Author Topic: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]  (Read 17400 times)

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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2013, 12:32:13 am »
I'm gonna get captured with my colt. lol))

Misty nodded and galloped to the lead. She lead the herd through the canyon as she glanced back at the dark skinned humans. Her colt was running next to another mare in case something happened to her. She saw the dark skins gaining on them. Automatically she tried picking up the speed. "Hurry!" She neighed to them. "Run ahead of me if you must but stay together!" She whinnied. About two went ahead and the rest stayed behind Misty. "Go ahead. Destara(Random Name), take the lead!" She called to the yound mare. Misty slowed her pace to match Renegades. "I can lead them somewhere else." She said calmly as she looked back at the dark skins. Just then her colt appeared next to her. "Can I help?" He was getting older and he could come with her she guessed but it was up to Renegade really.

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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #61 on: December 04, 2013, 02:25:49 am »


Ears flat against his cranium and head low, Renegade tagged behind the fleeing herd, nipping at the flanks of some slowing members. Behind, the few dark skinned humans had begun to approach rapidly on their own horses. Renegade trotted to a halt as Misty weaved through the moving equines to speak with him. Nostrils flaring in signs of his stress, he quickly shook his head. "No way. Especially since you have a colt. I already have three of us out there, I'm not risking another herd member. It's my job to defend the herd anyhow. I want you at the lead. With the other three gone, you're the most experienced here. I need you at the front." He quickly neighed, raising his head a bit. "Now go, both of you. Take them to the valley in the inner canyon. It should be safer there." He insisted as he turned with a stomp of his hoof to face he oncoming humans, placing himself as a protective barricade between the threat and his still fleeing herd, who had begun to get farther and farther from Renegade, Misty and her colt.
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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #62 on: December 04, 2013, 02:56:34 am »
Misty snorted at his response but had no time to argue as he stoped and stood in front of the humans and the herd. She neighed to him as a thank you and a goodbye. She didn't know if these humans were going to get him. She bolted ahead of the herd with her colt in the middle of it and began leading them to the valley. She turned around to see the fading figure of Renegade and the humans. There seemed to be wuite a few.

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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #63 on: December 04, 2013, 03:29:54 am »


Clenching his teeth, Renegade threw a quick glance over his shoulder at the herd as they began to drift out of sight. He quickly snapped his glare back to the group of people who were now upon him. Standing his ground, he pawed furiously at the earth, hoping maybe he could hold them back long enough to let the herd escape. The few men drew their horses to an abrupt halt before the boldly standing stallion, who had taken a few steps backwards. Tossing his head, Renegade half reared with a high pitched neigh, bringing his forehooves down with a hard thud on the stone ground almost as a warning before ducking his head and lunging forward but halting suddenly in a mock charge. The men shouted words to each other in a language Renegade was unfamiliar with, their horses backing up a bit. In a bold attempt at either driving off or distraction, the stallion continued to stand his ground. A couple of the men began to unravel their lassos, continuing to babble to each other and restrain their horses at the same time. It seemed his intimidation display was failing, forcing Renegade to find an alternative. Glancing around, he spotted a narrow path carved into the cliffside. Rearing high on his hind legs, front hooves raking the air in aggression, the stallion made a hard right and suddenly bolted into the crevice. He heard the men shout to each other for a moment, but little time had passed before they were right on his tail.
Renegade continued sprinting through the tight space, glancing around rapidly for his next move as he hadn't been in this labyrinth before. His hooves flew over the earth as he galloped along, nostrils flared and huffing with every stride. As he rounded a corner, he suddenly came face to face with a vertical wall cutting off his path. Dead end. With a rough whinny, he scrambled to a halt. There was nowhere else to run and nothing left to do but face the enemies. Snapping around, he shoved his upper body up into the air in another rear, forehooves violently scraping the air. He brought his front hooves back to the ground repeatedly in a few aggressive stomps, inching his way towards the three men on horseback who continued murmuring commands to each other. Ears flattened, Renegade went to make a lunge forward in an attempt at harshly shoving one of the mounted horses aside which would provide a tunnel of escape- however, in his focused fury, he hadn't noticed one of the mounted men that had gone around his side. As he began his furious charge, he felt a sudden tightening around his neck. The lasso tightened and the line snapped tightly, violently jerking the stallion's head back and almost forcing him to flip off of his feet. He almost failed to keep his balance, but twisted his upper body in the air as it was jerked off the ground to turn towards the source of the defiance. At his awkward angle, his front hooves slipped out from under him as he landed, forcing him down to his side in a thud. Legs thrashing, he quickly sprang back to his hooves, ears flat in confusion and anger. Letting out a shrill neigh, he reared again, only to have another lasso from behind slip itself over his head and tighten as well, then a third rope fastened itself around his neck. The three rope holders moved their horses in opposite directions to tighten the line and thus prevent the ability for large motions from the stallion. Because of the three lines tugging in different ways, Renegade was unable to move his head anyhow, though he still fought, half rearing and tugging backwards, all the while making a loud fuss.

