Author Topic: ~*Foxes Of Tishio Cove*~ DEAD. NOT ACCEPTING  (Read 53026 times)

Offline DeathHowl

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~*Foxes Of Tishio Cove*~ DEAD. NOT ACCEPTING
« on: December 28, 2011, 09:07:14 pm »

Current Plot:It is Late Spring, and the Breeding Season has made its mark on all of the foxes in the cove.

Season:Late Spring
Prey Supply: 91%


You have been swimming for hours, days and nights, and your body is beginning to shut down.  A few long minutes swish by and a silhouette of an island appears. You sigh in great relief and pick up your swimming pace. Arriving at strange stone steps, you climb upon them.You reach the top and its still too high to get up onto the island. You step into the orange ring and your body begins to float.
You seem very hestitant but you "swim" up the invisible force field. You reach a long platform, with two multi-colored crystals on each side. You walk onto the island, and fall to the ground dead tired. You then fall asleep for the night. Morning comes and you are greeted by a strange female fox."Hello." she says calmly. You answer with a simple "Hi.". "What is your name?' she askes.You tell her your name
with slight fear. "Glad to meet you. I am Felony." she smiles. "You look greatly tired. Let me lead you to my coven." With a swish of the tail, she leaps away as you follow, your legs very heavy from the swimming. At the other end of the island, a large cave is seen with a tunnel leading down into the ground. Many other different species of foxes are around the burrow, all laughing and talking about their day and kits playing
around in the summer warmth."See young one? Welcome to Tishio Cove.Your new life awaits you."


Tishio Cove is a long term, realistic fox RP with its already completed map.If you join, you must be a literate RPer,but if your not, please no One-Line sentences.If you say "I couldn't think of anything",it just shows that you are an immature RPer.

~*Rules:IC and OOC*~


1.You must be a realistic or semi realistic fox. Please no Neon colors, but I do not care if your eyes are a funky
color. Go nuts.
2.No Txt Tlk in RP!
3. No insta mating. Its just plain wrong.
4.Matings can be as graphic as you can handle, but please do it in whisper or in local. If you decide to do it in local, go to a place where no one can hear you.
5.Kits are born into the clan. I will only ask for kits when someone in RP is in need of a # of kits.
6. If a higher rank asks you to do something, I suggest you do it or there will be severe consiquences.
7. You can have a hybrid fox character.
8.Pikes are not permitted to have a mate that is a higher rank other than their rank.
9.Pikes that are mates that want to have kits must consult the Tytos to get their approval. All other ranks can mate without permission, but not Apprentices, and "Of Age" Kits(7-9 Moons old).
10. If a female is expecting kits, the male mate of her must consult the Tytos to keep updated on the clan.

1.If your character is the biggest jerk on the planet, please do not still have your character's hatred OOC.
2. You must be active or semi active.
3. Timezone is in Eastern Maritime Zone(Canadian)
4. No Godmodding,Powerplaying, or in any of those categories. It could result in ban.
5. RP days are on Saturday only at 5:00 PM in Eastern Maritime Zone(My time)
6.If you are not active within a 2 week period, it would result in ban or kicked from the group.
7. If someone in RP is forcing you to do graphic mating when you dont want to, consult me IMMEDIATLY
and that person will be dealt with.
8. Please no wings, or powers.
9.Presets are allowed.
10. At the end of your characters name, please put TC and the initial of your rank (EX: TCW, Tishio Cove Warrior), If a rogue, put R, and if wild animal, put TC
11. There is an only ONE character limit, unless you ask me for permission to make another. NO EXEPTIONS
12.If you have read these rules put in your application "Derpy Hooves" to show you read them.


Tyto: The head male of the clan. Makes banishments,orders, and controls the clan. Is mates with the Tytoess.*Initial for ingame name: TCT*[OPEN]

Tytoess:The head female of the clan. Has the same job as the Tyto. Is mates with the Tyto.*Initial for ingame name:TCT*[TAKEN]

Zen: The head warriors of the clan. Leads wars. Must be a male and a female.Is second in command. Next in line to become Tyto and Tytoess.*Intitial for ingame name:TCZ* [FEMALE SPOT TAKEN, MALE OPEN]

Warrior: The warrior of the clan. Helps the Zen in wars.*Initial for ingame name:TCW*[UNLIMITED]

Yell:Lead hunters of the clan. Leads hunts. Is male only.*Initial for ingame name:TCY*[2 SPOTS OPEN.]

