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Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #60 on: April 13, 2013, 01:36:26 am »
Well-now I guess, I want some others to post.))

Offline okami129

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« Reply #61 on: April 13, 2013, 01:39:07 am »
I feel like we're being haunted by someone, I'm curious who that particular +1 hidden is. <.<))

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« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2013, 01:40:27 am »
(( Sorry for the wait! And Apollo's post should be up in a few minutes, but for now, here's Arya's. ))

(( EDIT: By the way, I'm the hidden one, Okami. xD ))

Arya was about to stomp away from waiting. The party had already come back, and she wanted to take a walk by herself for a while. But before she could start to move again, Butch started to pad over, forcing the female to keep a steady gaze on him. She only then realized that in his jaws was a dead bird. A few steps before the council member reached her, she shot an angry glare that obviously stated I'll kill you later. His only reply was a large toothy grin. It seemed like a dead stare-off between the two wolves for a moment and then Arya turned back to Butch, waiting for the question he was going to ask. After a moment of thinking, she replied trying to keep the annoyed tone out of her voice, "Why not? Sure, Butch." The higher-ranked member was younger than her but he was still higher-ranked. She could have refused, but then she would've probably been approached by Inxis later, which probably wouldn't have a good outcome. She also just wanted to see if she could irk Apollo, agreeing to take food from someone else but not him, though she doubted her act would make him annoyed; more likely relieved.

Arya sat back onto her hind legs, dropping her head down to the prey Butch had set down at her paws. She knew Apollo would've been smart enough to sniff out whether or not it had that foaming mouth disease, but just to be sure she gave a quick sniff check. Then nibbled at it cautiously, tasting it carefully. She knew what one of the infected rodents tasted like because of when she had tore into a rabbit and ordered to spit it out by Apollo. It was part of the beginning of the realization of the disease infecting the only prey left in the forest. It had tasted strange, but Apollo the Annoying had noticed that its smell had a fragrance unknown to either of them at the time, but one they came to know very well and learned to be weary of. After coming to the conclusion that it was indeed free of sickness, she tore a small piece of meat from the bird and munched on it self-consciously. "Thanks." She said between chewing, spitting out feathers after that.

Watching as Butch approached Arya cautiously, he silently prayed that she wouldn't snap. Usually she held her temper to the higher ranks besides Inxis at times, but the female was obviously in a bad mood already. Her biting his ear wasn't so far-fetched. Apollo was actually a bit surprised when all she did was shoot Apollo a glare of pure hatred and then hesitantly accept some of the offering. Happy that no fighting took place, he turned to walk away when the familiar angry howl split the air. The male turned to look at Arya, a questioning look on his face. The only response from Arya was a roll of her eyes. He was about to follow the sound to the source, but he glimpsed through the trees Katalia's white fur, signaling that she beat him to it. Instead, he pushed into a trot and went in the opposite direction, trusting that since Arya didn't already maul Butch, she wouldn't any time soon.

Bushes and thorns brushed tugged against his pelt as he passed by, pushing his way through toward nowhere specific. The air smelled dull, dreary. It seemed like a pretty boring place to be. The only highlight was when Apollo suddenly saw a rabbit scuffling among the roots of a tree. Keeping low and silent, he crept forward a few paces, scenting for the smell of the disease. Every second that passed was agonizing, because it was suddenly there, the smell, but it wasn't coming from the rabbit. Trying to keep quiet, the male crawled backwards, scrambling for a place he could look around clearly. A strange rock formation stuck out of the ground about twenty meters to his left, and he made a run for it. Everyone in the pack knew that the smell was dangerous, and the thick undergrowth that Apollo had trapped himself in was a death hole. After getting to the ledge with a bit of huffing and puffing, he scanned the ground, searching for what the source of the smell could be. Frighteningly, the scent was stronger and closer. And then suddenly he saw the scrawny figure of a gray fox, nosing around in the berry bushes to his left. The fox hadn't seemed to notice Apollo yet, but it was quite clearly infected. White foam stained the corners of his mouth and there was a mad glint in his eyes. Apollo had to be at least two times bigger than the other canine, but he knew his only good option was to get out of there. One bite and he'd become sick with the disease.

