Author Topic: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP! (Organization Dogs Needed)  (Read 19333 times)

Offline ElDorko

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2013, 04:43:59 pm »
Username: ElDorko

Character Name: Tobias

Rank: Rebel Delta/Beta? (Notsure?)

Age: 3 Years Old; 4 Months

They say that there may be other life outside of the walls. Heh, I know for a fact that there is.Or was. For all I can remember is a rather large community of humans, seeking out what we all want. Survival. I, their loyal companion; man's best friend. We managed to get by pretty well, despite the numbers of sick and dying. For, it was only natural for some to die out with these conditions. The humans, quite the defiant and dauntless creatures, eh?, were willing to sacrafice luxuray and a stable life, rather than live uner the harsh and strict laws of the government's walls. For what price will they pay? Hm, death is the correct answer. Once the government was aware of this small 'rebellion cult' just outside the city walls, in a rather remote area, they gave them several choices. Return to the city and abide by their laws and regulations, or death? Hah, the small group of unyeilding survivalists would rather die than return to that damned government-run city. However, they took the most valuable of possessions, me, Tobias, and all their supplies, or whatever they could find of use, and left the rest to stave or something more gruesome. Once inside the facility, I found out that some wolf blood still coursed throughout him. That is true yes, however his veins run mostly with black German Shepherd crimson contents.

x{ This place is a damned hell; Just add some raging flames, and a devil with horns, and there you go. But the devil's here are worse. Those wrathful machines are worse than satan himself, I believe. The way they carry themselves is enough to make myself gag, let alone that mechanical tone; purely vile. Why would I take such a risk against these creatures as to rebel? The answer is simple sweety, because I'm not just here to cause a little havoic for my own pleasure and amusement, but I'm here to escape. I don't want this life, and I won't stand here at the mercy of dangerous strangers. }x

The masculine physique has herculean features; bold and muscular all the same. Lean legs, lush and glossy coat, and those corroded eyes sporting a rather enigmatic yellow pigment. His structure resembles a wolf yes, but not much more than any other regular dog's. A few scars are scattered across his body, in an painfully horrific way. Some were so deep, they wouldn't allow more hair to grow over them; leaving a perminent pink-fleshy residue behind.

RP Sample: The masculine figure remained still, taking in the blase features of these incredibly bland walls. Watching grass grow would've been more exciting than stuck within these damned walls. Herculean physique would sit upon his hind quarters, giving a placid and calm illusion to ominous onlookers. However, that was never the case with Toby, his fiery 'tude and rather strong reluctance was not what you would expect from such an graceful-looking creature. A glossy ebony tail was placed upon the floor beside his behemoth frame, neither moving nor wagging. As if he would give these bastards the satisfaction of the wag of a tail. His nostrils were flared in the slightest way, the forever flavorless scent of this hellish "organization" watfing through his system. As the scent of scrap metal and monotonous scents suddenly flodded his airways, dull yellow eyes glanced up ever so slightly. A small malita of mechanical-pooches sauntered by, their disgustingly unreal frame's almost replulsive to look at. It triggered Tobias' gag-reflux, and he dared to look away.

Other: Tobias is 48% Wolf; 62% German Shepherd
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 11:02:24 pm by ElDorko »
Psalms 118:6 "The Lord is on my side. I shall not fear. What can man do to me?"

Offline magicfairy

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2013, 07:13:51 pm »
Username: PokemonXY
Character Name: Frost
Rank: Can I be the rebel beta?
Age: 2 dog years
Background/History: Frost was born in the cold alone. Her mother had died giving birth to her and her dad left thinking Frost would die to. Frost's dad knew nothing about healing except healing a broken heart. Frost's dad died from the cold when Frost was a juvenile. Frost was a strong dog they had captured her and put her in the Organization now. Frost was able to fight back when they tried to make her fully robot so she would follow them.
Picture/Description: Very light silverfish, grey pelt. With icey blue eyes. And black patches around her left eye. And her right eye is green. (I will request a preset for her)
RP Sample: Frost watched the structure. She couldn't find a place to escape out from the structure. She then stared blankly at the ground. She closed her eyes thinking hard./If there is no way to escape there must be a way that can be created\. She thought. She was thinking for a way to make a way. Frost sighed heavily and then rested her shoulders. Frost then stared at the sky and closed her eyes. She watched the other dogs. Not that it gave her a idea watching the dogs but she just kept staring at them blankly. She then closed her eyes tightly. And sighed.
Other... Gender: Female.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 02:39:44 pm by Isabelle Little »
vanitas · he/they/it/fae

