Author Topic: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.  (Read 12236 times)

Offline kayla1235

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The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« on: January 12, 2014, 03:31:33 am »
The Hidden Subjects...

-Doctor Journal Pages-
Journal Page 1.
We finally came across a new lab, we have much more cages to put the subjects in. We also have two play areas that they can go in, the play yard is one we'll probably never use since it has nothing to it, and the playroom, which we'll use a lot since it has grass,bushes,and a river for the subjects to drink out of. Right now, this lab is turning out great, I know there is no way that anything can go wrong.

Journal Page 14.
After a few days, we've settled in and are ready to start testing on some subjects soon... The subjects are already growling at us, trying to break out of their cages,attempting to bite us when they go to the play room, but I think that's a good sign... That means they know what is soon to come, the experiments... Are coming...

Journal Page 27.
The subjects are going mad! We've only done what? Ten experiments on some and all of them are trying to kill us! We need more help in the lab please before the subjects take over, we need to continue with our research... Will you join our side...?

-Subject 16 Thinking-
Its cold hearted in this lab... Its driving me and the other subjects insane, because we're afraid this lab is going to be the most evil  one we've been in. We're already growling at the doctors,snapping at them,also trying to break out of our cages so we can run, but they keep it under control somehow... I know the lead doctor is writing in his journal that he needs some more help, but that may be a lie in our opinion because it looks like so far, the doctors keep it under control... We're the ones who need help... We are the ones who want out of this place, but it is tightly locked down, every single day,every single night,every year,every month... We just want out of here... Please help us out... Will you join our side...?

Character Name(Doctors Only)-
Subject Number(Subjects Only)-
RP Sample-

Take a look at the site while your at it!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 02:18:50 pm by Dragonsgorawr »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2014, 02:00:49 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline unnbrellas

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 02:26:20 pm »
Username-Dawn Fire
Character Name(Doctors Only)-
Subject Number(Subjects Only)-147
Age- 4years
Picture/Description- A purebreed German Shepherd, slightly larger than average. Dark green eyes, black markings, light beige coat.
Background/History- She was originally bought by a solider and was a war dog for several years. Sadly her master was killed in battle, and she was left without a master or anyone willing to take her in. In the end she was donated as a test subject.
RP Sample- She sat quietly in her cage, listening to the horrid screams of whatever poor thing was being tested. She didn't flinch as she her the wailing stop short and moments later, two loud thuds. She sighed, knowing this ment the thing was dead and had been thrown down the shoot. "At least it was a quick death" she mumbled under her breath.
(This is kinda short but I'm not good with random samples.)

Formerly MochaCocoa; Find me ingame as ErikaFishhy!
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Offline kayla1235

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2014, 02:37:15 pm »
Username-Dawn Fire
Character Name(Doctors Only)-
Subject Number(Subjects Only)-147
Age- 4years
Picture/Description- A purebreed German Shepherd, slightly larger than average. Dark green eyes, black markings, light beige coat.
Background/History- She was originally bought by a solider and was a war dog for several years. Sadly her master was killed in battle, and she was left without a master or anyone willing to take her in. In the end she was donated as a test subject.
RP Sample- She sat quietly in her cage, listening to the horrid screams of whatever poor thing was being tested. She didn't flinch as she her the wailing stop short and moments later, two loud thuds. She sighed, knowing this ment the thing was dead and had been thrown down the shoot. "At least it was a quick death" she mumbled under her breath.
(This is kinda short but I'm not good with random samples.)
Accepted, but the doctors will not kill any of the subjects on purpose, but some will die on accident if they want to have a new character in the group. c: Anyway, when you can, sign up to the site,then add Dogsgorawr in game.

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline unnbrellas

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2014, 03:44:39 pm »
Thank Ya, I'll do that now.

Formerly MochaCocoa; Find me ingame as ErikaFishhy!
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Offline kayla1235

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2014, 09:41:24 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2014, 09:11:38 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline Roniver

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2014, 04:14:36 am »

Character Name(Doctors Only)-

Subject Number(Subjects Only)-173

Age- Unknown but she seems quite old.

Picture/Description-She has white fur with a few brown spot's. She has a long body with short legs. Her tight eye is golden and the pupil is faded. Her left eye is a normal dark brown. Her ear's are perked up high. When she walks her fur drag's around on the ground.

Background/History-  She was first found walking around the set of Doctor Who at night while they were filming the episode "BLINK." One of the cameramen saw her in the film and found her naming her Sweet. He took Sweet home but his hotel was no pet's allowed so he has to leave her on the highway were she was found by one of The Doctor's as a test subject.

