Author Topic: Watch your language!  (Read 5004 times)

Offline Tigerheart08

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2013, 01:59:51 am »
I'm glad there's a thread for this, cause the other day at Stone Bridge there was this weird looking lion called ("N" Word, "B" Word. "F" Word.) and was using swear words in every post they made. It was obviously a troll but they went WAY over the top. I was actually scared for them myself cause using the words he/she used is a serous offensive in FH. I even spoke up and got swore at haha xD

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2013, 02:10:29 am »
I'm glad there's a thread for this, cause the other day at Stone Bridge there was this weird looking lion called ("N" Word, "B" Word. "F" Word.) and was using swear words in every post they made. It was obviously a troll but they went WAY over the top. I was actually scared for them myself cause using the words he/she used is a serous offensive in FH. I even spoke up and got swore at haha xD

I've seen someone do something like that in Bonfire Island once. If you see anyone behaving like that, you need to take screenshots and report them to a moderator/staff member. People like that don't need to be trolling around like that in Feral Heart.

Offline Ryan Wolf Blood

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2013, 04:16:04 am »
Well, I mean, sometimes when you're trying to stay in character it's okay to use mild swear words though right? Like damn and hell, those aren't gonna get a player banned?..

NOT wild swearing. I even read in the rules that even if you're just roleplaying a character that swears you might be banned.
But if you use swear words in whisper, group perhaps or a party only or even keep your cussing level as low as possible with those two words, then it might be OK...?

Just answering. ^_^

Ah, I see. I'd pretty peeved if I did get banned for something like that, but oh well. Now, I'm not saying that this makes any of the foul F's and C's and S's are right, but, I think when a parent grants their child access to the internet, they should be expecting for their child to be exposed to swear words, porn, etc. etc. And this isn't just on FeralHeart, this is everywhere. And again, I'm not saying this makes it any more right, but if someone under the age of 13 happens to repeat a curse word seen somewhere online, then the parent shouldn't necessarily be mad at the child or the one who said the bad word or posted the nude picture, they should be mad at themselves for not being more aware. You get what I'm saying? Something that was brought up in a classroom topic the other day.
Apparently, I've been asking for a ban, that's adorable! :D

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2013, 05:12:51 am »
I'm still new to Feral Heart so I dunno if they can do this, but a lot of other chat sites have filters for swear words that people can choose to enable/disable.  Wouldn't that make the most sense?  Certainly the coding for that can't be too difficult.  Now I'm not saying that swearing isn't a problem for younger audiences, but there are adults that use this service as well. 
HOWEVER, following the rules really isn't that hard.  You can always use other words like "shenanigans" or "bonkers", which I use frequently while working (I cuss like a sailor IRL)

Otherwise, I'd say to just report those turds.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2013, 07:59:48 am »
Swearing on the internet when there are younglings around is just plain sad. Yes I do agree that I swear out in the real world and it is a common habit now. Its quite poor when I started, I started swearing when I was about 10-11. Its quite sad, But now i'm in Collage/high school you hear it going round a lot! I don't use that much swearing on the internet, If its to close friends I do but on a game?! That's just sad. I do hate it when people repetitively cuss on FH and I tell them to quit it, So I give them a chance (Because of the nice person I am) Yet.... Instead of blowing it out on the person they originally started on they go on the person they told them to stop.

To me it sounds like 'Trolling' Or just to Show off to prove that they seem older then they really are. But if they had some COMMON SENCE! they would know that its only a CHILDISH game to swear a lot, Even I have seen people bring down Mods, Admins and Other people. Its just disgusting and it needs to come to a stop.

That's all from me I guess :/

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2013, 09:21:49 am »
The whole idea of the no swearing rule has quite a few things to it, some bigger, some smaller and many people have different views on how this should be tackled.

However, if people want FeralHeart to remain up and online then rules like this one is needed. The majority of the users that do go against this rule does get caught sooner or later, and it's in all honesty, not a hard rule to follow either. By no means does using a lot of curse words/foul language make you look more mature or adult, what it does do however if used to often is to make you look like an immature child that need to expand your vocabulary. If you swear someplace else I couldn't care less, I personally even think that swearing is not that bad, but if you go on a game like this one, know there's a wide audience of players of all ages and background, and it always had a set rule of having appropriate behavior and language, and you still go with your foul language, it you do need to rethink a thing or two.

It's also been proven to myself, from taking part in other game communities in the past, that the overall game or forum environment and quality becomes a lot better when it is followed, overall just more welcoming and more civil and it is something that many users, believe it or not, comes back to. Now things could've been way better if information could be more easily accessible from the game about such things as rules or just communication over between site and game, this is really an old thing to beat on though since that don't appear to be happening anytime soon. We have what we have though and we try to make the best of it. Even if more drastic and less fun changes must be taken, it's all done so for the better of the game at this point.

Everyone that been playing FeralHeart for a while, and still come back to play it knows that they want the game itself to be around. But sadly, many users do not come in contact with the rules until after they already got caught breaking them and skip reading them all together, and if not that..

It's just that some people cannot pay respect to the rules or other users in general, and proceed to act like any other place on the internet, all places really does have rules of some sort, the only real difference from FH and other bigger sites(not smaller) is that swearing is more open, while we want to keep a more friendly environment for everyone, doesn't matter if you are 7 or 25 years old.
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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2013, 10:30:39 am »
I so agree with all of you. I am used to seeing this language since I go on youtube.  :P Maybe this topic should be locked now since we know alot now.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 10:32:17 am by EpicWolfie »

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