Author Topic: Garden of Shadows [Inactive since 28/01/2013]  (Read 18443 times)

Offline ShadowClasher

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2013, 01:46:41 am »
[[ Nu, nu. I was just waiting to see if Crystal was going to post before I did so she didn't get left behind. ]]


Trevor almost burst out laughing as a young boy, maybe eleven, stepped out of the shadows and introduced himself thoroughly. He hadn't heard one like that since those city-slickers back when he was younger. "Well, Felix, welcome to our ... whatever we're doing here. Care to join me when I go to bash that old--" Trevor caught himself once again before continuing his sentence. "Our gathering place..." He muttered those words and then gave out his identity; plus Gene's since she was falling asleep.

"Well, I'm Trevor and this is Genevieve or Gene. And uh..." He paused as Ant -- oh how hard it was to say that name with a straight face -- gave out her and her older sibling's name, Alavar. Trevor opened his mouth to say more until Alavar herself spoke up giving her nicknames. After she finished, he quickly said, "Well, there. You have our names."

Trevor spoke to soon. For about the billionth time in his life. You'd think as you got older you'd stop underestimating things and learn to know to expect the unexpected. Well, that was the complete opposite. Upside down cartwheel.

Now, yet another figure came out of the deathly, cold-looking forest. Another girl, probably about fourteen like himself, asking if they know how to get out of the woods. "If we knew, we'd be out of this Cerberus's lair dungeon." Trevor tried not to make a face, but in doing so, it made it his face look like Johnny Depp. That's when he realized she'd been crying and immediately regretted it. Trevor was a farmer's boy, which meant not a lot of sympathy, but he had at least the sense of when he could blab his mouth or he needed to shut up and hold his tongue. Besides, whoever this chick was, she was a crier alright. Softer than most. That was going to be a challenge if they were all going to stick together.

That actually brought on another question of his. Were they going to stick together? Fight their ways out of this realm of creepiness and deathly smelling carcasses and farts that'll stick in the air with the fog? Trevor had no idea, but he knew he had to do something about Gene. He wouldn't just leave her to be even more corrupted to the evil little witch of the forest. When he did get out of the woods -- assuming that they did -- Gene would be with him and that was a promise. Geez, that led to even another question.

How the heck were they even going to get out of this place? There wasn't exactly a giant sign that read: EXIT FOREST HERE. COME AGAIN. with a giant laser light show. Luckily, Trevor was pretty sure he'd left those demons back in the city. And he'd already swore that he wasn't ever going back there. No matter what chick he ended up with. Never again was he going there.

Pulling away from the thoughts and questions that were roaming his mind, Trevor tuned to the stranger ... Well, they were all strangers to each other, but at least he knew all of their names beside hers. "What's your name? I'm Trevor, this Gene, Felix, Alavar, and Anjti. And don't say nothing different. It's annoying when people lie about their name 'cause they're afraid of what they're gettin' themselves into." Realizing his annoying southern-type accent was come back, Trevor coughed a few times, trying to get that out of his head. The last thing he needed was any of those guys picking on him for what he sounded like. Especially that Felix kid. Looked a bit suspicious ... but of course Trevor thought the man in the doughnut suit outside that bakery looked suspicious. So, there really wasn't much telling in that point of view.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?


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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #71 on: January 17, 2013, 02:02:25 am »
(Oh gog- Kiri, that last part of your post had me laughing xDD.

Anyywaaay~ I'mma wait for, what- two days for Crystal to post, and then continue without her?)