RP Sample- 173 woke up to the sound of food being poured into a bowl. She crawled out of her bed looked at the four white wall's and her food was slid in from a gate thing. She hopped over to the food and took a few bite's. "This is REALLY good!" she barked quickly finishing her food. "You fool." Growled another dog. "Now why am I the fool?" 173 asked rubbing her whiskers. "Do you even know why you are here?" The dog said again sounding slightly robotic. "No, but it is better than getting knocked off a bridge by a car." She growled curling up in her bed. "I have been here so long that I dream of that happening." The dog said and everything went quiet.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 04:38:58 am by kate »

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2014, 10:32:40 am »

Character Name(Doctors Only)-
Subject Number(Subjects Only)- 23

Picture/Description- 23 looks like small elf ; long pointy ears and green hair streaming down to her waist. She is 85 cm tall and weights only 46 lbs. Wearing green, puffy dress, with green flats, she is kinda unique and accepts herself as different expirement, as she likes to. She currently uses green handler, to form in into large sword or even a bow. 23 usually keeps herself near bushes or trees, which could comfort her while she takes naps or stays hidden. 23 is unique by her powers, since she can use nature to defense herself or kill another being - mostly another subject. She wont attack unless she has a good reason to.
Background/History- 23 before was a small elf, living somewhere in Bonfire Island. Her tribe used to keep her on look-out, while they sleep. Back then, she was named Lucky, because everytime she noticed a predator coming over, she uses her nature powers to kill them. But one day, this lab scientist captured her while it was night time, getting her on scientific table, as he gave her multiple powers and immortality to fire and water attacks.

RP Sample- Getting herself in-between of small twigs and small leaves, she stuck her body in middle of bush, wrapping her arms around her legs. 23 wasn't used to stay alone, neither she liked to stay hidden in bushes. She cannot be tested again, or turned into another lab scientific subject, otherwise she might get killed in matter of seconds, since her small figure could easly be torned into peaces. She finally came out, as her small body was surely unseen in dark colors of night mist. Slowly placing her foot on soil, she brushed her hands on small grass blades, giving them a bit of light, as the night was taking out their energy, that's the worst action that night mist can do. But her attention was stolen by cat, who was dragging her claws on tree's bark, giving her slight pain in her chest area. She couldn't stand there was watch the cat, so she stretched out her arm, pointing her fingers at the canine, as thorns from soil grew out, curling around being, as they began to slowly drain the soul out of it. "Stop it." she hissed at cat, as the thorns released small being, curling back into the soil, as 23 watched it crawl away. Maybe cat got his lesson, it can drag his claws on rocks, but not on trees.

SECOND CHARACTER (may not be applied)


Character Name(Doctors Only)- Salute.
Subject Number(Subjects Only)-

Age- 25 years old.
Picture/Description- Salute is male gender, but most of the time others call him 'women' or 'gay'. He doesn't take that too seriously, since he has better work to do than argue with teenagers who only wants to look cool in their friends sight. He is currently 1,94 meters tall and weights over 75 kg. Wearing long, white lab suit, he looks more like a hospital doctor than a scientist. He also has long, blonde hair, which he likes to curl into small ball on top of his head and surround it by small sticks and gums. He also wears black goggles, more like weird glasses and golden cross necklace, which he uses to calm himself when he does something wrong with subjects.
Background/History- Salute was once a child in adoption center. Having tons of friends and great life-time, he never knew, that one day will flip his life over. Sleeping at night, someone released a missle towards back wall of the building, killing hopeless children and people who were responsible of them. Getting himself up, he was the first one who ran out of his room, hitting himself on corridor wall, he fell on floor and at that moment he lost his conciousness. He woke up in hospital, as it seem'd to look like it, but turns out it was lab. He wasn't tied on bed like scientists like to, but he was simply placed on it, leaving cup of tea and some sandwitches on small, side-table by bed. There also was a note, giving him some information about this organisation. Flipping himself out of the bed, he went out of his room without taking a simple bite on sandwitch, as he hit himself on tall scientist. The scientist told him about organisation and what he runs here, turning poor little child into scientist.

RP Sample- "Subject 83. Having psychological issueses with other canines." mumbling that into the cam, he got the sticky gloves on his hands. He placed his fingers on chest area, dipping them into the fresh bite wounds. "Rib cage wasn't touched." mumbling that quietly, he dipped his fingers deeper into the wound. "Liver has some straches, but not enough to kill him." he took his fingers out of the wound, as he grabbed small knife, cutting his belly. "Kidneys aren't touched." he said that, before he flipped canine on it's back. "No death effects seen. How this canine died?" he questioned himself, before the knife he was holding hit some kind of hard material. "What the..?" mumbling to himself, he took bigger knife, cutting his belly wide open, as he began to take organs out. He cut the stomac, but no hard material was seen. "Okay..." he sighed, getting the small knife into his grip, cutting his kidneys open. "What the..?" backing off a little, a long worm filled the belly of canine, moaning out in pain, as it wasn't used to oxygen. Salute grabbed it, placing it in large bow, shutting the top of it with glass, as he filled the bowl with water. "The weird and unknown thing only lives in water..." he mumbled, before grabbing the camera and filming it. The slimey white body it had turned the water into green mass, disappearing into the mist it made.
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Offline kayla1235

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Re: The Hidden Subjects... Literate,Mapped,Experiment RP.
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2014, 12:42:47 pm »
Kate, your accepted.

Phrogress, 23 is not accepted counting we already have a subject 23 but 83 is accepted. I would accept both of them but I only like having one subject, and one doctor per person.

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16