There was the clear path he'd taken that came straight from where the pack rested and would be waiting, but if the fox did see him and decided to follow, he'd be leading in a death sentence to his pack-mates. No, He decided firmly. I have to take a different route and hope to confuse the blundering skinny thing. Apollo hugged the ground and flattened his ears, only hoping nature's wind was on his side. With a last quiet breath, he tried to gracefully hop down from the boulder and run. But instead, one of his front paws, flew from underneath him and scraped against a sharp piece of rock. The male yelped, holding up his paw for a moment until a snarl went up behind him, causing him to bolt. The fox was too slow to be able to catch up with him if he ran long enough. Apollo barely noticed anything as he passed it, but he must've swerved back there sometime because the sudden scent of his pack-mates washed over his nose, shooting happiness through his veins, even though he was still a little ways away. After deciding that he wanted a break and picking another jutting rock formation where he could see the ground from above and would be safe, he huddled up on the top ledge, licking the tender pad of his paw. Sticky scarlet liquid dropped from a little scratch, but overall it barely looked like anything. It stung, that was for sure, but it definitely wasn't life threatening. Giving in to his tired soul, he settled down and closed his eyes, relaxing into a short nap.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 03:00:55 am by Kirigishi »

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #63 on: April 13, 2013, 01:41:43 am »
Lol +1 Hidden is probably someone making a secret application. ;o;))

Offline Huskystar

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« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2013, 01:45:05 am »
I thought I was the only one you know, I thought I blocked some one, I was like D: Lol! I will post tomorrow, its 2:30 am WHY THE HELL AM I UP! Lol ))

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« Reply #65 on: April 13, 2013, 03:30:23 am »

The pelt on her wind felt freezing as the she wolf strolled behind the pack. She had found only a vole that ventured away from the den, and was nibbling on the strands of grass. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, as she had already put the vole on the ground for some one else to take. She flicked the snow of her fur, and sat down in the clearing, watching the wolves go by.

-Sorry its so short!-

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« Reply #66 on: April 13, 2013, 08:16:17 am »
I am awaiting for Inxis to answer Eclipse. Or did you already? D=


Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #67 on: April 13, 2013, 09:15:47 pm »
I've actually been wanting to reply, but I was waiting for Kasai to post. ;-;

Offline silverdawn

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« Reply #68 on: April 14, 2013, 01:37:50 am »
Umms Hi there! If there is still an openning I'd like to join. it's been a while since I've been in a rp so I hope I have a descent Appie!

Name: Lorcan
Nicknames/Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years old
Rank: Subordinate
Mate?: N/A
Pups?: N/A
Infatuation? aka 'crush' (Optional): N/A
Description of your character:  Even though his name means Fierce one in Irish Lorcan is the complete opposite. He sits back quietly watching others as they chit-chat, being the withdrawn wolf he is and doesn't say a word. He talks mostly when spoken too first, and even then he talks in a soft shy tone. Don't get Lorcan wrong, he prefers the presence of others to loneliness(sometimes he wanders off just to relax) and he is warm hearted and protective to friends. He just doesn't talk much. It's just hard to pull that out of him.
Sample post: A wolf with a pelt that looked as if soot has been sprinkled on his back trudged through the thick snow that lay even at the base of the trees. His paws burned from the cold and the white powder clumped to his fur. Lorcan huffed in frustration as he stumbled through the snow that was nearly to his chest. I shouldn't have come out here like an idiot. No matter how much I want silence. The freezing male made his way to the closest tree and scraped the snow from it's base. With a sigh Lorcan hunkered down and curled tightly into himself hoping to rest before making his way back to the pack.
Photo unless described well enough above:
Other?: "escape to elyaris ""earth beneath my paws"
My Mind has been Blah lately :/

Offline Kasai

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Re: αℓαѕкαи єѕ¢αρє ; A wolf roleplay
« Reply #69 on: April 14, 2013, 03:40:16 pm »
[I'M SORRY EVERYONE ;n; You all can just like- throw spoons at me until I post or something, but let me just read through some of the posts I missed. I thought because the RP moved, the RP started to die, but HOLD ON I WILL POST! -will update with post... please don't kill me-]

