Author Topic: Evil Clans? What?  (Read 7940 times)

Offline morallydefunct

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Evil Clans? What?
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:35:15 am »
Heillo, Feralheart.
I have a little topic I want to touch. Hopefully, the response is good.

What is your idea on evil clans?

I admit, evil clans can be very fun in my opinion, but there is times when things go out of hand. Now, I know there's a lot of evil clans out there, and they can be evil.But, don't you just hate it when they attack?I do certainly. Every now and then, I won't even be on a warrior and I'll see some evil clans gather and demolish a clan. One clan. Ugh.
Here is one story:
Me:-Roleplaying at all-
Clanmates:-Just.. doing.. things-

Wolf:"I am an assassin hired by -Insert evil clan-. They want me to kill youuuuuuuu!!!
Clanmate:Uhh... we don't care.
Me:Why are you even 'hired' by a clan when you're clearly a wolf? e.e

Wolf:Every evil clan has to hire a dog or a wolf to win of course.
Me:Every clan?
Me:I'm done.

Now, I'm 'alright' with evil clans and all, but it's the only thing I hear now. If I join a clan, someone will yammer on of some clan planning to 'attack' and 'kidnap' their kits and stuff. Making 'alliances' and moving in with each other to take down two clans that have teamed up or something. Wow. They like to take things seriously.  When I'm not on a warrior, I'll slow down because on of their huge battles lagging the whole Plains for their battle of like, 60 cats. Their powerplaying and such. It's annoying and such.
I've joined evil clans my self, yes, but I don't like how it's the same thing everytime one is made. It seems all they do is raid and kill. Eventually, evil clans die out and someone takes over, but cats who liked the original leader, leave and abandon the new leader. Now, this has been going on for a while. It's quite annoying as it's the only thing warriors seem to yammer on about.

Why do you have to be like that, evil clans?

>mfw i see internet arguments

Offline Fire_flaen

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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2013, 10:47:22 am »
For a few days ago there was a evil clan they wan't to fight my clan.
Me: "Uhm what are you doing here?" -.-
The evil leader: "We wan't this territory!"
Me: My friends and me are rp'ing so leave now please))
The evil leader: No!))

Then they started to 'rp' that they attacked us.... And we had to leave :I

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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2013, 10:53:49 am »
I sort of like evil clans,I know they will attack clans and stuff,but I don't think it's fair to actually take kits.One of my characters used to be in the Shatteredclan but we left when APPRENTICES were going to steal kits.Yesterday there was a huge battle (I forgot how it started,something between deathstar and blazestar),it lasted at least 30 minutes in real life.And everyone kept calling allies,but in the end Deathstar and Shatteredclan won :|.

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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2013, 02:04:01 am »
Ijust joined Shatterdclan. Thatclan is sooooooooooooooo awesome/

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2013, 03:15:26 am »
I see ShatteredClan alot. They never attacked my clan... mostly because it hasn't been very active. Even when it is active, they haven't attacked my clan or given us any problems. The only evil clan that ever threatened my clan was FearClan, and they don't exist anymore.

I do have a few characters in "evil" clans, but they are characters that don't get involved in battles. Why? Because they are either too young (kits) or too old and retired (elders).

Offline WhiteLightHeart

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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2013, 04:41:42 am »

I haven't even heard of these raids before. //Privatemapsheltered.

That is interesting, though. While I (clearly) haven't heard of these raids taking place, I guess it's 'nice' to hear that these 'evil' clans are actually doing things to really spice up the RP for everyone, if they do it right.