Offline emmiere

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #72 on: January 18, 2013, 01:29:33 am »
(( OMG Guyssss! I just finished "Divergent".... Most amazing book I've ever read.... I think I should make an RP o3o Sorreh. Nerdin' it up over here xD ))


The little girl's sleeping body quivered hard, moisture covering her forehead as she dreamed. Her heart rate increased rapidly, her body shaking harder. Nightmares haunted the nights that she slept in the Forest. Gene tried so hard to keep from sleeping, but it never worked for more than three days. Gene had gotten used to the lack of food of course- her body was pretty much skin and bones. Because of her young age, she never really ate much anyway. Genevieve's eyes burst open, tears running down her cheeks. She looked around hysterically, her brain thinking nothing but paranoid thoughts and about Mother. Her breath came in short gasps as she fell into a panic attack- which were not uncommon for kids in the Forest. For the first time in ages, Gene cried five words that had never escaped her lips since the day she arrived in the Forest. "I want to go home," Genevieve wiped her cheeks and looked back up at Trevor. There were more people around her, and Genevieve wasn't used to it. Hysteria rose in the small girls body as she took short, raspy breaths. She looked up once again at Trevor. His eyes were a bright blue- the color was weird. She wasn't used to it. If someone had put a color chart in front of Gene and asked her to name the colors, she'd probably say that yellow was purple. Gene's small puffy cheeks flushed a rosy pink as she realized how childish she was being. She buried her face in Trevor's shirt to hide her face from all of the people- she hated the attention. As a child, she was always shy. But the Forest did things to her. It had impacts on a child's mind and sanity. Something broke in Genevieve right then- something snapped. A deep anger and hatred boiled up in her body. If mother had wanted her, she would've come by now. Her small grip on Trevor's shirt clenched. She was determined at that moment- She would find what Mother had in mind. Even if it made her fade in the process. Her belief in Mother had broken. Some part of her still wanted to believe- but the other parts all said that Mother would leave her to rot in this hell. Genevieve had heard that word once- her mother and father and brother had said it as she was a child, and when she went to church on Sundays, they'd talk about it. The word seemed like it'd fit this place. Her teary face stayed buried in Trevor's shirt. Gene didn't want to look at the others- they would judge her. Like everyone did. Genevieve looked at her hands. The angrier she got, the more color flowed back into them. A small smile spread across Genevieve's small, innocent-looking face.

(( I think Crystal will edit the post one page back when she does post. Scratch that xD my brain is moving at an excruciating pace right now. That was SoaringAway xDD ))
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 02:56:21 am by ?_Aphex_? »

"You don't tame a vixen, you just travel in her wake."

Offline ShadowClasher

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2013, 03:13:59 am »


The first sign of Gene awakening and Trevor was alert yet again. Why? He didn't know. It was natural for him to stick up for others -- creepy ways he had -- and keep them safe.

When he looked down, the first thing he saw was a teary face and then frightened words escaped her mouth. "I want to go home!" Then her face was buried in his shirt, and he couldn't help but hold her tight. Though, like usual he gave someone a quick glare before letting it recede: Felix. First, that kid seemed intellectually smart which meant he could probably be stuck up like a lot of kids that Trevor used to know back when he was younger and in school. Like Johnny Gregory. Man, that kid was annoying. And who knows what Felix really was? Annoying like him? Or just cute and smart like that Rebecca Jeens was in third grade? Who knew ... well, he probably would later. No doubt he'd meet this kid again. He looked ... colorful. At least compared to Gene. Maybe a little more than himself.

Turning his head back to Gene, he stretched his neck down to her ear and whispered a few more words to her. "You will get home. I promise." With that promise put out there for little Gene to take in, Trevor turned back to the new girl and cleared his throat, waiting for her reply. The air seemed awkward in the little "group". It was a bit, airtight, and like how Gene felt, Trev was slightly uncomfortable. He literally hadn't been near so many people all at once in a long, long, long ... time. There was his time here in the hellhole of a place and then the farm and country land. The place where he truly felt safe and right at home. At least until he got trapped here.

