Author Topic: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)  (Read 142089 times)

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #140 on: June 12, 2013, 11:30:45 pm »

Teegan let out a chuckle at Ristos comment about feeling sorry for Micah if Dusty liked her "Oh, and whys that?" she questioned trying to make a conversation between the two as she looked over at them a slightly raise to her brow as she noticed Micah and Dusty were looking their way but she didn't mind, soon after she then turned her head around and looked back at what she was doing, gently holding the comfrey with her paw, her tail slightly wagged behind her as her head shot around watching the cat "I must say you know a lot about being a medic" she muttered giving that cat a smile as she continued to watch him curiously.

Micah watched as Teegan padded over and began to help the feline with the brutes wounds, her ears flicked at the sound of Dusty's voice "Oh yeah i'm fine, just she seems quite aggressive and well shes a lot larger than i am" she muttered not wanting to cause an argument between the two females, her tail began to wag once again as she looked at the two whilst Teegan let out a giggle then looked over at Dusty and Micah then her focus went back onto what she was doing. She raised her brow and shook her head then turning to face Dusty once again. as she prodded her white paw into a small puddle that sat beneath her paws.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 11:33:44 pm by Taylor »
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #141 on: June 13, 2013, 12:38:52 am »

Dusty opened his mouth and struggled for words as he watched Micah poke a muddy puddle with her paw. Blinking, he removed his tail from the snowy flank and place it behind his back. "Uh..." he stuttered. "I-it doesn't matter if she's stronger or bigger than you," he said as he tried to group for words. "I think your strengths and hers are different in many ways, but that doesn't mean she's better than you." Dusty murmured, glancing down at his paws, once again embarrassed. He shifted a small pebble with his pad, wondering whether if those words fit with Micah's problem. He cast a quick glance at her, hoping he didn't offend her in any way.

Risto refrained himself from blurting out a random question to the German Shepherd. Surprise lighten his gaze as he glanced sideways at Teegan. Her voice sounded less...tough and fierce, as if a soothing voice cooled down her temper. He was a little impressed, but he didn't answer Teegan's question about Dusty and Micah directly. Instead, he skirted around it and decided to answer Teegan's comment.

"Well, I suppose I learned a little from some relatives," Risto answered slowly, drawing out the words in each breath he took. "I wouldn't say they were very smart, maybe a little, but I'm guessing they just learned it from their owners. I, on the other hand, studied the herbs with my sister--" Risto cut off abruptly as he spoke about his sister. Sorrow gripped his sides like claws as he struggled to push away the memory. "I-I mean," he stammered as he went on. "I studied the herbs on my owner's territory. It wasn't that hard, the scent and sight just clicked." Risto finished as he quietly rolled a pebble on the gravel. His ear twitched as the sound of the crunching gravel groaned under the pebble, but he glanced back at Teegan, wondering what she was thinking. He hoped she hadn't caught his mistake, but he quickly changed the subject.

"So," he meowed casually. "How long have you and Flak been together?"

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #142 on: June 13, 2013, 12:33:51 pm »

Teegan gave a smile as Risto smirked she guessed she wasn't getting an answer to that question, maybe it was because Dusty was a stubborn brute she thought to herself. Her ears perked as he began to speak "Ah well my family were all show dogs, police dogs, family pets or strays" she muttered not really bothered about how boring her family seemed she didn't see them now so she mostly concentrated on her friends, even though it did seem a little harsh. She listened to the tom speak as he spoke about his sister his eyes seemed to fill with sadness as she took a breath in hoping she didn't hurt the cats feeling. trying to make him feel a little better she went on to compliment him on his work "Well i must say you've learnt pretty much, we could do with a medic like yourself to join us" she barked, her voice a lot more calmer, and softer than earlier. Her ears perked as he asked about her and Flak "Well i don't know how long we have been in our small pack, i just met him as i was running down a road we got talking then stayed to together i guess" she shrugged as she looked at the cat once again.