There were two men who were not doing anything, and one of the others motioned them off, probably to continue down the path in search of the herd. Meanwhile, as Renegade bucked, half reared and tugged, the men worked to get him off his feet in order to apply a rope halter for easier transport, by roping one hind and one foreleg as he lashed out. The motion was successful, and before he knew it, Renegade was flipped helplessly off his hooves. Grunting, kicking, and snorting, the stallion struggled on his side until the men dismounted and threw themselves on top of him to prevent his struggling, where they proceed to hold down his head and attach the rope halter.
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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #64 on: December 04, 2013, 12:35:11 pm »
Guess it's time for her to be caught. lol))

Misty was still running when she heard the loud neigh of a horse. She closed her eyes realizing it was Renegade. She couldn't resist and skidded to a halt. "Everyone head to the valley! I need to help Renegade!" She neighed and before you knew it, she was off. Misty didn't even notice her colt following her until she saw the shapes of two men on horseback. She skidded to a halt but her foal didn't see them in time and soon had a lasso around his neck. She could hear the men yelling things in an unknown language as they pointed at her. Her nostrils flared and she ran at the men. Before she could get the man who had caught her colt a lasso tightened around her neck. She tried rearing but the man who got her colt had two ropes and got it around her neck. She reared up trying to release herself but failed as they dove off their horses onto her. She wasn't ready and landed on her side with a thud.

They slid a rope halter on her for easier transport and got back on their horses with the ropes tied on her halter and her colt had on the same halter with the lead wrapped around one of their hands. Her eyes filled with sorrow as she watched him neighing loudly and trying to break free. Misty reared up again and began bucking as well as possible with the restraints. As she finally stopped she was lead towards the part of the canyon where Renegade had stopped and lead some of them off. But they turned down a narrow path way and what she got when they reached the end, was Renegade captured. She let out a loud neigh and tried to go over to him but was pulled back. She snorted angrily but didn't try to break free. No way to do it now.

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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #65 on: December 04, 2013, 01:59:38 pm »


Gritting his teeth, the stallion fought back with violent thrashes in an attempt at getting back to his feet. Once the people had fastened the rope halter, the jumped off of him and he immediately scrambled to his hooves. Lassos still around his neck, two legs, and now his head from the halter, movement was very limited. His ears flicked forward to notice them tugging in Misty and her foal. Nostrils flaring, he ducked his head in an attempt at violently rearing and kicking with his forehooves- an attempt that was quickly hindered by the many ropes and holds they had on him. The men spoke with each other once more, gesturing to the pathway to signify they were ready to leave.
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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #66 on: December 04, 2013, 05:00:05 pm »