Not many people just randomly came by and visited their farm unless they were health inspectors inspecting the crops or water supplies or animals. Of course, there'd been customers around a bit, but even when there was, it was only a few times when he actually interacted with them. Trevor was usually mucking out the barn or stalls while his father dealt with the other people. Mostly because he knew his son didn't want to do it, but also because he was afraid that Trevor would screw it up. A lot. So much Trevor would be forced to go back and live with his mother -- real mother -- and his father would end up God knows where. Probably eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at a soup kitchen and working for three hours each morning as a paper ... man. Mailman. Post officer. Whatever.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2013, 06:47:54 am »


Alavar was startled by Gene's sudden movement, especially since it was really jerky. Alavar's dark blonde hair wilted onto her face, dripping down her chin. It itched; hair wasn't as fun as everyone thought. A slight breeze blow through her hair, it was freezing now, at least to her.


Offline tanatiger2002

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2013, 02:36:02 am »

Name:Emily Rogers
Age(4 to 14): 12
History: She is a orphan who was abandoned by her mother.Not much else
Personality:She is nice and likes to be around people.She can get mad easly but she tries not to.
Eye color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Theme(Because I like to add this in -3-):I dont Care
Artist(The one I like is a remix):Apocalyptica/NightCore
???? ??? ?????

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Offline emmiere

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2013, 04:14:00 am »
((   Accepted, but can you please add more to her history and personality? Like, more detail on when she was abandoned by her mother and how she's been living after. And for the personality, add what makes her mad easily. Was it something in her past? Or just the way she is? Just add those and tell me when you do. Thank you (:   ))

"You don't tame a vixen, you just travel in her wake."

Offline tanatiger2002

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2013, 04:34:13 am »
Alrighty.Will do that in a bit ^^)
???? ??? ?????

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2013, 12:00:50 pm »
{{Tana copied, well I don't think she knows, my charries last name D:}}

Holly Crystal Rogers

Holly saw all the people, looking side to side anxiously. Then she decided to look to the boy, who looked about the same age as her (Trevor :P). "If we knew, we'd be out of this Cerberus's lair dungeon." He said, making his face look like Johnny Depp's face. She remembered seeing Johnny on Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, that she recently, watched with her mother. She looked at Trevor, like he was a guy dressed up as a hot dog in the middle of the scary forest. (xD) She then turned to the little girl that was asleep on the boy. So she looked at Felix, who had a pair of glasses in his mouth, and she looked at him suspiciously,  then turned to the two girls. They looked kind of the same, and  she turned back to Trevor, as he started to say stuff again. "What's your name? I'm Trevor, this Gene, Felix, Alavar, and Anjti. And don't say nothing different. It's annoying when people lie about their name 'cause they're afraid of what they're gettin' themselves into." He explained, as he said the names, she had no idea who he was talking about. But she guessed that the boy was Felix, and the little girl was Gene. So the other to must be Alavar and Anjti, but she wasn't to sure. Trevor then started coughing, and she looked at him suspiciously, but then when he stopped coughing, she said, "I'm Holly." She felt left out, they all had wicked names, but hers was ordinary, but she still loved her name.

Soon, she watched the little girl jerk from her sleep, and she almost jumped out of her skin. Luckily, she held he tears in, as that scared the hell outa her.  
"I want to go home," The little girl, apparently, called Gene cried. Holly wanted to cry and go home, just like the little  kid. She sighed, and leaned against the tree, she felt kind of safer with all of these people with her. The little kid seemed to calm down, and then Trevor spoke again,  but she couldn't hear him, because he was whispering.

It fell silent, and it felt pretty awkward...
"Urm, how can we get outa here?" She asked, looking from the people her head hardly stopping. Dizzily, she stopped moving her head, and just looked at the ground.. Holly had a feeling that the first night she was going to spend here, was not going to be the last...

don't click this link... Please DONT

Meep Meep.

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ATTENTION! I shall be inactive for the next couple of weeks, but I will still be able to get on.

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Re: Garden of Shadows (Literate and ACCEPTING)
« Reply #79 on: January 20, 2013, 03:58:40 am »