Author Topic: ?u?? ? ?al? ?? ?h? p??k {Pet/Owner RP! Literate and accepting committed members}  (Read 26251 times)

Offline JackTheTiger

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? Alec Smith ?
I smiled at Nikki, my grey eyes flicking down at her. "I'm Alec." I ran my large hand through my dark brown hair, sighing slightly. I watched as she leaned down to pet Spike, the corners of my mouth starting to curve. "Yeah. My parents got me Spike when I was ten. He was a puppy." Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I brought my phone out of my pocket. I pressed down the power button, watching the screen come to life. The phone's screen displayed a text from my mom, but that was it. Rolling my eyes, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket, turning to Spike. I knew that he was smart enough to make his way to the park, so I took his leash off. Bragging his face gently, I stared into his bright brown eyes. "Be a good boy and go straight to the park okay?" I let him go and watched him dash off to the park. I turned my attention back to Nikki. "Where are you headed?"

? Spike ?

As soon as Alec let me go, I ran towards the park at top speed. The wind in my fur felt amazing, and the air was somewhat cooler than yesterdays. As I approached the large dog park, the feeling of the grass turned lush and green. I had no idea how they got the grass to be so healthy, but most of the dogs ripped it up anyway. The strong scent of dog went along with the breeze, making me crinkle my nose. I sat down and laid in the sunlight, soaking up the warmth.

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after misty ate her breakfast, Lily bended down and placed her hand on misty's head, petting her. "you be good girl ok? I just need to go to the gym and when I come back, I'll bring you to the cat hangout place, ok?" misty purred and watched as her owner got up and grabbed a bag before liky left her in the house. "great, now I'll have to wait" she sighed.
Avatar drawn by CosmoFursi
Signature by Green

Offline okami129

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(James would be willing to go to the rescue center, but he doesn't have to.)
If you're able to? Please?))
Nuzzling her nose through the bars, she leaned onto her side and began mewing as she pawed through the bars without using claws. A few times, a hand would reach in and pet her. She would rub against that hand and against the bars, but each time, the hands would go away and leave her purring self to sit there in confusion. "Where did you go? Come back!" She gave a meow as she tried to call them back, but no response came.
My name is Sarian
I am an American curl
I am 1 year old
I arrived A week ago
I get along with Cats, Dogs, Children

An abused sweet cat who was rescued from the streets and needs a good home
She tilted her head at the paper clipped to her cage, and began pawing through the bars at it. What's this? She soon lost interest though, and curled back up in her little bed that was similar to a thick box made of carpet. The box had a circle entrance and inside it was some sort of pillow.

The liar and the thief

Offline SoaringAway

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The Overworked Artist and Her Minions [W.I.P.]
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2012, 04:42:46 pm »

"Oh my glob! P-Please don't look at me like this! I-I'll get a better picture!"

"I was never made for photos but I at least look decent in my sleep!"
Name:Natalia Lisle
Nickname: Nana
Pets: Suki
Age:  18
History: Miss. Lisle was born in the late autumn to two love birds, an Asian Yuki Tanaka and American Ken Lisle. The weren't married during the time of her birth but they shortly got married after two years as they've gotten used to a baby in their life. Natalia was the type of child that didn't cry often and woke up with a big smile on her face and her mother tried to model her but it only made the baby quite upset. Nana grew up quite well but was the one who went out to start an art club in both her middle and high school but she was seen as a "Plain Jane" for never really wearing makeup and just only brushing her her (and not doing much to it.). She now draws for a comic book and tries her best to keep up with rent of the apartment but thankfully, her main job as a secretary to a company has allowed her to keep the apartment for now.
Personality: Natalia is a ambitious type of person that would rather spend her days working rather than partying since she believes that a long term effect on life is better than a short one and a headache in the morning. She is cautious as she experienced frequent fainting in her childhood and would always pack extra supplies for her companions like a water bottles and some extra doggie and cats treats.  She is a caring individual that tries to settle all problems onto her hands even though it'll only stress her out. Natalia cannot hold back the child inside of her as she can be seen sometimes watching cartoons while eating a bowl of cereal at home and she'll even chase around her pets when they're in a playful mood while roaring. She isn't ashamed or embarrassed on the way she acts since it's a stress reliever but it has drawn people away from her to think that she is immature but she isn't; she just has an odd way to having fun besides partying, drinking, or engaging in other illegal activities.
Eye color: A lovely dark shade of brown.
Hair Color: A very light brown with some light tips that are natural.
S.O: Straight
Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: N/A
Crush: Secret!
Clothing that you like to wear:

Siblings: She has one young sister name that is eight years old and Natalia nicknames her "Lilo" since the young sibling's favorite movie is Lilo and Stitch.  Her full name is Lily "Lilo"  Lisle.
Body Modifications?: Nana doesn't have any body modifications as she prefers to be natural and not wear any makeup.  

