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Author Topic: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.  (Read 20869 times)

Offline DinWolfie

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Re: Dimensions!
« Reply #70 on: February 28, 2011, 06:59:08 pm »
I do not feel like it's a stupid sugestion Teal, I rather think this should be placed in, I get really bad lag, Plus yeah I see your point in maps, But it will be easier just switching to-and-fro dimensions.
 I feel they are needed, and they arnt so hard to place in-game. It's a simple way to reduce lag..


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Re: Dimensions!
« Reply #71 on: February 28, 2011, 08:16:08 pm »
If lag bothers you, I think the simple solution is just making your own map. ^-^
You don't have to wait for dimensions to be put in - just get to work on a map of your own design! :)

So.. no, I don't see dimensions as a requirement for FH.


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Re: Dimensions!
« Reply #72 on: February 28, 2011, 10:01:46 pm »
@Dinwolfie: It's very easy to get to a less populated area in Fluorite Plains you know x3


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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2011, 04:32:34 am »
ok i only got to page three before i got annoyed with people who wants dims. i never played I.T. but hey they knew about lag when playing lower the viewing distance, turn off water reflection and what ever else they put to lower graphics it cuts lag. don't be lazy download player made maps if you want to get away they are usually empty anyway.  i know i have downloaded several and have never run into another player.... kinda sad actually. anyway just stop being all about you i think kov made map makeing easy it took awhile but there are plenty of guides to making maps and yes it is time consuming but if you want to be alone make a map.

no dims ever!!  



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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #74 on: March 07, 2011, 02:24:04 am »
I Agree with the dims. because sometimes i can't even play it's so laggy and annoying!!

Also, i love making maps but sometimes it won't export or save then starts to not work or something and deletes it... But when i have a map, well...  i don't know how to add the terrain, ocean rivers, etc.  it frusterates me -_- (by the way i have NEVER play IT before!! but it sounds awesome!! :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 12:57:25 am by Shadow »


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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #75 on: March 07, 2011, 05:37:43 pm »
I'm unsure about this dim thing.
The maps, its a little stupid that we can only go into them through cape of worlds, and can only leave them to cape of worlds or another custom map. Portals to default maps don't work!
When I go on FH, half of all people who are online are in bonfire island. Which always make me crash when I create a new chara. Next most people sit around in the start area in fluorite plains, which makes me crash everytime when I arrive there too.
There dims would be good, but I think 2 or 3 dims are enough.


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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #76 on: March 08, 2011, 12:55:39 am »

Offline Flashfire

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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2011, 10:14:24 pm »
I'm all for dims. Making custom maps may help some, but dont you have to GET there first? I've crashed several times just trying to get to one of my own or a freinds map. And some of my freinds cant get on my maps because of something wrong with coding.I cant get on several of my freinds' maps for similar reasons. Because of an Ogre exemption/exception error or w/e. And I end up losing a charachter. Dims are ways to reduce lag and avoid people who are running around 'raping' everyone.


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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #78 on: April 08, 2011, 12:08:04 pm »
This is so true!

Iv seen quite a few replies on this sayin 'Just make a map'

But what if you want to rp?

Its not easy sending maps with custom objects and that.


Dims is all i ask for to.

All i ask for.

Offline CadyD16

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Re: Dimensions - Some of us want, some of us need.
« Reply #79 on: April 22, 2011, 07:09:03 am »
Naturally for me, I support dims ALL the way. I always have, ever since I found out how to use them (seriously, I played IT for a while until I actually figured out what the dims were for and how to use them xD) I truly miss them to death. They became terribly handy.
Now, about the lag...I don't get much of it because I have a graphics card. Even if I do lag, it's nothing I can't tolerate, because it is really so slight. The lag wasn't the entire reason I used the dims before anyway, to be completely honest. And to take part in the somewhat bristling debate here...I don't exactly get what some of you mean by jumping through SEVERAL dims to find a RP. That's certainly not what I did, not at all. The last thing I wanted to do was intrude on other people's private roleplays and business. I suppose you could say my friends and I sort of stuck together in a tight group when roleplaying at the best of times, where we didn't really want to bother with people we didn't know that well. It wasn't that we were entirely rude to people we didn't know, far from it in fact. I did start thinking that maybe when more maps are added to the game, people might start fanning out a bit more. I mean, there were days on IT when I would go to a completely vacant map in dimension 0, and that was mainly because there were so many maps. However, this idea does not change my mind about wanting dims. They're one of the things I want more than anything else on here. I'm hopeful though, because it is so early in the game's exsistance so far, that dimensions will added (I'm just really hoping).
Also, some of you here say that dimensions take away the whole social part of the game and isolates you from the rest of the people. Well...not trying to sound rude or mean here but..that is somewhat the point. I think the people who want dimensions the most are the people who wish to rp in private peace, or hang with a group of friends without being disturbed (people like me), or just because of the whole lag problem, and of course, plain-out annoying people, after all. Dimensions aren't really for making new friends, but hanging out with the trustworthy friends you already made. If I wanted to make new friends, I could venture into the big crowd at Bonfire and hope for the best. Once again, I am not trying to be/sound rude, even if I might be failing royally. xD
About making maps to avoid other people that may bother you, or just to be with your friends...well..I do believe people don't really want to work that hard just to be with their friends. And I also agree that it's quite lazy of them (not anyone in particular of course). But there are really just some things you can't solve without dimensions on here, and though I know that may seem close-minded of me. But really..and especially the way people are on here now. I actually think IT would have done just fine without dimensions, if you were to give them to this game instead. (I loved them on IT though) It just seems like, compared to IT, FH needs them way more. The community seemed to have changed completely (at least in my eyes). I know I keep going on about that subject, and it seems like everything I talk about somehow drifts over to that, but I can't help it..I could go on for hours, so I'll just stop now. xD
Yes, I know all of what I just said will get a whole lot of negative attention, and I know I probably just got on quite a few people's nerves (not to mention hit lists O.o), so I'm bracing myself for it. That's just how I feel.

So, in short, I voted "Yes!" for dimensions. I suppose you already got that idea though.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 07:13:15 am by CadyD16 »