Micahs ears perked as she heard Dusty speak again as she gave him a nod in a slight agreement "I know that just, lets just say i wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her" she let out a slight chuckle she knew how aggressive she could be and more than likely it would end in a brutal fight. "But i guess we've got to respect her and Flak they did help that cat over there, and its practically their small group" she muttered looking over at them then back towards Dusty as her tail wagged a little faster this time.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #143 on: June 13, 2013, 08:01:05 pm »

Risto raised his head and held back a frown of confusion at Teegan's words of kindness. "I thought you didn't like--" he began, but stopped himself. There was no point in arguing; Teegan was trying to be nice, and Risto appreciated it. He flicked his tail as he listened to Teegan speak about her and Flak meeting in the streets.

There must be millions of homeless brutes and felines out there, Risto thought as he sat down, curling his tail over his paws. As Teegan finished, he shot a glance at Dusty and Micah, who were deeply engraved in their own little conversation. When Risto turned his attention back to the German Shepherd, she was looking at him--perhaps waiting for a response. Clearing his throat, Risto grouped for something to speak about. He didn't want to speak about Teegan's owner or her family.

Deciding to change the topic, Risto tipped his head to one side and meowed, "Do you think we'll meet more...more homeless animals out there?" he asked, wondering whether Teegan would frustrated with him for changing the subjects.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #144 on: June 13, 2013, 10:47:59 pm »
(Sorry, back again. And again, sorry for the lack of posting and the photos. On my phone.)

       Flak's triangular ears flicked forwards immediately after hearing the approaching steps of the three creatures. As his blue eyed gaze fell upon the tan brute from earlier, he ducked his head and let out a low snarl, curling back his lips to bare his incisors at the male. Quickly, though he snapped back to a somewhat calm state as the male turned to talk to the white shepherd. His attention on the tan dog, the application of the medication to his side by the cat made him flinch and scramble to his feet with a surprised yipe. Whipping his head around he instinctively snapped at the feline with a bark, quickly realizing he was only applying medication. He rested back on his haunches, letting out occasional low growls of pain in response to the cat's words. He winced, flattening his ears against his head as Teegan approached and held down the wraps, soon letting out a quivering sigh as the pain from the application process faded. Flak raised his head slowly to glance at the cat as he asked about the bleeding. "I-I think the bleeding's stopped." He panted in response, nodding a reluctant thanks to the cat and Teegan.

      Gavroche stood back, giving the cat room to work as they helped the black dog. Plopping back on his haunches, the pup let out a bored huff, his gaze drifting. His short attention spam quickly got the best of him as he noticed Dusty talking to the white dog from before. Letting his tongue loll out of the side of his maw as he grinned in excitement at his new "friend," and he hopped to his feet and enthusiastically trotted over. Halting a few feet back, Gav waited for the conversation to cease for a second. As soon as the words stopped, the pup scrambled over, gawking upwards at the tall male. Hopping in front of him, he put his small body between Dusty and the female, his tail pumping rapidly behind him. "Hiya, Dusty! Watcha doin'!?" He exclaimed, his naturally loud default voice ringing its British accent through the alley.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #145 on: June 14, 2013, 12:16:21 am »

Risto gave a quick nod as he began to bury the leftover herbs from treating Flak. There was no need for them now; and if they did travel onward, there was no way they could carry them. Besides, they could always find a new patch of herbs. When the hole was dug, Risto swept the herbs into the small hole and scraped back over it. He glanced doubtfully at the scattered cobwebs, before leaving them there and waving his tail in the air.

"I'm going to hunt now," he muttered, turning away and padding towards a destroyed ruin. He tasted the air, wondering whether he could pick up any scent of dead prey or alive, but all he could scent was dirt and smoke. Hissing, he explored deeper into the building, his whiskers brushing against the sides of the narrowed walls as he felt his way around. A small squeak made his body crouched lower, and he carefully smelled the air.

