Author Topic: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open  (Read 17336 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2013, 06:49:54 am »
Luna jumped in surprise when the wolf showed up, she was shocked he would even want to help her after what she tried to do. She watched as his illusion tried to undo the lock but failed. He dropped the illusion then pried the bars with his jaws, making enough space just for her to fit "I think so." she said as she shoved her body through. She struggled to squeeze through but she made it, once her paws were on the ground she ran down the alley, not thinking to thank the wolf. She licked Henry's cheek "Luna..?" he said weakly "Good girl." he muttered as he stumbled to his feet. Luna whined as he stumbled forward "Come on." he said as he pulled on her collar. Luna whined then turned to look at the wolf who helped her "What is-" Henry stopped mid sentence at what he saw "Luna, that's a wolf!"he yelled as he released her, expecting her to attack "Luna! What are you doing?" Luna lowered her ears "What's wrong with you? Whatever I'll do this myself." He pulled out a hunting rifle and aimed it at the wolf, his finger tightening on the trigger. Luna knew she had to use the human form to stop him. Her human form was girl with long dark hair and a gray tank top with a white hoodie and black shorts with knee high boots and dark gray leggings. Luna jumped in front of the gun as he pulled the trigger, the bullet going through her shoulder, she fell to the ground "Henry, it's me.." she said through clenched teeth "Luna..? What...why..He's a wolf." He fell backwards, horror in his eyes "How..are you human?" Luna winced as she grabbed her shoulder "I'm a wolf pops, I always thought I was different from other dogs." (The all famous nickname for Quent) Henry jumped up then took her in his arms "I'm so sorry Luna, why would you jump in front of a bullet for a wolf?" Luna smiled "He is like me, I can't let on of my own kind be killed anymore." His grip around her tightened "You're not going to leave me are you?" Luna frowned "I have to, there is something here that is calling me.."

Henry held her out at arms length "What do you mean? You can't leave me Luna!" he cried as he hugged her again "I wish I could have talked to you like this sooner." she said while a tear rolled down her cheek "I'm sorry, pops. I have to go." She gently pushed him away then stood up and walked away "Luna! Come back! You can't do this to me!" he cried, Luna ignored him. It was easier for her to just walk away. Luna walked as fast as she could down the street,the sun was beginning to set, making the city dark and gloomy. She had tears streaming down her face, she wished she could stay with him forever but now that she knew what she was she couldn't. She had to find out where the smell of Lunar flowers were coming from.

I ended up changing her appearance, I ended up not being a fan of the white hair x.x
Also, I decided that the wolves could hold solid human forms, might make things a little easier.))

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2013, 07:01:08 am »
The chestnut brown wolf hopped backwards as the trapped fae slipped out and instantly made a break for a nearby alley. "Uh- Okay... Bye, then." Courfeyrac muttered, laying his ears back in confusion. As he was about to turn to shift into his human illusion, a commotion in the alley where the she-wolf disappeared into caught his attention. He let out a subtle gasp and straightened up in surprise at seeing the same human from earlier pointing a rifle at him- and the wolf he had just saved at his side. Tensing his muscles to make a mad dash in the other direction, his ears shot forward in alarm when the gunshot went off- and into the shoulder of the now human fae. "What- what's she doing!?" He murmured to himself, glancing around. When the female's human figure slipped into the busy street, Courfeyrac raised his eyebrows and darted after her. He wanted answers. Smoothly, he straightened up to his human self and hurried through the passing people to catch up with her. "Hey! Wait up!" He called, lengthening his strides until he was just behind her. "The hell was that about? And where are you going?" He asked loudly, shooting a quick glance over his shoulder. From the corner of his eye, he caught the faint glimpse of a young boy perched on the rooftop. Lowering an eyebrow at the strange sight, he shrugged it off and glanced back at the fae in front of him.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2013, 07:17:22 am »
"You can smell it can't you? The smell of Lunar flowers."she didn't turn around, she just kept walking "This whole time I thought I was tracking you here, but it wasn't you. It was the Lunar flowers..They mean something." She recalled Henry reading a book to his son about a place called Paradise "Pops used to read a book called 'The Book of the Moon'. It was about wolves and their journey to open Paradise with a Flower Maiden who was created from a Lunar flower." She stopped and looked at him "That's where I'm going. I'm going to find her and then find Paradise, it's what we're are here for." Her dark hair covered her wound but the blood had covered her entire right side of her shirt. I was always told wolves were evil and needed to be killed,so that's what I did. I tracked them down and Henry killed them.." She looked at the ground, flashes of the wolves bodies running through her mind. A single tear rolled down her cheek, she was the evil one, she should be killed. She looked up at him "Thanks for helping me back there.." she said briefly before turning away and walking down the street once again. "Oh, and to answer your question;" she turned around "I wouldn't let him kill another wolf on my watch." she grinned then continued walking.

