Author Topic: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real[Put on Hold~]  (Read 71147 times)

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #420 on: March 28, 2013, 01:13:54 pm »
I'm gonna be inactive for a while, guys. Check this link: for more info.
 Sorry for this inconvenience Drago. You know, Gamma and me inactive for a while. I'll be back soon though >.<))

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #421 on: March 30, 2013, 03:40:12 pm »
Sorry guys, can't post today :c The end of my break is rapidly approaching, and I still have 3 projects and 4 tests to study for ;-; I may not be online tomorrow either.
Hope you understand.

Make that until April 11th ;-;

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #422 on: March 30, 2013, 05:05:16 pm »
Kurith looked at his piece of paper. Humph. It was some strange dragon with only two legs. It used its wings as front legs. It had a long tail and a scraggly head. Kurith couldn't read the writing on it. He shrugged and guessed from the picture. It was in a lush field. Kurith lifted into the air and headed for The Fields.
 As he arrived tentatively--he was in two-legged territory--he sniffed around. Nobody. Unfortunately, the elevation of the land was so low that he could hardly stay awake. The hill, at least, only made him the slightest bit drowsy. But now, Kurith trudged along the grass tiredly, looking around. Suddenly, he saw a figure in the distance. Its head was lifted, staring at him. Kurith snorted and tried to look as menacing as possible, which didn't look like much in his state. The figure zipped by him and Kurith realized it was that dragon.
 "Hey," he snorted, "I've been looking for you. Are you this picture?" He held up the paper.
 "Actually, I'm a dragon," the dragon joked, "Not a picture." Kurith grunted irritably.
 "But yes, that's me. I'm a field dragon," the dragon smiled, "My name is Orth. Are you with that knucker?" Kurith nodded.
 "He, Magno, sent me to get you."
 "Well, friend, you're mighty tired. Must've been a long trip," Orth chuckled.
 "No," Kurith sighed,"It's just that I'm cold-blooded. Low elevation." Kurith shook himself. Orth blinked in a puzzled way.
 "No matter. Why does the knucker need me?"
 "We're building up an army of dragons," Kurith explained quietly, "To fight back the humans. We actually have some human allies."
 "An army?" gasped Orth, "Well, you ain't gonna want me. I'm not the fighting type. I'm more of a...maker. I make things."
 "Like what?"
 "Like..." Orth stammered, "Like weapons, I guess." Kurith's eyes widened.
 "Weapons?" he repeated, "Like the humans use?" Orth nodded, while Kurith simply stared, mouth open. That had woken him up.
 "Some simple weapons," Orth explained awkwardly, "Just like...claws made out of rock and clay that you can slip over your current ones. I even made a fire-focuser! You can put it up to your mouth and you can blow fire, and it will focus it on your target. I have ones that make your fire blow up at the end...ones that make your fire shoot in different directions."
 "And you say you won't help," Kurith chuckled, sighing. "Well, how many do you have?"
 "I guess we'll have to just transport them all to camp."
 "Wait, what?" Orth gasped, "You have a camp?" Kurith nodded.
 "For now," he continued, "Let's just take whatever we can carry." So Orth led Kurith to his underground cave, where he grew even more tired, and showed him his weapons. Kurith was amazed. There were shiny tubes; some were cylinders, others had multiple cylenders sticking out, while some were long tubes with cones at the end. Those must be the fire-focusers. And then in a corner. there was a small stack of smooth rock claws. They were hollow, and Kurith even tried one on. It was a little big, but Orth said that he could size them up to the dragon. Kurith clawed the ground and it sliced through perfectly. He was even more amazed.
 "Let's take the claws first," he said. Orth nodded and grabbed a clawful of them with her back claws. Kurith grabbed some claws in his front legs and some fire-focusers with his back. They flew off.