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2013, 07:55:30 pm »
Nice RP.

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2013, 07:42:43 pm »
ElDorko- You're accepted, you seem to get the RP good enough you are welcomed as the Rebel Beta!

PokemonXY- I'm sorry but your declined, your RP sample is to short and I don't know what's even going on in the RP sample, and I don't understand what your background story is saying. By fighting back, does that mean your fighting off the robot dogs? If you meant that in your background, your character would be DEAD. You have one last try at this RP. GO BACK AND READ EVERYTHING AND WATCH THE VIDEO! If you don't do this its like not retaking a test you failed on, you stick with the grade you get.

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2013, 08:57:44 pm »

Username: Zarorah

Character Name: Veter

Rank: Rebel Guard(?)

Age: Three years

Background/History: Veter was not born into the Organization; rather, she was taken by force from her home when she was only six months old.  Tossed into a cage, she was force-fed the Organization's twisted ideals, and almost completely fell for them (operative word being almost). Near her second birthday, Veter began to hear murmurings of rebellion, but kept silent about them; she cared deeply for these individuals, and swore to never speak of such things, but she believed that any thoughts of escape were futile.

Seasons passed and patrols continued. Veter was eventually "edited" (as she likes to put it) with more powerful hearing, and her back right leg, a bit defunct from birth, was replaced with a mechanical one.  She hated it at first, but eventually, like all things, she got used to it.  She was often sent out on winter patrols, seeing as her fur blended in with the snow. Not only that, but her fur would also keep her warm for longer. As a result, Veter became the leader of the Cold-Weather Patrol Team (if that's okay, of course) and would often be the one to coordinate the rest of the dogs in her squadron.

Veter almost didn't want to escape, to be quite honest.  She was starting to follow this twisted plan like it was her religion. Go out on patrol, find something that didn't quite fit in, and dispose of it. Rinse and repeat. She became well accustomed to the taste of blood and learned to ignore the cries of pain when one dared to fight back.  She also began to develop an attitude and often talked back to her superiors. During this time, the final edit she would allow herself was completed- she was given metal teeth that could cut through anything organic.  

(Not sure if, at the time this RP starts, the Rebels have already escaped. I'll add this part.) Veter, somehow, escaped one night during her patrol. Nobody knows how, or when, but all know why; she was starting to falter in her beliefs. No longer did she mercilessly kill those who didn't conform; rather, she gave them opportunities to escape, to warn others.  Instead of serving the Organization, she now runs from it.

Description/Picture: Veter stands about 30 inches at the shoulder and weighs 118 pounds.  She is full-blooded Great Pyrenees as well, granting her with a broad chest and neck.  She has deep, yet soft chocolate eyes and a black nose.  On the insides of her floppy ears are nodes that replaced her ear drums, allowing her to hear almost everything.  Her right rear leg was amputated and replaced with a robotic one, which allows her to run more freely now. Her teeth are metal as well, gifting her with a more powerful bite.

The Ever-Important RP Sample:

"Zero-Zero through Zero-Six, report!" A large, white dog barked, her back stiff and head held high.  The lights above her glinted against her teeth, dancing across the surface as she spoke.  She stood, impatient, as a rag-tag group of canines dragged themselves forward, most looking as enthusiastic as a wet noodle. "Zero-Zero, why do you look so glum? Do you not know what this evening is?" Veter tilted her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. No one, except maybe the shaggy Great Pyrenees, was excited for the first winter patrol of the season.

