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Messages - crystwolf

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The young teen made a slight twitch everytime something moved in the house. She pressed her ear against the window, attempting to catch every single sound, almost successful each time. She twitched a little as the man sitting on the table got up. Straining to hear, she could make out some small words, but it told her that he would indeed be going out. Well, at least what she thought. Quickly ducking from the window, she took the bag off her shoulders and rummaged through it, trying hard to be quiet as she quickly found the perfect thing she was looking for - a half eaten banana. She took a bite from it and took a small bottle from the side of her bag, settling the banana right in front of the door. She reached down and grabbed a handful of dirt, dropping it above the banana peel before pouring water over it, just for more 'accuracy', so she called it. Once she double checked the trap, she ran off to the side of the building, leaning close enough so that she could see her work in action.

((Oh god, banana peel and mud. xD My mind was in a blur when I typed this. o3o))

After laughing for what seemed like forever, She got up from her spot and petted her companion once again. "Blaze, let's go." She called, adding a small whistle behind. She walked over to the outskirts of the town, but stopped in her tracks as something caught her eye. A  ranch house on her right made her stop in her tracks. Raising an eyebrow, she walked a little closer, stretching her neck as she attempted to look into the structure. She became more curious as she spotted a man, a baby and a lady. "Hmm..." She mumbled to herself, edging closer towards the window.


Xizon gave a frustrated growl as she watched the mutant attempt to go for Dusty, but fortunately Flak pulled it back. "Why won't you just die already!"She mumbled, before  getting a harder grip on the mutant's throat, then pulling back as hard as she could, in hopes that she would rip open an opening to his windpipe - or better still, rip his said windpipe out as well.

Vicci stared at the building for a moment longer before finally getting up on her paws,going into a slow jog. Once she reached the front of the museum she slowed down into a cautious stalking position, straining her ears forward as she attempted to detect where the sounds were coming from. Getting slightly confused, she walked into the quiet museum, glancing out the back window in a hallway only to realize that it was coming from the outside. However, she was hesitant to go there. From a hole in the wall, she could clearly see dogs. A lot of them.

(Ello! This seems interesting, and I would like to join. C: Though I'm not exactly sure what's going on in the RP. But seems like I'm attracted to your RPs, Jim. xD)

Name: Quince
Age: 14
Occupation: -
Items/Equipment: A backpack full of different things that help her out at times, including a whistle, scissors, rope and a few snacks/food.
Companions: A wild dog named Blaze.
Weapons: A simple pistol and a small dagger.
Personality: A tomboyish girl who is courageous but careless. She loves to jump into situations without thinking, and that usually gets her into trouble. She is brave and if her one and only fear does come up, she hides it. She is playful and adores playing pranks, but otherwise she will risk her life to save somebody. She can be very annoying at times, but will stop it after she's bored. Though sometime's she still is annoying. She's close to her dog companion.
Apparel: A white shirt complete with a black tied-top (Not sure what it was called .n.) and jeans. A belt runs along her waist, and a western hat that fits her head. She has smooth dark hair that is usually tied to the behind or to one side.
Extra Info: She is in fact wanted. Even by thieves. She's got the title "Thief of Thieves", as she has stolen a couple of things from thieves and bandits and managed to escape somehow.
Quince stared at the building across her, before glancing to the sky then to her dog, reaching down and rubbing his head. "Good boy, Blaze." She praised, before sliding down the wall and sitting. Her eyes rested on a pile of mush - It seemed like a small mound of rotten food mixed with water and dirt. It was laying outside the entrance of the bar, and she waited for a moment. A mischievous grin made it's way across her face as she watched the bartender walk out, step into the pile and slip, his bum sliding down the small steps. She stifled a laughter as he yelled curses in French. "Mission accomplished. Serves yer' right." She muttered, Blaze barking beside her, as if to agree with her.


Vicci gave a grin to herself as she flicked her ear. She moved her head towards the museum, finally realizing where the sounds were coming from. she couldn't exactly see anything, as much of the commotion was happening behind the building. After watching a few moments, she saw a white shape running out of the building, a mutant hot on her tail. She watched as  the figure ran off to somewhere, soon going out of the feline's sight. After waiting for a moment she watched it zoomed back again, heading over to where she had come from - The museum.


The fae snapped out of her trance when Another canine had called her. She shook her head for a moment before shooting forwards and helping to bite down onto the mutant's neck, even giving it a bit of a shake, not too hard to pull it out of the other's grip, but enough to rip open a hole in it's throat.