Name: Suki
Nickname: --
Gender: Female
Owner: Natalia Lisle
Species: Bichon Frise
Accessories: A big red bow is tied around her neck since Natalia finds it adorable and Suki doesn't mind it at all.
Personality: Suki is a furball of hyperactivity and tends to bump into walls or into furniture since she doesn't pay attention that well to her surroundings. She is rather sweet but will tend to jump onto someone's back, wishing to play all the time but she easily straightens up with Natalia disciplines her by tapping the tip of her nose softly. She can get very offended easily and keep quiet just after someone insults her or so. Suki tends to sleep a lot too since she wastes up her energy quite fast and she'll sleep anywhere like on her owner's feet when she is drawing.
History: Suki's parents were meant to breed show dogs and they've had successful litters even before Suki was delivered but sadly, in some of them there was genetic mutations. Suki ended up being blind in one eye and her parents loved her but the breeder didn't know who'll want a show dog who was a bit slow on learning but also blind in the left eye. Fortunately, Suki was adopted by Natalia as she was opened to adopting animals of any kind since it was lonely when she first moved into her apartment.
Crush: --
Mate: --
Offspring: --
Siblings: She had about four other siblings but they all made their separate ways as she ended up in Natalia's care as no one really wanted a half-blind pup.
Extra: She is unfortunately blind in one eye and relies on scent mostly.

[[If anyone needs an owner, Natalia is up to go and adopt c: ]]
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 05:54:34 pm by SoaringAway »

Offline LasVagas

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Crystal clear sun was beaming through the window pain of the young mutt's home. She was, at the moment, living in foster care with a young lady and her boyfriend. They would have adopted her, but they could not deal with the paper work, so they looked after her untill she found a loving home of her own. Jessie opend one eye. It was the start of a beautiful morning. She could hear the singing of the birds flying through the air at light speed, looking for a bird table to feed on. Jessie breathed in softly. She had fallen asleep on her back with her back legs spred out and her front paws tucked neatly on her belly. After a few moments of eye resting, she rolled of her back and onto the laminate flooring. Jessie was not supposed to sleep on the couch, but it was to good to resist with its light colour and comfort and feel. The females eyes drooped, her nails clicking on the floor as she went to investegate her food bowl to see if last night, she had left any scraps. Her foster masters had strongly disagreed to giving her commercial dog food due to the fact it stored unwanted preservatives and chemicals. (True fact. Most dog food takes out the nutriance because they go off quickly and add chemicals to preserve it. How else do you think food can last upto 2014?) The food she was given consisted of raw meaty bones, great for her health and digestion, but sometimes it was a pain to crunch up. Sniffing into her silver bowl, she gently licked some small meat chunks at the bottom, before sniffing on the outisde to see if she dropped some the night before. Jessie double checked to see if she missed any food before turning to he water bowl and taking a few minuets to drink the cold liquid. She looked up quickly as the man of the house enterd, bearing some magasines and a dull expression. The young mutt wagged her slim tail and bounded up to him, licking his bare feet, trying to direct him to her bowl. He realised what she was getting at, so he walked to the pantrey and pulled out some home made dog biscuits. She devoured them and returned to her usual look out place. The window in the living room went from the ceiling to the bottom of the floor. It was crystal clear, except for some lick marks from were she had investegated it. Jessie plopped down infront of it, looking at the teenager riding a back, throwing a newspaper outside of everyones door. She wagged her tail and panted as he rode of, looking apon some poodles in diamonte collars and leads walking down the street. 'Snobs', she barked loudly. They looked up and frowned, continuing to trot placidly down the road. Jessie turned her head towards her foster master and wagged her tail. 'No no no', He had said. 'You are going out with Susie (His girlfriend) when she gets up. I am not walking you around with that silly little collar she brought you!' He coughed, sipping at a cup of coffee.
Soon enough, Susie had exit the bedroom, fully dressed and pretty as usual. 'It would not have harmed you to take Cookie to the park, would it?' She snapped, looking into a mirror as she applyed mascara. She was directing her comment to Danny (Her boyfriend). Danny rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. 'It is because of that collar. Get her something normal and i will take her round the park. Untill then, you can forget it.' He replyed in a frustrated tone. Susie  shrugged. 'I like it on her. It suits her.' She said, putting away her makeup and tottering in her high heels to the granite kitchen table and picking up a black dimonte encrusted lead. 'Fine. I will take her out if you are to embaressed. And i am continuing from the park to the mall so don't wait for me.' Susie sighed, clipping on the lead onto Jessie's collar before walking out the door, unlocking the car, putting the young dog in the boot and driving off to the park.
Jessie wagged her tail enthusiastically as the park was in her sight. She turned around and waited at the boot for Susie to let her go. 'Now you be a good girl. No fighting, stealing or hunt-' But before the young girl could finnish, Jessie had shot out the car, through the gate and into the grassy field. The young dog looked behind her as Susie pulled away. She panted and wagged her slender tail, watching a few giggley female dogs barking at some males. Jessie galloped through the tight bunch of females, knocking a few of them over as they yowled loudly as she trod on most of their  paws. Jessie grinned and held her tail high, trotting onwards.