"Veter, don't you realize something? We're all short-haired." Zero-Two, a Bull Mastiff mix, chimed in, flicking his ear in annoyance. "If we go out there, we're going to freeze." This was met with murmurs of agreement from the rest of the lineup, their ears pinned back. Veter, quite frankly, could be scary. She was stubborn as all hell, and wasn't exactly kind to those who defied her orders. "I-I mean, we'll go out and do it, but we can't guarantee we'll do a good job. Cold wea-"

"You are going to do a fine job, or you shall be removed!" Veter snapped in reply, plodding toward Zero-Two. "I am not head of the Cold-Weather Patrol Team for nothing. The Cold-Weather Patrol Team is comprised of those whom the Organization sees fit for frigid conditions. Zero-Two, I expect a full report from tonight's patrol. I know when you are lying, and at the first sign of treason, I will have you retired!" She barked in his face, her normally soft eyes boring into the Mastiff's. "Do I make myself clear, Zero-Two? Perform your duties the Organization's standards, or be terminated." She growled lowly, looking at the rest of the group. "That goes for all of you. Do not make me regret my own team. I have had my squadron replaced before, through no fault of my own. Do not make me have to have it replaced again." She padded down the line, looking each canine in the eye. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Veter."

The female smiled inwardly; she always made herself clear.

You seem to be getting the RP well enough to get accepted... There are some wrong things about your RP sample and the rank you have is not in what I have listed in the ranks for Rebels... There are NO guards... Just the three heads Alpha,Beta,and Delta which is currently open. After the three heads are taken, the rest of the rebels are known at the rank of warrior. Since I did see some mistakes, me and my friends will make sure we go over what little you messed up a bit :3 But otherwise your good!
Your Plot Question- I saw your plot question and yet, when we do get to the RP we will all be in the Organization. We will tell the rebels when its time to break free and start the break out plot.

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline magicfairy

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2013, 09:46:08 pm »
ElDorko- You're accepted, you seem to get the RP good enough you are welcomed as the Rebel Beta!

PokemonXY- I'm sorry but your declined, your RP sample is to short and I don't know what's even going on in the RP sample, and I don't understand what your background story is saying. By fighting back, does that mean your fighting off the robot dogs? If you meant that in your background, your character would be DEAD. You have one last try at this RP. GO BACK AND READ EVERYTHING AND WATCH THE VIDEO! If you don't do this its like not retaking a test you failed on, you stick with the grade you get.

I watched the video and read everything. -_- And I usually get ideas when I am RPing INGAME. It doesn't really tell what places are called so I had no clue what to put. If I was actually RPing I would have a idea if other people were posting but no.
vanitas · he/they/it/fae

Offline ElDorko

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2013, 10:46:49 pm »
ElDorko- You're accepted, you seem to get the RP good enough you are welcomed as the Rebel Beta!

PokemonXY- I'm sorry but your declined, your RP sample is to short and I don't know what's even going on in the RP sample, and I don't understand what your background story is saying. By fighting back, does that mean your fighting off the robot dogs? If you meant that in your background, your character would be DEAD. You have one last try at this RP. GO BACK AND READ EVERYTHING AND WATCH THE VIDEO! If you don't do this its like not retaking a test you failed on, you stick with the grade you get.

Thank you, Robin! I've already made Tobias in-game. Is there a specific tag, or should I just include the details in my biography? And yes, I love the short animation and such! Beautiful ideas to you and the other creator in whom's name I forgot xD
Psalms 118:6 "The Lord is on my side. I shall not fear. What can man do to me?"

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP (NEEDING REBLES!)
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2013, 12:13:51 am »
No, there is not a certain tag :3 Just include it in your bio,

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP! (High Ranks Open)
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2013, 09:17:23 pm »
I actually did add some ranks... And there will be a tag now that I added them

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline magicfairy

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Re: Eighty-Six. A Literate,Mapped,Canine RP! (Organization Dogs Needed)
« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2013, 02:40:01 pm »
I edited my RP sample if that's better
vanitas · he/they/it/fae