Author Topic: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)  (Read 141188 times)

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2013, 02:54:03 pm »
"I bet it was," Flak answered with a nod, shooting another glance at the tilting buildings with moss covering much of the crumbling walls. "Well, when there's not much to eat in here, the best place to get non-contaminated food is the city outskirts." He mentioned, bringing his light blue optics back down to the fae. "In fact that's where I just came from. There's nothing too big or filling out there because there's basically no vegetation, but it's got birds. And around here birds are the best thing to eat. Since they can fly, they're usually not contaminated at all because they can escape the blast zones."

((Thankies. x3 ))
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2013, 03:18:14 pm »
"Oh it was i would give anything for the city to go back to the way it was, and to have my owner back" she sighed as she turned again looking at the ruins and ash pits "Now. Now we are left with nothing" she muttered as another sigh escaped her jaw, another rat ran past she snarled in disgust they were now bigger than even and could give a much more nasty bite then before. The rat stopped and stared for a few seconds giving the two canines a horrid look, the look from the rat sort of winded Teegan up and she got up and began urging closer to the rat snarling and barking as saliva dripped from her jaw. The rat still didn't move, feeling the need she sharply grabbed the rat and bit into it as it struggled, she slammed it against the ground as she bit its nck. A few seconds and it stopped struggling as she let go of the rodent snarling as she returned back to Flak.
"Sorry about that" she rolled her eyes "I just have a habbit of doing that when ever i get looked at funny" she lowered her head for a few seconds. "Well, when there's not much to eat in here, the best place to get non-contaminated food is the city outskirts" He began as she listened to the brute taking in an advice he had "In fact that's where I just came from. There's nothing too big or filling out there because there's basically no vegetation, but it's got birds. And around here birds are the best thing to eat. Since they can fly, they're usually not contaminated at all because they can escape the blast zones." her head tilted as her brow raised "Yeah, well thanks for the advice, i'll try there next time instead of killing the rats" she coughed "i don't want to turn into a blood sucking, mutated beast" she joked even though she didn't think that was the right thing to joke about.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2013, 08:10:18 pm »
   Flak flattened his ears against his head, his eyes wide as he watched Teegan viciously kill the unusually large rat, blinking as she returned. "Heheh, remind me not to look at you funny, then." He chuckled awkwardly, his ears returning to their normal alert position. As Teegan finished speaking, Flak giggled a bit at her last remark and lowered an eyebrow, raising his head to glance around. The sun, which barely could shine through all the ash & dust in the air, was begining to go down. It slipped down until only half of it was shining above the misty horizon line in the West, making the tilting buildings cast long shadows across the crumbling street as it set. "It's getting dark." The brute observed aloud, returning his stern gaze back to the Shepherd. "We'd best be getting inside. Night is the worst time to be wandering around. Trust me." With that, the black mutt turned and loped into the street a few strides, then stopped and turned around. "You comin' or what?" He barked over his shoulder in a hurried tone.

((First flight done, get on the 8 hour one in about 20 minutes. Sooo. Won't be postin' for a bit. But I will have internet when I get off, though! c: ))
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2013, 08:29:22 pm »
Teegan giggled about it his comment "Remind me not to look at you funny" as the brute gave a chuckle "Well you'll be lucky, once im friends with someone i tend not to attack them just give them a funny look back" she smiled. Another craw flew past their heads letting out several caws as she barked. "its getting dark" he spoke she looked at the sky "yes it is" she sighed then turning her attention back onto Flak. "We'd best be getting inside. Night is the worst time to be wandering around. Trust me" he spoke "i agree" she added since they are zombies and the normal time for them to hunt would be at night. The brute began to walk away as she spun around she though she seen a shadow or something behind them "You comin' or what?" he barked as she turned around "oh yeah.... im coming" she barked back as she ran up to him then turning around again as she walked backwards. She shook her head and turned in he right direction as she began to walk along side Flak.