Granted, attacking other clans left and right would be pointless if those clans didn't have some kind of home life, and it'd be nicer if they kinda did a little bit of planning with the attacking clan's leader (out of character, of course, so there'd be no confusion).
So, in other words, structure is key, even if your clan is going to be some kind of wild, offense-based attack group. This way, issues like Fire_Flaen explained won't happen so often.
After all, nobody likes it when you try to start up spontaneous roleplay, and the others won't play along. ._. So.
Seeing that warriors are naturally competitive clans, the attacking doesn't seem too bad, so long as it's kept to a realistic frequency by the attacking leaders.
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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2013, 12:51:47 am »
Ive been meaning to make this topic, but I keep forgetting, so thanks for doing it for me xD

Anyways, I have mixed feelings about 'evil' clans. Before I started hiding away in private maps the most famous 'evil' clan was BloodClan. Usually lead by a huge over-powered Scourge, all of these clans were insanely blood-thirsty and commonly what some might call illiterate. They would run around and recruit people from different clans into their own group and then once big enough attack any clan they saw. At first it was kind of fun for me because it didn't happen often in the rp's I joined and it gave me a chance to practice my fighting techniques. But then I remember one Bloodclan that got way out of line. What they did was become a stupidly large group (like a constant 20 or so members on which is pretty good for an unmapped rp) and they also recruited around three strong wolf packs to fight with them. Then at a gathering thing they threatened to destroy all the clans, then proceeded to attack and defeat many of them. If I remember right, I think a moderator had to shut them down, but don't take my word for it. After that I kind of stayed away from evil clans and just hid in private maps. That was around a year ago though, so the evil clans may have changed since then.
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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2013, 01:16:17 am »
Allow me to give my opinion... Uh, let me gather it up here. c:
I believe evil clans can be fun, if there are a small amount of them. Maybe five, six, per public map to cover the base of FeralHeart (not including any in private maps). But if EVERY Clan is evil (like what I've seen today in mapless Clans, all "merciless" and such) it isn't fun any more! You barely see a "nice" Clan any more. And even if you do, everyone either plays Scourge-based characters, or Hollyleaf-based character. If you don't understand what that means (because that has usually been an inside-thing between my friends), is it means, everyone is either a heartless killer, or a regretful one. Either they are the most terrible thing in the Dark Forest, or they are the most depressed, merciful, useless cat in the entire litter of brave, loyal warriors! Which apparently don't exist either! Yes, some cats out there are actually realistic, more like the books... But the twister is, they ARE from the books. If not exactly, just a few changes! You can barely find an original, realistic-sounding cat... I'm not protesting about it, but... It's just... Not every cat can be like Bluestar. That is another frequent one. Brave, then suddenly depressed and cruel, and until they are five seconds from death, BAM. They want pity.
What is even sadder about evil clans (and cats), is they are either illiterate or powerplayers. They think they can take down an entire pack of wolves. Tell that to Swiftpaw and Brightpaw! They'd love to hear that mouse-brained story! I'm not against Evil Clans... I'm against their huge numbers. We don't need so many! I, for one, have started a nice clan. And I assume that in the next month, we will already be completely dead because we follow the Warrior Code, and fuzzy rouges and evil kittens don't wanna hear it. That is just how they are...

From the Shadows ~ Hallucination

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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 03:38:06 pm »
@Rising and Hallucination, that's some pretty intense stuff. Firstly, with the giant BloodClan, I can see where it would be fun to play in a Clan where there's really some momentum in the storyline, and an active purpose for the characters, but you're right. When they get too over-blown in their power, then it gets crazy.
(Now, I don't know if a Mod would have to step in on a roleplay, unless people got too offended and started breaking some rules or something.)

I agree with Hallucination, though. A lot of people are basing their characters too much off of those dramatic, dark-hearted antagonists in the books, because for some reason they're held in some high reverence, and every cat has to have a dark, brooding past. And even more so, 'killer Clans' hold some appeal, as well.
However, in a lot of cases, these guys do get too frequent, and it loses its sparkle altogether.
Like evil, merciless packs, or any other kind of 'dark' RP, the moment I see the words 'killer', 'ruthless', in a group's advertisements, in most cases I tend to look the other way.
It's just too cliche, too dark, too much of what is seen everywhere else.
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Re: Evil Clans? What?
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 04:19:59 pm »
It's kinda interesting to hear this really o3o, I've never really had this sort of thing happen to me really. Also, I'm part of The Ebon Circle and I guess we are a "evil clan" but we don't do anything like that at all really. If anything we joke around all the time in group chat and occasionally RP.

I'm not sure, perhaps this person just wanted to join in your RP.
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