A strong scent of mouse filled his nostrils as he lowered his head, swinging his head to one side and the other. When the scent of the prey grew stronger to the left, he lunged at it, his paw hitting something solid as he pinned it to the ground. Bending down, he gave it a killing bite, and picked it up by the tail.

As he trotted outside into the light, he immediately dropped his catch and let out a hiss of disgust. Instead of catching the mouse, he had killed a rat.

"Blargh!" he shuddered, rolling the rat down the slope with his paw. As he neared his companions, he let out a yowl, signaling that he was back. "I've found some prey," he announced, putting a paw on the rat's side to make it stop. "And I don't really think you'll have a good taste for them, but it's a rat." He added, shoving the dirty body towards Flak. "Enjoy." Risto grunted as he turned and stalked off.

Dusty flinched back as the pup butted in front of Micah, his small tail wagging enthusiastically. "Hiya, Dusty!" Gavroche exclaimed, bouncing around. "Watcha doin'!" His British accent slurred with his words, causing Dusty to catch the pup's words even harder.

"Oh, uh..." Dusty stuttered. "I-I'm having a conversation with Micah." He explained, casting a quick glance at the pretty, white female dog. His paws itched with frustration as he wished that Gavroche would leave him with Micah.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #146 on: June 14, 2013, 03:01:24 am »
((Hhhokay, I 'm on me laptop now, I'll have it 'til Sunday. So I'll try to post more often (when I have internet) ))


           Flak stretched his maw in a yawn, tired from the stress and agitation of the day and injuries. As the cat padded off into the haze and out of sight, the brute let his forelegs slide out from beneath him to ease himself into a gentle laying position, wincing in slight pain from the motion. "Thanks for the help." He murmured to Teegan since the cat wasn't nearby, staring at the ground. It wasn't long before the plump, unnaturally oversized body of a city rat was rolled in front of him, making him jerk his head up with a start. 'Enjoy,' the cat muttered. Flak's gaze lifted to the feline, who disappeared again before he could say a proper thanks. With a shrug, he looked back down at the carcass and licked his chops. "You want any?" He asked the fae, lifting his head to gaze up at her politely before digging into the carcass himself.


     Gavroche's folded ears were perked forward as Dusty spoke and he tilted his head, shooting a glance back at the white Shepherd behind him with an eyebrow lowered. "Talkin'?" He questioned, returning his head to a forward position to stare up at the male. "C'mon! Talkin's boring!" The pup complained loudly, subtly bouncing impatiently. " 'Ow 'bout we catch somefin! That's more fun!" He exclaimed, rearing up for a second on his hind legs.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #147 on: June 14, 2013, 01:01:31 pm »

Dusty held back a sigh of frustration as his tail-tip twitched. "Alright," he barked at last, rising to his paws. He gave Micah another glance before adding, "Would you like to hunt with us?" ((Sorry, short.))

Risto lazily batted the mouse to the ground, his claws unsheathed as blood spluttered from its neck. The prey seemed to be so easily to catch; perhaps they didn't know there was hungry felines and brutes around here. As he bent down to pick it up, the ferns rustled and Risto caught a glimpse of a gray shape throwing its self out from the ferns. Confused, Risto pounced on it anyway, giving it a killing bite. He glanced around, wondering what had spooked the rabbit to make it burst out of a hiding spot and into the open.

He shrugged; prey was prey, and whatever had been chasing it was too late. Flicking his tail, he scooped the mouse in his mouth and began to roll the rabbit in the gravel. His fur began to prickle uneasily, as if someone was watching him.

"Fish brain!" he muttered to himself. "Who'd be watching me at this time of the moment?"

And if it were a mutant, it would have attacked me by then. Risto added silently as he carried on. When the rest of the group was sighted, he hurried forward, afraid that the animal watching him would hurl itself at him and attack him.