Hunter: The hunters of the clan. Kills and brings food to the clan.Is often male, but tomboyish/strong females are allowed.*Intitial for ingame name:TCH*[UNLIMITED]

Fisher: The fishers of the clan. Kills and gives fish to the clan. Is often female, but males are also accepted.*Initial for ingame name:TCF*[UNLIMITED]

Light: The head scout of the clan. Leads patrols and spies for the clan.Can be male or female.*Initial for ingame name:TCL*[TAKEN]

Scout: The scouts of the clan. Patrols and spies for the clan.*Initial for ingame name: TCS*[SEVEN SPOTS LEFT, THREE TAKEN]

Middle: The subordinates of the clan.*Initial for ingame name:TCM*[UNLIMITED]

Nanny: Elder females or Barren(Unable to have kits) females of the clan. Watches over kits if their mother has gone.*Initial for ingame name:TCN*[UNLIMITED]

Elder: The oldest members of the clan that have been relieved from their previous ranks when they have reached the age of 8 years old(52 years old in Canine Years)*Initial for ingame name:TCE*[UNLIMITED]

Ruse: The healer of the clan. Can be male or female. Heals and tends to injured or sick clan mates.*Initial for ingame name: TCR*[TAKEN]

Apprentice: Trainees of the clan. Young kits of about 6 Moons of age, or higher. Most are 6-10 Moons,highest is 1 Year.*Initial for ingame name:TCA*[UNLIMITED]

Kit:The youngest members of the clan under 6 Moons of age.*Initial for ingame name:TCK*[CANNOT APPLY FOR]

Pike: The lowest ranking member in the clan.(Initial for ingame name:TCP*[UNLIMITED]

Rogue: Foxes with no desire for a clan.*Initial for ingame name:R*[UNLIMITED]


1.Hollow Moon:
This tradition takes place when the coldness of winter ends, and the warmth
of spring arrives.The Tytos hold a gathering at Holy Crystal.Every clan member must attend.
The Tytos would thank the wolf god, Lupus, for the arrival of spring.Then the clan howls and holds
a celebration until Moonhigh

2.Blue Sun:

This tradition within the clan is based on the marriage of two clan members of any gender.
The ceremony begins at Holy Crystal. The two soon to be
mates will sit side to side and await the Tytoess' blessing(The Tytoess starts the marriage ceremony
and only the Tytoess). The Tytoess will give them the blessing when she raises her paw and tells
them to swear to protect one another, one shall sacrifice his/her life to one another, and not to betray
one another. The male/female will place his/her paw on the other male/female's paw, and the other
male/female will place his/her paw on the male/female's paw. They will ether say Yes or I Do. The
ceremony ends when the Tytoess bows her head, and the two now mates rub noses. The clan
will then cheer for the newly weds as they walk to a secluded spot to mate.
They can mate at any time(But if same gender couples, they could adopt kits or
either mate with the opposite gender.)

This is celebrated privately when a female has given birth to the future of the clan.
The Tytos would go into the Nursery and congradulate the pair by licking the kits,
accepting them into the clan.If one offspring has a deformity, the kit must be immediatly ranked as a Pike after he/she has finished being mentored.

4.Apprentice RankUp:
If an Apprentice has performed all the tasks by their mentor and passed
them, the clan would hold a meeting.They would congradulate the apprentice,
and give them a rank they desired.The clan, and the apprentice howl for joy.Then, one
of the Tytos must take the Apprentice to the other side of the island, where the Apprentice must
spend a sunrise there alone before the Apprentice has his/her rank.

Next In Line:

This traditon is celebrated when the Tytos are retiring of their leader duties when they reach 8 Years of age. The two Zens will become the new Tyto and Tytoess. The two leaders sentence their blessing by nose rubbing the Zens, accepting them as new leaders. The former Tytos will decide who becomes the new Zens. A huge fesitval is held for the new Tytos at Holy Crystal, and they will howl and hold a long silence until midnight. Everyone, inculding Kits and Pikes will attend. After the festival, everyone returns to their duties, and the old Tytos are ranked down to Elders.    