Just as she was about to lunge on the mutant, her attention got drawn away by the familiar black colored canine. She stopped her actions as she watched him have a short struggle with the feline from before, before the brute had suddenly attacked the mutant without any hesitation. Then came another dog with a lighter pelt who helped out as well, followed by a pup who dropped out from the sky and landed on the mutant's head. Greatly confused by the quick series of events, she simply stood there like a statue, watching the mutant getting beaten up by what seemed like a pack of dogs - Well, what it seemed like to her.

(On the Phone.)

The fae flicked her ears and let out a small huff as she watched the trio go off towards the entrance, as she had heard the black colored canine said so. She moved back, sitting down and leaning on her haunches. She started to ponder whether or not to go and meet them, but was disrupted as something pushed her hard, making her land on the ground. She opened her eyes to see a small mutant over her, it's drool nearly touching her face. Letting out a short yelp of surprise, she panicked and used her hind legs to kick him off, quickly rolling herself over and getting up. Upon looking more closely at the creature, she realized it was the same one the feline and the dog had met. Panting heavily from the slight shock, she growled at the mutant as it got up.


Xizon finally crawled out of her hiding spot in the broken building, hearing more noises coming from the museum - Especially around the corner. Her ears perked as she heard the yowl of a cat, a strange scrapping sound and the yelp of a creature. Her curiosity soon got the better of her and she silently padded round the corner, but immediately jerked herself back as she caught a glance at three figures on a dumpster - Two dogs and a cat, possibly? she thought. Confused and at the same time even more curious, she took another peek at the three.

Vicci's ears perked up. There were noises at some place, but to her it seemed like muffled sounds that were quite hard to hear. She once again lifted her head and took another sniff, before continuing until she exited the alleyway. Her tail was lowered now, and her movements were hesitant and slow. She flicked her ears once more before sitting down and leaning back on her haunches, thoughts flooding her mind as she simply sat there and stared at another simple, abandoned building that seemed to be leaning heavily, looking as if it was about to just fall over and possibly crush her.

Character Name: Vicci
Breed: Khao Manee (Feline)
Appearance: Snowy white coat which is short and smooth. She has no markings. Her paw pads, ears and nose are pink. Her eyes are different colours - One of them is blue, the other is golden. Her body is slender and thin, built for speed. Her tail is long and strong, helping her to balance. She has a stitched up area on her neck. Her teeth are sharp and tinted a yellow colour. Her claws are a jet black colour and are as sharp as needles. Her whiskers are long and white, blending in with her coat.
Age: 2 and a half years
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Background: Vicci once lived in a small house with a human couple and another cat. She was stolen from her stray mother when she was a kitten, and was sold to her owners. She didn't know if it was saving her or not, but she wasn't close to her humans. One time, she sneaked out of the house and explored the outside, but would return back to the house, finding out that she wasn't used to fending for herself - The hard way. Her owners would then let her out since they knew she would come back. One fateful day, she was out again, going to annoy the neighbor's dog once again. But  when she reached his house, she found nothing but rubble. Another explosion then struck nearby, injuring her. She quickly scrambled away after that, returning back to her own house to find that it was destroyed as well. She ran off soon afterwards, leaving the place and learning to fend for herself.
Personality: Vicci is a quiet cat who doesn't rely on words and more on actions. She's independent now, unlike her past life. She doesn't trust anybody easily and will attempt to keep everything she knows to herself. She is curious and skittish, jumping to every small sound. However, she is partially deaf, making her a little oblivious to things going around her. She is aggressive if she needs to be.

Vicci walked into the alleyway, her body pressed against the building's walls in order to keep out of sight. Having a completely white coat wasn't helping her to blend in with the filthy surroundings. Her tail was raised high as she continued on, easily jumping over the netted fence that blocked her way, though she did make a rattling sound when she accidentally kicked it. Her sharp ears swiveled around like radars, and she flicked her deaf ear. Her odd coloured eyes checked her surroundings, looking around, never missing a spot. Once it was clear, she moved again, like a lizard as she glued herself to the walls.

Xizon's ears perked up, hearing a voice close to her. A minute ago, she had witnessed the white figure walk into the museum, after what seemed like discussing to the other black figure. After that her eyes moved away, attention driven from the canines and to another building.

But now, she heard a voice, certainly male. After she heard it's words, she kept quiet. 'Mutants can't talk, can they?' she thought, tail waving. She didn't manage to see who was talking though, the darkness around her made it hard. She was certainly confused, not sure whether to chase after the seemingly alive canine or not.

(Yay! I found out how to put pictures in! xD And I gave a guess that the person Flak smelled was Xizon. Correct me if I'm wrong.)

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