(Beat THAT post! ;D)


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James heard the sound of his precious kitten. He was too tired for this. He grabbed the box of bacon bits and mixed in with Hamlet's food. "Hamlet, please calm down," Of course, 'calm down' isn't exactly in Hamlet's dictionary. He slumped his back, and went to the stairs. He stopped at the base, and sized them up. He straightened his back, and slowly went up the stairs. He came to the first door and opened it. The kitten flew down the stairs. James thought that she was lonely, and today he was picking up a cat. He entered the room, and pulled on a wrinkled shirt. It was black and it read 'I'm not deaf, I'm just choosing not to listen.' Then he pulled on his favorite sweater and scarf, and moved on with his pants. He never wore pants when he went to bed. He rummaged through some dresser doors. He found a dark pair of baggy pants. Mom. He put them back and grabbed some lighter jeans. They were skinny jeans. He went downstairs, with some socks in his hand. He ran to the kitchen, and put the dog's food dish on the floor. It looked like slop, but James made it. Anyway, he ran back to the couch and sat down. He now had his favorite shoes; hightops. Once they were on, he told the animals to stay, until he came home. He went to his car, and slid in through the window. He backed up, and put the car into it's driving position. He shifted the stick to the 'D' and than drove off. He went a couple blocks away, and came to a nice looking animal shelter. He pulled the car up to see if they were open.
Open he thought. He moved to the side to park. Once he parked his car, then opened his door. He came to the door, and heard the bell ring. He looked from side to side, noticing a plump woman. "Cat." James told her. She only looked up from a book, and pointed to a door. He nodded to her, and opened the door. 'Cat' was written above the door. So many cats! He browsed through the sections of cats, and noticed one he liked. An American Curl. It was a nice ginger color, with the best feature; it's curled ears.

"What's taking him so long?" Hamlet complained, after James left for two minutes. "He hasn't even been gone that long!" "It feels like forever!" He said, ignoring the cat. He finished his delicious meal. James had poured him some water before he left. He drank it all, now he had to go outside. Badly. He ran to his doggy door, and slipped through. He went to a tree, and finished. He felt better.

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{Ohmaigoodness. That post is very long...

Oh, SoaringAway, you're accepted.}

"You don't tame a vixen, you just travel in her wake."

Offline LasVagas

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(Lmao x3)


Offline SoaringAway

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[[ Thank you Neon ^u^;'. However,  I have added a second app for her pet, Suki and finsihed Nana's app entirely. ]]

Offline okami129

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Sarian perked up as another had come to her cage. She poked her head out of her little sleeping box to observe the male, tilting head head and climbing out of her sleeping box. Purring, she rubbed against the bars with her side as if trying to reach the male. She paused though, and sat down, sniffing through the bars and rubbing her cheek against them afterwards. She now held out a declawed paw and waved in the air towards the human, trying toreach him, but soon pulled it back and gave a "Prraow?"

The liar and the thief