5.Loss Of A Great One:
The clan celebrate this when one of their clan members, has died.
The Tytos would take the dead body and place it in the water. The clan would howl a requiem
for the dead fox.Any  members that are not related, must leave the related ones to stay.The Tytos are
permitted to stay, but at a distance. Once the relatives have said their good-byes, the
Tytoess would lead the family home. The Tyto would push the body out to sea to sink peacefully.


(Pronounciation used after the word)

Half-Moon(Haf-moohn): Week


Wolf-Scat(Woolf-Scaht): A strong swear used among foxes.Is usually not tolerated when used on purpose.

Mouse-Brained(mauss-braynd): A swear used among foxes. Is not as bad as Wolf-Scat, and can be used when ever.

Craw(Kr-awh): A fight to the death between two animals.

Malcadh(Mul-kahd-uh): A word for a deformed kit and/or cursed one.

Kitsune(Kit-soon): The fox God.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 03:28:20 pm by <*Ramsexy*> »

Offline DeathHowl

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Animals Accepted For The RP:

Fox Species:

Picture by Culpeo-Fox on DA

Other Fox species [Not shown in the picture]that are accepted:

Arabian Red Fox:

Bengal Fox:

Crab-Eating Fox:

Melanistic Fox:

Silver Fox:

Pampas Fox:

Side Note: if you choose one of these species, the colors do NOT have to be accurate.

Accepted Wild Animal Species:

Any Species Of Rabbit

Any Species Of Weasel

Any Species Of Bird

Any Species Of Deer

Any Species Of Wild Dog

Any Species Of Coyote

Any Species Of Hare

Any Species Of Small Or Medium Sized Wild Cats(Servals,Cougars, Leopards, Ect Ect. NO LIONS,TIGERS OR LIGERS)

The Portal To The Island
The Stone Steps
The Meadow
An Overview Of The Island
Gate To The Tunnels
Gate Back To The Island
Local Water Supply Inside The Tunnels
The Middle's Hollow With Two Dark Blue Crystals At The Beginning
The Zen and Warriors' Hollow,With Two Green Crystals At The Beginning(Not Visible ATM)
The Tyto And Tytoess' Hollow With Two Red Crystals At The Beginning
The Elders,Nannies,And Kits Hollow(Or Nursery) With Two Gold Crystals At The Beginning.
The Beginning Of The Ruse's Hollow With Two Rainbow Crystals At The Start
The Ruse's Hollow
The Beginning Of The Hunters,Fishers, And Scouts Hollow With Two Black Crystals At The Start
The Hunters,Fishers, And Scouts Hollow
The Apprentices Hollow With Two White Crystals At The Beginning
The Pikes Hollow With Two Purple Crystals At The Beginning

Map download--
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 12:57:58 am by kierra »

Offline DeathHowl

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~*Apply Now!*~
(RP As A Clan Fox)
Gender:Vixen[Female] Or Todd[Male]
Rank Desired:
Time Zone:
RP Sample(4-5 LINES PLEASE):

(RP As A Rogue Or Wild Animal)
RP Sample(3-4 LINES):

~*Apply as an Enemy/Ally Fox Clan(Clan leaders of different clans only apply for this)*~

Group Name:
Picture(Of Leader):
Enemy or Ally?:

*~Clan Members(Rank Order)*~


                                        Felony TCT
                                       2 1/2 Years
                                  Cape Fox/Culpeo Fox Mix
              Calm,Strict and Laid-Back. She's very gentle around her clan mates. She's usually often alert when her clan mates are around, and rarely ever tolerates intruders, giving herself a leader like dominance.

                              (Screenshot Coming Soon)
                                         Yuna TCZ
                                        1 Year
                                    Kit Fox/Swift Fox Mix
 Strong and loyal and organized. She is silent and always seeming angry because of the fact she sits there with a glare.

                       Logan TCW
                             2 Years
                      Darwin's Fox/Red Fox Mix
      Logan is bold and daring, very adventurous at times. His mind is always wandering and he never really knows what's going on. Though if the time for battle were to come, he whips right into shape and fights like a champion. He's fast, swift and silent on his feet which helps him with being an excellent hunter. He can be slightly rude at times but if you can see past that, you'll typically end up loving him.