Totally oblivious to what had happened back at the canyon Cheyanne continued to thunder across the fields-her long silk like tail flowing behind her as the shouts of the humans continued to run behind her. Carefully, the painted mare turned her head and glanced at the small group of humans who weren't to far away-they seemed to be getting their lassos ready, her eyes filled with anger and annoyance as she kicked back her legs-sending one of the humans off guard and causing him to fall from the large black horse he was mounted on. Letting out an echoing neigh the mare grinned and picked up her pace a little-these humans didn't seem to know when to quit. Her cream hooves thundered the ground as she lept down a small ditch and sprinted forward. Cheyanne ran through a river causing water to splash up in every direction, her nostrils flared as her head lunged forward with every long stride she took. Shaking her head she looked back once again three humans only seemed to be chasing after her now-the others must have given up. Many bellowing neighs escaped the mares mouth as she ran from the humans-she turned seeing the herd moving in the distance-her eyes widened as they were alone. Unsure of why she turned and lead the humans in a different direction so the humans didn't see the fast moving herd-slowing down then speeding up she made attempts to taunt the humans making them more eagre to catch her. The loud roars of mountain lions could be heard from the desert like surroundings-but she chose to ignore them and continued on. A light tapping feeling was felt on her back causing her to turn, seeing the three men attempting to throw a lasso around her neck but failing terribly-grinning she began to pick up the pace.

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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #67 on: December 04, 2013, 06:36:01 pm »
She reared up in another attempt to free herself but the men pulled on the rope holding the halter and it pulled her back down. She let out a shrill neigh but fianlly just let them lead her. Her colt had come to her side as she watched Renegade, her blue eyes full of sorrow. Once they signaled they were ready to go, the indians began to lead the equines out of the canyon. Misty fell in place behind the men leading Renegade and held her head low.

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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #68 on: December 04, 2013, 06:47:04 pm »


Renegade locked his legs defiantly, forcing the humans to practically drag him. Head low to where his muzzle was inches above the ground, the stallion used his body weight to tug backwards at the tight ropes. Every tactic of defiance he threw at them seemed to fail. These humans were experienced in the concept of wild horse capture. Nostrils flared in fury, the buckskin jerked his head up in an attempt at rearing. Because of the tight lines, this action was near impossible. Instead, he slammed his front hooves back to the ground and ducked his head, lashing out a violent kick with his hind legs that almost dislodged the man marching behind him from his saddle, though he jerked the reins of his horse to quickly stop and narrowly avoid the kick. Renegade huffed and neighed wildly, shaking his head in a vain attempt at jerking the ropes free. He refused to go down so easily as the humans slowly made their way out of the canyon, dragging him along unwillingly. If he couldn't escape in the moment, he'd make things as difficult for them as he could.
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Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #69 on: December 04, 2013, 08:43:04 pm »

Hearing more shouts the mare turned her head to see three horses being lead on the canyon by a group of what looked like Indians. Natives. She had witnessed these humans before and they seemed pretty kind when it came to horses-although she was never captured. The mares head tilted as she continued to run full speed-her eyes narrowing as she realised Renegade, Misty and her colt being dragged from the canyon-anger filled the mare as she turned seeing the horses had ripidly gained on her. "Gheez!" She snorted as she extended her stride-she needed to help her herdmated but she needed a plan. Cheyanne couldn't just charge towards them or she would end up in rope by the Natives of even the more 'posh' humans.
A blaze seemed to shoot across the ground as she ran-her white and brown pelt barely visable-her beautiful mane and tail gently blowing behind her in the wind. Taking a turn she ran through a small forest like area-her ears twitching at the many infamiliar sounds that pierced her ears. Taking no hesitation the paint took a sharp turn and leading off the trail and through the trees. Once exiting the forest it seemed only one was chasing her now. Although this human would still be able to catch her she had to take a risk. Halting, Cheyanne turned to look at the others gritting her teeth. Turning back she face the human who had seemed to slowen his pace on the equine and look directly into the mares eyes-her tail flicked as she dragged her hoof across the ground.

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