Keeping his fur flat, he did his best not to look frightened or scared. Instead, he shoved the rabbit to make it flop towards Teegan. That done, he turned to look at Dusty and the two other dogs. He didn't know whether if they were hungry or not, but as he padded over, he heard Dusty inviting Micah to hunt with Gavroche and him.

Sighing, he rested his head between his front paws and began to nibble at his catch. He wasn't very hungry, but he needed to keep his energy up. Casting a quick glance at Dusty, Micah, and Gavroche, he suddenly felt a pain of loneliness. Risto was the only cat here; and so far, no felines appeared. Teegan seemed nice enough to at least start was conversation with him, but Risto felt awkward around her. Flak--there was no chance of even getting to be acquaintances with that brute. Dusty and he didn't get along that well, but Risto never liked a brute like him. Gavroche...Risto sensed that the pup wasn't very fond of him, and besides, he didn't really like Gavroche in the first place. Something was...weird about him, at least to Risto. And Micah, Risto didn't know her, but he knew that Dusty was trying to push Risto away and be friendly to the German Shepherd.

Risto smirked as he remembered Dusty sitting close by Micah, and he knew that the tan-colored brute had feelings for Micah. He wondered whether Teegan, Flak, or even Gavroche could sense it, but he highly doubted that.

"Ouch!" Risto muttered through clench teeth as pain stabbed through his tail. Growling, he flicked his tail forward the examine it, and noticed that the bleeding had started again. "It must be from those brambles," Risto murmured as he stretched his tongue to nurse it. But his tail was too short; and Risto twitched his ear.

"Fish dung," he cursed, padding over to the cobwebs he had left. Giving Teegan and Flak a quick nod, he bent down and snatched up the cobwebs, feeling his tongue slowly dry up from the dryness of the web. As he settled down where he had left his morsel, he began to apply the sticky cobwebs around his tail. Practically chasing it; he grumbled to himself as he embarrassingly glanced around, feeling his pelt grow hot. Dusty was staring at him with complete contempt and amusement in his eyes.

Glaring at the bossy and snobby brute, Risto turned and began to murmur to himself as he treated his tail with gentle care.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #148 on: June 14, 2013, 02:01:02 pm »
(hurr sure, posting from my phone at the moment so sorry no pictures. Only posting for Gavroche cause Flak had to wait for Teegan to respond.)

         The golden and light brown pup sprang up as Dusty agreed to hunt with him. "Woohoo!" Gavroche exclaimed, bounding off a few leaps behind Dusty, expecting he would follow. But upon noticing there were no paw steps behind him, he skidded toaa halt, his paw pads sliding on the rough cracked concrete as he spun around. He narrowed his eyes at the brute and let lit a huff as he watched him invite the female. Flattening his ears, he trotted over to them, once again butting in front of the white shepherd, craning his neck to glare upwards at Dusty. "What! Come on! No girls! They have cooties anyway." The pup yapped,rearing on his hind legs to place his forepaws on the tan male's chest in an attempt to push him impatiently. "You can make goo-goo eyes at her later!" He grunted, using all his small amount of power to push Dusty away, only to have his hind paws skid out from under him as his attempt failed, landing him flat on his belly on the ground. "Oof," he grunted, quickly scrambling back to his feet as if it had never happened.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #149 on: June 14, 2013, 03:18:41 pm »
((lol x3 I also won't respond for Risto, since he didn't say anything to anyone.))

Dusty nearly felt his ear tips grow hot again when Gavroche barked, "You can make goo-goo eyes at her later!" Embarrassment glowed hotly from the tan-color brute as he stepped away from the pup.

"Okay, fine." Dusty muttered, keeping his voice from growing. Giving Micah a quick nod, he padded after the pup, keep his fur flat. "Where do you want to hunt?" he asked, shooting another glance at Micah. ((Sorry, short again. I'm cleaning up the house.))