                    Tails TCH
                     3 Years
         Maned Wolf/Arctic Fox Mix
  This honorable pleasing fox is an obedient one.She's swift and quick like the average fox and She does have a mind of her own but she feels that free will when not needed is rebellion for her.She is quiet large but she doesn't realize yet that size is an ultimate advantage, even if she is a bit smaller than average size, plus she knows alot of skillful moves that a hunter like herself doesn't have time to learn sometimes.You can say she's like a personal minion;however, she will not do something that is wrong.

                     Faelyn TCF
                       3 Years
                      Cape Fox
    Conceited, however will defend clan to the best of her ability when absolutely necessary. Weak, arrogant. She knows everything about anything.

                          Hitomi TCF
                              2 years
                            Fennec Fox
           Hitomi is sweet, caring and thoughtful. She always puts the safety of others before her and is not one to pick fights. She is peaceful and dislikes conflict. She is quite timid, probably because she is the smallest species of vulpes. She enjoys her peaceful rank as a fisher since she catches some of the most beautiful glances of the weather and her rank is quite laidback and easy.

                        Clyfar TCF
                         1 Year
                        Red Fox
Tends to be quite a calm and easy-going fox. She's intelligent and likes to put her knowledge to use, whether it be in hunting or making friendships with other foxes. She may shy away from strangers at first, but with a bit of encouragement will mingle happily with others. She also avoids conflict as much as she can as she hates getting into arguements as she's not a naturally agressive fox.

                       Kimora TCL
                        2 Years
                      Fennec Fox
Kimora is very snappy, but she can be sweet

                      Ace TCS
                            1 1/2 Years
                           Red Fox
Ace is a  clever fox he is almost never tricked. He's calm, kind, strong, and caring for his loved ones.

                              Alex TCS
                          1 1/2 Years
Cheerful and outgoing, she loves to be around Todds. She's also very flirty, and she is easy to get along with. She's always wanted to be a scout when she was just a kit.

                     Pandora TCS
                       2 Years
                       Red Fox
Pandora is a sweet caring fox. She will give her life to protect anyone
of her clan. She stands up for herself , and her friends. When she sees someone
in danger , she either goes and gets the leader , or fights to help them. She is
very good at battle strategy. She learned from her mother since she was 4 moons
old. When she turned 1 and 1/2 her mother died, leaving her father in charge.
He wasn't very good at being kind, or a good father. She ran away because
he was abusing her and she got tired of it.

                     Amber TCR
                    2 1/2 Years
                    Red Fox
   Amber is a very kind fox. She loves to talk and meet new people. She enjoys being happy, and can almost be seen talking or walking around with a smile on her face. Though she is happy, she has a dominant side, and a shy side. Her shy side can be seen when she encounters a creature taller than her, and her dominant side can mostly be seen when she's fighting, which is rare. She always tries to take care of others in her group when they fall ill or are injured. She always tries to brighten up an animal's day if they're in a bad mood.

                                  Dixie TCA
                                 1 Year
                             Red Fox/Arctic Fox Mix
Dixie is nice,friendly and swift. She hates fighting unless the clan is greatly danger and she will often help if needed.

                             Reynie TCA
                                9 Moons
                              Maikong Fox
Reynie can be s big goof-off sometimes, often doing dares to impress others. He doesn't take things very seriously. Reynie's favorite activity is lazing off. He often makes excueses to miss class. Reynie can also be somewhat bossy.

                                Abner TCA
                                 9 Moons
                                 Silver Fox
 Quick-witted and resourceful, Abner is a bright young fox with a knack for riddles and puzzles. Unfortunately, he isn't very sociable, less he be in the presence of another he'd deem a fellow intellectual. Although intelligent, he still has the naivete of youth and can fall prey to a silver-tongued foe. Regardless, he is a valuable ally and is capable of getting out of sticky situations, and he can be quite the flirt if he takes enough interest in a female. He just needs to wait a while before taking it a step further.