((Okai well i guess we will role-play when you have time)).
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2013, 09:48:32 pm »
((Heeeyyyo. Bayack. c: Traveling is done until Thursday. x3 ))

    Flak smiled a bit as she joined along side him, and he turned forward again, bouncing into a trot. His husky-like tail arched over his back a bit as he strode onward. Shooting occasional glances around to check and make sure the coast was clear, he continued leading Teegan until they were standing in front of a gaping hole in the side of one of the buildings. The insides were dark, but Flak trusted it as a safe zone. "I usually hang out in here until morning. It may look a little sketchy, but I've never had any problems with it." He reasured with a smirk, stepping into the damp darkness.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2013, 10:41:30 pm »
She let out a smile as she walked along side the brute her tail began to bag her tongue lolled out from her mouth. After a few minutes of walking Flak broke into a slight trot down the street as she followed his action and she changed into a trot and ran along side him. He would turn around the odd time she suggested he was making sure the coast was clear, so she continued to follow him. "I usually hang out in here until morning. It may look a little sketchy, but I've never had any problems with it" the brute spoke as she looked into the building her ears slightly dropped "Well I guess its fine if there's no zombies lurking around the corners and atleast its safe" she barked slowly walking into the building. Sharply turning and having a look around making sure they weren't being followed by any of the mutated beasts, then turning around again and following Flak into the building.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2013, 09:20:21 am »
((After a week of being an annoying foreign tourist, I'm baayyacckk. Sorry, the hotel internet crapped out after the first night so I couldn't get on. But s'all good now. At the airport again. So I'll be postin' on and off. ))

   Flak lowered his head and slowed his walking pace considerably, taking slow, cautious steps into the growing darkness. His large, wolfish ears were perked and fully alert as they pushed onward into the abandoned ruins. The only light source was the light from the large hole in the wall where they entered, and what had previously been a building, was transformed into a cave-like atmosphere. The occasional droplet of water from the cieling to the concrete floor made Flak's ear twitch and his muscles tense slightly, but nevertheless he continued creeping further. "It's best to get to the far back wall. The farther from the entrance, the better." He whispered in a very hushed tone as he continued onward. Though it was a mere whisper, it still echoed through the empty ruins. Finally, they were face to face with the back wall, where Flak let out a muttered sigh of relief. "This is it. It may be hard but, try and get some sleep." He said at a louder whisper, sitting back on his haunches, his right side against the wall. Shooting one last survelant glance around, he rested his head between his fore paws and slowly closed his eyes, dozing off, but still fully alert and ready for anything.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2013, 11:00:35 am »
Flak lead the way into the dark ruins as she slightly crouched whilst she walked her ears were perked as she followed closely behind him. Her ears would twitch as drops of water landed on the ground and her head would turn to see with her hackles up, she realized it was only water so she turned her focus back onto where Flak was taking her. "It's best to get to the far back wall. The farther from the entrance, the better." he whispered but somehow it still echoed through the ruins, she nodded her head in agreement "Yeah it'll probably be a lot safer to" she replied in a whisper again it echoed. They continued to walk on until a large wall stopped them from going deeper into the building  "This is it. It may be hard but, try and get some sleep." She looked up and down at the wall and gave a sigh of relief she was happy to now be able to get some rest "Okay" she whispered then adding on "Night". She lowered herself to the ground being as quiet as possible then wrapping her tail around her she rested her head on her paws. Her side was pressed up against the wall, her eyes slowly closed and she went into a light sleep her ears still perked and aware.

((Ah its fine, glad you'll be back soon and able to role-play again p.s hope you had a good time away)).
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2013, 04:57:57 am »
((ohhh I did! Thankies!))

     The night seemed, to Flak, to drag on forever. He never got a sufficient amount of sleep anymore, as ths slightest sounds or movements would make him immediately go on the defense. In his time out here he had learned to never let his guard down. With his head resting between his forepaws, he kept the large opening in the wall where they had entered in his sights, shooting glances over there every so often. His eyelids would slowly shut, allowing him to get a few minutes of rest before waking back up to glance at the entrance. He stretched his maw wide in a yawn and let his eyelids flutter closed again for his next few rare moments of relaxing sleep, but a sharp sound made his ears swivel. It sounded like wood planks from the wall falling to the cement ground. Flak jerked his head up, his light blue optics narrowed in that direction as he sniffed the air for any signs of a living creature, but his sense of smell was muffled by the damp, drafty cave-like conditions. However, he could make out the silhouette of an abnormally large canid near the entrance...
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2013, 09:36:50 am »
Teegan wok up at the sound of a slight noise, her head raised and her hackles stood up on her back as she peered around. Realizing it was only Flak yawning she let out a breath of air as a 'phew', she lowered her head again to rest it on her paws as she wrapped her tail back around her. Her ears were still perked as she breathed slowly she was still listening out for any danger so her sleep wasn't very relaxed but she got what she needed. Kind of. A loud shriek came from the entrance of the building as her head shot up and her tail drew back, she raised her nose to try and smell any thing. But nothing. The damp of the building was blocking out a little of the small, with the remaining scent she couldn't work out what may be lurking outside the building. She turned to Flak, then turned her head back facing up towards the hole in the wall of the old building.

((Great and no problem)).
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