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2013, 07:26:21 am »
((Sooo, it's 3 in the morning here. I- I think I'm gonna go to bed after this post. XD Also, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on during the next couple of days, registration weekend for school and whatnot.))

Courfeyrac glanced down, then back up at the female, listening intently. "Paradise, huh?" He repeated, staring off as if he was in deep thought about something. "Hmm. Count me in! Not like I've got anything better to do around here." He smirked joyfully, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. "So, where do you expect to find this 'flower maiden?' If you're planning on just following that scent, I don't think it's a very good idea. Cause if she is here, there's no way she'd be in someplace very accessible, y'know? She's gonna be somewhere pretty locked down." He rambled, kicking a discarded soda can that happened to be in his path as they walked. He kept his gaze downward, listening as she continued speaking, then smirking up at her last remark. "Heh. Well, aannyway, my name's Courfeyrac." He introduced himself with a friendly smirk, scratching the back of his head.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2013, 07:43:30 am »
I think I'm going to go to bed as well x.x)

"Interesting name..I'm Luna, if you didn't already know." she sniffed the air, the scent was weak her but the wind was carrying the scent, she looked over and saw a large building. It stood out "That's it." she said as she pointed with her good arm "The wind is blowing the scent from over there, and it looks like a place where they would hold her." She began to walk towards the building, but it was still a ways away "Maybe we should rest a while." she said as she walked down a dark alley "I have always been afraid of the dark." she confessed "Ever since I was a pup, I think something happened that's why. But I don't remember." She shivered a bit as she slid down the brick wall then landed on her rump "How funny is that? A wolf afraid of the dark?"she half chuckled. "Human bodies are so odd, they wouldn't last very long in the cold." she said with a shiver. She untied her hoodie from around her waist the put it on "It might be safer to stay like this since those men are looking for me." She rubbed her arms quickly "Hoe can humans live like this? In these fragile bodies. I can't stand it." She looked at him "How do you do it? It seems like you are like that quite a bit." Suddenly her stomach growled "I'm always hungry." she chuckled as she patted her stomach "I swear, there is a black hole in there." she laughed. She yawned then leaned her head against the wall then looked at the sky. The stars twinkled and menaced like they were happy "It's really pretty out." She yawned again, she was tired but she couldn't get her body to sleep. Her mind was on other things at the moment.

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2013, 12:21:36 pm »
Courfeyrac shrugged and chuckled a bit at her first remark. "Yeaaaah. You can just call me Courf if ya want." He responded gazing up at the large building where the strong scent of Lunar Flowers seemed to be coming from. Nodding at Luna, he followed her into an alley. Putting his back against the side of the building, he slid down to sit, relaxing his head back a bit. "Heh, you can say that again." He chuckled in response to Luna's fear of the dark. Raising an eyebrow, he lazily glanced over at her. "I dunno. I've found it's just easier to walk around in this form around here. The people aren't too overjoyed to see a wolf walking down the street, y'know. It's just safer to blend in." He explained with a shrug, leaning back against the wall again and smirking at her stomach growl. "You're tellin' me! This human food is never too filling." He exclaimed with a grin, tracing her gaze up at the dark sky above. "Sure is. But I bet it's better outside this damn city." He said with a subtle sigh, slouching down a bit with a yawn.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2013, 08:28:10 pm »