Kithea grabbed her paper eagerly. She was curious. Who did she get? When she looked, Kithea saw that it was a dragon with a short body and a long neck. The tail was thick, but long, while its wings were broad. It had a severe underbite, and a swan-like shape to the neck. Kithea could read the text because of Samala's teachings. She read: "Unknown name. Mountain dragon." She headed for the mountains eagerly. Back home, she thought.
 As she was flying into the mountains, she saw a human camp below her. Her face turned grim. The humans had spotted her, but they didn't do anything. Perhaps they had seen many dragons fly in and out of these mountains. Or mayeb they thought she was with the humans. Either way, she was safe. She entered the mountains and looked around. She glanced at the picture again. This dragon had extremely dark scales. It must live in a cave. Kithea landed and quickly scuttled across the rocky landscape, poking her head in tunnel after tunnel. From the picture, the dragon was very small--only the size of a lion. Finally, Kithea found a cave large enough. She poked her head in and cautiously scuttled in. She sniffed the walls. It smelled of dragon. Kithea sighed and looked around. It was pitch black. She couldn't see anything. She lifted up a claw and a little spark of electricity zigged back and forth out of her claw, creating a faint blue light. Kithea shrieked and jumped back, her light going out. She had seen two pairs of round, yellow eyes staring at her, the faint image of a body around it. Kithea backed out of the cave, feeling like something was following her. When she got out of it, there was a little dragon with massive eyes staring up at her. It's head was small, along with its neck, but its body was short and flat, with a tail the same way. It had golden-brown stripes down its body. It's wings were pressed almost flat to the side of its body. Then the wings relaxed.
 "Oh, hey, you're with that snake-dragon," the dragon chirped. It was a strange sound for such an underbite.
 "No, I'm not with a snake-dragon..." Kithea murmured, "I'm with a knucker named Magno." The dragon snorted in an amused way.
 "Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Around here, we call those nuggie-whatevers snake-dragons," the small dragon explained. "Whaddo ya' want?" Kithea shrugged.
 "Does this happen to be you?" she asked, holding up the picture. The dragon scanned it carefully. Then he smiled.
 "Yup," he squawked, "That'd be me. You can tell by my little brown stripe on my tail." He whipped his tail around and pointed to a stripe on his tail that looked like every single other one, except that it seemed more brown than golden-brown.
 "So, what does the nuggie want?" he asked.
 "Would you like to join us?" Kithea asked, a little bit too quickly, "We have created a band of dragons, and we plan to fight against the humans."
 "Humans done nothing."
 Kithea blinked.
 "They've done plenty. They've killed dragons, captured us, tried to make us give them rides..."
 Now, the little dragon blinked.
 "They done nothing like that here. Around here, they only look around. Don't bother us, we don't bother them."
 Kithea snorted. "Well they do much more than 'look around' in the Western parts of the mountains, where there are bigger dragons. My brother and I saw the humans kill Miroc!" The little dragon jumped back in horror.
 "The twoleggies killin' Miroc?" he echoed, "Oh no. I'll help. My name's Larly. I can see in the dark, and I can climb up walls and cielings." The dragon nodded proudly and flapped his little wings together, hovering in the air in front of Kithea. "I can also fit into tight spaces, run really fast, and breathe smoke." Kithea chuckled.
 "Well, I'm Kithea," she introduced herself politely, "And I can control lightning and fly very high." Larly nodded, made a little humming noise, and zoomed off. Kithea followed best she could. "Do you even know where to go?" Larly looked back, guilty. Kithea chuckled and took the lead.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 06:10:08 pm by Twizzlerr »

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #423 on: March 30, 2013, 06:54:19 pm »
((My friend, post again. There is a dragon kangoroo at the camp destroying eveything :O. And do you knwo how to put GIFs working >:I?))
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #424 on: April 06, 2013, 03:20:47 pm »
LIVE!!!!! LIVE!!!! -performs CPR on rp-
Kurmii: What's the status doctor Gamma?
Me:It doesn't look good....
kurmii:-le gasp-
Samala:What's going on?
Me:The rp is dying!
Samala:WHAT???? -goes into chaotic state- NUUUUUUUU!!
Me:I must save it!!!

When the small group arrived at the clearing in the forest a few miles away from camp, Samala spiraled down. Foalan's head popped out of the soil, and he look at her in a flummoxed manner. "Why are you stoppin'?" he asked.

Samala sighed. "Remember what I told you earlier? The other dragons don't know about Aren yet. Don't tell them anything, ok?". She could have been more convincing, but she was tired from the long flight. Arwen was already asleep. "Well alright. But don't get me into trouble," the dragon teased. SAmala nodded wearily and tucked Arwen under her wing. "Let's walk from here,"

Kurmii opened her eyes drowsily. It was noon. Almost everyone in camp was gone.There was a wrinkled paper in front of her nose, waiting for her. She sighed. So that's where everyone went.... She yawned, and picked up the paper in her paws.

It portrayed a small, slender dragon perched on a tree limb licking a fruit of some sort. It hand long, frail wings that resembled those of a butterfly, it's eyes just as insect-like. "Well, this dragon should be easy to find...." Kurmii grumbled, thinking of the dragon's size.

Kurmii's dragon-->

Come on guys, help me save this rp!

