Author Topic: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~  (Read 18001 times)

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|The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 23, 2013, 03:42:39 pm »

Welcome To The Savanna!

A beautiful place known as 'Masai Mara' a beautiful landscape filled with a long range of Savanna based area-many animals roam the lands wild and free-some in groups-some alone its really their choice. Small villages and holiday resorts are placed around the grass lands for visitors to stay-whilst getting ther tours around the game reserve. A large park is built not to far off from the Savanna and is more of a safer place-this is where the humans will take in sick or injured animals and even abandoned cubs. Sometimes they keep them to show visitors to their sanctuary-but they nearly always release them back into the wild where they belong.
There is a main part near this beautiful place and that's the main town where many people live, with their domestic pets, children and basically their families. A beautiful town this is and a lot of money and time was put in building it. Nice large houses with garden space, nice shops, vehicles, vets,  parks and even leasure centers. Many people have seen this place and have never grown to leave it-but this place can pose a threat at night. As most of the predators of the Savanna are nocturnal the decided to come out at night, some deciding to find an easy meal in the town...

Many creatures live in the vast lands-some being friendly and others just wanting to kill. Some animals this place includes are; Lions, Hyenas, African Wild Dogs, Crocodiles, Wildebeast, Buffalo, Zebra, Gazelle, Cheetahs, Leopards, Giraffes, Elephants, Baboons, Rhinos, Hippos, Vultures, Meerkats, Ostriches, Praire Dogs, Okapi and many many more.
All animals having their own traits, rules, groups and ways of living. Some meat eaters others plant eater-some even have adapted to each both plants and meat. All this animals roam the Savanna and attract thousands of people each year-many seeing its a great experience and coming back year after year.

Will you join and survive, or will you crumbled and end up in the sanctuary-which isn't a bad life either. Its really up to you. Now you live the life as a free roaming animal, and see this life changing experience.

Lion Pride~ Open
African Wild Dog Pack~ Open

1~ Be realistic, this is a 100% realistic rp so that means pictures must be real no cartoons, and you must rp realistically.
2~ No god-modding, power-playing or auto-hitting, this gets very very annoying and I don't want to see this happen-as its also unfair on the perseon playing the other character. Since we are on these lines I also want no instant killing you must rp it out-no killing someone character without their permission.
3~ Try and be a little literate, know some people can't type as much as others but I don't want short stuipd posts like I've previously seen "Kills a deer and takes home" where the interest in that? I would just ignore that post unfortionately so please try keeping it semi/literate and if your struggling a line and a half or 2 lines are enough.
4~ Be active-if you guys arenon very often I would appreciate it if you didn't join, as if someone is interacting with your character they have to change what's happening because they'll just be left on hold-and this may even confuse individuals. If you are going to be offline for a while just pm me or post on here.
5~ Sadly I've decided to only allow Lions and African Wild Dogs into this rp so there isn't a hell load of different animals which make others confused. You may rp out the other animals as you pass them or see them e.g.: The tan lioness padded through the Savanna, her tail flicking at the flies that made many attempts to land on her pelt. The sound of moans came from not to far away, turning she spotted one of the well known herd of Zebras-who continued to graze as she passed... Something like that would be ok.
6~ Mating, swering, cussing, gore is allowed so this is a Rated-M role play, although we would prefer you to skip out the whole 'description' on mating and maybe just say its happened. Also rping out pregnancies is allowed but again, do not go into detail.
7~ It takes 1 real day for you to fall pregnant, and another day or 2 for you to give birth just so you aren't just falling pregnant then a baby pops out 2 minutes later.
8~ Enough with the rules have fun!!!



Again this is a realistic rp that is based in the Masai Mara type place, and it is a Rated-M because of the gore, cussing and what not. If you have any problems feel free to pm me so we aren't making a big deal on the thread-alos remember: we are only accepting Lions and African Wild dogs!.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 04:19:39 pm by Taylor »
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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2013, 04:15:06 pm »