Luna was almost asleep when she heard stumbling foot steps and smelled a familiar scent "..Henry?" she asked quietly, soon her question was answered. Henry walked by the alley, drunk out of his mind. Luna switched to her wolf form then limped over to him, she bumped her head against his thigh and whined. "Oh! There ya are girl." he slurred as he stumbled to his knees as he tried to pet her "Geez, what happened to you?" he asked as his clumsy hand went over the bullet hole in her shoulder. He didn't remember, maybe he didn't want to remember her betrayal. She licked his hand tenderly, saying sorry for leaving. He gave her a drunken smile "Let's go home, Luna." he muttered as he struggled to stand straight, she barked then let him use her body as a support. She winced when pressure was put onto her right paw, but she ignored it then helped Henry walk to his destination.

Finally, they arrived at a motel "You stay out here, okay?" he tripped over his words "I'll see ya in the morning.." he patted her head then went inside. Luna sat at the door for a few more minutes before padding down the street, she could hear people talking as she walked by, probably wondering what was up with her shoulder. She looked at the people who still hadn't gone inside yet, her eyes trailing over them, did they know that she was the one who killed that man? She whined then turned down another street, she didn't know where she was going at this point. She just let her brain lead the way. Before she knew it she stood in front of the large metal building, her amber eyes trailing over it, this place was massive. She saw two men standing outside of the building, but they weren't paying much attention to her so she ran up to the doors then pushed her way in. It was extremely white in here, the walls were flawless, not a single scratch or chip. She looked back at the large double doors, what about Courf? Maybe he would follow her scent. Suddenly Luna smelled an unforgettable scent, noble. She had smelled them many times before on her travels, she even had a run in with them. She didn't like anything about them. The scent was fresh "He was here not long ago." she growled as she limped down the hall, luckily her wound had scabbed over and stopped bleeding. "What's a noble doing here?" she asked herself as she nosed around, following his scent.

Luna came to a long hallway that had an elevator at the end of it "If she is here I'm guessing she would be on the top floor.."she said to herself before running down the hall. When she arrived at the elevator she jumped up and hit the up button then waited for the carrier to come to her. Once it reached the main floor she stepped in the then jumped up, hitting the number 30 with her nose. When the elevator lifted it made her stumble over "These things are weird, but they are easier than taking the stairs I suppose." Luna perked her ears "What is that?" she could hear banging and yelling. She waited for the doors to open before bolting out, she almost yelped at what she saw. There were men and woman in white coats sprawled out all over the floor, some had cuts to their necks while others had wounds to the chest and stomach. The smell of blood flooded her nostrils but the faint smell of noble also entered "He did this."she snarled. She jumped over the bodies, following the noble's scent, which led to a large metal door that was partially opened. She slowly used her nose to open the door, it was dark in there, like someone had shut off the lights. When she entered she saw a tall figure holding something in his arms, Luna sniffed the air the smell of Lunar flowers were mixed in with the noble's.

Luna went tense, that was her. The maiden. Luna tensed up when the noble turned around "Well, hello there." he sneered as he held a long sword in his hands "Please, get out of my way." Luna snarled, "No way, I came here for her." she walked forward "Put her down." she snapped. The noble smirked "I don't want to have to kill you." at his words the maiden jolted, like she was afraid. Luna snarled then lunged at him, her teeth sinking into the armor on his arm "You actually think you can hurt me?" he said calmly before throwing her to the ground. She yelped but jumped right back up then lunged at him again, he swung his sword, cutting down her side. As her blood spilled onto the ground the maiden let out cry, it was so sad. Luna whined then covered her ears with her paws "Shut up!" the noble ordered before slapping the maiden. "Don't touch her.." Luna growled as she stumbled to her paws, she wasn't going to let him take her.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 08:31:50 pm by ????????? »

