) Spud and Boseki. We became quite good friends and I was online 24/7 on my character. It was quite a ride, even though we mostly stayed in one place. I have to say, that pack was one of the best packs I have ever been in <3 Everyone was amazing and that pack made me express myself for the first time in forever :o I used to be shy and NEVER start talking to random people in FH without feeling Embarassed and to hide under my pillow (Apart from when I joined back in 2011 because I thought I was soo cool and I didn't care about anything) This group made me much more open and 'Fun' to be with, well 'Fun'  because they took away my shyness. Unfortinately one by one, they all became inactive and I barely see them </3 When I do, they are always with other people and never come onto their characters in the group :o There was another group I joined, It's pretty much inactive now but I did love that group aswell <3 I met MANY amazing people which I grew to treat them as my real friends. With them around I didn't care how I acted, we were all pretty crazy to be honest. I can name some people, Eclipse - HawaiiDragon, she is probably one of the best people I ever met <3 I used to every day whisper her and we would hang out and try to make a group, then once I ACCIDENT kicked myself out of the group disbannding it </3 There was also Rii, haha I was the first one to start calling her Pii. There was also the Alpha, somehow I forgot his name, sorry .o. But he was amazing too <3 I miss the times that we all spent together, and I dread the day that I will never see them again because without any if the people mentioned above, I wouldn't be what I am today. I am/was known as the 'Claimer' around the group, or the 'Huggler' I know that they probably are not even words but I make them up. In FH I use to hug everyone and claim pieces of them <3 Heh, I'm not trying to sound emotional here c: Okay, If she reads this then she'll probably kill me for not mentioning her here. I did forget her name, and I am dearly sorry for that </3 But she was in the pack with Spud, Boseki and Silver. She became another one of my close friends, she made me the crazy person I am today :p

So that is my Feral Heart story. I miss all of the people I met since a lot of them went inactive therefore I never saw them again. Most of them are still active, but due to my laptop being broken I cannot see them until two weeks.

So what's your story? Is it crazy? Or sad? Or did it just start? Please tell me :)

Game Discussion / Re: Things we just can't resist doing
« on: July 25, 2015, 06:56:03 pm »
Heh ;)

1: Cuddling everyone!

2: Claiming my friends and their manes <3

3: Couching people and randomly befriending them :D <3

4: Constantly making characters!

5: Annoying anybody I stumble upon :3

6: Constant ear-tweeting

7: Roleplaying in 'Noob' language with pack mates (Tbh we aren't,  just for fun xD)

And the list just goes on..

Game Discussion / Re: How do you make your characters?
« on: July 23, 2015, 09:02:42 am »
I prefer to make 'Semi-Realistic' characters, neon colours and pure simple colours aren't my things. I love to add some odd markings and items and some 'Dark Neon' colours.

I guess my characters just come to me, I do not base them of anything other than my imagination. I wouldn't call myself 'Creative' since I am not! But two/three (No idea o.o) years of creating characters, I learned.

I'd say that I am quite proud of my creations, they aren't just those common 'Black' pelt wolves with some subtle white colours. I like to keep a range of 'Realistic' (- Semi Realistic, maybe?) colours on my wolf. For example, Chestnut, Cream, Light Grey,  brown ect..

Request Maps / .: Trinity Ichors :. Three Territories Map
« on: May 17, 2015, 11:48:28 pm »
Not long ago I have created a pack, it has a plot and it's own three Gods. All we need is a map which holds three outlined Territories,  one which is all green and good. Second one which is Neutral looking and third which is evil looking. So very faint grass and darkish colours.

Hope this isn't to muh :)

.Tres Insuae.

A while ago I decided to make a group called .Tres Insuae. which means Three Islands in a different language. I never realy started advertising it because I was sucked into school work and my personal buisness, now that I am on my two week holiday I can finaly starrt advertising it properly, one thing you need to know is that I live in the UK so my time zone will be different to most of your zones because most people are in the USA. I will be on daily at least once a day and the estimated times will be: 8:00am, 12:00am, 3:00pm, 9:00pm, I will not be converting theese into other time zones. Here are all the requirements and information you need to know about this pack:

Mapless:We are going to be located in Flourite Plains, maps might be added later but they won't be required inorder to join.

Active: Please be active atleast three times a week or more, anyone will be kicked who doesn't go on their group character unless they tell me that they won't be online for a bit.

Semi-real:No neon colours but any markings of your likings are allowed

Literate: You need to write atleast one paragraphs and punctuate your rp's properly, wolfspeak isn't required since I do not use it that much.

Rp's Required: You need to post your RolePlay Sample below in order to join, if I don't respond to your Rps then please whisper me in-game: kaczuszka

I see that sometimes when I join other groups there is always one person that is left out and nobody ever speaks to him/her, I don't want that in my pack and want everyone to communicate with everyone else :D

Game Discussion / Feralheart Racism?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:25:13 pm »
Ok so I have recently noticed that in the Mate Centre there is this problem. I have gathered this over the few years that I have stumbled upon circles full of feralheartians. There seems to be a 'racism' problem (Not technicaly, just in a way) there are mostly 'black fured wolves' in the circle and usualy they get pared with wolves with the same colour. I find some 'brown fured' wolves and even 'grey/silver fured wolves' in there. When they come up into the middle nobody (But rarely) sits around them, but if they do it's normally the same fur colour as them. I never see 'black fured' wolves getting pared with a different colour from them! I know that some people rather have matching looks but it's about 30% out of 100% I really get annoyed with that even if I do not use the mate centre anyway.

Game Discussion / Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:35:32 pm »
Hmm, I prefer literate, semi-real wolf packs.
I never like having them to big that it all comes out of hand, I would prefer 40-50 members at the most; with most of them being online. (Of course not all 40 of them) like 10 or so.

Game Discussion / Re: Memories ~
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:29:14 pm »
Amazing memories guys <3

Characters / Re: Ilu/Ilumina Thoughts/Ideas?
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:29:39 pm »
I don't like to criticize another's characters, since each character and its appearance have special significance to their owner, but if you want, I could give some hopefully helpful comments on the backstory. Please don't take anything I say as just pointless judging or me being a snob. I'm just giving my personal opinion, and you can choose to take it or not. (Sorry for this long disclaimer. I have a history of accidentally offending people with my critiquing xD)
   The plot of your character's backstory is good, but it might help if you add more detail, perhaps focusing on your character's emotions when all those things happened to her. That way, it may seem more like a story than simply a record of events. When packs rejected her, was Ilumina hurt? Confused? Angry? The choice is yours on whether this is the approach you want to take. I hope this helps! (And doesn't make you want to punch me in the face!)

It's alright xD it was really late and I couldn't be bothered to put any more detail in it.
I am from Poland and been in England for 7 years (I know it seems long but it really isn't)Althought I have learned every word in English (As far as I know xD) I still may not be perfect at it.

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