                                 Koa TCA
                                  8 Moons
                                 Silver Fox
Koa is a very social fox, and always wants to make new friends. She likes to mess around with the other apprentices, but only just for fun. She is a bit strong, and she is very loyal and protective of her friends. If she is inspired, she likes to go with other apprentices or younger kits, and try and cause trouble. She also believes she is swift and fast enough to catch a fish. If she loses a fish she wishes to catch, she will either plunge in after it, or simply stalk away from her mentor in anger.



                             Jasper R
                             2 Years
                             Red Fox
Sly, Sneaky and Kind once you get to know him.. He normally keeps himself.

                            Mearu R
                            2 Years
                           Arctic Fox
She is a quite small simple fox. She usally explore most of the time and keep herself distance from many things that seem danger before her eyes. She can be calm most of the time and bubbly but when threaten she harsh and vicious. She soft and fluffy on the outside but in the inside she warm and strong.One of her eye is blue and the other is green, she never knew about the colour untill she saw herself. She can get upset if anyone mention her eyes, it make her feel odd one out.

~*Wild Animals*~

                                 Nichole TC
                                  4 Years
                                  Blynx(Bobcat/Lynx Mix)

~*Ally Fox Clans*~

~*Enemy Fox Clans*~
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 09:59:23 pm by kierra »

Nichole Sohma

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How do i apply for a wild animal?


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Picture: (I can never get a picture working, oh btw, my charie that I signed up with before just poofed, so I made a new one.)
Username: LionHeartFighter
Name: Arctic
Age: 2
Gender: Todd[Male])
Rank Desired: Don't really care
Species: Arctic Fox
Personality: Strong, brave, will do anything for his clan.
History: When he was a cub, his parents left him, letting him learn how to fight and hunt by himself. He found Tishio Cove by accident, and joined it.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES PLEASE): He just sat their and stared at the cave. It looked so big, it seemed like he could run forever. He smelt the air, sniffing for anyone else. He just walked around, looking at everything in awe. He saw a lake, and with realization, he was a parched as ever. He ran to the lake and stuck his muzzle in the lake, drawing back his head with a jerk. He stuck his nose near the water, and drank till he could drink no more.

"Derpy Hooves"

Offline DeathHowl

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Picture: (I can never get a picture working, oh btw, my charie that I signed up with before just poofed, so I made a new one.)
Username: LionHeartFighter
Name: Arctic
Age: 2
Gender: Todd[Male])
Rank Desired: Don't really care
Species: Arctic Fox
Personality: Strong, brave, will do anything for his clan.
History: When he was a cub, his parents left him, letting him learn how to fight and hunt by himself. He found Tishio Cove by accident, and joined it.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES PLEASE): He just sat their and stared at the cave. It looked so big, it seemed like he could run forever. He smelt the air, sniffing for anyone else. He just walked around, looking at everything in awe. He saw a lake, and with realization, he was a parched as ever. He ran to the lake and stuck his muzzle in the lake, drawing back his head with a jerk. He stuck his nose near the water, and drank till he could drink no more.

"Derpy Hooves"

Accepted, but you must choose a rank in order to be fully accepted. I do not tell you your rank, you must choose one you like

Offline DeathHowl

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How do i apply for a wild animal?
The application thing is there. It said RP as a Rogue/Wild Animal. Its right below the Clan Fox one

Offline Lilia

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Derpy Hooves (I tried to join this pack when it wasn't ready yet .-.)