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2013, 10:17:00 pm »
Mishka carefully sneaked along the edge of the building, almost holding his breath as his scared eyes gazed down at the long distance down to the ground. "If only I was a bird." He muttered faintly. He turned around and very slowly made his way down, sweat forming along his slender frame. Not only armed men were scary but heights were too. Mishka took a deep breath as his worn boots thudded onto the cement ground. Nothing is better then being able to walk on earth again.. His long legs took him along the city, not knowing where their next stop would be. The sound of cars honking and men yelling rang in his sensitive ears. Though it was so common for him he hardly ever noticed all of the corruption. The young boy realized his legs were taking him to a tall building he had seen many times in the distance before. Some smell was very strong, a floral scent that he couldn't lay a finger on. "I wonder what's in that building.." His high voice murmured. Mishka suddenly clenched his hands and covered his ears tightly, an over whelming scream piercing his brain. His tiny stature crumbled down to the ground, a thud sounding. In a defensive way the boy curled into a ball, trying to hide from the sad cry of a creature.
:D Lilly :D

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2013, 01:44:29 am »
((:O Darciaaaaaaaaaaaaa. XD)

"Hmm?" Courf glanced up to see Luna had once again vanished, probably ran off to be with that human again. "Why does she keep doing that!?" He exclaimed to himself, sitting up to glance around for any trace of her. Soon, he shrugged and leaned back against the wall again. "She sure is a sucker when it comes to that human." He muttered, closing his eyes to relax a bit. After a while, the odd silence began to stir him restlessly. I thought she was done with that human? What's so great about living with one anyway? He couldn't help but think, crossing his arms in an attempt to keep himself warm from the frosty night air. More time passed, without even a sound from Luna. "She totally ditched me!" Courf murmured, furrowing his eyebrows. Before he could shrug it off, a high pitched piercing cry assaulted his ear drums. Clenching his teeth together and eyes shut, he clasped his human hands over his ears, tightly pressing down to muffle the bone-shaking scream that jabbed at his head. As quickly as it had begun, the cry quickly faded into the air, leaving Courfeyrac shaken and alarmed. "What the hell was-" He cut himself off, eyes widening in realization. "The Flower Maiden!" Instantly assuming their mythical key to Paradise was in some sort of danger, he quickly hopped to his feet and made a made dash towards the sound- which he soon discovered was coming from the top of the tallest building in Freeze City.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2013, 02:04:31 am »

The noble dropped the maiden then dual wielded his swords "If you want it to be this way, then be it." he walked towards the injured wolf his swords swinging "I'll kill you." she snarled before jumping at him, her teeth sinking onto his arm again. The metal tasted horrid, she released her grip then jumped back "Let's make this quick." he smirked while jumping at her. Luna jumped to her left, dodging the attack "Stop moving!" he boomed as he threw his sword at her, striking her hind leg. The maiden reacted by getting up and walking towards the fallen wolf, Luna yelped as she grabbed the sword and pulled it out of her left leg "Damn you."she snarled as she got to her paws. The maiden tried to get to Luna but the noble kicked her away "I said don't touch her!" she snapped, Luna stumbled to the side, her blood spilling onto the once white tiled floor. "Does that make you angry, wolf?" he asked before grabbing the maiden by the arm, the maiden had a pained expression "Let her go!" she growled as she jumped up and latched onto his shoulder, bingo. There was no armor here, she bite down harder, sending the noble to the ground.

"Stupid creature." he growled before grabbing her by the scruff then slamming her into the ground. Luna yelped in pain as her injured body hit the hard floor. "I have no time for this." he grabbed his bloodied sword and sheathed it before grabbing the maiden and sprinting away "No!" Luna howled as she tried to get up but fell back into her own blood. She snarled as she lay there, her body was mangled and beaten. Luna almost yelped when the light turned on, she looked around but didn't see who it could have been. The floor was covered in her blood, it looked like a battlefield. Luna whined then closed her eyes, she was beyond tired now, maybe she should just rest for a while.

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