Name~ Imara
Age~ She's 4 years old.
Gender~ Female/Lioness
Species~ African Lion
Personality~ Imara is a laid back lioness who let's others get on with what they want, she doesn't like being bossed around and will often ignore what others say if they are telling her what to do-but if there is a necesssary reason she will listen. Imara does like to go hunting or just walk around-infact she often likes going on walks. She does have a bubbly attitude and can act like a cub, although she doesn't really have a short temper either. This lioness may come across as stubborn to some as she tends to do her own thing if she wants and when ever she wants.
Description/Picture~ I have a picture but here's a small description; Imara is a beautiful lioness and a great example to her species, she has a fine golden pelt that's very smooth and clean. Her eyes are a beautiful amber color that are very pretty-especially when the suns shone onto them. Although she is small her body build is quite muscular which makes her an excellent hunter, and fighter if she choses to be. Her claws are quite sharp and strong so won't snap easy, her teeth are still pretty white but have many stains on from blood.
History~ Imara lived with her old pride as a cub, It was ran by one of the higher rank males-but surprisingly this wasn't her father. Her mother liked one of the lower rank males in the pride and he also liked her-knowing they weren't allowed they decided to breed anyways, and soon popped out Imara. The king was furious and banished the male from the pride-but allowed her mother to stay. It surprised Imara when the king gave her to option to leave or sadly be killed as she wasn't his offspring-she came to the decision that the best thing would obviously be to leave although her mother wasn't happy with this she still done so. Leaving at a very young age its a wonder how she survived. Forgetting all about her previous pride and her mother she now lives a care free life.
Pack/Pride~ Imara is infact a loner, she may join a pride if one happens to come along. 
Crush~ Nope, this could change.
Mate~ Nope sadly, but she is open.
Pups/Cubs~ Sadly she has no cubs but she does want some.
Extra~ Nothing extra.

Name~ Nuala
Age~ She's 3 years old.
Gender~ Female/Bitch
Species~ African Wild Dog
Personality~ Nuala is a stubborn canine who doesn't really like being told what to do-she hates others trying to over power her and will straigh away snap. This canine does have quite the temper on her so most avoid getting on her bad side, although she does seem serious she can often act like a pup and get along well with others. She may seem a bitch at times but then again who doesn't right, if others need help she will I've it to them-since she is a very dominant canine she does like to be above everyone.
Description/Picture~ She has a picture but here's a small description; Nuala is a beautiful canine who has lovely markings. A great example to her species. Her ears are placed nicely on her head along with most of her other features. Nualas eyes are a beautiful brown which almost looks like its got a tint of red, a black blaze runs down her head and is soon followed by a black muzzle. Her body is mixed with different browns, creams, blacks, white and even specks of ginger. More towards her chest and front legs she has large patches of white and some look like paint slatters. She has long slender slegs which help her when hunting, but they are powerful even though they don't look it. Nuala may look thin and weak but actually she's quite muscular for her breed.
History~ Nuala was born into a pack like most dogs like her, it didn't take long for her to decide she wanted to leave the pack. Much tension was caused by her and the 'Princess' of the pack, many fights happened between the two and one ended up nearly fatal. The leader decided it was best for Nuala to leave-and with arguing also between her and her parents she decided she would. Not really caring about them anymore she went her own way.
Pack/Pride~ Nuala is a loner at the minute, she may consider joining a pack if one comes along.
Crush~ Nope, this could change.
Mate~ Nope, but she's open.
Pups/Cubs~ Sadly no pups, she does want some.
Extra~ Nothing extra about her.

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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2013, 04:47:28 pm »

Name~ Idi

Age~ 2

Gender~ Male

Species~ African Painted Dog

Personality~ Idi is energetic, immature, happy-go-lucky, and optimistic. He loves mindlessly chasing things and making new friends. He has yet to develop the natural fear of other species such as lions, so he has the mindset that he can make any kind of friend. He prefers not to fight, but if it is to defend someone close to him, he won't hesitate.

Description/Picture~ Hurrdurrpicture. c:

History~ Born into a struggling small pack, Idi was raised there until he was about one and a half years of age. With the constant prying of his mind for adventure, he chose willingly to leave his pack and set out on his own. He does seek to eventually start his own pack, but right now he's too wrapped up in living for adventure to think much about it, much against his natural instincts.

Crush~ Nopey

Mate~ Nupe

Pups/Cubs~ Nuh uh

Extra~ Hmmmmmnah.


Name~ Bastet

Age~ 3 Years

Gender~ Lioness

Species~ African Lion

Personality~ Bastet is generally feisty. She takes no nonsense from others, especially pestering scavengers like hyenas. However, she is caring and protective of those close to her. She has a soft spot for cubs.

Description/Picture~ Le photo. She is also a bit darker in color than normal, she has a few rips in her ears and multiple scars.

History~ Bastet had a starting pride of her own, consisting of her, her mate, and her three newborn cubs. While establishing their new home territory, they unknowingly overlapped their land with that of a hyena clan. The hyenas launched a night raid, using their far superior numbers against the two grown lions. Despite both parents' valiant efforts to save their land and their cubs, their fight was lost due to the savage numbers of the hyena foes. In the wake of the attacking clan, they left all of Bastet's cubs brutally slaughtered, and eventually fatal wounds given to Bastet's mate. With little other choice, her and her fatally wounded mate left, and he eventually died from blood loss, leaving Bastet alone, with many scars and a newfound hatred.