Username: Lilia
Name: Logan but he prefers to be called Lo
Age: Young Adult, about 2 years old.
Gender: Todd
Rank Desired: Preferably a warrior
Species: Darwin's fox and red fox mix
Personality: Logan is bold and daring, very adventurous at times. His mind is always wandering and he never really knows what's going on. Though if the time for battle were to come, he whips right into shape and fights like a champion. He's fast, swift and silent on his feet which helps him with being an excellent hunter. He can be slightly rude at times but if you can see past that, you'll typically end up loving him.
History: Logan was born the runt of his litter, and so his parents and siblings mostly shunned him. He soon became their punching bag and chew toy but he endured it because he thought that's what love meant. By the time he was one year old, he noticed that the other kits of his age were licked and snuggled by their parents, Logan realized that his family didn't really love him. He changed that day and ran away as fast as he could, never looking back. His parents followed after him but that did not result well, his father was shot and killed by a hunter and his mother was killed by a bear, he cared not of his remaining three siblings.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES PLEASE): As the light of day corrupted to night, Logan felt himself coming alive. He looked up into the sky which was lighted with hundreds of tiny stars, the sight made his jowls curl into a smile. Hunger began to best him and since it was nearly night he decided to take a quick hunt. Logan could just barely spot a hare looming in the distance and licked his chops. He lowered his body to the point where the grass brushed against his stomach and began to creep up slowly. The hare's nose twitched as he grew closer and it's fur bristled. Suddenly, all was quiet and he sprung up from the grass, clamping onto it's neck. The creature screeched but it was no match for Logan, who bit it harder to put it out of its misery. Satisfied with his kill, he dug in and began to feast.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 05:28:04 pm by Lilia675 »

Things may change but that doesn't mean they get better

Offline DeathHowl

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Derpy Hooves (I tried to join this pack when it wasn't ready yet .-.)


Username: Lilia
Name: Logan but he prefers to be called Lo
Age: Young Adult, about 2 years old.
Gender: Todd
Rank Desired: Preferably a warrior
Species: Darwin's fox and red fox mix
Personality: Logan is bold and daring, very adventurous at times. His mind is always wandering and he never really knows what's going on. Though if the time for battle were to come, he whips right into shape and fights like a champion. He's fast, swift and silent on his feet which helps him with being an excellent hunter. He can be slightly rude at times but if you can see past that, you'll typically end up loving him.
History: Logan was born the runt of his litter, and so his parents and siblings mostly shunned him. He soon became their punching bag and chew toy but he endured it because he thought that's what love meant. By the time he was one year old, he noticed that the other kits of his age were licked and snuggled by their parents, Logan realized that his family didn't really love him. He changed that day and ran away as fast as he could, never looking back. His parents followed after him but that did not result well, his father was shot and killed by a hunter and his mother was killed by a bear, he cared not of his remaining three siblings.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES PLEASE): As the light of day corrupted to night, Logan felt himself coming alive. He looked up into the sky which was lighted with hundreds of tiny stars, the sight made his jowls curl into a smile. Hunger began to best him and since it was nearly night he decided to take a quick hunt. Logan could just barely spot a hare looming in the distance and licked his chops. He lowered his body to the point where the grass brushed against his stomach and began to creep up slowly. The hare's nose twitched as he grew closer and it's fur bristled. Suddenly, all was quiet and he sprung up from the grass, clamping onto it's neck. The creature screeched but it was no match for Logan, who bit it harder to put it out of its misery. Satisfied with his fill, he dug in and began to feast.
Very nice! Accepted


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Username: wolfgirl56
Name: Amber
Age: 2 1/2 years old
Rank Desired: Ruse
Species: Red fox
Personality: Amber is a very kind fox. She loves to talk and meet new people. She enjoys being happy, and can almost be seen talking or walking around with a smile on her face. Though she is happy, she has a dominant side, and a shy side. Her shy side can be seen when she encounters a creature taller than her, and her dominant side can mostly be seen when she's fighting, which is rare. She always tries to take care of others in her group when they fall ill or are injured. She always tries to brighten up an animal's day if they're in a bad mood.
History: Amber was the first kit of her litter. She also was able to survive a harsh winter. Though she was the only one to survive, she was always happy. When she was about nearly a yearling, her father died of a snake bite, and her mother was shot for her pelt. That was the point when she was sad, though she always had bright spirits. She then found Tishio Cove and decided to live there.
RP Sample: The small vixen was walking through out the island, searching for herbs to use for healing. She was searching for some marigold leaves to use since she was all out of them. She found a marigold, and plucked some of the leaves off from it. She then soon realized she needed some extra marigold leaves just in case. She walked to another marigold plant and plucked the leaves off it also. She felt like the amount of leaves she had was good, and she trotted back to the area where the coven lived. She placed the marigold leaves in the Ruse's hollow, and then walked out of the hollow with a smile on her face. The herb supply was restored with the marigold leaves, and the other herbs were just fine. She turned and walked to the exit to go and walk through the island.
Derpy Hooves