With Inxis running after a rabbit nearby, Faolan cast glances to his packmates in her absence. If the previous alphas had not set Inxis as the alpha, he always remained curious as to who would have won that title. He was always satisfied with being an adviser, never seeing himself as anything more than that. Most would see this as giving up on being an alpha, but he saw it as being the mind of the alpha, or at least a helper in his or her mind. His current alpha's comment about following the birds, though based off a dream, was still somewhat logical. Not to the point of unquestionable doubt, but he did consider this option. From what Faolan could gather, the weather was only getting colder which would lead to more animals disappearing and their water sources just becoming frozen solid. Despite his ancestors' wants, Faolan knew they had to leave their territory eventually. Moving an entire pack in such a way would be severely dangerous, perhaps the reason the pack had never moved from this area. Not only was the outside area rarely ventured into and those that inhabited the outside regions unknown, but moving a group in such a setting was an ambush waiting to happen. However, separating the pack could also have its downfalls. Fighting for leadership couldn't be tolerated while moving and he knew that the main council may be the only wolves creating a barrier around the title of alpha. After all, if the council didn't agree with him or her, the alpha would have to either get new council members (of which the expertise of the wolves present were slim to none), or step down.

Inxis, while she did try to be a good leader, could easily struggle should she be separated with a group on her own. Of course, Faolan was loyal to her and would never overthrow her, but he would likely be a leader of another group should they ever split off. He had never been a loner and always a pack member. While his social skills weren't the best, he knew how to get jobs done and to get everything organized. Any other leaders of small groups would be questionable. Many of the pack were too young for such positions and others didn't have the personality types that could benefit a small group. Not to mention Faolan's trust issues when it came to the pack. Every time a fight broke out, his trust of those involved decreased every time. At this point, he could trust nearly no one in this pack either because of fights or not knowing them long enough. When Inxis tossing the rabbit into the center, Faolan tensed immediately, his golden eyes flashing to individual members to see who would claim it. He relaxed as someone lunged at it and no one minded. Faolan, ever the tense wolf, still stared at the surrounding members as Eclipse approached the alpha.  "I hope you do not mind me saying, and please do not think of me as a pest, my Alpha, but when I was a pup my mother always told me to follow your heart. I have done so for so long and if it was not for that, I would not end up where I am today. I think you should consider your heart's feeling, for I am sure it rests with your pack, and it's well-fair." Faolan, though his eyes were adverted from Eclipse, resisted the urge to snort at the 'follow your heart' comment. /Follow your heart? Those who follow their heart are lucky to be alive at this point. You think those who kill humans to get ahead in life were following their heart? No. They followed logic. They followed what they could to keep alive,/ Faolan thought bitterly. His eyes flashed briefly over to Eclipse and then to her friend Sampson. The two looked nearly in pain with their stomachs so thin and he hadn't missed the look Eclipse gave to that rabbit. The two were starving. /No doubt the reason is them 'following their heart'./ While Faolan wasn't cruel enough to speak these words, he knew the price of 'following your heart', and he always advised against it. Luckily, he did agree that they should 'follow Inxis's heart', but for his own logical reasoning, not some jumble of words a mother gives her pup to reassure her everything will be all right.

Faolan moved back, away from the rabbit so as to not be lured into taking a piece. Some commotion was heard from the lake and Katalia soon disappeared to investigate. Faolan's ear flicked and he returned his attention to the pack, some just picking off pieces while others were greedier than that. "Inxis, might I suggest a meeting of the main council upon our return to discuss this predicament? I'm sure Butch and Katalia would like to contribute, as the phrase is, their 'two bones' on the matter of the birds and our current location," he explained, his eyes focused on those picking at the rabbit as he spoke. It was rare for Faolan to make direct eye contact. This action would typically describe a coward, but his eyes were always locked on something else, making whomever he was speaking to feel inferior since it seemed as if they weren't worthy of holding his complete and undivided attention. However, as the alpha and many members knew, the gaze of Faolan wasn't the best thing to be boring into your eyes. His golden eyes were often intimidating and it was rare to see them not completely fixed on something. There were some in the pack that had been born and died in the pack without seeing Faolan even blink. Playfulness seemed to be a foreign language for the wolf that always walked proudly, a benefit for living in the times they currently lived in.

['two bones'='two cents', meaning giving their opinion =) ]

« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 04:45:55 pm by Kasai »