Pride~ N/A

Crush~ Nope

Mate~ Deceased

Cubs~ Deceased

Extra~  Nupe

« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 05:35:55 pm by JimMoriarty »
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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 05:14:03 pm »

Of course Idi is accepted! We may start one another 1/2 members join! :)

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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 05:36:44 pm »
((Huzzah! I also just added another charrie for the heck of it.
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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2013, 05:40:53 pm »

Great, she is also accepted, one more member and we can start.

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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2013, 05:49:24 pm »
Sounds good to me! Thankies!
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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2013, 05:55:30 pm »

Unless you're wanting to start now?
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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2013, 06:15:29 pm »

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Name: Syckle Faire Laine
Age: He's a rather young male, still- he just turned four.
Gender: Syckle is a male lion.
Species: He is a lion.

Personality: To describe this male in one word, it would have to be 'kind'. This lion is stranger than most male lions, he is charming and good-natured- his main personality traits. His sweet nature is both a fault and a quality- as he is prone to be rather too friendly at points to the point that he has become a bit naive. He is more of a calm lion- insults seem to go in and out of his ears- and he has no intentions on wanting to take over a pride. He seems to prefer traveling, and its rare to see him staying in one place for a long time. He is self-confident, and he doesn't seem to care about anything negative regarding him, he just ignores it.

However, this male lions quiet nature usually overtakes his personality to those who he doesn't know- yet should the other prove to be friendly enough- he can easily ease into his more nicer nature. He likes to meet new people, yet due to life in the wild, he has become cautious. To anyone who he seems to find nice, and not dangerous- he will have his smile, and his heart splayed wide open to friendship. The lion is naturally polite and gentle- yet he isn't that mature for his age. This lion is more vibrant, young, and whimsical- he is usually fun-loving, and cheerful, yet he knows when to become serious. To anyone that befriends him or becomes his ally, he proves to be a wonderful male. He is honest- and secrets are always safe with him, he promises to fight to the death to save the other once you've earned his trust, and with that- comes his loyalty, he will have an everlasting loyalty to anyone close to him.

Deep down, this male lion has a more daring, adventurous nature, with a mischievous and clever attitude. He is extremely stealthy, having to be due to his loner-ways, and sometimes he is too stealthy and silent that he startles someone without wanting to. Due to his quiet paws, and his looks- he has also become an experienced hunter, for a male, that is, he has learned how to hunt- his belief that lioness and any other fellow females should be treated as 'princesses' being tuned into his way of learning how to hunt for himself. He'd rather feed his own lioness, then have them go out and hunt for him.

Description: Syckle- is a strange case. He has white fur, something that is unusual for any lion out in the wild to have. His mane, despite his age- his smaller than most, and it is noticeable that he isn't as bulky, or as muscular as other male lions out there. This proves as a disadvantage when it comes to wooing other lioness, who'd want a male who would be bad at protecting them? Syckle however, believes that his strange coloration is good. Due to his coloring, he has had to learn that he has to be incredibly stealthy, in order to get food. His body not being as bulky as other males, or as big- or as tall yet that has also aided him, it means that he can well, hunt- should he try hard enough. He is still more muscular, and more tougher than a female- yet isn't as strong as a normal male lion. Another strange thing about him is his face, lagoon-blue eyes are set into a snow-furred face, with pink roses as his nose and his mouth. He stands out.

History: Syckle was born into one of the many prides that consist of white-lions such as himself. Humans have been releasing many of these lions back into the wild, and he was born into a more smaller pride than usual. Like most male lions- he was chased from the pride by the lead male lion when he was deemed too old enough to be in the pride. He has wandered as a loner for a long time- occasionally meeting other lions- yet never staying with some for a long period of time.

Crush: He has no crush, but if he were to get one, he'd be a bit shy.
Mate: Syckle has no mate, yet another quality of his is that if he'd get a mate, she'd be his mate for life, he'd claim no other lioness. He believes the words 'i love you' are sacred- and he'd never say them if he didn't mean it.
Cubs: He has no cubs.
Extra: He is slightly infertile.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 06:24:30 pm by ??????z?????z???? »

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Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2013, 06:32:56 pm »

What a beautiful lion he is of course accepted-feel free to post now! (I'll let you guys go first..)
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