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #425 on: April 06, 2013, 04:44:19 pm »
Me: The heart rate is evening out!
Bailey: What can we do?
Me: I need to edit my roleplay post, and Dragonite needs to roleplay!
Bailey: Okay ^^
Me: Well...okay then. ))

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #426 on: April 06, 2013, 07:14:47 pm »
((Magno: Shhh! It's hibernating season for Dragonite! Don't wake her up, or else-
Dragonite: RAWWWWWWWR!
Magno: Oops.))
"For Saint Indigo's sake, Kablooei, stop jumping", a voice was heard. The present dragons turned around to find the heroes of dragons : Skylanders.Magno could recognise some of them, like Sunburn, that instantenly nuzzled his cousin Fuega, Zap, that Magno was very fond of since Zap used electricity and water, Bash, that was Grukem's idol, Cynder, Spyro, Whirlwind. Camo was one of them, but Camo was already there ((durr-hurr, I'm sooo smurt)). Soon, Pierre arrived pushing a dragon that looked like a statue. "Wait... Is that... No... Leodan?", asked Magno, amazed at the sight of his idol. The dragon that looked a statue smiled and bowed. "A pleasure to see you again, Magno. I see you are in need of all our services", stated Leodan(Draco Mysticus Indiana)

((Gamma, I made a list with some dragons you can choose in the OCC thread, just to help. Oh, and RAWWWWWWR!))
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #427 on: April 07, 2013, 10:18:17 am »
Ok, I'll make sure to check it out))

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #428 on: April 07, 2013, 01:53:34 pm »
((Magno: Shhh! It's hibernating season for Dragonite! Don't wake her up, or else-
Dragonite: RAWWWWWWWR!
Magno: Oops.))
"For Saint Indigo's sake, Kablooei, stop jumping", a voice was heard. The present dragons turned around to find the heroes of dragons : Skylanders.Magno could recognise some of them, like Sunburn, that instantenly nuzzled his cousin Fuega, Zap, that Magno was very fond of since Zap used electricity and water, Bash, that was Grukem's idol, Cynder, Spyro, Whirlwind. Camo was one of them, but Camo was already there ((durr-hurr, I'm sooo smurt)). Soon, Pierre arrived pushing a dragon that looked like a statue. "Wait... Is that... No... Leodan?", asked Magno, amazed at the sight of his idol. The dragon that looked a statue smiled and bowed. "A pleasure to see you again, Magno. I see you are in need of all our services", stated Leodan(Draco Mysticus Indiana)

((Gamma, I made a list with some dragons you can choose in the OCC thread, just to help. Oh, and RAWWWWWWR!))
I will not allow Spyro, nor any other game to mix with this. Allowing the dragonology terms, the pheonix, and the elf was a huge stretch (as the world of Kirth is not for all mythical creatures such as pheonixes and elves. Only dragons) but I can't allow any more. Sorry, Dragonite, but try to stick to the roleplay's idea of Kirth.))

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #429 on: April 08, 2013, 05:17:11 pm »
"Y-Yes... We are trying to take on a riot against the humans... For them to stop killing, capturing dragons...", said Magno, so excited about seeing his idol. "I must agree to join such a noble cause", said Leodan. Magno just paralized, looking like an idiot. Kablooei waved his hand in front of his eyes."Is that a natural instinct of the Knuckers?", asked Fuega, looking at paralized Magno. " I think he is just too excited about seeing his idol", said Grukem. The Midgets arrived crashing in. "Magno! Magno! T-T-The Hy-Hy-Hydra!", said Ringo. Magno shook his head and unparalized, looked at little dragons. "What I feared. It's hungry", said Magno. The Hydra the Midgets were talking about came crashing in. The Hydra stopped right in front of Leodan and the three heads roared at the same time. Leodan didn't even blink. Leodan just poked the Hydra's closest head under the nose. The Hydra roared in pain, and came to it's senses."What-at-at happened-ed-ed?", said the three headed dragon. "You were hungry again", simply said Leodan. "Aww-w-w... Shucks-cks-cks, sorry for the damage we caused-ed-ed", said the Hydra. "Past is Past. Now, do you remember why you are here?", asked Leodan. "That tiny dragons said something about revenge against the humans?", asked the Hydra. "Yes", simply answered Leodan. "Magno!", growled Ringo. "Why did you ask us to manage such a huge dragon?!", growled\asked John. "There are no such things as small dragons, only small minds", answered Magno.

(Hydra are still dragons. And Draco Mysticus Indiana too.)
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!