Author Topic: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)  (Read 38182 times)

Offline RavenShai

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #210 on: March 10, 2012, 11:21:22 pm »
((-Had been waiting for Skull- o.o))

"Yes," Izah nodded to Elly's question, relieved that she was alright. His now more bluish gaze went back to look to the the female, gesturing for her to come. "Her name is Chase. She'll be coming along with us for awhile."

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. With spending so much time alone and on the run, wither it was caused by paranoia or not, Izah had become extremely sensitive to sudden changes. The air shifted and with it it brought along with one strange scent and one he recognized right away: Cera.

The beta had found another intruder, but this intruder was heading near their direction! If they got to close, the beta would no doubt discover they were there. A growl slipped through Izah's maw, body becoming even more tense and neck fur bristling. His gaze was faced in the direction he believed the source to come from, though he began walking in the opposite direction.

"We better go," his voice was low as if he were afraid Cera would hear him. The silvered wolf should of expected it, they'd been there too long. They had to go now if they didn't want to be caught.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline silverdawn

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #211 on: March 11, 2012, 11:34:57 pm »
Elly watched the male as he introduced the wolf by him.  The white eyed wolf examined Izah as he grew tense, then the scent hit her; it was of the female that let her go. Elly nodded and trotted quickly to his side, "Let's go as quickly  as possible." she said quietly.(fail)

Offline Skull Kid

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #212 on: March 12, 2012, 07:48:18 am »
Chase cautiously stepped into the clearing. Her whole body flinched as Izah called out for another wolf. A white wolf emerged and the tone of the atmosphere changed dramatically and quickly. They both became very tense which made Chase feel uneasy. Her mismatched eyes desperately searched the surroundings. She watched the two wolves intently, as if waiting for their instruction. "We better go." Izah declared quietly. Chases ears sat perked on her dome but she carried her body low. She followed at the heel of the two new acquaintances. "I don't understand, whats wrong?" she asked, keeping the loudness of her voice to a minimum. </shortshortshortt>
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 07:50:52 am by Skull Kid »

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.


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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #213 on: March 12, 2012, 11:25:37 pm »
Topaz's dark russet (Brown) eyes followed Cera as she left to deal with another intruder; an sudden uneasy feeling rolling in her stomach. God your so pathetic, needing someone to "Protect" you and make you feel safe... A stern voice spat in her mind, but she knew it was right. Topaz straightened her posture and held her head higher, she was afraid that the two wolves before her could feel her fear. "Thank you," She said as she tore a chuck of meat from the kill, her eyes holding a grateful expression.
"So... You and Cera fighting or somethin'? I've never seen her that mad,"
The midnight blue male's words rang bitterly in her ears. "We are..." Topaz paused thinking of what to say, finishing her meal and her eyes meeting his. "What you could call rivals," The auburn coated female explained, unable to keep back the small smirk of smugness from forming on her jaws. Oh how she loved making Cera squirm with jealousy. "I never caught either of your two's names?" Topaz asked, tilting her head and her eyes flicking between the blue male and the stranger female.
At the sound of footsteps, Topaz jolted and quickly turned around to find Zero stood behind her. He seemed to be obversing the female that he had described as a runt who was tucking into the packs meat, he also seemed to be shooting sharp looks at the dark coated male. "Oh...Hello Zero..." Topaz whispered, forcing her tone into a sweet sound. She approached him, trying her best to grab his attention and keep it away from them. "Cera has gone to see to some intruder...maybe you should go with her?" She suggested, this was her attempt to save the pairs necks.

Offline silverdawn

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #214 on: March 13, 2012, 01:42:13 am »
The amber eyes the the male sharply shift in the direction of Topaz, his glare just as harsh, "She can handle herself." Zero's was deathly calm. The alpha returned his gaze back onto the dark pelted male, "Why are you feeding her?" he moved past Topaz his his body tense and posture dominant. "If you feed them they come back, get rid of her before I do."
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 12:16:12 am by Silverdawn »

Offline jesija

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #215 on: March 13, 2012, 03:07:41 am »
Serpe smirked at the smugness emanating from the female's voice as she explained that this fight of theirs had turned into a rivalry. He didn't know for what and wanted to know, but decided that he would learn soon enough. This female seemed like she was intending on staying for a while. His crimson eyes looked up at the alpha that laid a small distance from them.
The auburn she-wolf quickly jumped at the chance to save Eternity and his necks. Serpe sent a slightly grateful at her. Zero was one of the people he didn't want to be on the bad side of, no matter how much he likes to mess with the large male's head. The alpha ordered him to get rid of the dappled female before he does... Whether that meant by killing her or simply chasing her out, Serpe wouldn't allow.
"Oooh. Thought you said I could do whatever with her..." He trailed off as he noticed Zero's hostile and dominant posture, then let his ears fall against his skull. "I'll just...Go."
The midnight furred male gestured with his paw for Eternity to follow him into the outskirts of the forest.

