Author Topic: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!  (Read 94053 times)

Offline Emberflame

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #230 on: November 09, 2011, 03:24:35 am »
really XD oh, btw, I have a map request on my hands + homework and all that stuff so I wont be online for a while

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #231 on: November 09, 2011, 03:48:23 am »

Offline Emberflame

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #232 on: November 15, 2011, 06:44:40 pm »
>.> now I DEFINITY wont be on for a long time. I accidently crashd the computer, witch unluckily is the only computer with a working FH

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #233 on: November 16, 2011, 06:47:42 am »
Hey just checking in to apologize for being so inactive becuz I'm on lock down in the bed for awhile with strep throat. :( Plus the tons of stuff going on atm whenever I feel well enough to move I'm usually working on My FH Map, or at the doctors.


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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #234 on: November 18, 2011, 01:18:27 am »
is this still going? or do i just get on at horrible times :(


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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #235 on: November 18, 2011, 01:48:34 am »
Everytime I log on, no-one is around XD

Offline ccrow974

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #236 on: November 19, 2011, 05:50:37 pm »
I want to apply :D

User name:ccrow974
Character name:Nyah APV
Description:Nyah is a lion that would like to stay a loner
Personallity:Nyah has a bright and playful personality, but can become angry easily sometimes
History:Nyah was born into a pride who had a horrible ruler. After she was born, her father got into a fight with the ruler and was killed. Her mother tried to run away from the pride but was killed trying to protect Nyah. Nyah has been on her own since then.
Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Your character is best at?: Hunting
RP sample:Nyah padded over to the watering hole, thirsty ever since the day before. As she leaned over to drink, she heard a noise behind her.She turned around only to find it was her imagination. She decided to go take a nap under a tree.

I hope the link works to my character, i didn't test it

Offline puppyluv

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #237 on: November 21, 2011, 04:38:35 pm »
I will Edit this post with my chracter's information :DD

Okay so, here goes.
Username: puppyluv
Character Name: Shaska APV
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Age: 1 and a half years
Description: A tan brown female lion, with a tanny cream tail and underfur. Bright blue eyes, small ears, average sized.
Personality: Playful, Understanding, Kind, Friendly, Good Sense Of Humour.
History: From a small cub, she has always been... different.. But once she had grown over a year old.. she started to change. People expected more from her, but she just wanted to be herself. One day she ran away, because her parents were forcing her to be someone else, she didn't want to, she ran for miles and miles. After a couple of weeks she learnt how to hunt from a rogue lioness. When the lioness caught a rare desease and died, she was lost, didn't know what to do, or feel anymore. Using her new hunting skills she went hunting for herself, soon to be discovered by humans, who took her to the wildelife reserve, where she met other species.. (I think I may have written too much xD)
Mate/Offspring: None (Can have cubs though, may be looking for a mate soon)
Loner/Looking to join a pride/pack?(Optional): Looking to join a pride.
Your character is best at?: Hunting
RP Sample: Shaska  lay flat in the tanned grass, being her colour, she blended in, camoflage. To her advantage she moved closer, her belly just brushing the sandy floor. "Come out, come out where ever you are.." she whispered to herself in amusement. Suddenly the herd of antelope stuck their heads out of the grass, twitching they're ears in frustration. They bleaped at each other and started running for the trees, Did Shaska make a noise? Shaska looked behind her, A shadow, 'What could it be?' she thought to herself. The figure moved forward at an even pace now, Shaska got out of her crouch, seeing the figure had a gun. "A human?! With a gun?!" The human stopped in it's tracks and squinted at the shocked lioness. "Please don't spot me, Please ston't spot me..!" she repeated in her head. The man lifted his gun and aimed at Shaska. A blasting noise shot through the air. "He shot me! He shot me!" Shaska said in panic as she looked at her side. She saw a dart looking think pierced into her skin, she started seeing visions that looked like flies. "I feel dizzy.." she said lying down. The next thing she knew.... BLACK OUT.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 08:57:53 am by Angelgoldenfox »


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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #238 on: November 22, 2011, 03:17:32 am »
'Reflection Cave is an APV den

User name: GamerGirl
Character name: Gogori APV
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Description: Light yellow leopard with moss green eyes and darker orange spots
Personality: Gogori is a fun, happy guy, always trying to make friends with people and wandering the savannah. He particularly likes hanging around lions and his own kind, but he'll interact with pretty much anybody.
History: He's never known his parents, but he grew up on a savannah far away before moving into the Valley. He's a loner just looking for a place to call his own and others to call his family.
Mate/Offspring: None, looking for mate
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner, but open to joining a group
Your character is best at?: Fighting
RP sample: Gogori flicked his tail as he watched some lionesses splash in the watering hole, cleaning themselves and drinking from the clear pond. He chuckled, watching some of them play with their cubs on the bank. Lions facinated him, but he'd not dare to go closer, knowing there had to be a male somewhere close by. He turned and left the reeds by the water hole and trotted to look for a suitable tree to lounge in, purring the whole way. He saw some tiny meerkats call to each other and climb back into their holes and he passed, scared of him. He chuckled, then continued on his way.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 02:53:29 pm by GamerGirl »

Offline Shakko

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #239 on: November 24, 2011, 10:15:01 am »
'Reflection Cave is an APV den'

User name: Shakko
Character name:  Tabia APV (Name means "Polite Behaviour")
Species: Barbary Lioness
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years Old
Description: Tabia is a dark tawny coloured lioness with a light underfur as her father was a carrier of the white gene which passed on to her, giving her underfur a lighter tone than other barbary lioness'.  She also has a hazel nut coloured eyes, a small trait from her mother.
Personallity: Tabia is just as her name suggests, she is a lioness of polite behaviour, she helps out when she can, always being kind to those in the pride and letting every eat before her, including the cubs. She will often be found staring up at the sky as if in sadness but often snaps out of it when spoken to. Being a barbary lion also means she has quite a bit of muscle on her side to aid in fighting or hunting but because of her peaceful nature she doesn't fight very often for fear of hurting someone.
History:  Tabia has always lived in prides, moving often from one pride to the other, her parents never owned a true pride as they had both been rogues that met in the lands one day and decided to make a pride of their own with just their cubs. Tabia was the youngest, being the runt of the litter, but quickly out grew her litter mates and came quite close to her mother's size as being a tall lioness, her mother then began to teach her the ways of hunting and how to put her strength to good use, as well as training her on how to always be polite and not bully those younger than her.

One day, while Tabia was out hunting, two brothers entered the small prides territory and attacked her father, looking to take over his pride. When Tabia returned with her kill she found the two males standing over her cowering siblings while her parents were lying dead behind them, in a state of shock and horror she raced towards the male and knocked them clean off their feet to save her siblings. By the time the vast redness, that had appeared before her eyes at seeing her parents killed, had disappeared it was too late, she had blood on her muzzle and paws. Tabia ran off, away from her siblings, and became a loner for a year until she started looking for a pride to join, in hopes that she could now controll her rage inside when fighting began.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a pride, Tabia is tired of being a loner and is just looking for somewhere to stay long term.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting
RP sample:
A large lioness padded silently through the plains, her golden pelt shimmering in the sun as her hazel eyes scanned the area for any threats, she slowly lowered her head to lap at the cool liquid from the stream, the sound of a waterfall was heard crashing in the background as her ears gave a small twitch to it as it roared.  When she stood up there was still liquid dripping from her maw as she gave it a quick lick with her raspy tongue before heading off in search of a kill.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 10:27:47 am by Shakko »