Cera zoomed in front of the group, determined to find Izah. He should be out of this forest by now, She thought irritably, Izah was like the travelling elk to the demonic pack, wherever he went they all followed. I wonder what's keeping him? Was it the female I let go earlier? Dusted white paws flew over the snow, her nose desperately trying to find a scent. Once she caught it again she took a sharp turn at a thick tree, kicking up chunks of snow and pretty much leaving the rest of the search party in the dust. Heavy pants escaped her maw, making puffs of smoke trail behind her as she ran. Finally, she caught a glimpse of silvery fur and blue orbs through some bushes and she turned toward it.

What am I even doing this for?
She thought abruptly before her paw got caught under an arching tree root and twisted the appendage painfully. There was a dull Snap! and her body tumbled to the ground. Normally she would've stifled the cry of pain, but she let out a high-pitched yelp anyway, alerting the group of the approaching search party.

((Long post is flipping long. --.--))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #216 on: March 13, 2012, 03:15:36 am »
Eternity lifted her head, certainly jolted from her thoughts. "Okiedokie." She sat upright and chewed on a paw for a moment, then followed. "Where are we going?"
(//Short and failish post is short and failish. D:)

ヌ - ド ル


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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #217 on: March 13, 2012, 09:58:55 pm »
The look in Zero's eyes sent Topazs heart into a dash. She was unsure if she was afraid or just thrilled, but what ever it was the alpha was definitely a merciless being who wouldn't give a second thought at killing anyone of them. Her attempted of distracting Zero had failed, but luckily the pair were already recoiling. The auburn she wolf exhaled, glad that innocent blood had not been shed.
But now she was alone...The blue wolf and the stranger female had gone...Alone with Zero and a number of other wolves she did not know...
Topaz's dark eyes slid back to the grey male, remaining silent and still as though he was some kind of mine field and if she took one wrong step it would be disastrous. "You know, he was only giving her a bite to eat and then she was going to leave," Topaz explained, unsure if this was the plan or not, but never the less it did not matter.

A sudden shrill sounding cry echoed in the distance. "Cera?" She whispered aloud, before absently dashing off in that direction.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #218 on: March 13, 2012, 10:37:04 pm »
"The beta of the group that's after me," Izah explained to Chase. "She's very near, we have to leave before she spots us."

Even as he said it, Izah caught sight of a white muzzle and silver eyes, the white fading back to black. For once his blue eyes widened and flashed with fear, his heart beating rapidly. Quickly he rose on his back legs, attempting to make a sharp turn to the other direction and bolt for it. However, when his paws touched ground again, his ears flicked backward at the sudden yelp the beta female had made. He hesitated.

Fool, he snarled at himself. Already he could hear the approaching paws of the other pack members, Cera had left them behind so they still had a good distance to cover. "Listen," he spoke to the other two females. "I'm going to make a run for it, top speed. We can't slow up even for a split second. Keep up if you can, but if you are unable to and they're catching up, split up and take a different path. They'll remain focused on mine most likely."

Without another word, Izah bolted. The forest foliage engulfed him in their white arms, his silver fur gleaming and almost blending in. Even as he ran, his paws made light steps across the snow, every bush and over hanging branch undisturbed as he passed by. Years of constant practice and experience, he was like a ghost of the forest.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: The Hunted -Wolf rp!- (Open and accepting)
« Reply #219 on: March 13, 2012, 10:58:34 pm »
Drift heard the wolves chasing after her and she ran even faster. "No, no no!" She said, looking behind her to see wolves sprinting towards her. She dodged trees, panting, and ran straight towards a lake. When she got there, Drift jumped in the freezing cold water and ducked down under water, holding her breath. She wondered if the wolves where still there, so she lifted up her head a bit.

(Sorry that I haven't been on a lot...3:)